2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Immaculate Conception Church
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Immaculate Conception Church
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Theme: Call, Reluctance, and Repentance Eucharistic Liturgies for the week of January 25, 2015 Sat Sun Jan 24 Jan 25 5:00 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 5:00 pm Mon Jan 26 9:00 am Tue Jan 27 9:00 am Wed Jan 28 9:00 am 5:30 pm Thu Jan 29 9:00 am Fri Jan 30 9:00 am Sat Jan 31 5:00 pm +James Forrest Teresa Espinoza Parishioners by our Pastor +John & Faye Graham +Charles Kieffer +Bill Meyer +Kevin St Mary Communion Service +Alice Kobe +Guiseppina & Alfredo Bigotti +Maria & Fritz Mullenders +Maria Rodriguez Readings for the week of January 26, 2015 Monday: 2Timothy 1:1-8; Mark 3:22-30 Tuesday: Hebrews 10:1-10; Mark 3:31-35 Wednesday: Hebrews 10:11-18; Mark 4:1-20 Thursday: Hebrews 10:19-25; Mark 4:21-25 Friday: Hebrews 10:32-39; Mark 4:26-34 Saturday: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19; Mark 4:35-41 Sunday: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; 1Corinthians 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28 Your prayers are needed for the recovery of the following people: Frediani Fam, Ruby Sandoval, Emma Hittle, Corinna Osgood, Chicago Fam, Londos Fam, Marie Gardner, Beeson Fam, David Burch, Kristy Burch-Weinberg, Alfredo Panelli, Capurro Fam, Earl Fuest, Dolly Barter, Katie Branson, Donna Meek, Rico Carretero, John Michael Langley, Hudson Fam, Maureen Flynn, Charles Connelly, Sandra Rippee, Marie Kiley, Donna Casci, Dorothy Davidson, Peter Herborn, Liam Vonderhaar, Sr Mora McGarry, Sr Gertrude, Shirley Menicucci, Jodi Kehmeier, Caruso Fam, Josephine Baltierra, Cordova Fam, Erebia Fam, Ciara Lamia, Kari Ann Briggs, Carmelita Monette, Guadalupe Lemus, Grayson McClure, Michon Holland, Albert Torres, Frank Gomez, Paul Kessler, Tony Cormier, Martina Caruso, Clifford Hess, Theresa Ryan, Kim Barstow, Rosa Tolentino, James Dorsey, Tony Geraghty, Tom Reed, Ricardo Gonzalez, Kay Petty, Joseph Gnibus, Linda Cato, Corrine Glass, Delaney Fam, Barbara Heyrmann, Marjorie Carrier, Llewellyn Fam, Amanda Van Horn, Angela Vergna, Lauralee Lundy, Julie Franchi, Helen Balliette, RR Devlin, Nina Harrison, Jim Hagala, Dambacher Fam Dear Parishioners, This Sunday at all Masses, we plan to begin the 2015 Catholic Services Appeal. Our parish assessment goal is $112,467.92. The Appeal is designed to meet the needs of services and ministries which lie beyond the scope of the parishes in our Diocese. Examples of services which rely upon the Catholic Services Appeal include the education of our seminarians, Catholic Charities which benefit many of the hungry and needy of our area, hospital chaplaincy at Renown and the VA Hospitals, faith formation programs, the Channel 8 TV Mass and Diocesan magazine, and many other important ones by which we all in some ways benefit. You will soon be receiving a mailing with a pledge card and prayer intentions card. We greatly appreciate your generous support in the past and hope that you will do so again this year. The CSA presentation for Saturday evening 5:00 p.m. will be made next Saturday, January 31st. The priests of our Diocese had our annual Clergy Conference this past week, Monday through Thursday, in Minden. It was that rare opportunity for all of us to gather together, with the presenter, Father Thomas Massaro, SJ. We also had an opportunity to give input and receive information regarding the forthcoming Synod and other Diocesan matters. Our religious gift shop has the Lenten issue of The Word Among Us in stock, with Mass readings and meditations from February 18th through April 5th. Many of you have found this issue to be so very helpful for your daily spiritual benefit, and this Lenten issue will be especially good. The parish Finance Committee is scheduled to meet Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the parlor. The Building & Landscaping Maintenance Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday. The next Baptism Class for expectant parents and parents of infants will be held Tuesday, February 3rd, at 6:00 p.m. in the hall. Your Pastor, Please call when they recover, so the name may be removed from the list. LEARN YOUR FAITH/RCIA: an Invitation for Conversion & Full Initiation into the Church Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm parish hall If you are someone or do you know someone who . . . _ has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? _ was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? _ would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith? _ Everyone is welcome to attend! STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION There is a certain urgency in our Gospel today as Jesus calls His first disciples, Andrew and Simon, James and John. Each one follows Jesus immediately, unhesitatingly abandoning nets and boats and father Zebedee and fellow workers. To what is Jesus calling me, at this moment? What will I need to abandon in order to follow Him? Mon Jan 26 Tue Jan 27 Wed Jan 28 Thu Jan 29 6:00 am-10:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 am-10:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 am-10:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 am-10:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 am - 5:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 am Mass 9:00 am Mass 9:00 am Communion Service 5:30 pm Mass 9:00 am Mass 9:00 am Mass 7:00 pm Learn Your Faith/RCIA 7:00 pm B.L.D. Covenant Community 6:00 pm Finance Cte - parlor 7:00 pm Bldg Maint Cte - parlor Fri Jan 30 Sat Jan 31 Sun Feb 1 5:00 pm Mass Masses at: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 am, 5:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon - Thu 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, Fri 6:00 am - 5:00 pm. Pray for Vocations hour M-F 12:00 pm. Rosary M-F 8:30 am & Thursdays 6:00 pm. Please sign the sheet each time you visit with our Lord. The 2nd collection today will be for our Church Mortgage Reduction/Building Maintenance Fund. We paid an extra $21,903 towards the principal on our $1.34 million mortgage in December and transferred $8,997 to our savings account for future maintenance projects. Welcome: Whether you are visiting or new to our parish, we are blessed to have you celebrate with us! We extend to you the hospitality of our parish. If you wish to join our faith community, we welcome you! Parish registration forms can be found on a table in the gathering space. Moving or leaving the parish? Please notify the office of change of address. Baptism: We welcome all families with young children. The 1st step for the parents is to attend a class; they are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm. When choosing your child’s Godparents, they must be baptized, confirmed, receive communion regularly in the Church, and if married, must be married in the Catholic Church. Matrimony: at least one of the Catholic parties must be a registered, practicing member of Immaculate Conception. Please call the pastor to make an appointment to begin your marriage preparation process four to six months before your desired date. Please make no arrangements until after this appointment. The Engaged Encounter weekend is required. AROUND THE PARISH Prayer List for Family Members in the war: Navy: Bruce Kelsey, Mike Mott, Oscar Ruiz Marines: Matthew Schroeder, Conan Salberg, Thomas Prado, Nathanael & Angel Foresee, Ryan Eskandary, Dave Kirby, Jacob Painter, Isaiah Jones, Joe Sheldrup, Ryan Bombard Special Forces: Kevin Lydon, Aaron Gibson, Jeremy Valdez Army: Mike Sheely, Roland Snyder, Steve Lewis, Greg Cook, Butch Pajarillo, Jr, Steven Garcia, Logan Forbing, Michael Hardiman, Daniel D’Annunzio, Gordon Gogan, Alex Cisneros, Dominic Manoli, Michael Sorondo, Ken Olesinski, Joseph Pace, James Owens, Eric Mankin, Tim Wise, Juan Ruvalcaba, Jesse Carlile, Nathan Suddeth, Zachary Long, Garrett Spratley Air Force: Dennis Chanez, Bob Davis, Ida Davis, Todd Hudson, David Sifers, Kelly Sifers, Cesar Ochoa, Trevor Nolan, Alan Nadal, Katherine Dew National Guard: Early Jones, John Secora, Lela Sorondo, Robert Hindman, David Sousa, Ryan Carlile, Eric McKenzie Please pray for their safe return and for peace. If any parishioner has a loved one in the war with Iraq and Afghanistan, please call the parish office to place his/her name on the list. Congratulations and welcome to Arjun Tuazon, son of Anthony Santos and Joann Tuazon, who was baptized Saturday, January 17th, at Immaculate Conception Church. The Knights of Columbus will be selling their yummy fruit turnovers today after all Masses. Upcoming Meetings: The Finance Committee will meet Monday at 6:00 pm in the parlor. The Building & Landscaping Maintenance Committee will meet Monday at 7:00 pm in the parlor. The Senior Hearts Group will meet next Sunday after the 9:30 am Mass in the parlor. The next Baptism Class for parents of infants will be Tuesday, February 3rd at 6:00 pm in the hall. Immaculate Conception’s 10th Anniversary is only a month away! February 25, 2005, we dedicated our new church. Wednesday, February 25th, we will celebrate our 10th anniversary with a Mass at 6:00 pm followed by an informal reception with refreshments. Bishop Straling and Father King will be the celebrants. The Ladies Guild and the Knights of Columbus will be organizing and hosting the reception. If you would like to assist in this effort, please call Phyllis Basso at 358-4549. We hope you will plan to join with other members of our Parish to celebrate this anniversary. Marriage Encounter Weekend sponosred by the BLD Charismatic Community. Would you like to have a beautiful spirit-filled weekend at Lake Tahoe with your spouse? Would you like to regroup and put God at the center of your marriage? We are inviting you to attend the 20th Marriage Encounter Weekend at Zephyr Point February 21-22. Please call Greg and Margaret Jensen 750-9355 or Jay and Dinah Hocker 762-8199 for more information. Altar Servers for February 1 Sat Katie Maga, Maria Cristina & Maria Isabel Chiu Sun 8:00 am Elenoa, Luisa & Siaope Vatikani 9:30 am Ryelynn Humphrey, London Nemitz, Ethen Davis 11:15 am Judith Medina, Guadalupe & Juan Placencia 5:00 pm Katelyn Shakal, Kate Awong-Ingle, Gabriel Lopez Servers, please remember to sign in on the sheet on the bulletin board in the ushers room. If you are unable to serve your scheduled time, please get a substitute. Lectors for February 1 First Lector Sat 5:00 pm Sam Macaluso Sun. 8:00 am Finau Taufa 9:30 am Tom Zeitvogel 11:15 am Steve Stremmel 5:00 pm Jim Hagala Second Lector Marilou Christoffersen Helen Linde Sue Zeitvogel Rosa Churruca Maria Huynh Friends for Life Dinner February 27th: Tickets are on sale for the Friends for Life dinner at the Reno Events Center. Wayne Cockfield, Vice president for Medical Ethics of National Right to Life Committee, will headline the event. Cockfield will address the growing threat of euthanasia and assisted suicide nationally and here in Nevada where a bill will be introduced in the 2015 Legislative session. A retired marine who was gravely wounded in the Vietnam War, Cockfield says “The groundswell for euthanasia does not come from people with disabilities but from the non-disabled. Death is not a privilege; it is a fate.” Help support pro-life education in northern Nevada by purchasing a table for 10 for $1,000, 8 for $600, or individual tickets for $75 each. Please call Maureen Klippenstein at 750-2782 or register online at NevadaRightToLife.org/Register. Gift Shop in need of volunteers: Our Gift Shop needs help Sunday mornings before & after Mass and weekdays for 3-4 hours. If you would like to volunteer, please all the parish office. Donate to our Building Fund when you shop! Savemart has a SHARES card that you swipe during checkout. Cards are available in the office. We received $150 for the last quarter. Thank You!! Please check the bulletin board in the gathering space for events, job opportunities, and information not listed in the bulletin. Advertiser of the week JOEL A. SANTOS, ESQ. ATTORNEY 323-1084 www.SantosLawOffices.com Professional & Business Directory Join Us PYRAMID MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Bart Lydon, President savetheholyinnocents.com 355-9589 1155 Watson Way, #2 Sparks [email protected] Through your will you Specialty Welding Supply have the power to help John Kehmeier, Parishioner the Church continue to Industrial & Safety Supplies do God’s work. As you FertilityCare Center of Reno Power & Hand Tools prepare or update your provides Creighton Model Weld Training & Certification will, think of the good works of the Natural Family Planning Industrial Gases, Equipment Repair church that you would like to continue MIG, TIG, Stick & Torch Equipment Services for achieving and to help when your life on earth ends. avoiding pregnancy. www.specialtyweldingsupply.com For further information, please call the For information call 827-5111 parish office. 750 E Glendale Ave 356-6988 Mr V’s Specialties Host Dry Extraction Carpet Cleaning 250-0885 space available call 358-5977 Brothers & Sisters in Christ, The 2nd Diocesan Synod of Reno is coming December 3-5 of 2015. Please pray for the work in preparing for this historical event for our Church in Northern Nevada, and offer input and assistance when and where requested during this process. We are “Together - where the Spirit leads.” Prayer for our Diocesan Synod God our Father, You have called us by baptism to be faithful members of your Church. Send the Holy Spirit to guide the work of the second Synod of the Diocese of Reno. Inspire us to bring new life to the mission of your Church here in Northern Nevada. 2015 Diocesan Synod Delegates and Alternates The Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council has chosen the following parishioners to represent our parish at the 2015 Diocesan Synod. Please support this effort by attending listening events to be scheduled in the next few months. This will allow our delegates to gain a perspective on how the parish feels about the issues to be considered at the Synod. Delegates Malou Alano Joseph Bell Michael Caudell Sergio Cortes Virginia Edwards Adam Gonzalez Melody Pobanz Ashley Shakal Alternates Dalene Melzer Chris Pennington Thomas Ball Cesar Calix Rosa Churruca Tom Edwards Patricia Giannotti Ashley Leal Nelly Reyes Beatrice Sledge Scott Mowbray Through the work of our Synod, may we follow where the Holy Spirit leads, to become instruments and hope for the world in spreading the Good News to people far and wide. With example and help of Mary our Mother who gathered with the disciples in the upper room, may we listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Please fill out the form below and return it in the collection basket or the parish office. Please print clearly. These are the hours needed: Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 am and Friday 2:00 - 3:00 pm Name Phone Number _________________________________________________________________________________________