Bett Arena Agenda
Bett Arena Agenda
bett Arena – The Programme 2015 21– 24 January 2015, LONDON The theme of the bett arena 2015 is inspired by and built around Thomas Jefferson’s quote “Let us in education dream of an aristocracy of achievement arising out of a democracy of opportunity.” The theme of bett arena 2015 is: enhancing access to education, through technology Day one: Wednesday 21 January Enhancing Access to Education Through Technology 10.15 – 10.20 Opening Welcome Speech In the Chair: Sarah Montague, presenter of The Today Programme (BBC Radio 4) 10.20 – 10.40 st Education in the 21 Century & the Roll of Technology Sir Bob’s 20 minute discussion will give his view on the Global importance of Education and its transforming effect. How Education can remove barriers and fill minds with what is possible. 10.40 – 11.00 11.00-11.25 MINISTERIAL ADDRESS 11.25-11.30 11.30-11.55 INSPIRE! 11.55-12.00 12.00 – 13.00 KEYNOTE including Q and A time 13.00-13.10 Sir Bob Geldof, Businessman, Political Activist, Songwriter, Musician & Author Transition Time Ministerial Keynote and Welcome Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities Transition Time Google for Education: Product Announcement Google for Education works with schools around the world to help students feel engaged, love learning and turn their curiosity into creation. Our tools help schools save money, teachers organise their classes, and students work efficiently by collaborating with their peers and teachers. In the United Kingdom, over 1 million students actively use Google for Education tools and in the US, Chromebooks are now the #1 education device. Please join us at BETT to discuss how technology can improve the learning experience and hear about our latest product news. Liz Sproat, Head of Education EMEA, Google Transition Time The New Paradigm of Open Access to Information 10 years ago I said ‘Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.’ In my Bett 2015 keynote, I look forward to explaining the journey we have taken across that last decade, the pedagogical aspects of the Wikipedia project and why - as the world’s 5th most visited website - Wikipedia resonates so strongly with the Bett 2015 theme ‘enhancing access to education, through technology’. Wikipedia embraces the tensions between traditional and innovative models of education, evidence-based education and creating collaborative minds and personalised teaching, some of the major themes of Bett. I am excited to discuss all with you as educators and catalysts to change internationally! See you on the 21st January – midday. Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia. Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia, USA Transition Time or Exhibition Roaming Break Visit exhibitors to answer all your #edtech questions Join our daily tweet ups on #collaborativelearning, #StemandSteam or #gamification at Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. Cambrionix Cafe, CPC Hub or the Bett Futures zone Measuring the Benefit of Access to Education 13.10 – 13.25 The Education System Fit for the Digital Century 13.25 – 13.30 13.30 – 13.55 13.55 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.30 INSPIRE! 14.30 – 14.35 14.35– 15.00 how do we equip our young people with digital skills how digital innovation can transform the classroom Tristram Hunt, Shadow Secretary of Education Transition Time “Digital Divide” — Is Educational Technology Improving Teaching and Learning? Educators are exponentially increasing the time and money invested in classroom technology, but what are the results? Using data points from millions of educators and students from around the globe, Rob Mancabelli examines the actual impact of educational technology on teacher pedagogy and student learning. He explores a new, growing "digital divide,” the one between schools using technology to digitize traditional, 20th Century teaching and learning, and those that are leveraging these tools to dramatically improve teaching and learning. Perhaps, most importantly, Rob discusses the factors that place schools on one side of the divide or the other. Rob Mancabelli, CEO, BrightBytes, USA Transition Time The Role of Technology in Transforming Education Anthony Salcito, Vice President, Worldwide Education, Microsoft Corp. Transition Time The UK’s first Digital Youth Council give the results from the country’s most extensive education technology survey to date and discuss the pupils’ perspective on the issues The Digital Youth Council (a group of tech-savvy students from the Generation Tech campaign) reveal details of the UK’s most extensive education technology survey to date as well as the pupils’ ideas on where change is needed in the classroom. How prepared and supported are teachersx and students feeling about delivering learning through technology? Who is doing it best and how can we share their success? Following this keynote, engage in an open panel with the Digital Youth Council and the head of Generation Tech, Gerry Arthurs, on their expectations on ed tech, recently fed back to the DFE. Followed by hosted Q and A. 15.00 – 15.05 15.05 – 15.30 INSPIRE! The Digital Youth Council (Generation Tech) Transition Time Bett Live and Interactive Classroom powered by Promethean Join us for today's class. Whether you’re an administrator, a teacher, or involved in IT support, experience how simple it can be to harness sophisticated technology to develop collaborative minds through personalised teaching and provide the evidence demanded in an educational environment. Topic of the day: Engaging and challenging pupils Speakers: Simon Hallam, Promethean Head of International Solutions Marketing Emma Leacy, Teacher and Promethean Solutions Evangelist The Future of Education Has Arrived 15.30 – 15.40 Transition Time 15.40 – 16.30 4 Realities: What does Future Access to Education Look Like? INSPIRE! Find out how population expansion, demographic and diaspora shifts, automation and national expertise as competitive advantage will affect educational outcomes. You vote on the most probable outcome for a deep dive into that reality. Fascinating stuff. Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. Professor Bryan Alexander, futurist, educator and author, looks at the macro-economic pressures forming the new education futures educators, students and Governments will be operating within. 16.30 – 16.40 16.40 – 17.20 AFTERNOON KEYNOTE Transition Time Making the Impossible Possible Professor Stephen Heppell closes the day provoking thoughts and discussion on various subjects including 'on-line learning as an entitlement' 'better measured learning performance' 'student owned education', 'globalised learning' and much more. Professor Stephen Heppell, Chair, Educational Technology Action Group, UK The Felipe Segovia Chair of Learning Innovation at Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid; Chair in New Media Environments, Centre for Excellence in Media Practice, Bournemouth University; Emeritus Professor Chair in New Learning Environments 17:20 – 17.30 Chair’s Closing Remarks End of Arena Day One Day two: Thursday 22 January Reversing the Legacy of ‘Them’ and ‘Us’: Creating Collaborative Minds and Personalised Teaching 10.15 – 10.20 Opening Welcome Speech: Concerning Yourself With up-to-date Pedagogy In the Chair: Jon Briggs Broadcast Journalist 10.20- 10.40 SECOND MINISTERIAL PRESENTATION 10.40-10.45 10.45 – 11.15 KEYNOTE Second Ministerial Presentation and Welcome from Nick Boles, Minister of State , Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Education We welcome Nick Boles to Bett for the first time to discuss new future skills and education Nick Boles, Minister of State , Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Education Transition Time New Dimensions in Learning Join John Couch, Apple's VP of Education, as he shares his vision for technology’s role in helping schools and teachers engage learners in productive and meaningful ways. John’s presentation will focus on the changing nature of learners and the technologies that characterise their lives. He’ll also explore ways to leverage new education strategies and share how technology can empower creativity, critical thinking and collaboration for every learner preparing them for their future John D. Couch, Vice President of Education, Apple 11.15-11.20 Transition Time 11.20 – 11.40 INSPIRE! The Learner’s Journey: Giving Young Minds the Room and Tools to Imagine the Impossible 17 year old Jack Andraka is now a house-hold name, having invented a cheap and accurate pancreatic cancer sensor. This interview finds out what is next for the young student and his thoughts on how teachers can support students to deliver new progress in the world of science. Jack Andraka, American inventor, scientist and cancer researcher and recipient of the 2012 Gordon E. Moore Award USA 11.40-11.45 Transition Time Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 11.45 – 12.05 12.05-12.10 12.10-12.30 LUNCHTIME KEYNOTE Creating the Secure Personalised Bridge for Learners to Close the Gap In a short presentation and interview about redefining what’s possible, Ronnie will discuss with a successful school how the CD wheel has supported teachers to develop the essential habits that have transformed learning behaviours. They will explore together how the online assessment tool can create clearer learning journeys, shapes personalised opportunities and above all else shifts the responsibility to the learner, making it all them and not us. Ronnie will demonstrate that whether the destination for their learners is improvement in Maths, literacy or holistic learning abilities, the CD wheel is the online platform for learning lift off. This session will be followed by Q and A with the audience Ronnie Heath, Managing Director, Create Development is joined by a teacher and pupil panel to discuss closing the gap Transition Time or Exhibition Roaming Break Visit exhibitors to answer all your #edtech questions Join our daily tweet ups on #collaborativelearning, #highereducationandFE or #gamification at Cambrionix Cafe, CPC Hub or the Bett Futures zone The World Needs a New Curriculum It is time to rethink our 19th century curriculum for the future — not in terms of marginal fixes, but from first principles. Global education argues Marc Prensky, needs a new goal, a new pedagogy, and a new sense of what is important to teach our kids. The new goal, says Prensky is “becoming” rather than learning — becoming a good, capable, world-improving person. Learning is a means to becoming, but there is even a better means, which is real world accomplishment — that must become our new pedagogy. Education must move beyond “passing on content” and beyond “artificiallycreated problem-based learning” to Accomplishment-Based Education, where the students spend the bulk of their time and efforts solving REAL-WORLD problems — starting in the earliest grades. Our young people all need to become modern-day explorers of the new world they live in, and solutionaries who solve its problems. In order to do this, Prensky argues, we no longer require a curriculum that offers the same math, language science and history for all kids (since different students need these in varying amounts). We need, instead, a curriculum that helps all students become the best they can at Effective Thinking, Effective Action, Effective Relationships and Effective Accomplishment — the skills which ALL people need to succeed in any area. This “New Core” curriculum needs to be based on individual student passions, have technology as its underlying foundation, and it must focus the efforts of our teachers — who are the necessary guides and accelerators to “becoming” — on the human elements of respect, empathy, motivation, and support of student goals, as we all become deeply — and, with a better curriculum, wisely — symbiotic with technology. 12.30 – 12.35 12.35-13.00 INSPIRE Marc Prensky, Founder and Executive Director, Global Future Education Foundation and Institute, USA Transition Time Inspiring Outcomes. HP case study on Education Solutions. Inspiring Outcomes: How public policy, professional learning, technology and digital curricula are creating the next generation of flexible, adaptive learners. In this session, hear about the most effective (and measurable) approaches to holistic 1:1 learning, the latest devices for learning and a range of instructional innovations, leveraging blended learning and blended reality. Gus Schmedlen, Vice President, Worldwide Education, HP Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 13.00 – 13.10 Transition Time 13.10 – 13.30 LIVE CODING, RASPBERRY PI and PYROTECHNICS #Error404: The Explosions-based Computing Show 13.30 - 13.40 13.40-14.00 Fuelled by the recent change in the curriculum, Fran has turned her skills to producing a stage show all about Computer Science. “#Error 404” is a high-octane coding stage show ideal for KS2-3. It reveals Computer Science for the problem-solving, creative and imaginative subject it innately is and through live interactive coding, humour and explosions(!), it excites pupils (and teachers) about the possibilities that an understanding of coding and Computer Science can bring, empowering them with the confidence to probe this subject further. Come along to see the show, and hear the theory behind it. Fran Scott, a trained Neuroscientist, independent TV producer/ presenter and Pyrotechnics Fan works with Raspberry Pi Transition Time The Future of Technology in Education: Promise and Practice This session will explore the future of technology and data usage in schools. Technological advances promise to transform education, improving access to resources and enabling learning globally. What does this mean in practice? From low-bandwidth content platforms to data solutions, we will examine where we are in the transformation process and what it means for schools around the world, now and in the future. 14.00 – 14.05 14.05 – 14.30 INSPIRE! 14.30 – 14.40 14.40– 15.05 INSPIRE! Tim Cannon, Executive Vice President, International, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Transition Time It’s Not About Science vs. Arts Mike is highly awarded in his field and his eye for detail is unrivalled. Framestore are the VFX company behind the truly ground-breaking Gravity film. This session looks at how an uncompromising view of the science and arts married together can produce some of the most exciting results and suggests ways that educators and learners can all get involved. Mike McGee, Co-Founder and Creative Director, Framestore Transition Time Bett Live and Interactive Classroom powered by Promethean Join us for today's class. Whether you’re an administrator, a teacher, or involved in IT support, experience how simple it can be to harness sophisticated technology to develop collaborative minds through personalised teaching and provide the evidence demanded in an educational environment. Topic of the Day: Integrating Personal Technology 15.05 – 15.15 15.15 – 15.45 KEYNOTE PANEL DISCUSSION Speakers: Simon Hallam, Promethean Head of International Solutions Marketing Emma Leacy, Teacher and Promethean Solutions Evangelist Transition Time ‘Traditional Education’ vs. ‘Networked Education’: Unique Experience vs. Open to All What Will Be the Dominant Systems of Education Producing Tomorrow’s Leaders and/or Engaged and Happy Citizens? Do tomorrow’s citizens need ‘formal’ education? If ‘formal’ education is being displaced and disrupted, what’s next? Which systems will provide the leaders of the future? Has the elite experience disappeared and should it be defended? Moderator: Andreas Schleicher, OECD Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 15.45 – 15.55 15.55 – 16.40 Sir Nick Williams, Former Principal, BRIT School, UK Mr Michael Gray, Institut Le Rosey, Switzerland Daisy Christodoulou, Research and Development Manager, ARK Schools, UK Sujata Bhatt, Founder, Incubator School, USA Transition Time The Changing Face of an Education CIO The role of CIO in education has changed from strictly supporting the technical infrastructure and device management to an enabler of learning. The new CIO supports staff and students with new technologies that directly improve student performance and learning. Listen to today’s CIOs on how they enable learning and create business value through the effective adoption of Information Technology and Innovative use of Technology. Gordon G. Graylish, Vice President, Sales and Marketing Group, General Manager, Enterprise Solution Sales, Intel Corporation and Ron Chandler, CIO of Los Angeles Unified School District (Second largest in the US, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) enrolls more than 640,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade, at over 900 schools, and 187 public charter schools.) 16.40 – 16.50 16.50 – 17.25 End of Day Keynote Transition Time Replacing the Scarcity of Knowledge, with the Abundance of Education Understand the basic tenants of rhizomatic education and community curriculum; learn how you can apply co-curation in your own work-place. Dave Cormier founded the term MOOC and now reviews how the ‘internet is happening to education’, replacing the scarcity of knowledge, with the abundance of education. What effects will this have on who now holds academic power within or outside of institutions? Powerful stuff. Dave Cormier, Founder of the term ‘MOOC’, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada 17.25-17.30 Chair’s Closing Remarks End of Arena Day Two Day three: Friday 23 January Enhanced Access to Education Through Technology: A Global Outlook 10.15 – 10.35 Opening Welcome Speech Take your seats for this morning’s keynotes and make the most of the collective intelligence in the room by swapping contacts with your fellow attendees during this introductory session In the Chair: Jon Briggs Broadcast Journalist 10.35-11.05 KEYNOTE Personalized Learning: The Teacher-Student Connection in the Age of Technology The teacher-student connection is the centerpiece of school success: a teacher forming a bond with students, triggering their desire to learn and guiding it in the right direction. Technology offers crucial support, allowing the teacher to customize learning for different students in the same class at the same time. The challenge is to find the sweet spot, the proper relationship between teacher and technology – where the teacher finds the students’ interests, and designs relevant learning experiences, and then deploys technology that allows the students to learn what they love at their own pace. Vicki Phillips, Director of Education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation presents back on the socio-economic impact of education Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 11.05 – 11.15 Transition Time 11.15 - 11.55 LIVE VOTING STUDENTS’ DEBATE Students’ Debate – What Is It that We Want from Edtech? What do students actually want from edtech? What does edtech signify regarding enhancing personalised learning, support and feedback and lifelong learning? This session invites the student panel to live vote and react to audience pre-dispositions about what educators and industry think they want. Student Digital Leaders, Highfields School, Wolverhampton, UK are joined by others in the industry and sector to see where alliances are made and diverge 11.55 – 12.05 12.05 – 12.25 INSPIRE! Transition Time Astro Pi: Your Code in Space! Join Lance Howarth, CEO of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and representatives of UK Space to learn about Astro Pi, an exciting opportunity for schools to devised their own applications and send code into space. Featuring an exclusive message from British ESA Astronaut Tim Peake on the Astro Pi competition and his mission to the International Space Station. Lance Howarth CEO Raspberry Pi Foundation 12.25 – 12.30 12.30 – 13.00 INSPIRE! MENA CASE STUDY 13.00 – 13.05 INSPIRE! NETWORK BUILDING 13.05 – 13.20 13.20-13.25 13.25 – 13.40 Transition Time Middle East Case Study: Creating Thousands of New Opportunities for Access to Education in Saudi Arabia Creating a pilot blended learning program with the Department of Labor for underserved populations of young people to attend vocational school who would previously have been outside of employment. Candice Carpenter Olson, Founder and Co-CEO, The Fullbridge Program Peter Olson, Founder and Co-CEO, The Fullbridge Program Transition Time or Exhibition Roaming Break: Visit exhibitors to answer all your #edtech questions Join our daily tweet ups on #collaborativelearning, #CIOdigital or #gamification at Cambrionix Cafe, CPC Hub or the Bett Futures zone, Stay in the Arena and take part in our rapid speed networking session to get the most out of the collective intelligence and networks in the room Asset Not Burden briefing - A Parent Perspective Carrie and David Grant, Vocal Coaches, TV presenters, parents of children with SEN and SEN advocates Transition Time The Future of Learning We’re at a critical tipping point in education: 250 million children around the world cannot read or write and our global teacher shortage is soaring into the millions. We can’t build enough schools or train enough teachers to solve the problem, but can we create technology to empower children to teach themselves? XPRIZE, the leader in incentivized innovation, is taking their grand challenges to the next level in their newest challenge to revolutionize global learning. Imagine: what could the future look like with millions of additional minds unleashed to tackle the world’s grand challenges? Matt Keller will introduce XPRIZE’s newest challenge to develop a free, open-source and scalable software solution in 18 months that can enable children to teach themselves basic reading, writing and arithmetic. It has the ability to make education possible for the 250+ million children who don’t have regular access to schooling, and support teachers/classrooms throughout the developed world as well. Matt Keller, Senior Director of the Global Learning, XPRIZE Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 13.40-13.45 13.45-14.00 14.00-14.10 14.10– 14.35 INSPIRE! Transition Time Righting the Wrong Classroom Flipping Ideas In this interactive talk, the speaker highlight how dominant practices of flipping could do more harm than good. He will illustrate how improperly flipped classrooms perpetuate the wrong ideas of 1) curriculum time, 2) the nature of homework, and 3) teacher-centred pedagogy. The speaker will offer an alternative framework of flipped learning that counters the one-dimensional approach of flipped classrooms. Preview some of the speaker’s ideas by watching and responding to his flipped learning videos at Share your thoughts before, during, and after the session at this backchannel, Dr. Ashley Tan, Former Head, Centre for E-Learning (CeL), National Institute of Education, Singapore – Independent education Consultant Transition Time Bett Live and Interactive Classroom powered by Promethean Join us for today's class. Whether you’re an administrator, a teacher, or involved in IT support, experience how simple it can be to harness sophisticated technology to develop collaborative minds through personalised teaching and provide the evidence demanded in an educational environment. Topic of the day: Fostering Student Collaboration 14.35 – 14.40 14.40 – 15.10 INSPIRE! Speakers: Simon Hallam, Promethean Head of International Solutions Marketing Emma Leacy, Teacher and Promethean Solutions Evangelist Transition Time Learners Voice: Technology beyond Computing- How We Use Technology to Engage, Inspire, Motivate and Improve Learning In this session pupils from Woodlands Primary Academy, Adam (10), Emily (10), Reaya (9), Mollie (9) and George (9) will be joined by Tim Handley, ICT & Maths Lead, Woodlands Primary Academy. They will share ideas and reminders about how technology can be used outside of computing lessons to enhance and extend learning as well as motivate and engage learners and parents. The session has been fully written by the children, and their aim is to give the audience something they can immediately take back to their setting. They will be joined virtually by children from other schools and will also talk about their visions for the future, as well as looking at the increasing use of mobile devices in school. Don't miss out on what is set to be a practical and fun session. 15.10 – 15.15 Transition Time Future Global Skills Development 15:15-15.30 Creating An Interactive Learning Environment With Blippar INSPIRE! Blippar, the world's leading augmented reality platform, present their vision of turning the learning environment into an interactive environment, driving engagement, excitement and performance in the classroom. Colum Elliott-Kelly, Head of Education, Blippar, UK 15.30 – 15.40 Transition Time 15.40 – 16.05 Creating STEM and STEAM Leaders of the Future: Developing the Skills to Thrive, Define and Enjoy Our Future Economies Which skills are essential to the varied paths our students may choose to follow? Where are employers currently experiencing a skills gap in their new employees and how can schools and further education options help to address this? Representing digital skills: Confirmed, Alasdair Blackwell, co-founder, Decoded Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 16.05- 16.15 16.15 – 17.15pm KEYNOTE! 17.15- 18.30 18.30 – 21.00 TEACHMEET Representing the arts: Confirmed, Amy Smith, Head of Recruitment and VFX , Framestore Transition Time Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative National education systems worldwide are being reformed to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. As a respected adviser to governments in Europe, Asia and the United States, Sir Ken argues in this powerful presentation that many countries are pushing reforms in the wrong direction. Drawing from his groundbreaking book, Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative, he explains why too many are locked into a model of education shaped by the Industrial Revolution and a narrow idea of academic ability. Urging schools and colleges everywhere to rethink their basic assumptions about intelligence and achievement, Sir Ken focuses on the vital questions: Why is it essential to promote creativity? What’s the problem? Why do so many adults think they’re not creative? Most children are buzzing with ideas. What happens to them as they grow up? What should be done? Is everyone creative or just a select few? Can creativity be developed? If so, how? In exploring these questions, Sir Ken argues for radical changes in how we educate all students to meet the extraordinary challenges of living and working in the 21st century. Takeaways include: • How education wastes more talent than it saves • The three core objectives of 21st Century education • Why we’re all smarter than we think • What schools and colleges should do, and how governments should help Sir Ken Robinson Transition Time End of Arena Day Three Join the World’s Largest #TeachMeet in the Arena This year we hold several teach-meets around bett, before culminating in the world’s largest teach-meet in the arena. See the teach-meet wiki for more details. Day four: Saturday 24 January Creating a Legacy of Change 10.20-11.35 Opening Welcome Speech 10.35-11.05 Understanding the 5 Key Areas for Successful ‘Digital’ Schools Maggie Philbin is joined by the Young Digital Task Force 11.05-11.10 11.10 – 11.30 Transition Time Moving for Success; The Role of Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport in Creating a Successful Culture Prof Greg Whyte OBE is an Olympian, physical activity expert, world-renowned sports scientist and the man behind iconic Comic Relief Challenges. In this session, Greg drills into key lessons you can take away to improve students’ and teachers’ productivity through activity, optimising your time management, and understanding practical reasons why people are more motivated and efficient when physically active. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to learn from Greg and his experience from 22 iconic Comic Relief challenges from David Walliams swimming the Thames and Eddie Izzards 43 marathons in 51 days to Davina McCall's 500 mile ultra-triathlon and John Bishop’s week of hell. Prof Greg Whyte OBE is Epson’s Ambassador for its RunSense GPS Sports Monitor Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 11.30 – 11.40 11.40 – 12.05 INSPIRE! ( Transition Time st See Make Think Imagine- How Can We Equip Teachers and Students with 21 Century Media Skills? Hosted by UK education charity Into Film, a range of panel members will discuss the importance of supporting the development of creative and technical skills in both teachers and students. Into Film believes that film can be a highly effective teaching tool, encouraging deep and active learning whilst improving communication skills, critical thinking and problem solving. The organisation supports teachers to use film as a medium for developing student skills, capturing imaginations and raising attainment. Chaired by Saint John Walker from Creative Skillset and including speakers from Into Film and Professor Paul Moore, National Teaching Fellow, Head of School of Creative Arts and Technologies University of Ulster you’ll discover how the power of film can engage young people, broaden their horizons and expand their creative and cultural education. For more information: 12.05 – 12.15 12.15 – 12.40 INSPIRE! Transition Time Bett Live and Interactive Classroom powered by Promethean Join us for today's class. Whether you’re an administrator, a teacher, or involved in IT support, experience how simple it can be to harness sophisticated technology to develop collaborative minds through personalised teaching and provide the evidence demanded in an educational environment. Topic of The Day: Assessing and Tracking Progress 12.40 – 12.55 Speakers: Simon Hallam, Promethean Head of International Solutions Marketing Emma Leacy, Teacher and Promethean Solutions Evangelist Transition Time 12.55– 13.20 #Error404: The Explosions-based computing show Fuelled by the recent change in the curriculum, Fran has turned her skills to producing a stage show all about Computer Science. “#Error 404” is a high-octane coding stage show ideal for KS2-3. It reveals Computer Science for the problem-solving, creative and imaginative subject it innately is and through live interactive coding, humour and explosions(!), it excites pupils (and teachers) about the possibilities that an understanding of coding and Computer Science can bring, empowering them with the confidence to probe this subject further. Come along to see the show, and hear the theory behind it. 13.20 – 13.30 13.30 - 14.00 INSPIRE! Fran Scott, a trained Neuroscientist, independent TV producer/ presenter and Pyrotechnics Fan works with Raspberry Pi Transition Time The Learner’s Journey: The Lesson of Learning by Doing Jermaine Hagan waved his university classmates off aged 24 and continued working hard on his clothing business within his dorm room. That sparked the need for some serious cramming, and hence forth was borne Revision App, one of the leading educational apps in the UK and winner of WIRED’s start-up of the week. Which educators have inspired and failed Jermaine along the way and why? Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change. 14.00– 14.10 14.10 – 14.45 Jermaine Hagan, Founder, Revision App, UK Transition Time Growing the Future Business likes Innovation. Innovation in Business cannot flourish without creating independent, motivated, confident learners through our education system. This talk explores case studies from Primary, Secondary and SEN schools, giving examples of techniques used to ensure pupils understand their role and responsibilities for their own learning in the classroom. Areas covered include; Assessment Procedures; Challenging Gifted and Talented Students; Curriculum Design; Self-Analysis; Contextualised Learning and more. 14.45-15.00 Nikky Smedley, Director, Changing Cultures, UK Chair’s Closing Remarks End of Arena Day Four and Bett 2015 We miss you already! See you next year!!! Follow us on Twitter @bett_show and join the conversation #Bettchat Visit us @ Disclaimer and copyright: © i2i Events Group 2014. This is a draft programme only and all content is subject to change.