2. User Manual For RKVY,CDB,State Plan
2. User Manual For RKVY,CDB,State Plan
USER MANUAL Coconut Development Board (CDB) Scheme Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) Scheme State Plan Scheme Contents 1. 1.1 INTRODUCTION Purpose Directorate of Horticulture (DHO) has implemented IT/ICT in the scheme to make the service delivery mechanism more robust and also improves the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of the services offered. The “Online Sanction and disbursement of subsidy for different scheme” will be a fully web-enabled application which will be productive and effective in terms of achieving the scheme benefits for the Beneficiary. 1.2 Scope The scope of this document is to explain the Online Application mechanism for CDB, RKVY and State Plan Schemes by a beneficiary. BENEFICIARY REGISTRATION SYSTEM To start using the application, by entering the url (http://dhoportal.orihort.in/FarmerReg/OnlineCheckStatus.aspx) in the browser or by clicking on the link ‘Beneficiary Registration’ in Orihort.in the screen displays a least of global links which can be navigated and discussed accordingly, namely: Register Yourself. Take Print. Change Profile. Apply Subsidy. 2.1 Register Yourself. The beneficiaries can register themselves in Beneficiary Registration Portal by selecting the “Register Yourself” option. After selecting “Register Yourself” option, it will move to beneficiary registration form web page. To start with the registration process, the beneficiary has to enter the following information: Enter the Beneficiary Name in the text box provided. Enter the Father/Husband’s Name of the beneficiary in the text box provided. Select the Farmer's Type, Farmer Category, Gender, Caste, Educational Qualification from the provided drop down list. Enter the Age, Income per Annum (in Rs.) of the beneficiary in the respective text box. Select the Identification Proof from the drop down list and enter Identification Proof No. in the text box provided. Provide the contact number (Mobile No.) in the text box. Enter the Address Details by selecting the District, Sub-Division, Block/ULB, Name of GP, Village from the drop down list. Enter the Address, PIN Code in the respective text box. Fill up the Land Details i.e., Location of the Land (nearby landmark) and Tahasil, Mauza, Plot No., Khata No. in the respective text box. To remove the land details entered, click on the Remove option. To add other land details (if any), click on Add More button. Mention the Area in her/ his Name (Ha) in the text box, choose whether the land is leased or not by selecting Yes or No radio buttons. Enter the Bank Details of the beneficiary from the drop down list provided. Mention the Branch Name, Branch IFS Code, Bank Account No. in the text box. Upload Photo (Max 4MB) and Signature (Max 2 MB) of the beneficiary in .jpg\.png\.gif format. Upload the following Scanned documents of Identification Proof, Passbook of Mentioned Bank, Registration Document related to Partnership/Agency/ Society/Institutions/SHG/Others, Document for Leased Land in .pdf format. After entering all the beneficiary information, type text shown in the image (Captcha) in the provided text box. Click the Submit button to save the details to register in the Beneficiary Portal. Beneficiary’s Registration Number 2.2 2.3 A 13 digit Beneficiary Registration Number will be generated; this will be kept for further reference. Click the Print option to generate printout of the filled up Registration Form. Click the Apply for Subsidy option, the following web page will open to choose the schemes. Apply for Subsidy. Choose Micro Irrigation Scheme, a following web page opens. Enter Beneficiary Registration Number and click on the Show button to enter the Scheme Details. 2.4 Beneficiary’s Application Number Click on the (+) sign to expand the provided beneficiary information in Personal Details, Address Details, Land Details and Bank Details. The Scheme will be by default selected respective of the scheme applied by the beneficiary. Click on the Select Component dropdown to choose the component for which the beneficiary wants to apply. Click on the Select Sub-Component dropdown to choose the sub-component for which the beneficiary wants to apply. Select the Area (in ha.), Area (in sqm.) or Unit (in nos.) from the Apply For dropdown. If the beneficiary selects Area (in ha.), then mention the area in Enter Unit (in ha.) text box. If the beneficiary selects Area (in sqm.), then mention the area in Enter Unit (in sqm.) text box. And if the beneficiary selects Unit (in nos.), then mention the area in Enter Unit (in nos) text box. After entering the Scheme details, type text shown in the image (Captcha) in the provided text box. Click the Update button to save the details to register the beneficiary for the scheme or by selecting the Cancel button will remove all the entered data and cancel the application. A 10 digit Application Number will be generated for the beneficiary applying for the scheme; this will be kept for further reference. Click the Print option to generate printout of the filled up Application Form.