
Tuesday 21st January 2015 at St Michaels Church Hall, Breaston
Present ; Rev Chris Smedley(chairman), Christine Booth, Rosie Brooman, Janice Cope, Angie Daly,
Graham Fisher, Jill Fisher, Jean Lupton, Katy Patterson, Helen Percival, Brent Poland, Corrine
Poland, Tony Prior, Mike Ronan, Wendy Silk, Emma Thomas, Doreen Williams,
Apologies; Sarah Batten –Plowright, Jean Davis, David Down, Sheila Edwards, Sally Jury, Robert
Parkinson, Nancy Plummer, Julie Rowlinson, Charon Stevenson, Odette Wood
1) Welcome by Rev. Chris Smedley
2) Introduction were made by all present
3) Minutes; Minutes of last meeting agreed as true record, proposed by Graham Fisher seconded by
Jill Fisher
4) Matters Arising;
a) Pumpkin Party – excellent turnout 83 pumpkins, raised profile of BCF
b) Christmas 2014 - Stars were well received plan to expand 2015, stars on trees raised £311,
lighting on trees suggested
c) Book Sale – well received,
d) Bulb Planting - £700 of spring bulbs planted (purchased with proceeds from May Day Gala,
planting volunteers thanked
e) Sensory Garden - deferred to next meeting
5) Correspondence
a) Email from Tony Prior, regarding training session by RE:generate Trust for community
development, 20/30 participants needed (could ask Draycott)Application to go ahead for
funding TP
b) Methodist Flower Festival ; 12-14 June 2015
c) HS2 Action Group – fund raising event (Race Night poster attached) MR – group formed to
prepare for campaign if needed, some of funds if not needed will be donated to BCF –
d) Helen Percival – suggested Yarn Bombing , to decorate village in association May Day Gala
2016 ( Yarn Bombing is decorating lampposts, trees, etc with brightly coloured knitting
/crotchet covering or flowers ) Village organisations could be approached (Lunch Club,
Evergreens). Coordinator required
6) Finance
a) Bank balance to date £663.47
b) Councillor Robert Parkinson grant from Erewash Borough Council received
c) Coop have made donation of £50 to sponsor Christmas lights
7) Pride in Community
a) Access to parks and twitchels for disabled and pushchairs
b) Direction sign needed toilets from Green
c) Christmas lights could be improved
DW to write to parish Council expressing concern on all these points
8) Face book Page
a) Well received – lots of hits, good for advertising events
9) May Day Gala
a) Bunting as 2014 – advertising needed for sales JR to coordinate
b) Gazebo at Gala – DW to book
c) Sunflowers seeds / planting on stall for competition in autumn – ET/KP/JF
10) Newsletter
a) March issue – JR
b) Advertise bunting , sunflower competition,
11) Future Activities
a) Easter Journey – relate Easter story via art projects around the village from Palm Sunday to
Easter Day
b) Music Festival – ET&KP to investigate possibility for 2016
c) 2015 Pumpkin Party - date to be decided ET
d) Book Sale –ask Coop for space JD
e) Christmas 2015 – Ideas required
f) Sunflower Growing competition – start at May Day Gala, seeds/plant pots from Farm Shop or
Lanes Garden Centre
12) AOB
a) “Nominate a cause” at Asda for grant, ET to apply
March 2015 7:30pm in St. Michael’s Church Hall
Chairman thanked all for attending to close the meeting