Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy


Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy
 Policy Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Summary This policy describes the circumstances, charges and process to be followed when determining that a DECD accredited Homestay providers has accepted the placement of South Australian Government Schools (SAGS) international students by International Education Services (IES) in what are deemed to be emergency circumstances. Publication Date 2015 Review Date 2015 Related Legislation/Applicable Section of Legislation Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) regulatory framework (in particular National Code Standards 5 and 6: care and support services for students) Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, Standards, Frameworks Treasurer’s Instruction 2 – Financial Management Replaces Nil Policy Officer (Name/Position) Vince Maiese, Executive Manager, Business & Financial Services Policy Officer (Phone) 8226 1829 Policy Sponsor (Name/Position) Marilyn Sleath, Director, International Education Executive Director Responsible (Name/Position/Office) Jayne Johnston, Chief Education Officer, Office for Education Applies to Accredited Homestay providers Key Words Emergency, Placement, Homestay, International, Students Status Approved Approved by Jayne Johnston, Chief Education Officer Approval Date 2014 Version 1.0 1 | Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy | 2014 REVISION RECORD Date Version Revision Description 2014 1.0 Minor edit complete, developed into new DECD template, no content change 2 | Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy | 2014 CONTENTS 1. TITLE ..................................................................................................................... 4 2. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 4 3. SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 4 4. POLICY DETAIL ....................................................................................................... 4 5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................ 4 6. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REVIEW ............................................................. 5 7. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ 5 8. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS .................................................................................... 5 9. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 5 APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................... 6 APPENDIX 2 ........................................................................................................... 7 3 | Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy | 2014 1. TITLE Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy 2. PURPOSE To set out the reasons, circumstances and procedures for paying a Homestay provider an Emergency Homestay Placement Fee due to emergencies that may arise for international students that may need to be relocated to another homestay provider under short notice. 3. SCOPE This policy will apply to all DECD accredited Homestay providers who accept the placement of South Australian Government Schools (SAGS) international students by International Education Services (IES) in what are deemed to be emergency circumstances and to all DECD who administer the policy. 4. POLICY DETAIL It is sometimes necessary for IES to place students with a new Homestay family at very short notice. Homestays agreeing to take such placements at very short notice should be compensated at an amount over and above the regular Homestay fee. The additional fee will be paid as follows:  A Homestay accepting an ‘emergency placement’ for 1 to 7 days will receive the normal Homestay fee, plus a single additional fee of $50 
A Homestay accepting an ‘emergency placement’ for 8 days or more will receive the normal Homestay fee, plus a single additional fee of $100 After the first two weeks of such a placement, the normal fees will apply. DECD IES will fund and be responsible for arranging the payment of the Emergency Homestay Placement fee to providers who qualify for the payment. Process When a Homestay qualifies for an emergency placement fee, the relevant Accommodation Officer should provide IES Business &Financial Services (B&FS) with a minute, endorsed by the Executive Manager, International Student Services (EM, ISS), requesting the payment and providing the Homestay’s name and address. An example of the required minute is provided as an appendix to this policy. 5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Role Authority/Responsibility for Executive Manager, International Student Services (or delegate) Approves the payment of the homestay emergency placement fee IES Accommodation Officer Assesses and recommends the payment of the emergency fee on the prescribed minute Business & Finance Officer Processes the emergency homestay placement fee payment minute 4 | Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy | 2014 6. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REVIEW The Executive Manager, Business & Financial Services will assess the impact of implementation of this policy on an ongoing basis and make amendments as applicable. This Policy will be formally reviewed every 12 months. 7. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Term Meaning DECD Department for Education and Child Development Emergency Homestay Placement The placement of a SAGS full fee paying international student into an accredited Homestay placement at very short notice (usually less than 48 hours) for reasons that require the student to be moved or placed at very short notice Emergency Homestay Placement Fee A fee paid to a Homestay provider over and above the regular approved Homestay rate in consideration for accepting a SAGS International Student at short notice (usually less than 48 hours) Homestay Provider An accredited provider of Homestay accommodation IES International Education Services SAGS South Australian Government Schools 8. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Homestay documentation 9. REFERENCES ESOS Act 5 | Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy | 2014 APPENDIX 1 – Emergency Homestay Placement Fee Payment Minute VENDOR ID
Minutes forming enclosure to
The following Homestay provider qualifies for an Emergency Homestay
Placement Fee for accepting the placement of;
The Homestay qualifies for the payment of:
$50.00 (1 – 7 days emergency placement) or
$100.00 (8 – 14 days emergency placement)
Please arrange payment of
by CHQ to;
Account Classification:
(Name of Accomm Officer)
Accommodation Officer, SS
DECD - International Education Services
(Insert Name)
Executive Manager, Student Services
DECD - International Education Services
6 | Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy | 2014 9996
APPENDIX 2 – Emergency Homestay Placement Fee Letter International Education
Ground Floor West
31 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 1152
Adelaide SA 5001
618 8226 3402
618 8226 3655
Insert Date
Title and name
No and St Name
Dear First Name
Thank you for providing Student name as an emergency homestay.
We would like to acknowledge your support in helping us with this temporary arrangement and in
recognition of this you will shortly receive a payment of $50 or $100 – select correct amount as a
Homestay Emergency Placement Fee.
Our Finance section is currently processing the payment and you will receive a cheque in the near
Yours sincerely
Accommodation Officer
On behalf of
(Insert name)
Executive Manager International Student Services
International Education Services
CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A
CRICOS Provider Name: Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Governments Schools
7 | Homestay Emergency Placement Fee Policy | 2014