Wag/Va“, Z W


Wag/Va“, Z W
Dec. 4, 1928.
Filed Jan. 6. 1922
Patented Dec. 4, 1928. .
HARRY c. MALLORY, or new YORK, n. Y.; sun 3. 'MALLonY nnmrivrsrnn'rnix 0F
snrn nAnnYc. MALLORY, nncnnsnn -
Application ?‘ied' January 6, 1922. Serial N-o._ 527,503.,
The general object of my present invention passed by the pump E, from the bot-tom‘v of
is to provide an'improved cooling system the condenser back intofthe engine cooling
for an internal combustion engine. More space. . The engine A is provided with a su
~ speci?cally the object ‘of my invention is to
percharger for supplying charge forming air
5 provide'a cooling system especially adapted‘ to the engine cylinders at a pressure above‘
for use with an engine employed to drive that of the atmosphere particularly when the
on ‘
aircraft and comprising provisions for mak aircraft is at high altitudes. The super- ‘_
ing the operation of the cooling system inde charger in the form‘ shown is of the type dis
pendent of the varying pressure of the at closed by the patent to RateauNo. 1,375,931 1
10 mosphere as the altitude of the aeroplane and comprises a compressor F’ and a turbine ,
‘for drivingthe compressor. The turbine
In carrying out my invention I employ an is driven bytheiexhaust gases passed to the
engine cooling system of the type in which a tnrbme from the engine cylinders through
cooling liquid is vaporized by the heat in the the engine exhaust connection A2, and the».
engine cooling space, and the vapor thus gen
compressor F takes air from the atmosphere]
erated is condensed in a suitable condenser
through its inlet‘rF’, and'after compressing
‘ from which liquid of condensation is re
turned to the. engine cooling space, and my
the air, delivers it to the intake manifold A’
of the engine.
invention comprises novel means for varying To permit of a. regulation of the operation
20 the capacity of the condenser by varying the of the supercharger an outlet A3 vis provided
amount of air therein as required to‘ main through which the exhaust gases from the e_n—’ 75
tain a‘ pressure in the vapor portion of the gine cylinders may pass directly to the atmos
cooling system which is approximately ‘cons phere Without passing. through the turbine
stant and is the pressure of saturated vapor Gr. ‘A valveA?1 forms a meansfor opening,
of they cooling liquid at the temperature closing or throttlingthe outlet A3 according ‘
which it'is desired to maintain in the en
to the desired condition ‘of-operation. 1 With
gine cooling space.
thesuperchargerout of operationa separate
The various features, of novelty which inlet to the suction intake manifold A’ of the
characterize my invention are pointed out engine may be openedif the type of c‘ompres- .
with particularity in the claims annexed to - sor F employed makes thisnecessary. . Or
and forming a part of this speci?cation. dlnarily such an 1nlet isnot required, how as
For a better understanding of the invention, ever, as the type of compressor‘usually em- however, and the advantages possessed by it, ployed permitsair to be drawn through it,
reference should be had to the accompanying when standing idle, Without an appreciable
drawings and descriptive matter in which drop in the pressure of the air. H ‘repre
I haye illustrated and described preferred sents the carburetor and I the throttle valve
7 embodiments of my invention.
Of the drawings:
located-in the connection‘ betweenthe outlet ‘
Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic representation of
4 7 an aeroplane engine cooling system;
2 is a sectional elevation of ‘a control
of the compressor F and the-‘suction intake
.maiui'fold A’._'
Air is withdrawn from the condenser C‘
continuously while the engine is in operation
valve employed in the apparatus shown in by means oi’ a suitable air exhausting connec- '
Fig, Lthe section being taken on the line tion. As shown the air exhausting effect is
of Fig. 1'; and
obtained by means of a pipe K connecting the
Fig. 3 is a sectional elevation oi a 'modi~ lower portion of‘ the condenser to the intake ~ 1
tied form of control valve which may be can 1 manifold A’. The pipe K may advanta 100
ployed in lieu of’ that shown in Fig. 2.
geously ‘include an air valve K’ restricting
In the drawings and referring ?rst to the the escape of vapor through the pipe K. - Air '
construction shown in Figs. 1 and 2, A repre is ‘supplied to the condenser C as required to
sents an aeroplane engine having an outlet ' maintain a de?nite pressure in the vapor,
connection B for cooling ?uid leading from space of the condenser by an'automatic-‘presg 105
the engine cooling jacket or space to the top sure regulating vvalve M. As shown in Figs.
of the condenser C. D represents a return 1 an 2, thevalve M comprises a'casing ele: ~1
pipe through which water of condensation 13 ment M5 threadedinto the‘ wall of-thec'on- .
1,094,071 p,
denser casing andpnpvided with a valve seat
ed port M’ connected by‘ a pipe L to the out
> let of the compressor F at the supply side of
elimination of a portion of the “ condensing
The pressure in the vapor space of the cool
the carburetor H and throttle ‘valve I. ‘Flow ing system is a measure of the temperature in
of air through the pipe‘ L into the‘lcondenser the engine cooling space since it determines" O ’
casing‘through the port M’ ‘is controlled by a the temperature at which the cooling liquid
valve member M2 in automatic response to the boils. As the engine load increases, and the
pressure Within the condenser. As shown quantity of heat absorbed by the cooling liq
the stem of the valve member M'ft-is connect uid increases, or as the external atmospheric
ed for this purpose by a yoke O3 to the ?oat “ conditions change to decrease the cooling
ing end or head 02 of‘a bellows or expansiblc effect exerted on the ‘condenser, the ‘pressure
container 0, the opposite end of which is sta- ‘ ot the vapor in the condenser tends to increase
tlonary? As shown the bellows member ,is i with a corresponding increase in temperature? i
of cup formand; is closed atlits month by the in the engine cooling space With the pres’ ‘
'15 cup-‘shaped ‘lend member‘ O’ :which- with the out invention7 when this rise in pressure“ in‘ 30
end?of the‘ bellows proper ii‘sexpanded into the condenser occurs, ‘the ‘first effect is -‘to
the -internally“groovcd collariP. The bellowsi ‘ tightly close the‘port M5 after which the con,
‘ O is supported ‘by a threaded connectionhe
tinued withdrawal ‘of air through; the pipe
tween the collar Panel a. tubular extensionM3 " quickly‘ increaseslthe capacity of ‘theconé
Ports‘ are» tormed denser‘ as‘ required to condense theuvapon 85111
through the tubular port: M3 ‘to put the inte formed at the pressure WhlCh it is desired‘
rior ‘o t: the latter in :free communication with ‘to maintain in the condenser. \ Converselpf
20 of the i casing element M5.
theieondenser interioryanid to provide ‘for the when a decreascdrate ofvapor generatiomor
movement of the yoke ()3 which ‘extends i an increased condenser coolingeffect occurs,
‘_ V
about the bellows O and collar P. A spring ‘ thetendency is tolower the vapor pressure 1n
‘Q acting‘ between the ‘casing element M‘i‘and the condenser and thereby to lower‘the tem’
a nut oncross headM‘adjustablyseeured onc i perature in the engine cooling ,space,and this ‘
the stem of the valve member Mit tends to is counteracted by the action of theiivalvefM
. holdthe valve opcnw ‘Thieinterior of the bel~ in opening the‘ port M’ and permitting ‘air to‘
lowselement O isiexhaustedwto provide ‘a enter "the condenser and reduce its capacity’v
more'orless perfect vacuum therein.
so that‘the desired pressure and temperature
With“ the‘ described arrangement the pres within the system is restored. In‘ practice
'sureowithin the‘ condensertendsto collapse‘ the pressure which it is desired to maintain ‘
the bellows O'and mnove the valve M2 against in the'condenser will ordinarily befappre-i
itsuseatywhile ‘the springiQ tends to expand ciably below the normaliatmospheric pres-.i 7
theibellows and‘move‘tthe valve M2 off its seat. a‘ sure at sea levelbut will be above the pressure
In practice the tension: of the spring Qais ad
of the atmosphere at altitudes frequently
justcd so that :withtthe desired pressure with
reached with aeroplanes“ _ ‘
in thecondenser, the force tending toopen the
By connecting the inlet of thevalve M .to i
valve exerted bythe- spring Q against the the ‘delivery side of the compressor ‘Fit is
yoke O” will‘ balance the "valve closing force possible to. maintain a pressure in thereon
tranmnitted to the yoke ‘from the movableend denser above that.‘ of the atmosphere when
V O2 ‘of the bellows 0. With theapparatus thevengine is at an altitude at‘ which the pres- _
thus: adjusted, when the pressure‘ in the ‘con sure of the atmosphere is less than thepres
denser ‘falls below the ‘desired ipressure,"the sure “of vapor ‘of; the cooling liquid corre 110"
valve M2 will move off its seatandiadmit air i spondingtto the temperature- which it; is de
to the‘condeniser throughthe port M‘, while sired to maintain in the engine cooling space.
when the pressure in the condenser risesnabove By means of the present invention it is pos
the desired pressure the valve M2 will be seat sible thereforcto make the temperature in
7 ed and close the port M13;
the enginerooling space independent of the
Inpractical operation the apparatus should ?uctuations in temperature and‘ the pressure
he so designedland proportioned that the con;
ti mivd withdrewah of ‘air from ‘the con denser
through the‘ pipe K tends-toreduce the pres
surei‘inithe condenser toa value less than that
which ii‘; is desired‘ to“ maintain. In conse-i
oi’ the atmosphere through which the aero
plane moves. It possible, of course,1to de-v
sign a valve mechanism which ‘will not in re- ‘p
spouse to the pressure ?mztuations withinthe
1130 i‘
condenser as does the valve mechanism ‘ M
quence the» valve l‘ M “a will normally“ be; without placingrv the valve mechanismwithin
“craoked’i; andvpermitia continued in?ux of the condenser as shown, but “the location of
air asirequired to maintain the pressure in the , this valve mechanism within the‘ condenser
condenser atithe' desired value‘; ‘ The capacity avoids any trouble which might ‘otherwise
‘of-thmcondenser to: condense vapor, other occur ‘from exposing the‘valve mechanism to
conditions beingw constant, depends upon the temperatures below the freezing point of ‘
amount of air in the condenseinasair present: water. i‘
Since the vapor pressure in the cooling ,sys
in thelconidenseu reducesithe condenser capacp
ity in much the same way as would an actual tem ?xes the boiling point of the cooling liq:
1,694,071 ‘
uid, a regulation of the condenser capacity used to advantage without a corresponding
in direct response to the vapor pressure in the use of other features;
Having now'describe’d my invention, What
the temperature in the enginecooling space.
I claim as new and desire to secure 'by-Letters
In lieu of regulating the-accumulation of Patent, is :
air in the condenser in direct response to the
‘1, The combination with anvinternal com
i system is a regulation in indirect response to
vapor pressure in the system, the accumula bustion engine anda supercharger forsup-i
tion of air may be regulated in direct response , plying an‘ to the engine cylinders at a pres-
to the temperature in the engine cooling space sure above that of the surrounding atmos#
and in Fig. 3 I have shown a valve mechanism phere, otan engine cooling system compris
MA for this purpose. The valve mechanism ing a condenser connected to the enginecool
MA which may regulate the in?ux of air into ing'spacefor condensing vapor generated by
the condenser through the pipe L is operated heat absorbed by a cooling ‘liquid- in said
thermostatically. The valve mechanism MA space, and means for regulating the capacity
comprises a casing element M50 generally like of the condenser including provisions for
the element M5 above described, and formed supplying air from the "supercharger to the
with a valve seated port M10 communicating cooling system at a pressure above that of
with the pipe. The thermostatic element of the surrounding atmosphere.
2. The combination with an internal corn-v
the valve mechanism MA, as shown, is a bel
lows OA which must be located in some high bustion engine and a supercharger for sup
temperature portion of the engine cooling plying air to the engine cylinders at a pres 85
system and is advantageously located, as sure above that ofthe'surrounding atmos
shown, in the outlet connection B from the , phere, of an engine cooling system comprising
engine cooling space to the condenser C. a condenser connected to the engine cooling‘
The bellows member 0A may be formed gen space for condensing vapor generated by heat
erally like the bellows O ?rst described, and absorbed by a cooling liquid in said space, and
has its collar PA secured to the tubular por means for regulating the capacity of the con
tions M30 of the valve casing element M50 by denser in automatic ‘response to the temper—
a threaded connection, but in the valve mecha aturein the engine cooling space including
nism MA the free or movable end 02° of the provisions for supplying air to the system
bellows GA is the end adjacent the port My10 , from the supercharger ‘at a pressure above
’ and carries the valve member l\, 2° controlling
that port. The thermostatic bellows OA may
that of the surrounding atmosphere.
3. The combination with an internal com
be charged with a. suitable ?uid thermal agent bustion engine anda, supercharger forsup
plying air to the engine cylinders at a' pres- ~
of the usual character.
The thermostatic valve actuating mecha ‘sure above that ofthe surroundingatmos 100
nism is calibrated or adjusted sothat when pher'e, of an engine cooling system compris
the temperature to which it is subjected rises ing a condenser connected to the engine cool~
above that which it is desired to maintain in ing space for, condensing vapor generated by
the engine cooling space, the bellows will ex heat absorbed by a cooling liquid in said
pand and close the port M1", and when the space, and means for regulating the capacity
temperature to which the thermostatic mecha of-the condenser including a control device
nism is subjected falls below that which it is automatically responsive to the absolute pres
desired to maintain in the engine cooling sure- in the vapor space of the cooling system
‘space the bellows will contract and open the ‘for supplyingair to the latter fromthe super
‘port M”. The thermostatic valve actuating chargeras'required to prevent the absolute
mechanism of‘Fig. 3 thus increasesand de~ pressure in said system from falling below
creases the'condenser capacity 1n response to a, predetermined value.‘
changing conditions exactly as does valve 4.‘ The combination with an internal com
bustion engine and a supercharger, for sup
Various novel features of construction ‘and plying air to the, engine cylinders at a pres
arrangen'ient disclosed and not claimed here? sure above that ofthe surrounding atmos
in are claimed in my co-pending applications, . phere, of an engine‘ cooling system compris
Serial No. 16; ,332,Itiled April 20, 1917, and ing a condenser connected to the engine cool;
mechanism M of Figs. 1 and 2.
ing space for condensing vapor generated by
\Vhile in accordance with the provisions heat absorbed by a cooling liquid in said
of the statutes I have illustrated and de space, and'means for regulating the capacity
Serial No. 473,439, ?led May 28, 1921.
scribed the best form of my present invention of the condenser lncluding provisions for
now known to me, it will be apparent to those exhausting air from the cooling system, and
60 _ skilled in the art that changes may be made in provisions ‘for supplying airv from the super
the form of my invention without departing charger to the cooling system at a pressure
from the spirit of my invention as set forth above that of the surrounding atmosphere.
,5. In an internal combustion engine cool»
in the appended claims, and that certain
features of my invention may sometimes be in g system comprising a condenser connected
to’ twengine wqling ,specet for. ‘Condensing “ nee-ted tmthe engine“ Coolingr ‘space for con
absorbed by‘ vapor generated by heat absorbed byl'e coolrt ‘ ‘dens‘ing .vapor genernted by
ingmliqllidt J in! {Said space, ‘the in; rovement a cooling hquidin s‘uid spacmof means for
whichr‘con?i‘stsl in, means ‘for regu ating the ,‘varymg‘ the, condensmg‘ rcapaclty of the C011?
capacity of the condenser including a'contl‘olw denser, and means antornatxcally responsrve
' devioeimtbejiform {of ,an exhausted expanq
to the absolute pressure in the cooling‘system ,
sibletcomaainen"subjected externally to the ‘for actnating‘the ?rst mentioned means as
pressure Within the cooling‘ system, ‘ and re required toérlnaintainusaid‘ pressure approxi
. ‘
silientmeans oppqsing the ‘tendency of“ said‘. mately constant. ,
absolute: pressure to collapse ‘said container.
‘ 6. J11 ‘ nmjnternal mombnstionn engine 0001‘
ingrisyetem of the ‘boiling :and condensing
type,,thercombinatiennvitn a condenser con
Signed at New York city,‘in the county of
New‘York end Stntemf New York, ‘this 5th
day of- J annary, ‘A. D. "1922.“ ‘