Warta Kerajaan Warta Kerajaan - Intellect Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.
Warta Kerajaan Warta Kerajaan - Intellect Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.
MALAY S IA Warta Kerajaan S E R I PAD U KA BAG I N DA DITERBITKAN DENGAN KUASA HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Jil. 53 No. 14 2hb Julai 2009 No. TMA 30. TAMBAHAN TMA No. 14 Akta cap dagangan 1976 (Akta 175) pengiklanan permohonan untuk mendaftarkan cap dagangan Menurut seksyen 27 Akta Cap Dagangan 1976, permohonan-permohonan untuk mendaftarkan cap dagangan yang berikut telah disetujuterima dan adalah dengan ini diiklankan. Permohonan-permohonan untuk mendaftarkan dalam Bahagian A dalam Daftar ditandakan dengan Nombor Rasmi yang tidak diiringi dengan apa-apa huruf. Permohonan-permohonan untuk mendaftarkan dalam Bahagian B dikenali dengan huruf B yang ditambahkan kepada Nombor-nombor Rasmi. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan disetujuterima dengan tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan, syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan tersebut hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) Akta diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2) Akta itu, perkataan-perkataan “Permohonan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) yang diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2)” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan itu. 3144 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 Jika keizinan bertulis kepada pendaftaran yang dicadangkan daripada tuanpunya berdaftar cap dagangan yang lain atau daripada pemohon yang lain telah diserahkan, perkataan-perkataan “Dengan Keizinan” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan, menurut peraturan 37(2) Peraturan-Peraturan Cap Dagangan 1983 [P.U. (A) 355/1983]. Jika gambaran bagi sesuatu cap dagangan tidak termasuk dalam iklan, tempat di mana satu spesimen atau gambaran cap dagangan itu didepositkan hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan itu. Notis bangkangan terhadap sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan suatu cap dagangan boleh diserahkan, melainkan jika dilanjutkan atas budi bicara Pendaftar, dalam tempoh dua bulan dari tarikh Warta ini, menggunakan Borang T.M. No. 7 yang disertai dengan bayaran sebanyak RM450. TRADE MARKS ACT 1976 (Act 175) ADVERTISEMENT OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS Pursuant to section 27 of the Trade Marks Act 1976, the following applications for registration of trade marks have been accepted and are hereby advertised. Applications for registration in Part A of the Register are shown with the Official Number unaccompanied by any letter. Applications for registration in Part B are distinguished by the letter B prefixed to the Official Numbers. Where an application for registration is accepted subject to any conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations, such conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations shall appear in the advertisement. Where an application for registration under paragraph 10(1)(e) of the Act are advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2) thereof, the words “Application under paragraph 10(1)(e) advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2)” shall appear in the advertisement. Where written consent to the proposed registration of the registered proprietor of another trade mark or of another applicant has been lodged, the words “By Consent” shall appear in the advertisement, pursuant to regulation 37(2) of the Trade Marks Regulations 1983 [P.U. (A) 355/1983]. Where representation of a trade mark is not included in the advertisement, the place where a specimen or representation of the trade mark is deposited shall be stated in the advertisement. Notice of opposition to an application for registration of a trade marks may be lodged, unless extended at the discretion of the Registrar, within two months from the date of this Gazette, on Form T.M. No. 7 accompanied by fee of RM450. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3145 CLASS 1 07018627 20 September 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the symbol “#”. Microbial; soil additive; all included in Class 1. DENWELL TECHNOLOGY SDN. BHD.; NO. 22A, LORONG BLM 1/4, LAGUNA MERBOK BUSINESS PARK, BANDAR LAGUNA MERBOK, 08000 SUNGAI PETANI, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. 04002981 12 March 2004 International priority date claimed: 24 September 2003, France. Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; all included in Class 1. IPSEN S.A.; 25, RUE PHILIPPE II, L-2340, LUXEMBOURG. 97015240 25 October 1997 Chemicals for use in industry, barium titanates, antimony and antimony compounds; zirconia, solder chemicals; solder creams; solder pastes; solder flux; adhesives; ceramic materials; all included in Class 1. COOKSON GROUP PLC.; 130, WOOD STREET, EC2V 6EQ LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO.1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3146 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 1—(cont.) 05014585 30 August 2005 International priority date claimed: 09 August 2005, Japan. The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; all included in Class 1. SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED; 5-1, 3CHOME, NIHONBASHI-HONCHO, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: TIMOTHY SIAW, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07011721 20 June 2007 Adhesives (adhesives substances) for wallpapers, tapetries, wall hanging, wall coverings, tiles, slabs or floor coverings and for repairing broken articles (with the exception of stationery and household adhesives); chemical products used in industry, science, photography, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed synthetic resins; unprocessed plastic substances; fertilisers; extinguishing compounds; hardening or tempering and welding and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; industrial adhesives; all included in Class 1. LAURA ASHLEY LIMITED; 27, BAGLEYS LANE, FULHAM, LONDON SW6 2QA, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3147 CLASS 1—(cont.) 07014943 01 August 2007 International priority date claimed: 23 July 2007, United States Of America. Gluco polysaccharide derived from yeast used as an ingredient in functional foods, beverages and dietary supplements; all included in Class 1. BIOPOLYMER ENGINEERING, INC., D/B/A BIOTHERA; 3388, IKE COLLINS DRIVE EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07015292 06 August 2007 Chemicals for use in the manufacture of asphalt; all included in Class 1. INNOPHOS, INC.; 259, PROSPECT PLAINS ROAD, CRANBURY, NJ 08512, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 94004270 30 May 1994 Well tubing and casing cleaner; included in Class 1. WELL-FLOW TECHNOLOGIES,INC; 15810, PARK TEN PLACE, SUITE 100, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77084, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3148 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 2 07003863 07 March 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “professional wood coatings”. Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; all included in Class 2. RELYON PRODUCTS SDN. BHD.; 13, JALAN CJ1/2A, KAWASAN MIEL CHERAS JAYA, BALAKONG, 43200 CHERAS, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KRISTIN CHEAH SIEW KHOOI, TGKC INTELPRO SDN. BHD., NO.188, JALAN KAJANG JAYA 7, TAMAN KAJANG JAYA, 43000 KAJANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 05009563 15 June 2005 Anti-corrosive bands; asbestos paints; coatings for roofing felt (paints); coatings (paints); fireproof paints; glazes (paints, lacquers); paints (fireproof); primers; thinners for lacquers; thinners for paints; turpentine (thinner for paints); varnishes; wood coatings (paints); all included in Class 2. UNISEAL WATERPROOFING PTE LTD; 10, ADMIRALTY STREET #06-15, NORTH LINK BUILDING, SINGAPORE 757695. AGENT: TIMOTHY SIAW, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 95013763 22 December 1995 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter ‘q’. Paints, varnishes and lacquers; all included in Class 2. NIPPON PAINT (MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD. LOT 1-17, TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN SUBANG UTAMA; 40000 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: TAY, TEE & NASIR, NO. 6-1, JALAN TUN SAMBANTHAN 3, OFF JALAN TUN SAMBANTHAN, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3149 CLASS 3 92003526 26 May 1992 93004622 01 July 1993 To be associated with application No.: 92002602 and 92001427 and 92003202 and 91008301 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “naturals”. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “perfect”. Face and creams and lotions, bath oils, bubble bath, soaps, dusting powders and talcs, after bath fresheners, skin softener, body lotions, deodorants; all included in Class 3. Perfumery preparations, essential oils, cosmetics, make-up, preparations for colouring and bleaching the hair, hair dyes and tints, preparations for waving and setting the hair, shampoos, nonmedicated preparations for the care and the beauty of the hair, toilet soaps, dentifrices; all included in Class 3. L’OREAL; 14, RUE ROYALE - 75008 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I. P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AVON PRODUCTS, INC.; 345 AVENUE OF AMERICAS, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 101050196, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 01016459 28 December 2001 International priority date claimed: 05 July 2001, France. 93004633 01 July 1993 Tooth brushes included in Class 3. ORAL LOGIC, INC.; 12621 RENTON AVENUE SOUTH, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98178, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DIGITEMP INDUSTRIES SDN. BHD., NO 17, JALAN SEGAMA, LIGHT INDUSTRIES AREA; 68100 BATU CAVES; SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. Perfumery products, essential oils, cosmetics, body milk, face and body creams, soaps, bath and shower gel, talcum powder, hair and body lotions, deodorant for personal use; all included in Class 3. PA R F U M S N I N A R I C C I ; 3 9 AV E N U E MONTAIGNE, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: THAM SAU YIN, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217 JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3150 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 3—(cont.) 95001983 10 March 1995 96004641 06 May 1996 Shampoo, conditioner and hair care preparation; soaps; cosmetics such as cream, milk, lotions, powder and gel; suncare preparation; hair dye; permanent waving and curling preparation; perfumeries and deodorant; all included in Class 3. Cosmetics; toiletries, soaps, perfumery; essential oils; shampoos; lotions; creams; deodrants for personal use; preparations for the skin and hair included in this Class; dentifrices; non-medicinal infusions; bath salts and bath preparations ; all included in Class 3. FINE WORLD SDN.BHD., 48-2-8, BLOCK 8, VILLA MEWAH, JALAN PERKASA, TAMAN SALAK SELATAN, 57100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA ALSO TRADING AS KAO CORPORATION; 14-10, NIHONBASHI KAYABACHO 1-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 131, JAPAN. AGENT: HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217 JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05018052 96010224 29 August 1996 Coated abrasives; all included in Class 3. CARBORUNDUM SCHLEIFMITTELWERKE GMBH; KAPPELERSTR. 105, 40597 DUSSELDORF, GERMANY. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 25 October 2005 The french word ‘baume’ appearing in the mark means ‘balm/ointment/lotion/salve’. Cosmetics, skincare preparations, toiletries, hair care preparations and perfumery; all included in Class 3. LABORTOIRES DARPHIN S.A.S.; 356, RUE SAINT-HONORE, PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3151 CLASS 3—(cont.) 97010730 04 August 1997 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “blue”. Cosmetics, namely perfume, perfume oil, eyeshadow, eyebrow pencil, mascara, face powder, skin lotion, cleaning cream, lipstick, hair oil; cosmetic instruments; all included in Class 3. BLUE DOLPHIN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED; UNIT M, 11/F, PHASE 3, KAISER ESTATE, 11 HOK YUEN STREET, HUNGHOM, KOWLOON, HONG KONG. AGENT: SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH. FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06007281 05012708 29 July 2005 Preparations for use on the skin, face, body; anti-perspirants for personal use; cleansing foams; facial scrubs (non-medicated); body scrubs; skin toners; moisturisers; cream; gel; eye cream; eye gel; cosmetic serums [non-medicated]; beauty masks; hand and body lotions; hand and body oils; hand and body creams; preparations for use in the bath and shower; shower foams; perfumery; body sprays [non-medicated]; body mist; deodorants; soaps; essential oils for personal use; all included in Class 3. U N Z A I N T E R N AT I O N A L L I M I T E D ; CRAIGMUIR CHAMBERS, P.O. BOX 71, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. A G E N T: M I C H E L E Y E O H E E L E E N , SHAHRIZAT RASHID & LEE, LEVEL 12, MENARA MILENIUM, 8, JALAN DAMANLELA, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 03 May 2006 Soaps, perfumes, essential oil, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices; all included in Class 3. PIAS CORP; NO.19-3, TOYOSAKI 3-CHOME, KITA-KU, OSAKA, JAPAN. AGENT: NARAYANAN A/L ARUNACHALAM, NARA’ S SECRETARIAL SERVICES, NO. 24, JALAN DESA 3/8, TAMAN DESA COUNTRY H O M ES , 4 8 0 0 0 R AWA N G , S E L A N G O R , MALAYSIA. 04017525 09 November 2004 Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; all included in Class 3. CHOO ANN TRADING AS SINN ONN TRADING; LOT 131, G/F, SECTION 63 LORONG DATUK ABD. RAHIM 513, 93540 KUCHING, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. 3152 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 3—(cont.) 05019422 17 November 2005 International priority date claimed: 17 May 2005, Switzerland. Toilet soaps, perfumery, cosmetics, essential oils, hair lotions, preparations for the cleaning, care and beautification of the skin, scalp and hair, deodorants and antiperspirants for personal use; all included in Class 3. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY; ONE PROCTER & GAMBLE PLAZA, CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06006089 14 April 2006 Cosmetics; toiletries; perfumery; fragrances and colognes; hair care preparations; skincare preparations; make-up and make-up preparations; make-up; non-medicated preparations for care of hair, skin and body; essential oils; all included in Class 3. CLINIQUE LABORATORIES, LLC; 767 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10153, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06002722 24 February 2006 Aromatic [essential oils], essential oils; beauty masks, skin whitening creams; cosmetics, cosmetics creams, eyebrow cosmetics, eyebrow pencils, lipsticks, lotion for cosmetic purposes, makeup, make-up powder, mascara, cosmetic pencils; deodorants for personal use, perfumery, perfumes, eau de cologne; deodorant soap, medicated soap, shampoos, soap, toiletries; hair dyes, hair lotions, hair spray, hair waving preparations; nail care preparations, nail polish, nail varnish; all included in Class 3. MOHD IZHAN BIN MOHD NOOR, ILYANI BINTI MOHD NOOR, WAN RAHIMI BINTI WAN ISHAK TRADING AS BUNGA TANJUNG INDUSTRIES; 433, LORONG SRI ANDAM, KAMPUNG BUNUT PAYONG, 15150 KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3153 CLASS 3—(cont.) 06004690 24 March 2006 06007297 03 May 2006 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “fresh” and “fresh mint”. The transliteration of the chinese characters the which the mark consists is “ke li qing” which has no meaning. Toothpaste; medical toothpastes, toothpaste for smokers, cleaning preparations for the teeth, preparations for the teeth, non-medicated preparations for the care of the teeth; rinses to prevent tartar forming on the teeth, teeth cleaning gels, teeth cleaning powders; all included in Class 3. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring, degreasing, stain removing and abrasive preparations; soaps; all included in Class 3. GANO EXCEL INDUSTRIES SDN. BHD.; 94, 95 & 96, KAWASAN PERUSAHAAN TANDOP BARU, JALAN TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 05050 ALOR SETAR, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06020393 08 November 2006 Cosmetic preparations, namely hyaluronate acid or modified hyaluronate preparations for use as a soft tissue filler for the skin; all included in Class 3. GALDERMA S.A.; ZUGERSTRASSE 8, CH6330 CHAM, SWITZERLAND. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. K I W I E U R O P E A N H O L D I N G S B . V. ; VLEUTENSEVAART 100, 3532 AD UTRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07002974 16 February 2007 Hair styling aids included in Class 3. ALBERTO-CULVER INTERNATIONAL, INC.; 2525 ARMITAGE AVENUE, MELROSE PARK, ILLINOIS 60160, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3154 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 3—(cont.) 06009950 12 June 2006 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ‘uv protect’. Cosmetics, face cream, skin cream, face packs, skin lotion, milky face lotion, lip cream, make-up base, skin cleansing preparations, soaps, skin whitening preparations, foundation make-up, face powder, bath powder, eye make-up, eye liner, mascara, eye brow pencils, lipsticks, cheek color, nail-care preparations, nail color and cuticle coat, cosmetic preparations for bath, non-medicated bath salts, bubble bath and bath oils; hair care preparations, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, lotion, hair creams, hair-dye, spray, gel and mousse; perfumery, perfume, eau de cologne, eau de toilette, cotton balls for cosmetic purposes, sunscreen preparations; all included in Class 3. KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS KAO CORPORATION); 14-10, NIHONBASHI KAYABACHO 1-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: NARAYANAN A/L ARUNACHALAM, NARA’ S SECRETARIAL SERVICES, NO. 24, JALAN DESA 3/8, TAMAN DESA COUNTRY H O M ES , 4 800 0 R AWA N G , S E L A N G O R , MALAYSIA. 06010107 13 June 2006 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ‘body resculpt’. Perfume, toilet water; gels, salts for the bath and the shower not for medical purpose; toilet soaps, body deodorants; cosmetics namely creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, the body and the hands; sun care preparations (cosmetic products); make-up preparations; shampoos; gels, sprays, mousses and balms for the hair styling and hair care; hair lacquers; hair colouring and hair decolorant preparations; permanent waving and curling preparations; essential oils for personal use; all included in Class 3. BIOTHERM; ‘LE NEPTUNE’, 11 AVENUE ALBERT II, MC-98000 MONACO, PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3155 CLASS 3—(cont.) 06011620 04 July 2006 Preparations for use on the skin, face, body; anti-perspirants for personal use; cleansing foams; facial scrubs (non-medicated); body scrubs; body mask; skin toners; deodorant; moisturisers; cream; neck cream; bust cream; cosmetic serums [non-medicated]; face essence; eye cream; beauty masks; bust mask; hand and body lotions; colour cosmetics; preparations for personal feminine hygiene [non-medicated]; preparations for use in the bath and shower; shower foams; perfumery and body sprays; soaps; essential oils for personal use; all included in Class 3. UNZA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED; CRAIGMUIR CHAMBERS, P.O. BOX 71, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. AGENT: MICHELE YEOH EE LEEN, SHAHRIZAT RASHID & LEE,LEVEL 12, MENARA MILENIUM, 8, JALAN DAMANLELA, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06010897 23 June 2006 Shampoos and conditioners; cosmetics, skin cleaning and skin moisturising preparations; soaps; essential oils; dentifrices, mouthwashes, lip balms; perfumery; beauty products; hair lotions; toiletries; body, skin and skin care preparations; cleaning preparations; all included in Class 3. COMVITA NEW ZEALAND LIMITED; WILSON ROAD SOUTH, BAY OF PLENTY 3071, NEW ZEALAND. AGENT: LIEW SHIE YING, WONG JIN NEE & TEO,13A-5 LEVEL 13A, MENARA MILENIUM, 8, JALAN DAMANLELA, BUKIT DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06008548 22 May 2006 International priority date claimed: 24 November 2005, France. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumery products, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, tooth pastes; all included in Class 3. COFINLUXE; 6 RUE ANATOLE DE LA FORGE, 75017 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: CHIAM E-LAINE, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I.P. SDN. BHD.THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3156 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 3—(cont.) 06011622 04 July 2006 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the symbol “+”. Preparations for use on the skin, face, body; anti-perspirants for personal use; cleansing foams; facial scrubs (non-medicated); body scrubs; body mask; skin toners; deodorant; moisturisers; cream; neck cream; bust cream; cosmetics serums [nonmedicated]; face essence; eye cream; beauty masks; bust mask; hand and body lotions; colour cosmetics; preparations for personal feminine hygiene [non-medicated]; preparations for use in the bath and shower; shower foams; perfumery and body sprays; soaps; essential oils for personal use; all included in Class 3. U N Z A I N T E R N AT I O N A L L I M I T E D ; CRAIGMUIR CHAMBERS, P.O. BOX 71, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. A G E N T: M I C H E L E Y E O H E E L E E N , SHAHRIZAT RASHID & LEE,LEVEL 12, MENARA MILENIUM, 8, JALAN DAMANLELA, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06013798 04 August 2006 International priority date claimed: 06 February 2006, France. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words “young”, “sexy” and “lovely”. Perfumes, eaux de toilette, deodorants for personal use; essential oils for personal use; oils for cosmetic purposes; soaps; cosmetic milks; creams, lotions and cosmetic products for skin care; beauty masks; cosmetic preparations for slimming, for bathing, for skin tanning; creams and lotions for face and body care; shower gels; foaming products for bath; make-up preparations, mascara, fondations, blushes, make-up powders; pencils for cosmetic purposes; nail polish; lipsticks; hair lotions; shampoos; all included in Class 3. YVES SAINT LAURENT PARFUMS; 28/34, BOULEVARD DU PARC, 92200 NEUILLY SUR SEINE, FRANCE. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3157 CLASS 3—(cont.) 07050151 29 November 2007 Cosmetics and cosmetics preparations; skin care and beauty care preparations; perfumery, perfumes and essential oils; soaps; non-medicated toilet preparations (toiletries) for personal use; hair care preparations; dentifrices; household cleaning preparations; detergents and other bleaching preparations and subtances for laundry use; all included in Class 3. 07025407 27 December 2007 International priority date claimed: 18 July 2007, Malta. Cleaning, polishing, bleaching, scouring and abrasive preparations; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use and dishwashing; soaps; dishwasher cleaner, freshener and deodoriser; polishing preparations for kitchen and glassware; oven cleaning preparations; stove-top cleaning preparations; cleaning preparations for vitroceramic and kitchen surfaces; glass and metal cleaning preparations; window cleaning preparations; detergents; decalcifying and descaling preparations for household purposes; fabric softeners, laundry additives; stain removing preparations; perfuming preparations for the atmosphere; essential oils; wipes and tissues impregnated with cleaning preparations; skincare preparations; shaving preparations; depilatories; non-medicated toiletries; all aforementioned goods with or without a disinfective component; all included in Class 3. RECKITT & COLMAN (OVERSEAS) LIMITED; DANSOM LANE, HULL, HU8 7DS, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I. P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. YUSUF TAIYOOB SDN. BHD.; SUIT 11.08, 11TH FLOOR, PLAZA MWE, 8, LEBUH FARQUHAR, 10200 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HELEN HUANG, PETER HUANG & RICHARD, 368-3-1 & 2 BELLISA ROW, JALAN BURMA, 10350 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 07009529 23 May 2007 Cosmetics; non-medicated preparations and products for the care of the hair, skin and/or body; toiletries; perfumery; fragrances and colognes; anti-perspirants; soaps; non-medicated toilet preparations and products; non-medicated bath preparations and products; sun care preparations and products; make-up and make-up preparations; skin cleansing preparations and products; beauty care preparations and products; essential oils; all included in Class 3. MICHAEL KORS, LLC; 11 WEST 42ND STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10036 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3158 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 3—(cont.) 07010601 05 June 2007 International priority date claimed: 12 December 2006, France. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “shine”. Perfumes, eaux de toilette, perfumed milks and perfumed creams for body care; all included in Class 3. PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR; 33 AVENUE HOCHE, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE. A G E N T: M A R Y @ M E R R Y A / P T. VALLIYAPARAMBIL T., ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD, #0603 WISMA BANDAR, NO 18 JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07050156 29 November 2007 Cosmetics and cosmetic preparations; skin care and beauty care preparations; perfumery, perfumes and essential oils; soaps; non-medicated toilet preparations (toiletries) for personal use; hair care preparations; dentrifices; household cleaning preparations; detergents and other bleaching preparations and substances for laundry use; all included in Class 3. YUSUF TAIYOOB SDN. BHD.; SUITE 11.08, 11TH FLOOR, PLAZA MWE, 8 LEBUH FARQUHAR, 10200 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HELEN HUANG, PETER HUANG & RICHARD, 368-3-1 & 2 BELLISA ROW, JALAN BURMA, 10350 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3159 CLASS 3—(cont.) 07012874 05 July 2007 07014290 24 July 2007 Cleaning, scouring and abrasive preparations; bleaching preparations; detergents; preparations for laundry use; soaps; toiletries; talcum powder; skin care preparations; shaving preparations; deodorants for personal use; dentifrices, mouthwashes; perfuming preparations for the atmosphere; essential oils; cloths, wipes, tissues and sponges impregnated with cleaning preparations, polishing preparations, detergent or disinfectant for cleaning; all included in Class 3. Cleaning, scouring and abrasive preparations; bleaching preparations; detergents; preparations for laundry use; soaps; toiletries; talcum powder; skin care preparations; shaving preparations; deodorants for personal use; dentifrices, mouthwashes; perfuming preparations for the atmosphere; essential oils; cloths, wipes, tissues and sponges impregnated with cleaning preparations, polishing preparations, detergent or disinfectant for cleaning; all included in Class 3. RECKITT & COLMAN (OVERSEAS) LIMITED; DANSOM LANE, HULL, HU8 7DS, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM. RECKITT & COLMAN (OVERSEAS) LIMITED; DANSOM LANE, HULL HU8 7DS, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: CHIAM E-LAINE, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I.P. SDN. BHD. THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I.P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3160 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 3—(cont.) 07021408 31 October 2007 Cosmetics; non-medicated preparations and products for the care of the hair, skin and/or body; toiletries; perfumery; fragrances and colognes; anti-perspirants; soaps; non-medicated toilet preparations and products; non-medicated bath preparations and products; sun care preparations and products; make-up and make-up preparations; skin cleansing preparations and products; beauty care preparations and products; essential oils; all included in Class 3. ESTEE LAUDER COSMETICS LTD.; 161 COMMANDER BLVD., AGINCOURT, ONTARIO, M1S 3K9, CANADA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06016170 06 September 2006 International priority date claimed: 20 June 2006, Korea (Republic Of Korea). Nail enamel removers, eyebrow pencils, liquid rouge, lipsticks, mascara, mask pack, massage gel, massage oil, enamel for manicure, varnish-removing preparations, hair oil, preparations for hair preservation and management, hair waving preparations, additives for cosmetic baths, badian essence, bath oil [cosmetics], bath powder [cosmetics], cheek colours, blushers, perfumed powder, bath salts, not for medical purposes, sun milk [cosmetics], sunscreen lotions, sunscreen creams, sun oils [cosmetics], sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics], shaving creams, nail polishing powder, nail colourants, nail decolourants, skin milk lotions [cosmetics], skin fresheners [cosmetics], eyeliners, eye make-up removers, eye shadow, eau de cologne [cologne water], deodorants for personal use, common lotions, lip brighteners, lip neutilizers, lip conditioners, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, cold creams, cold waving solutions, cleansing cream, wax (depilatory-), foundation creams, face powder [cosmetics], skin whitening creams, hand creams, perfumes, hair gel, hair glaze, hair dressingers, hair lotions, hair moisturizers, hair mousse, hair spray, hair conditioners, hair creams, hair tonic, make-up powder, petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes, astringents for cosmetic purposes, pencils (cosmetics-), cleansing milk for toilet purposes, talcum powder, for toilet use, pomades for cosmetic purposes, baby oil, baby powder and balms [cosmetics]; all included in Class 3. BAE HAE DONG; GGUMMAEUL APT 205-901, PYEONGCHON-DONG 933, DONGAN-GU, AHNYANG-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, KOREA (REPUBLIC OF KOREA). AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3161 CLASS 3—(cont.) 07010697 06 June 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of a “globe”. Losyen included in Class 3. WAN ROSDI BIN WAN JAAFAR TRADING AS DUNIA HERBS SALES AND MARKETING; NO 4 & 4-1, JALAN 5A/6, JALAN SETAPAK INDAH, TAMAN SETAPAK INDAH, 53300 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07015904 14 August 2007 Cosmetic and toiletry preparations for the care and cleaning of the skin and hair; all included in Class 3. JOHNSON & JOHNSON; ONE JOHNSON & JOHNSON PLAZA, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY 08933, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 3162 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 4 07001406 25 January 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numeral “1”. Industrial oils and greases, lubricants and fuels; all included in Class 4. ASIA PRECISE TECHNOLOGY SDN. BHD.; NO 37 & 39, JALAN MUTIARA EMAS 5/23, TAMAN INDUSTRI MOUNT AUSTIN, 81100 JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KOK BOON LENG @ KERK BOON LENG, KERK & PARTNERS, 4A-9, ANZEN BUSINESS PARK, JALAN 4/37A, TAMAN BUKIT MALURI, 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07003453 28 February 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter “z”. Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels (including motor spirit); all-purpose grease; impact-resistant chassis and bearing lubricants; water-resistant lubricants; heat-resistant lubricants; controlled-purity lubricants for food industry; low-temperature and refrigeration lubricants; oils, greases and lubricants for textile machinery; salt-resistant greases; thread cutting lubricants for pipes; anti-seize compounds; metal preservatives (oils); metal preservatives (greases); diesel, petrol and high-sulphur fuel engine oils; multi-purpose tractor oils; motorcycle oils; tyre mounting lubricants; gear oils; hydraulic oils; cutting oils; chain lubricants; all included in Class 4. ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS, INC.; 3600, WEST AVENUE, GLENVIEW, ILLINOIS 60025, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 07003467 01 March 2007 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants candles wicks for lighting; all included in Class 4. ALLIANCE TEAMWORK MARKETING SDN. BHD.; SUITE 10.01-10.03, 10TH FLOOR, MENARA MERAIS, NO. 1, JALAN 19/3, 46300 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CAROLINE FRANCIS, RAMRAIS & PARTNERS, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3163 CLASS 4—(cont.) 07004550 07005934 05 April 2007 Industrial oils and greases, including anti-rust oils, penetrating oils (also being lubricants) and hydraulic oils; lubricants, including lock lubricants; lubricating oils; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit); solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; illuminants; candles, wicks; all included in Class 4. VOLVO TRADEMARK HOLDING AB; SE-405 08 GOTEBORG, SWEDEN. AGENT: RODZIANA BT RIDZUAN, BADRI KUHAN YEOH & GHANDI, SUITE 8-9-6, MENARA MUTIARA BANGSAR, JALAN LIKU, OFF JALAN BANGSAR, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 16 March 2007 The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. The transliteration of the arabic script appearing in the mark is “anduk” which has no meaning. Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. Lubricants; all included in Class 4. ABU DHABI NATIONAL OIL COMPANY FOR DISTRIBUTION (ADNOC); AL SALAM STREET, ABU DHABI, ADNOC’S BUILDING, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. AGENT: NG MAE LIN, ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN. BHD., SUITE 609, BLOCK D, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1, NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3164 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 4—(cont.) 07007086 20 April 2007 Industrial lubricants included in Class 4. THE TIMKEN COMPANY; 1835, DUEBER AVENUE, S. W., CANTON, OHIO 44706, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07008020 08 May 2007 Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Oil and grease, lubricants, anti-seize and sealing lubricant or compounds; all included in Class 4. CATERPILLAR INC.; 100, N. E. ADAMS STREET, PEORIA, ILLINOIS 61629, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07009063 18 May 2007 Lubricants, industrial oils and greases; all included in Class 4. JOHNSONDIVERSEY, INC.; 8310, 16TH STREET, STURTEVANT, WISCONSIN 531770902, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: RODZIANA BT RIDZUAN, BADRI KUHAN YEOH & GHANDI, SUITE 8-9-6, MENARA MUTIARA BANGSAR, JALAN LIKU, OFF JALAN BANGSAR, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3165 CLASS 4—(cont.) 07014157 23 July 2007 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting; methylated spirit; moistening oil; grease for shoes; firelighters; grease for leather; wood briquettes; firewood; oils for paints; textile oil; all included in Class 4. INDUSTRIA DE DISENO TEXTIL, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.); AVDA. DE LA DIPUTACION, EDIFICIO INDITEX, 15142 ARTEIXO, (A CORUNA), SPAIN. 07016434 21 August 2007 Industrial oils and greases; crude oils, olein, lubricants, fuel, candles, and wicks for lighting; all included in Class 4. FEDERAL LAND DEVELOPMENT A U T H O R I T Y; W I S M A F E L D A , J A L A N PERUMAHAN GURNEY, 54000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07019146 07015275 06 August 2007 28 September 2007 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, wicks for lighting purposes; all included in Class 4. Industrial oils and greases, lubricants; all included in Class 4. NOVATIO, N.V.; INDUSTRIELAAN 5C, 2250 OLEN, BELGIUM. LEE YOKE LEONG, LEE MUN LEONG, LEE HOOK LEONG TRADING AS CSL HOSPOWER MARKETING; 29-1, JALAN 6/155, TAMAN INDUSTRIAL BUKIT OUG, 58200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3166 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 4—(cont.) 07021557 01 November 2007 Candles; fragrant candles; scented candles; grease for leather; cycling oil; all included in Class 4. RYOHIN KEIKAKU CO., LTD.; 4-26-3, HIGASHI-IKEBUKURO, TOSHIMA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH, PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 3B-19-3, PLAZA SENTRAL, JALAN STESEN SENTRAL 5, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022433 15 November 2007 Additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; methylated spirit; alcohol (fuel); fuel; fuel oil; fuel with an alcoholic base; mineral fuel; carburants; petroleum ether; fuel gas; gas for lighting; producer gas; solidified gas (fuel); gas oil; gasoline; lubricating grease; industrial grease; lubricants; naphtha; oleine; oil-gas; diesel oil; industrial oil; lubricating oil; motor oil; moistening oil; petroleum, raw or refined; kerosene; xylene; xylol; additives for concentrates for lubricants; additives for alcohol fuel; butane (gas); cooking gas; methane and butane gas; methanol (fuel); synthetic oil for industrial use; all included in Class 4. PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS; AVENIDA REPUBLICA DO CHILE 65 CENTRO, 20. 31-170, RIO DE JANEIRO, RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07021843 06 November 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “performance”. Lubricants included in Class 4. CHAN SIEW KHEE; NO. 9-1, JALAN DAMAI PERDANA 1/8C, BANDAR DAMAI PERDANA, 56000 CHERAS, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3167 CLASS 4—(cont.) 07004477 15 March 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Petroleum and liquid fuels namely gasoline solvents, mineral oils and fats for combustion and lubrification in motor car engines, electric motors, marine engines motorcycle engines and the like; all included in Class 4. ENI S.P.A.; PIAZZALE ENRICO MATTEI 1, 00144 ROME, ITALY. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07009340 22 May 2007 Heavy oil, naphtha, petroleum (raw or refined), thinner oil, gas oil, gasoline, kerosene; all included in Class 4. S U M I T O M O C H E M I C A L C O M PA N Y, LIMITED; 27-1, SHINKAWA 2-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: NARAYANAN A/L ARUNACHALAM, NARA’ S SECRETARIAL SERVICES, NO. 24, JALAN DESA 3/8, TAMAN DESA COUNTRY H O M E S , 4 8 0 0 0 R AWA N G , S E L A N G O R , MALAYSIA. 3168 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 5 01008682 94004023 18 May 1994 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “biogrow”. Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. LEGOSAN (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.; LOT 6 JALAN 19/1, 46300 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Pharmaceutical preparations namely pharmaceuticals for treatment of autoimmune or inflammatory disorders; all included in Class 5. AMGEN INC.; ONE AMGEN CENTER DRIVE, THOUSAND OAKS, CALIFORNIA 91320-1789, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 97001025 94006807 03 August 1994 Sanitary napkins; food for infants and invalids; dental wax; all included in Class 5. SOUTHERN PRODUCTS MARKETING SDN BHD; 5TH & 6TH FLOOR WISMA SOUTHERN, 26-34 JALAN DATO’ HAMZAH 41000 KLANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 10 July 2001 24 January 1997 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; plasters, materials for dressing; disinfectants; fungicides; all included in Class 5. BEIERSDORF AG; UNNASTRASSE 48, D-20253 HAMBURG, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. AGENT: DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3169 CLASS 5—(cont.) 95001971 10 March 1995 Tonic water (medicated beverages); included in Class 5. 97001712 13 February 1997 Sarsaparilla tonic included in Class 5. SAFTAX SDN.BHD.; 12 LENGKOK LAHAT, OFF JALAN LAHAT, 30200 FALIM, IPOH, PERAK, MALAYSIA. TONIK CAP GAJAH (M) SDN. BHD.; NO. 23 JALAN SG 1/23 TAMAN SRI GOMBAK, 68100 BATU CAVES, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: RANJIT, THOMAS & KULA, NO. 24, JALAN TEH HUNG KIAT (12/13), 46200 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 01010130 00018610 21 December 2000 Pharmaceutical preparation; included in Class 5. PFIZER INC.; 235 EAST 42ND STREET NEW YORK, 10017, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 06 August 2001 Medical compresses, medical plasters, liquid medical plasters, surgical dressings; medical dressings; impregnated and non-impregnated materials made of gauze, cotton and cotton wool for medical use; bandages and bands, also elastic bandages, adhesive bands all for medical use; cotton wool for medical use, completed first aid boxes and refills for first aid boxes;all proceding goods for medical purpose; all included in Class 5. PAUL HARTMANN AG; PAUL-HARTMANNSTRASSE 12, D-89522 HEIDENHEIM, GERMANY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA),148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3170 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 5—(cont.) 04019992 17 December 2004 The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, material for dressings; disinfectants; analgesics; anthelmintics, anti-rheumatism bracelets and rings; antiseptics; balms for medical purposes; lip balms; therapeutic preparations for baths, medicated bath preparations, bath salts for medical purposes; bismuth preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; preparations for the treatment of burns; capsules for medicines, capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; medicines for alleviating constipation, haemorrhoid preparations, laxatives, suppositories; contact lens cleaning preparations; eye-wash; antiseptic cotton; cotton for medical purposes; surgical dressing; adhesive tapes for medical purposes; gauze for dressing; plasters for medical purposes; bandages for dressings; pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff; articles for headache; stomach medicine; insect repellents; moth balls; petroleum jelly for medical purposes; lecithin for medical purposes; lotion for pharmaceutical purposes; magnesia for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal alcohol; anti acid medicine; medicines for human use; medicinal oils; cod liver oil; nutritional additives for medical purposes; salts for medical purposes; pharmaceutical preparations for skincare; sunburn ointments; sunburn preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; thymol for pharmaceutical purposes; tincture of iodine, vitamin preparations, medicinal chewing gums, confectionery, herbs and tonics; health food supplements, medical preparations for slimming purposes; food for babies; deodorants; air freshening preparations; first aid box; bath sponges and loofah; contraceptives; impregnated tissues for cleaning (medicated); sanitary pads; all included in Class 5. DAIRYFARM ESTABLISHMENT; STAEDTLE 36, POSTFACH 685, FL-9490 VADUZ, LIECHTENSTEIN. AGENT: BAHARI YEOW TIEN HONG, LEE HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL, LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3171 CLASS 5—(cont.) 05010122 23 June 2005 International priority date claimed: 23 December 2004, France. Pharmaceutical preparations in the form of solutions and suspensions for injection; all included in Class 5. AVENTIS PHARMA S.A.; 20, AVENUE R AY M O N D A R O N , 9 2 1 6 0 A N T O N Y, FRANCE. AGENT: INDRAN A/L SHANMUGANATHAN, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06007181 02 May 2006 Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Sanitary napkins, sanitary pads, sanitary towels, sanitary panties, tampons; all included in Class 5. NIBONG TEBAL PAPER MILL SDN. BHD.; 886, JALAN BANDAR BARU, SUNGAI KECIL, 14300 NIBONG TEBAL, S. P. S. PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: NG MAE LIN, ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN. BHD., SUITE 609, BLOCK D, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1 NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 05021124 15 December 2005 Insecticides; insect repellants; pesticides; rodenticides; miticides; preparations for destroying vermin; anti-allergy preparations and sprays; disinfectants; germicides; fungicides; herbicides; preparations for killing weeds and vermin; all included in Class 5. RECKITT & COLMAN (OVERSEAS) LIMITED; DANSOM LANE, HULL, HU8 7DS, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I.P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 02004008 15 April 2002 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; preparations against osteoarthritis; preparations for treating joint disorders; all included in Class 5. TRB CHEMEDICA S.A.; 3, CHEMIN ST. MARC, 1896 VOUVRY, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3172 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 5—(cont.) 06007356 04 May 2006 The jawi script appearing in the mark is “jamu delima cap ayam jantan”. Jamu, herbal medicine for use during confinement; all included in Class 5. WAHISHAM DELIMA SDN. BHD.; LOT 20, NO. 9336, KAW. PERINDUSTRIAN KELEMAK, 78000 ALOR GAJAH, MELAKA, MALAYSIA. 06012465 17 July 2006 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “power”. It is a condition of registration that the star device appearing in the mark shall not be used in the colour red or any similar colour or colours. Herbal medicine included in Class 5. POWER ROOT (M) SDN. BHD.; NO. 8, JALAN SRI PLENTONG 5, TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN SRI PLENTONG, 81750 MASAI, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. 06007985 15 May 2006 Pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations for human use; included in Class 5. NAGA CHAMPA (M) SDN. BHD.; NO. 15G, JALAN 6/62D, MEDAN PUTRA BUSINESS CENTER, BANDAR SRI MENJALARA, KEPONG, 52200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: NARAYANAN A/L ARUNACHALAM, NARA’ S SECRETARIAL SERVICES, NO. 24, JALAN DESA 3/8, TAMAN DESA COUNTRY H O M ES , 4 800 0 R AWA N G , S E L A N G O R , MALAYSIA. AGENT: YIP JIUN HANN, TRADEMARK2U SDN. BHD., WISMA MANJALARA BUSINESS AVENUE, SUITE 2-8, 8TH FLOOR, JALAN 7A/62A, BANDAR MANJALARA, 52200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3173 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07001257 23 January 2007 International priority date claimed: 08 August 2006, Japan. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; antibiotic preparations and substances for human; all included in Class 5. ASTELLAS PHARMA INC.; 3-11, NIHONBASHIHONCHO 2-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. 06013421 31 July 2006 Advertisement of a series of three trade marks. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Pharmaceutical preparations; dietetic beverages, food or substances adapted for health or medical purposes; food preparations for health or medical purposes; herbal preparations for health or medical purposes; bath preparations; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical, health or medical purposes; medicinal drinks; medicinal herbs, roots, tea and infusions; vitamin preparations; poultices; ointments; all included in Class 5. AVEX PHARMACEUTICALS PTE. LTD.; 12 HARPER ROAD, #06-00 SULISAM BUILDING, SINGAPORE 369677. AGENT: DAVID OH KIT YAN, MINDVAULT SDN BHD, SUITE B-10-11 PLAZA MONT KIARA, NO. 2 JALAN KIARA, MONT KIARA, 50480 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 04004334 05 April 2004 Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations; contact lens solution; all included in Class 5. FOCUS POINT VISION CARE GROUP SDN. BHD.; UNIT 1 & 3, JALAN PJU 1/37, DATARAN PRIMA, 47301 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KRISTIN CHEAH SIEW KHOOI, TGKC INTELPRO SDN. BHD., NO. 188, JALAN KAJANG JAYA 7, TAMAN KAJANG JAYA, 43000 KAJANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3174 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07003455 07002818 14 February 2007 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters of which the mark consists is “shi wang” meaning “the king of lion”. Air freshening preparations; antipyretic analgesics; analeptics; hypnotic sedatives; anhidrotics; agents for ophthalmic use; agents for optic and nasal use; antiallergic agents; anti-histamines; anti-cough drops; anti-tussive expectorants; agents affecting digestive organs; gastrointestinal cleaning agents; clysters; evacuants [purgative]; stomachics and digestives; agents for oral use; mouth cavity cleansers; breath refreshers; medicines for dental purposes; antacids; intestinal regulators; antiemetics; tooth prophylactics; agents for epidermis; antimicrobials for dermatologic use; astringents [pharmaceutical]; anti-inflammatory agents; analgesics; anti-itching; hair remedies; medicated baby powders; medicated bath preparations; vitamin preparations cod-liver oil drops; mixed vitamin preparations anthelmintics; mosquito-repellent incenses; germicides and fungicides; insecticides; fumigants; deodorants [other than for personal use]; insect-repellents; sanitary masks; fly catching paper; mothproofing paper; compresses; solutions for use with contact lenses; eye-wash; eye-drops; medicinal drinks; poultices; syrups for pharmaceutical; nutrients and tonics; medicinal for skin-care; nutritional supplement; gargle; dental rinse, medicated; hair tonic, medicated; hair growth tonic, medicated; all included in Class 5. LION CORPORATION; 3-7, HONJO 1-CHOME, SUMIDA-KU, TOKYO 130-8644, JAPAN. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 28 February 2007 International priority date claimed: 14 September 2006, Switzerland. Veterinary preparations; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides; all included in Class 5. N O VA R T I S A G ; SWITZERLAND. 4002 BASEL, AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH, PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 3B-19-3, PLAZA SENTRAL, JALAN STESEN SENTRAL 5, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07005196 26 March 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH; BRUNINGSTRASSE 50, 65926 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3175 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07013675 16 July 2007 International priority date claimed: 19 January 2007, Iceland. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter “s”. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances included in Class 5. 07016230 17 August 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. AIN MEDICARE SDN. BHD.; JALAN 6/44, KAWASAN PERINDUSTRIAN PENGKALAN CHEPA 2, 16100 KOTA BAHRU, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. A C T AV I S G R O U P P T C E H F. ; REYKJAVIKURVEGI 76, 220 HAFNARFIRDI, ICELAND. AGENT: INDRAN A/L SHANMUGANATHAN, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH. FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07050138 07 November 2007 Oiled paper for medical purposes; sanitary masks; pharmaceutical wafer; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion; breast-nursing pads; incontinence pads; diapers and pants for incontinent adults; all included in Class 5. 07016228 17 August 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. DAIO PAPER CORPORATION; 2-60, MISHIMAKAMIYA-CHO, SHIKOKUCHUO-SHI, EHIMEKEN, JAPAN. AIN MEDICARE SDN. BHD.; JALAN 6/44, KAWASAN PERINDUSTRIAN PENGKALAN CHEPA 2, 16100 KOTA BAHRU, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HELEN HUANG, PETER HUANG & RICHARD, 368-3-1 & 2 BELLISA ROW, JALAN BURMA, 10350 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 3176 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07016232 17 August 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. AIN MEDICARE SDN. BHD.; JALAN 6/44, KAWASAN PERINDUSTRIAN PENGKALAN CHEPA 2, 16100 KOTA BAHRU, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. 07016693 07017039 29 August 2007 Ophthlamic pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. ALCON, INC.; BOSCH 69, CH-6331 HUNENBERG, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: KAREN NAVAMANI ABRAHAM, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH. FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 24 August 2007 International priority date claimed: 01 March 2007, Benelux. Portable medicine chest (with contents); eye rinsing liquids; plasters; dressings for burns; materials for dressings; air fresheners; disinfectants; all included in Class 5. HAGEMEYER N.V.; RIJKSWEG 69, 1411 GE NAARDEN, THE NETHERLANDS. AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07018121 14 September 2007 Pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations for human and veterinary use; all included in Class 5. RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED; PLOT NO. 90, SECTOR-32, GURGAON - 122001, HARYANA, INDIA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3177 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07018791 24 September 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations, namely, pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of alcohol use disorders, anxiety, bone and skeletal diseases and disorders, blood diseases and disorders, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system diseases and disorders, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, endocrine diseases and disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, hormonal diseases and disorders, inflammation and inflammatory diseases and disorders, liver diseases and disorders, kidney diseases and disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and disorders, neurological disorders, obesity, ophthalmologic conditions and diseases, pain, peripheral nervous system diseases and disorders, reproductive system diseases and disorders, sexual dysfunction, urological disorders, dyslipidemia, sleep disorders, migraines, metabolic diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of diabetes; antipsychotic agents; and antidepressants; all included in Class 5. 07019440 03 October 2007 International priority date claimed: 21 August 2007, Singapore. Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations; skin care preparations; antiseptic preparations; food and substances adapted for medical use; nutritional and dietary supplements, vitamin preparations, vitamins; tonics, mineral preparations, energy replacement preparations; all being nutritional supplements; medicated preparations for the skin, including bath oils and solutions, water dispersible oils, cleansing bars, skin lotions and skin creams; medicated lip balm; antiseptic preparations; emollients in the form of solids, creams, lotions, solutions; medicated soap alternatives, bath preparations and all for medicinal use; all included in Class 5. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY; LILLY CORPORATE CENTER, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46285, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CAPSULE PHARMA PTE. LTD; NO. 10, ANSON ROAD, #303-09 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, 079903 SINGAPORE. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: DESMOND WEE TIAN PENG, DW INTELLECT SDN BHD, NO. 4B, JALAN BK 5B/3, BANDAR KINRARA, 47100 PUCHONG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3178 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07019915 10 October 2007 The transliteration of the chinese characters of which the mark consist is “huan tai sheng ji” which has no meaning. Dietary supplements; nutritional supplements; herbal and mineral supplements; all included in Class 5. MANNATECH, INCORPORATED; 600 SOUTH ROYAL LANE, SUITE 200, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07021894 06 November 2007 Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations; diagnostic agents, as far as contained in Class 5; medicines for human purposes, especially for the treatment of oncological diseases; all included in Class 5. WILEX AG; GRILLPARZERSTRASSE 10, 81675 MUCHEN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07021909 07 November 2007 Dietetic substances adapted for medical use included in Class 5. 07015966 15 August 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. AIN MEDICARE SDN. BHD.; JALAN 6/44, KAWASAN PERINDUSTRISN PENGKALAN CHEPA 2, 16100 KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. ORTHOMOL PHARMAZEUTISCHE VERTRIEBS GMBH; HERZOGSTR. 30, 40764 LANGENFELD, GERMANY. AGENT: YEW WOON CHOOI, RODYK & DAVIDSON I. P. SERVICES SDN. BHD., T109, 3RD FLOOR, CENTREPOINT BANDAR UTAMA, NO. 3, LEBUH BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3179 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07022198 12 November 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter “n”. Capsules for medicines; capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; medicines for human purposes; pharmaceutical preparations; all being goods included in Class 5. ADVANCE PHARMA SDN. BHD.; NO. 13, JALAN BP 7/13, BANDAR BUKIT PUCHONG, 47100 PUCHONG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HOO LIN COLN, LIN COLN & CO, NO. 14, LEVEL 2, JALAN 30/70A, DESA SRI HARTAMAS, 50480 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022200 12 November 2007 Capsules for medicines; capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; medicines for human purposes; pharmaceutical preparations; all included in Class 5. ADVANCE PHARMA SDN. BHD.; NO. 13, JALAN BP 7/13, BANDAR BUKIT PUCHONG, 47100 PUCHONG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HOO LIN COLN, LIN COLN & CO, NO. 14, LEVEL 2, JALAN 30/70A, DESA SRI HARTAMAS, 50480 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022201 12 November 2007 Capsules for medicines; capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; medicines for human purposes; pharmaceutical preparations; all included in Class 5. ADVANCE PHARMA SDN. BHD.; NO. 13, JALAN BP 7/13, BANDAR BUKIT PUCHONG, 47100 PUCHONG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HOO LIN COLN, LIN COLN & CO, NO. 14, LEVEL 2, JALAN 30/70A, DESA SRI HARTAMAS, 50480 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022221 12 November 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. SCHERING-PLOUGH LTD.; WEYSTRASSE 20, CH-6000, LUCERNE 6, SWITZERLAND. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3180 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 5—(cont.) 07023984 06 December 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations; dietary supplements adapted for medical use included in Class 5. ABBOTT LABORATORIES; 100 ABBOTT PARK ROAD, ABBOTT PARK, ILLINOIS 60064, AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07023430 Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. SCHERING-PLOUGH LTD.; WEYSTRASSE 20, CH-6000, LUCERNE 6, SWITZERLAND. A G E N T: R O S H AYAT I A B D U L G H A N I , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07025695 07025040 21 December 2007 International priority date claimed: 09 July 2007, Switzerland. Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5. ACTELION PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.; GEWERBESTRASSE 16, 4123 ALLSCHWIL, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 28 November 2007 31 December 2007 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of immunologic diseases, namely, autoimmune diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for antiviral purposes; proteins; protein fragments; protein conjugates; anti-cancer and anti-viral agents; all included in Class 5. NOVAGEN HOLDING CORPORATION; SUITE 5008 HOPEWELL CENTER, 183 QUEEN’S ROAD EAST, WANCHAI, HONG KONG. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3181 CLASS 5—(cont.) 06002723 24 February 2006 07021673 02 November 2007 Medicinal drinks; medicinal herbs; medicinal oils; balms for medical purposes; all included in Class 5. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of a glass of beverage. MOHD IZHAN BIN MOHD NOOR, ILYANI BINTI MOHD NOOR, WAN RAHIMI BINTI WAN ISHAK TRADING AS BUNGA TANJUNG INDUSTRIES; 433, LORONG SRI ANDAM, KAMPUNG BUNUT PAYONG, 15150 KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. Powdered nutrition for people with diabetes, to maintain blood glucose level with vita digest formula; all included in Class 5. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. KALBE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD; 55 MARKET STREET, #09-02 SINGAPORE 048941. AGENT: LINDA WANG CHAW LING, TAY & PARTNERS, 6TH. FLOOR, PLAZA SEE HOY CHAN, JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3182 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 6 96013724 13 November 1996 Barrel (metal); included in Class 6. ANGBARRELS & TRADING SDN BHD; 9, JALAN DATUK SULAIMAN 3, TAMAN TUN DR. ISMAIL, 60000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: TGKC INTELPRO SDN. BHD., NO. 188, JALAN KAJANG JAYA 7, TAMAN KAJANG JAYA, 43000 KAJANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 04016876 01 November 2004 International priority date claimed: 09 August 2004, United Kingdom. Products made of iron, steel, ferrous alloys, direct reduced iron, tin plate, galvanised steel, colour coated steel or aluminium coated steel; iron, steel, ferrous alloy, direct reduced iron, tin plate, galvanised steel, colour coated steel or aluminium coated steel products in the form of blocks, plates, pipes, tubes, sheets, strips, foils, rods, wires, coils, beams, slabs, blooms, billets, sections and other shapes; iron ore; blooms and metal materials for railway tracks; metal building materials; non-electric cables; wires and ropes of iron, steel, ferrous alloy, direct reduced iron, tin plate, galvanised steel, colour coated steel or aluminium coated steel; ironmongery, nails and small items of metal hardware; tempered steel; metal products; all included in Class 6. MITTAL STEEL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED; I F S C O U RT, 2 8 , C Y B E R C I T Y, E B E N E , MAURITIUS. 06006168 17 April 2006 Vanadium alloy additives for strengthening steels included in Class 6. STRATCOR, INC.; 30, MAIN STREET, DANBURY, CT 06810, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: G E E T H A K A N D I A H , K A S S INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD, SUITE 8-7-2, 7TH FLOOR, MENARA MUTIARA BANGSAR, JALAN LIKU, OFF JALAN RIONG, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3183 CLASS 6—(cont.) 06008264 18 May 2006 International priority date claimed: 02 December 2005, European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - Ohim. Sintered components of sintered iron, sintered steel, sintered aluminum and tungsten alloys; all included in Class 6. PLANSEE MITSUBISHI MATERIALS GLOBAL SINTER HOLDING, S.A.; 101, ROUTE DE HOLZEM, L-8232 MAMER, LUXEMBOURG. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07008382 11 May 2007 International priority date claimed: 16 February 2007, Japan. Nonferrous metals and their alloys produced by sintering metallurgy, miscellaneous nonferrous metals and their alloys, irons and steels produced by sintering metallurgy, miscellaneuos irons and steels; all included in Class 6. SANALLOY INDUSTRY CO., LTD.; 290-44, TAKAHASHI, FUKUSAKI-CHO, KANZAKIGUN, HYOGO 679-2216, JAPAN. AGENT: CAROLINE FRANCIS, RAMRAIS & PARTNERS, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3184 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 6—(cont.) 07010337 31 May 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours red, blue, yellow and green as shown in the representation on the form of application. Metal threaded fasteners; namely, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and studs, beam clamps; all included in Class 6. INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORP.; TWO CORPORATE DRIVE, 10TH FLOOR, SHELTON, CONNECTICUT 06484, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07018249 07013190 10 July 2007 Metal building materials; pipes and tubes (none being boiler tubes or parts of machines); pipe fittings (junctions), gutters, gutter fittings (junctions), rolled and cast building materials, nails, fastening screws, valves (not parts of machines) for pipelines, all of metal; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 6. WAVIN B.V. STATIONSPLEIN 3, 8011 CW ZWOLLE, NETHERLANDS. AGENT: NG MAE LIN, ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN. BHD., SUITE 609, BLOCK D, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1 NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 17 September 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application. Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. Stainless steels; irons and steels; chrome iron ores; iron ores; nickel ores; manganese ores; ores of metal; all included in Class 6. NIPPON METAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD; SHINJUKU MITSUI BLDG., 1-1, NISHI-SHINJUKU 2-CHOME, SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO 163-0470, JAPAN. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I. P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3185 CLASS 6—(cont.) 07013079 09 July 2007 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is ‘gan yuan’ meaning ‘swift stream’. The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable building of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other Classes; ores; all included in Class 6. TOH CHOON KOI; NO. 48, JALAN PIANDANG 10, TAMAN PIANDANG INDAH, 34250 TANJUNG PIANDANG, PERAK, MALAYSIA. 01002239 23 February 2001 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘compo’. Unwrought and partly wrought common metals and their alloys, rolled and cast building materials, steel panels, aluminium railings, nails and screws and hardware metals; all included in Class 6. LASER INDUSTRIES SDN.BHD.; LOT 118, SUNGAI PETANI INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 08000 SUNGAI PETANI, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: ONG BEOW CHIEH, PRESGRAVE & MATTHEWS, FIRST FLOOR, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS, NO. 2, BEACH STREET, 10300 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 3186 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 7 05017466 00013291 22 September 2000 Micro-lithography apparatus; machines for use in the electronics, intergrated circuit, semiconductor, magnetic domain memory and integrated optical systems industries; parts and fittings and components for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 7. A S M L I T H O G R A P H Y B . V; D E R U N 111 0 , N L - 5 5 0 3 L A V E L D H O V E N , T H E NETHERLANDS. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 14 October 2005 International priority date claimed: 31 May 2005, Sweden. Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine belts and couplings (except for land vehicles); loading and lifting cranes, hydraulic loaders, lifting machines and apparatus; hauling engines and apparatus; transmission components; loaders for harvesters; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods not included in other Classes; all included in Class 7. CARGOTEC PATENTER HANDELSBOLAG; C/O KALMAR INDUSTRIES AB, BOX 4004, 341 81 LJUNGBY, SWEDEN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3187 CLASS 7—(cont.) 07000829 17 January 2007 Power tools and garden tools, including impact drill, electric drill, angle grinder, electronic handmixer, circular saw, car polisher, impact wrench, cut-off machine, hole cutter, diamond cutter, lawn and mower, blower, rotary hammer, combination tools, cordless drill, trimmer, all sander, engine, motor, water pump, all jig saw machine, hammer drill, die grinder; all included in Class 7. KING SENG HUAT HARDWARE MACHINERY SDN. BHD.; 2034, JALAN SENTUL PASAR DALAM, SENTUL, 51000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06015252 28 August 2006 Vacuum cleaners; washing machines; electric blenders for household purposes; grinders/crushers, electric, for household purposes; sewing machines; vacuum cleaner bags, vacuum cleaner hoses; electric food processors; electric coffee grinders; peeling machines; electric kitchen machine for mincing, grinding and pressing; vacuum cleaner attachments for disseminating perfumes and disinfectants; machines and machine tools; all included in Class 7. MISSION PARADISE SDN. BHD.; NO. 7, JALAN ANGGERIK MOKARA 31/48, KOTA KEMUNING, SECTION 31, 40460 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: MD. NOOR BIN RAHMAT, MINOR IP MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTANCY, LOT 4.23, 4TH FLOOR, PLAZA WARISAN, JALAN TUN H. S. LEE, 50000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06017817 29 September 2006 International priority date claimed: 30 May 2006, Benelux. Machine parts made from synthetic resins included in Class 7. SOLVAY SA; RUE DU PRINCE ALBERT, 33, 1050 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM. AGENT: TIMOTHY SIAW, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3188 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 7—(cont.) 07000123 04 January 2007 Machines and machine tools; motors (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components, and especially, electric tin openers; dishwashers; mixers; cutters; grinders for domestic use not being manual; mixing machines, mincing machines; graters; electric machines for kitchens; electric kitchen knives; churns [machines] for use in making butter, moulds; peelers; pressers; crushers; filling machines (tinners); electric fruit presser for domestic use (squeezer); kneading machines; electric machines (to form dough, mixers, mussel washer, vegetable drainings) electric machines to make pancakes; all included in Class 7. SAMMIC, S.L.; ATXUBIAGA, 14, 20730 AZPEITIA (GUIPUZCOA), SPAIN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07015930 14 August 2007 Parts of pipes such as mufflers for land vehicles; parts (screws) for engines [not for land vehicles]; parts (screws) for jet engines [not for land vehicles]; blasting machines; all included in Class 7. NOF CORPORATION; 20-3, EBISU 4-CHOME, SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO, 150-6019 JAPAN. AGENT: ANGIE NEOH HOOI SIM, ABBAS & NGAN, LOT F20 & F21, CITY POINT, KOMPLEKS DAYABUMI, JALAN SULTAN HISHAMUDDIN, 50050 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06004703 24 March 2006 Machining center; drilling machines; rotary tables for machine tools; all included in Class 7. FANUC LTD.; 3580, SHIBOKUSA AZAKOMANBA, OSHINO-MURA, MINAMITSURUGUN, YAMANASHI, JAPAN. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH, PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 3B-19-3, PLAZA SENTRAL, JALAN STESEN SENTRAL 5, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3189 CLASS 7—(cont.) 07016648 23 August 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ‘technology malaysia’. Templates for use in molding identification markings into injection molded products for use in injection plastic molding machines; all included in Class 7. LGINTERNATIONAL, INC.; 6700, SW BRADBURY CT. PORTLAND, OREGON 97224, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: LINDA WANG CHAW LING, TAY & PARTNERS, 6TH. FLOOR, PLAZA SEE HOY CHAN, JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05015289 13 September 2005 Machine tools; spark plugs, spark plugs for engines, spark plugs for land vehicle engines, spark plugs for vehicle engines; sparking plugs, sparking plugs for internal combustion engines, sparking plugs for the internal combustion engines of vehicles; all included in Class 7. TUTTO ENGINEERING SUPPLY SDN. BHD.; NO. 136A, JALAN DEDAP 13, TAMAN JOHOR JAYA, 81100 JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3190 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 8 07016435 21 August 2007 Hand tools and implements; table cutlery, earth rammers, egg-slicers, forks, frames for handsaws, hand operated garden tools, grafting tools, hackles, hoop cutters, hunting knives, rakes, scythes, shovels, spatulas, tongs, vegetable choppers, vegetable knives, vegetable shredders, vegetable slicers; all included in Class 8. FEDERAL LAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; WISMA FELDA, JALAN PERUMAHAN GURNEY, 54000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 90005260 11 August 1990 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “jin”, “yu” and “pai” meaning “gold fish brand”. Sharpening stone; all included in Class 8. CEMERLANG RAYA (M) SDN BHD; LOT 2, RAWANG INTEGRATED INDUSTRIAL PARK, OFF JALAN BATU ARANG, 48000 RAWANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3191 CLASS 9 85003829 30 August 1985 07019668 05 October 2007 Apparatus, instruments and equipment for welding, brazing, soldering and like heat treatment of metals; and checking, monitoring, supervisory and measuring apparatus and instruments for use therewith; parts of, accessories, components, fittings and apputenances for all the aforesaid goods included in Class 9. Computer software; computer software [programmes]; computer software [recorded]; computer software packages; computer software products; computer software for oil and gas exploration and production; all the aforesaid computer software sold with manuals; all included in Class 9. OBARA CORPORATION; 30-3, NISHIROKUGO NISHI-ROKUGO, 4-CHOME, OTA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. LOGINED BV; GEVERS DEYNOOTWEG 61, 2586 BJ THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS. AGENT: DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 94001425 25 February 1994 Electrical and electronic telecommunications apparatus, software programmes; all included in Class 9. S I E M E N S A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F T; WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, MUNICH 2, D-8000, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. 94007358 16 August 1994 Batteries included in Class 9. SYARIKAT ASIA BATERI SDN BHD; 307, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3192 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 96002410 94011888 20 December 1994 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “advanced merit concept”. Television sets, radios, tape recorders, computers; calculators; digital processors; cameras; megaphones; communication apparatus; car stereo; loudspeakers; radio electric apparatus; telephone sets; all included in Class 9. AMCLI INTERNATIONAL CORP. 8F-2, NO. 61, LANE 122, SEC.4, JEN AI ROAD, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA. A G E N T: M A R Y @ M E R R Y A / P T. VALLIYAPARAMBIL T., ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD, #06-03, WISMA BANDAR, NO. 18, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 11 March 1996 Registartion of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters ‘dvd’, except in the stylised form as represented in the trade mark. Compact discs, digital versatile discs; prerecorded audio tapes, cassettes, compact discs, video tapes, digital versatile discs and other audio and video recording mediums; audio visual carriers; sound and video recordings; digital music; digital versatile recordable discs, digital versatile discs players; digital versatile discs recoders; game machines; personal computers; digital versatile discs drives for personal computers; digital video cameras; car navigation systems; set top boxes; all included in Class 9. T I M E WA R N E R E N T E R TA I N M E N T COMPANY, L.P.; 75, ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, c/o SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3193 CLASS 9—(cont.) 97000847 21 January 1997 Proceeding under section 27(2)- advertised before acceptance. Telephone apparatus, wire communication apparatus, frequency-carrier apparatus, broadcasting apparatus, radiocommunication apparatus, radio application apparatus, remote control telemetering apparatus, audio frequency apparatus, video frequency apparatus, parts and accessories for electric communication apparatus and instruments, computers (including central processing units), electron tubes, semi-conductor elements (semiconductor devices), electronic circuit (excluding those carrying computer programs), records, programmed-data -carrying electronic magnetic tapes, programmed-data-carrying electronic cdroms, game equipment containing memory devices namely computer discs, cd-rom encorded virtual reality game software, cd-rom encorded video game software, cd-rom encorded computer game software, computer game cartridges, computer game joysticks, video game apparatus for personal use, video game apparatus for commercial use, machines and instruments for use in amusement parks or pleasure grounds, video game discs, video game cartridges, joystics for video game, phonograph records, encoded magnetic cards (pre-recorded audio magnetic cards), encoded magnetic sheets (pre-recorded audio magnetic sheets), encoded magnetic tapes (pre-recorded audio magnetic tapes), encoded audio compact disks (pre-recorded audio compact disks), encoded video disks, encoded video tapes, encoded video cd-rom, encoded video optical disks, compact disk players, cd-rom drivers, cd-rom cases; all included in Class 9. KABUSHIKI KAISHA SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT ALSO TRADING AS SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT INC.; 2-6-21, MINAMI- AOYAMA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 107-0062 , JAPAN. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO.1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 97001451 03 February 1997 Batteries for motor vehicles included in Class 9. SLC TYRES SDN. BHD.; 472, SG. RAMBAI, 14000 BUKIT MERTAJAM, SEBERANG PRAI, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 97002463 28 February 1997 Power supply sysytems adapted for the telecommunication industry; continous dc power systems incorporating rectifiers, storage batteries, supervisory monitor units and standby generators; dc rack power systems incorporating switch mode rectifier technology; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 9. SWICHTEC POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED; 39, PRINCESS STREET, CHRISTCHURCH 8004, NEW ZEALAND. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO.1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3194 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 97011280 13 August 1997 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “audio systems”. By consent of the registered proprietor of the trade mark no. 93/004923. Automobile audio components; am/fm stereo receivers, cassette tape decks, compact disc players, power amplifiers, equalizers, electronic cross overs and speakers ; all included in Class 9. AVA ENTERPRISES INC; 20450 PLUMMER STREET, CHATSWORTH, 91311 CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: SKRINE, UNIT NO.50-8-1, 8TH. FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 01016149 19 December 2001 The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. The transliteration and translation of the japanese characters of which the mark consists are ‘d yu e ru mo n su ta zu’ meaning ‘duel monsters’. Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. Television and video apparatus and instruments; electronic and video amusement apparatus adapted for use with any of the foregoing; electrical and electronic amusement apparatus; automatic and coin-operated amusement machines; printed and electronic circuits for television and video game machines; computers; computer programs; tapes, discs, cards, wire and filaments, all being magnetic or encoded and for bearing recorded data; hardware and firmware memory devices including plug-in cartridges; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; program memory cartridges for electronic amusement apparatus adapted for use with liquid crystal display; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; prerecorded cd for music; all included in Class 9. NIHON AD SYSTEMS INC.; 16-21 GINZA 7-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. 01015690 06 December 2001 Semiconductor wafer included in Class 9. SUMCO CORPORATION; 1-2-1 SHIBAURA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 105-8634, JAPAN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: FOONG SEET FUN, DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3195 CLASS 9—(cont.) 04009209 06 July 2004 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘connect’. Computer software for use in document management; software development and web authoring; computer software for use in searching, locating, retrieving and receiving text, electronic documents, graphics and audiovisual information on local, wide area and global networks, namely intranets and the internet (namely web sites); computer user manuals supplied as a unit with the forgoing; computer programs, for use in accessing information databases, performing personal computing applications, analyzing international securities markets, and analyzing and reporting on international business and financial news; software for interactive, electronic communication about securities; computer software for use in computer software design, development, testing, performance enhancement and engineering, including manuals sold therewith as a unit; software, in particular software for the supply of access to an electronic messaging services; software packages; computer programs; computer memories; computer interfaces; computer software and programs; computer software supplied from the internet; computer software to enable searching of data; electronic games apparatus; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; computer peripherals; computer software for internet and world wide web access and applications; computer games software and related instruction manuals sold together as a unit; computer software in the field of customer relationship management that facilities the delivery of information between business software applications and allows access to collective customer information over the internet or a local area network; all included in Class 9. N2N CONNECT BERHAD; SUITE 4.03, 4TH FLOOR, KOMPLEKS ANTARABANGSA, JALAN SULTAN ISMAIL, 50250 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KATHERINE LIM SUI HONG, KL IP (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., LOT 307, 3RD. FLOOR, WISMA MPL (HLA), JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3196 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 07020310 17 October 2007 Audio cassette recorders; audio cassette players; audio cassettes; audio discs; audio speakers; binoculars; calculators; camcorders; cameras; cdroms; cd-rom drives (as part of the computer); cd-rom writers (as part of the computer); cellular telephones; cellular telephone accessories; cellular telephone cases; face plates for cellular telephones; compact disc players; compact disc recorders; compact discs; computer game programs; computer game cartridges and discs; computers; computer hardware; computer keyboards; computer monitors; computer mouse; computer disc drives; computer software; cordless telephones; decorative magnets; digital cameras; digital video and audio players; dvds; dvd players; dvd recorders; digital versatile discs; digital video discs; electronic personal organizers; eyeglass cases; eyeglasses; headphones; karaoke machines; microphones; mp3 players; modems (as part of a computer); mouse pads; motion picture films; pagers; personal stereos; personal digital assistants; printers; radios; sunglasses; telephones; television sets; video cameras; video cassette recorders; video cassette players; video game cartridges; video game discs; video cassettes; videophones; walkie-talkies; wrist and arm rests for use with computers; all included in Class 9. 05000105 04 January 2005 International priority date claimed: 21 December 2004, United States Of America. Audio noise reduction software, integrated circuits, and consumer and professional electronics associated with the broadcast television systems committee (btsc) transmission and reception system; all included in Class 9. THAT CORPORATION; 45, SUMMER STREET, MILFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01757-1656, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. DISNEY ENTERPRISES, INC.; 500 SOUTH B U E N A V I S TA S T R E E T, B U R B A N K , CALIFORNIA 91521, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05003958 17 March 2005 Life-saving and fire-extinguishing apparatus; included in Class 9. BRONTO SKYLIFT OY AB; TEERIVUORENKATU 28, FI-33300 TAMPERE, FINLAND. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3197 CLASS 9—(cont.) 04009211 06 July 2004 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘connect’. Computer software for use in document management; software development and web authoring; computer software for use in searching, locating, retrieving and receiving text, electronic documents, graphics and audiovisual information on local, wide area and global networks, namely intranets and the internet (namely web sites); computer user manuals supplied as a unit with the forgoing; computer programs, for use in accessing information databases, performing personal computing applications, analyzing international securities markets, and analyzing and reporting on international business and financial news; software for interactive, electronic communication about securities; computer software for use in computer software design, development, testing, performance enhancement and engineering, including manuals sold therewith as a unit; software, in particular software for the supply of access to an electronic messaging services; software packages; computer programs; computer memories; computer interfaces; computer software and programs; computer software supplied from the internet; computer software to enable searching of data; electronic games apparatus; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; computer peripherals; computer software for internet and world wide web access and applications; computer games software and related instruction manuals sold together as a unit; computer software in the field of customer relationship management that facilities the delivery of infomation between business software applications and allows access to collective customer information over the internet or a local area network; all included in Class 9. N2N CONNECT BERHAD; SUITE 4.03, 4TH FLOOR, KOMPLEKS ANTARABANGSA, JALAN SULTAN ISMAIL, 50250 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KATHERINE LIM SUI HONG, KL IP (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., LOT 307, 3RD. FLOOR, WISMA MPL (HLA), JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3198 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 05005643 14 April 2005 05005644 14 April 2005 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Bags, hard and soft covered cases, rucksacks, holdalls, backpacks with rolling wheels, backpacks without rolling wheels, belt packs, pockets, tote bags and pouches, all designed for carrying photographic, cinematographic, videographic, optical, audio, electronic and computer equipment; film organizers; cell phone pouches; waist harnesses and shoulder harnesses designed for use with the foregoing goods; all included in Class 9. Bags, hard and soft covered cases, rucksacks, holdalls, backpacks with rolling wheels, backpacks without rolling wheels, belt packs, pockets, tote bags and pouches, all designed for carrying photographic, cinematographic, videographic, optical, audio, electronic and computer equipment; film organizers; cell phone pouches; waist harnesses and shoulder harnesses designed for use with the foregoing goods; all included in Class 9. DAYMEN PHOTO MARKETING LTD.; (A CANADIAN CORPORATION), 100, SPY COURT, MARKHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA L3R 5H6. DAYMEN PHOTO MARKETING LTD.; (A CANADIAN CORPORATION), 100, SPY COURT, MARKHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA L3R 5H6. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3199 CLASS 9—(cont.) 05012127 22 July 2005 Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; liquid crystal display panels, liquid crystal display projectors, rear projector monitors, liquid crystal display audiovisual monitors, word processors, photocopiers, printers for use with computers, scanners, electronic organizers, cash registers, computer software (recorded), integraged circuit cards, modems, facsimile machines, camcorders, digital still cameras, digital video cameras, video recorders, video cassettes, videotelephones, video disc players, dvd players, video game cartridges, recharging accumulators, batteries (electric), television receivers, monitors, antennas, radio cassette recorders, radio cassette recorders with a compact disc player, stereo component systems comprising tape/disc/record players, tuners, amplifiers and speakers; compact disc players, mini disc players, headphone stereo cassette players, telephones, transceivers, remote controllers, navigational instruments, liquid crystal display apparatus, computer projection panels, electric irons, integrated circuits, chips and memories, resistance control nonvolatile random access memories, solar batteries, electronic components, electro luminescence displays, light-emitting diode, parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 9. SHARP KABUSHIKI KAISHA ALSO TRADING AS SHARP CORPORATION; 22-22, NAGAIKE-CHO, ABENO-KU, OSAKA 5458522, JAPAN. AGENT: CHEW PHYE KEAT, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05014242 25 August 2005 International priority date claimed: 30 March 2005, Benelux. Electric apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, amplifying, reproducing and processing sound, images and or data; sound, image and or data carriers; optical and magneto-optical disc players and recorders for audio, video and computer data; blank optical and magneto-optical discs, recorded optical and magneto-optical discs featuring music, images, text, data, still images and motion pictures; disc drives; all included in Class 9. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V.; GROENEWOUDSEWEG 1, EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19, MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, P U S AT B A N D A R D A M A N S A R A , 5 0 4 9 0 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3200 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 05016869 07 October 2005 Carrying case adapted for sunglasses; cases for sunglasses; chains for sunglasses; devices for supporting sunglasses; finished lenses for sunglasses; lenses for sunglasses; straps for sunglasses; sunglasses; sunglasses being optical apparatus; sunglasses being tinted; frames; frames for sunglasses; frames for eyeglasses; frames for glasses; frames for goggles; frames for lenses; frames for protective glasses; frames for spectacles; ophthalmic frames; optical frames; spectacle frames; optical goods; optical goods for personal use; eyewear; sun visors (eyewear); all included in Class 9. 07004720 20 March 2007 Lv switches, plugs, socket outlets, door bells and lv switchgears etc; all included in Class 9. EPI MARKETING SDN. BHD.; 5-7, LALUAN PERUSAHAAN KLEDANG 5, TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN CHANDAN RAYA, MENGLEMBU, IPOH, PERAK, MALAYSIA. OPTIMISTIQUE PTE. LTD.; 371 BEACH ROAD, #02-37 KEYPOINT, SINGAPORE 199597. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06004975 29 March 2006 Computer software, hardware, and firmware and peripherals; computer software, hardware, firmware and peripherals for network and internet security data and system protection, and storage, server, client, and application performance management; downloadable software; computer hardware appliances that provide firewall, content filtering, intrusion alert, virus protection, virtual private networking and other security functions; nonprinted publications; non-printed user manuals for use in connection with all of the foregoing; all included in Class 9. 05018062 25 October 2005 Lock with electronic devices, remote control home lock and door lock with alarm; all included in Class 9. CHONG NYEEN JIN; 19-1, JALAN 1/155A, BUKIT OUG TOWNHOUSE, 58200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. S Y M A N T E C C O R P O R AT I O N ; 2 0 3 3 0 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3201 CLASS 9—(cont.) 06003720 10 March 2006 06003722 10 March 2006 Electrical switches; flush switches, light switches, door bell press switch, push button switches, rotary switches, sensor switches, slide switches, switch fuse (main switch), switches [electric] to monitor speeds of rotation, switches incorporating clocks, switches incorporating signs “dot not disturb”, time switches, [automatic]; dimmers, dimmers with switches, switch gears; fan regulators; electronic switches; key switches; electric sockets; sockets outlets, computer sockets, single astro sockets, television sockets, double sockets for television and astro, telephone sockets, sockets for shaver units; circuit breakers, connectors [electricity], connection boxes; load break isolators, process signal isolators; fuses; electric fuse boxes, fuse boxes, circuit fuses, electric fuses, electric wires and cables; starters for electric lamps, starters for electric motors, starters for air-conditioners; all included in Class 9. Electrical switches; flush switches, light switches, door bell press switch, push button switches, rotary switches, sensor switches, slide switches, switch fuse (main switch), switches [electric] to monitor speeds of rotation, switches incorporating clocks, switches incorporating signs “do not disturb”, time switches, [automatic]; dimmers, dimmers with switches, switch gears; fan regulators; electronic switches; key switches; electric sockets; sockets outlets, computer sockets, single astro sockets, television sockets, double sockets for television and astro, telephone sockets, sockets for shaver units; circuit breakers, connectors [electricity], connection boxes; load break isolators, process signal isolators; fuses; electric fuse boxes, fuse boxes, circuit fuses, electric fuses, electric wires and cables; starters for electric lamps, starters for electric motors, starters for air-conditioners; all included in Class 9. FORTUNE ELECTRICAL CORPORATION (M) SDN. BHD.; NO. 8, JALAN SS 13/3B, SUBANG JAYA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 47500 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. FORTUNE ELECTRICAL CORPORATION (M) SDN. BHD.; NO. 8, JALAN SS 13/3B, SUBANG JAYA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 47500 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3202 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 06007023 28 April 2006 Scientific, nautical, surveying, electronic, radiotelegraphic, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, monitoring, rescue and teaching instruments and appliances; electric apparatus and instruments not included in other Classes; automatic coin-operated appliances; speaking machines; cash registers; calculators; fire-extinguishers; computers; meteorological, physical science, adjusting, maneuvering, control, safety, research, navigational, telecommunication and welding instruments and apparatus not included in other Classes; x-ray appliances, tubes, installations and instruments for scientific and industrial applications; cleaning appliances; devices and instruments not included in other Classes; aerials and electrical engineering equipment for installing aerials; antenna amplifiers; transformers; dispensers; contact plugs; junction boxes; switches; power outlets; accumulators; electric wires and cables; electrical household appliances not included in other Classes including electric irons, electric batteries; magnets, magnetic cores; filters not included in other Classes; electrical cigar and cigarette lighters for automobiles; electron microscopes; uviolizing and infrared appliances, devices and instruments not included in other Classes; electron tubes and semiconductors; appliances, devices and instruments for recording, reproducing, transmitting and amplifying sound and/or images and/or other signals, including radios, televisions, digital video disc players, receivers and recorders, satellite receivers, digital satellite, terrestrial and cable receivers and recorders, phonographic records and tapes pressed/recorded or not; temperature controlling devices not included in other Classes; parts and accessories to all the above items, not included in other Classes; all included in Class 9. VESTEL HOLLAND B.V.; STATIONSPLEIN 45, 3013 AK ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS. AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3203 CLASS 9—(cont.) 06021361 21 November 2006 International priority date claimed: 24 May 2006, France. Measuring, command and control instruments; speed and fuel flow regulation systems; computer software (recorded), parts and fittings and spare parts for these instruments and systems; all included in Class 9. CFM INTERNATIONAL SA; 2, BOULEVARD DU GENERAL MARTIAL VALIN, 75015 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH, PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 3B-19-3, PLAZA SENTRAL, JALAN STESEN SENTRAL 5, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07000351 09 January 2007 Pneumatic and manually operated valves; magnet operated valves; magnet operated valves for controlling fluid and fluid flow through conduits; magnet operated valves; all included in Class 9. ASCO CONTROLS, L.P.; 50-60, HANOVER ROAD, FLORHAM PARK, NEW JERSEY 07932, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: TIMOTHY SIAW, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07004530 16 March 2007 Protective clothing, protective gloves, protective helmets, protective footwear, sunglasses; prerecorded sound recordings; pre-recorded video recordings; cd’s; dvd’s; motion picture films and television; motion pictures for broadcast on television; cd-roms; cd-rom games; blank audio tapes, blank video tapes, blank audio cassettes, blank video cassettes; computer software; video games, computer games; game equipment for playing a computer game; spectacles, spectacles cases, computer software for arcade apparatus and games; computer peripherals; mouse pads; all included in Class 9. ULTRA MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED; 5 2 M O U N T P L E A S A N T, L I V E R P O O L , M E R S E Y S I D E , L 6 9 3 F T, U N I T E D KINGDOM. A G E N T: TA I F O O N G L A M , L E E HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL,LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3204 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 07004890 21 March 2007 Eyewear, sunglasses, eyewear frames, eyewear accessories, cases, contact lenses, sports and protective eyewear; portable digital audio equipment, portable digital music equipment, pedometers, helmets, computer software, computer hardware, computer peripherals, cellular phones, compact disc players, dvd players, dvds, exercise videos and dvds, videos and dvds for playing games, cd roms, cases for portable digital audio equipment, headphones, gaming consoles and peripherals, cellular phone cases, armbands for carrying electronic equipment; all included in Class 9. N I K E I N T E R N AT I O N A L LT D . ; O N E BOWERMAN DRIVE, BEAVERTON, OR 970056453, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: KAREN NAVAMANI ABRAHAM, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH. FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING,NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07006721 16 April 2007 International priority date claimed: 18 October 2006, Federal Republic Of Germany. The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “premium car systems” and the letter “a”. Electrotechnical and electronic equipment, devices and instruments for automobiles, as far as contained in Class 9, namely electrical contacts, capacitors, electrical distributors, electrical cables, electrical cable terminals and cable connectors, electrical switches, electrical male and female connectors, electrical fuses and fuse cases, ignition coils, electrical devices for interference suppression, electrical plug connectors; all included in Class 9. ERA GMBH & CO. KG; GEWERBESTRABE 44, D-75015 BRETTEN, GERMANY. 07017123 30 August 2007 Printers; personal and handheld computers; computer hardware and computer peripherals; namely modems, computer cables, mouse, keyboards, monitors; computer styli, handheld computers; including handheld computers with wireless e-mail and wireless access to electronic communications networks; projectors; instruction manuals in electronic format; all included in Class 9. TAN TECK SON; NO. 343, JALAN PERAK 2, TAMAN BERSATU, 81000 KULAI, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M A R Y @ M E R R Y A / P T. VALLIYAPARAMBIL T., ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD, #06-03 WISMA BANDAR, NO 18, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3205 CLASS 9—(cont.) 07005284 28 March 2007 International priority date claimed: 29 September 2006, Japan. Electronic cash registers; photographic machines and apparatus; cinematographic machines and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; image verification sensor, used in the inspection process; image positioning controllers; alphanumeric character verification apparatus, used in the inspection process; measuring or testing machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; power supply; alternating current adapters; switching power supply; inverters used in the residential photovoltaic system; inverters [electricity]; rotary converters; phase modifiers; batteries and cells; solar batteries; solar modules consisting of solar cells; combined modules for photovoltaic power generation, consisting of thin-film solar cells and lightemitting diodes; electric or magnetic meters and testers; wire, electric; cable, electric; coaxial cables; fiber optic cables; junction sleeves for electric cable; flat irons, electric; hair-curlers’, electrically heated; buzzers; buzzers, electric; telecommunication machines and apparatus; portable telephones; portable telephones incorporating tuners for television broadcasting reception; portable telephones incorporating tuners for digital terrestrial television broadcasting reception; personal digital assistants incorporating portable telephones; telephones; low noise block down converters for satellite broadcasting reception; tuners for television broadcasting reception; tuners for digital terrestrial television broadcasting reception; tuners for digital cable television broadcasting reception; tuners for terrestrial television broadcasting reception; television apparatus; television receivers; liquid crystal display television apparatus; liquid crystal display television receivers; blu-ray disc recorders and/or players; digital video disk recorders and/or players; digital versatile disk recorders and/or players; mini disk recorders and/or players; compact disk recorders and/or players; videotape recorders and/or players; digital audio recorders and/or players; amplifiers; loudspeakers; component-type stereo including a mini disk recorders and/or players, a compact disk recorders and/or players, loudspeakers, a tuner, and an amplifier entirely or partially; sound recording apparatus and instruments; facsimile machines; video entry phones; intercoms; display modules; image sensors for camera modules; image sensors for camera modules for digital camera; image sensor for camera modules for camera phones; photo couplers; devices for infrared-ray communication; camcorders; sound reproduction apparatus; sound recording apparatus; electronic signboards consisting of light-emitting diodes; sound recording machines and apparatus; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; walkie-talkies; transceivers; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; computers; notebook computers; laptop computers; desktop computers; electronic desk calculators; pocket calculators; electronic calculators; camera modules for camcorders; camera modules for portable telephones; camera modules for digital still cameras; computer monitors; audiovisual monitors; liquid crystal display monitors; liquid crystal display 3206 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) modules; liquid crystal display panels; computer servers; personal computer servers; projectors; liquid crystal display projectors; rear projectors; personal digital assistants; electronic dictionaries; data media recorded the contents of electronic dictionaries; computer software; computer software for controlling electronic copying machines in which a printer function, a scanner function, and a facsimile function are entirely or partially provided; computer software for translation; computer software for creating animation; computer software for browsing or editing video, images and sound; computer software for editing sound recorded in mini disks; computer software for saving documents in the electronic filing system; computer groupware for scheduling, managing documents; recording address and electronic mailing; laser pointers; printers for use with computers; bar-code printers; point-of-sales terminals; programmable controllers; integrated circuits; large scale integrated circuits; flash memories; laser diodes; semiconductor lasers; electronic copying machines; ink-jet copying machines; electronic copying machines in which a printer function, a scanner function, and a facsimile function are entirely or partially provided; ink-jet copying machine in which a printer function, a scanner function, and a facsimile function are entirely or partially provided; facsimile machines in which acopying function, a printer function, and a scanner function are entirely or partially provided; consumer video games; electronic circuits and compact disk read-only-memories recorded programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; electronic circuits and compact disk read-only-memories recorded automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; recorded video discs and video tapes; digital video disk data media [recorded]; digital versatile disk data media [recorded]; electronic publications [downloadable]; all included in Class 9. SHARP KABUSHIKI KAISHA ALSO TRADING AS SHARP CORPORATION; 22-22, NAGAIKE-CHO, ABENO-KU, OSAKA 545-8522, JAPAN. AGENT: CHEW PHYE KEAT, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 02011021 06 September 2002 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; all included in Class 9. WINDSOR SMITH PTY LTD; 189-193 HIGH STREET, PRESTON, VICTORIA, 3072, AUSTRALIA. AGENT: ZAHARIZAN AHMED MEAH, DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD, 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3207 CLASS 9—(cont.) 07020654 22 October 2007 Apparatus for photographing; cameras [photography]; camera accessories; camera lenses; flashlight [photography]; flash light apparatus for use in photography; electric flash units for cameras; filters [photography]; screens for use in photography; all included in Class 9. NISSIN INDUSTRIES LIMITED; BLOCK B, 13/F, NORTH POINT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, 499 KING’S ROAD, NORTH POINT, HONG KONG. AGENT: TAN SIN SU, QUALITY ORACLE SDN. BHD., L6-03, LEVEL 6, WISMA BU 8, NO. 11, LEBUH BANDAR UTAMA, BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07020312 17 October 2007 Audio cassette recorders; audio cassette players; audio cassettes; audio discs; audio speakers; binoculars; calculators; camcorders; cameras; cd-roms; cd-rom drives (as part of the computer); cd-rom writers (as part of the computer); cellular telephones; cellular telephone accessories; cellular telephone cases; face plates for cellular telephones; compact disc players; compact disc recorders; compact discs; computer game programs; computer game cartridges and discs; computers; computer hardware; computer keyboards; computer monitors; computer mouse; computer disc drives; computer software; cordless telephones; decorative magnets; digital cameras; digital video and audio players; dvds; dvd players; dvd recorders; digital versatile discs; digital video discs; electronic personal organizers; eyeglass cases; eyeglasses; headphones; karaoke machines; microphones; mp3 players; modems (as part of a computer); mouse pads; motion picture films; pagers; personal stereos; personal digital assistants; printers; radios; sunglasses; telephones; television sets; video cameras; video cassette recorders; video cassette players; video game cartridges; video game discs; video cassettes; videophones; walkie-talkies; wrist and arm rests for use with computers; all included in Class 9. DISNEY ENTERPRISES, INC.; 500 SOUTH BUENA VISTA STREET, BURBANK, CALIFORNIA 91521, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19, MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3208 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 9—(cont.) 07021173 30 October 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “.com”. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; all included in Class 9. ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED; FOURTH FLOOR, ONE CAPITAL PLACE, P.O. BOX 847, GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS. AGENT: CHEW PHYE KEAT, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07021697 05 November 2007 Video game software; computer game software; arcade video game machines with built-in screens; game disc and cartridges containing game programs for use with hand-held video game machines; game disc and circuit boards containing game programs for use with arcade video game machines with built-in screens; game programs for mobile telephones; game programs for arcade game machines; electronic circuits; screen saver and screen saver program; all included in Class 9. LEE MENG KONG; 474 TAMAN SAGA, 05400 ALOR STAR, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LOH YEN PHENG, INTELLECT WORLDWIDE SDN. BHD., 3.02, MENARA BOUSTEAD PENANG, 39, JALAN SULTAN AHMAD SHAH, 10050 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3209 CLASS 9—(cont.) 94000003 03 January 1994 Electrical apparatus and appliances for curling, waving and styling the hair, electrically heated hair curlers, electrical apparatus for heating hair curlers; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 9. C A R M E N L I M I T E D ; FA I L S W O RT H , MANCHESTER M35 OHS, ENGLAND. 07024243 10 December 2007 The trademark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. AGENT: M. ANGELINE RAJ, ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD., #0603, WISMA BANDAR, NO 18, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of “bowling apparatus, firearm apparatus, baseball kit, sport car and ball” and the letters “sp”. Video game software; computer game software; arcade video game machines with built-in screens; game disc and cartridges containing game programs for use with hand-held video game machines; game disc and circuit boards containing game programs for use with arcade video game machines with built-in screens; game programs for mobile telephones; game programs for arcade game machines; eletronic circuits; screen saver and screen saver program; all included in Class 9. LEE MENG KONG; 474 TAMAN SAGA, 05400 ALOR STAR, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LOH YEN PHENG, INTELLECT WORLDWIDE SDN. BHD., 3.02, MENARA BOUSTEAD PENANG, 39, JALAN SULTAN AHMAD SHAH, 10050 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 07005301 28 March 2007 Spectacle; included in Class 9. ALMA OPTICS SDN. BHD.; 26, JALAN PERNIAGAAN, PUSAT PERNIAGAAN ALMA, 14000 BUKIT MERTAJAM, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: L O W Y E AW S E N G , O O I & ASSOCIATES TAX SERVICES SDN. BHD., 47, TINGKAT 1, JALAN SELAT, TAMAN SELAT, 12000 BUTTERWORTH, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 3210 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 10 04019986 17 December 2004 Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Medical and dental apparatus and instruments; suture materials; orthopedic articles; crutches, abdominal belts; elastic bandages; knee bandages; supportive bandages; stockings for varices; orthopedic footwear; bed pans; ice bags for medical purposes; incontinence sheets; electric heating pads for medical purposes; thermometers for medical purposes; spoons for administering medicines; scissors for surgery; baby bottles and pacifiers, teats, teething rings; breast pumps; bath sponges and loofah; condom, contraceptives; all included in Class 10. DAIRYFARM ESTABLISHMENT; STAEDTLE 3 6 , P O S T FA C H 6 8 5 , F L - 9 4 9 0 VA D U Z , LIECHTENSTEIN. AGENT: BAHARI YEOW TIEN HONG, LEE HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL, LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06004588 23 March 2006 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and devices; parts and accessories for the above mentioned goods, in particular clamps, pumps, syringes, needles, catheters, cannulae, plugs, tubes, adaptors, connectors, connections, packaging material for medical purposes, in particular bags for medical fluids; all included in Class 10. FRESENIUS KABI AG; FRIEDRICHSTR. 2-6, 60323 FRANKFURT, GERMANY. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3211 CLASS 10—(cont.) 07016703 06005470 05 April 2006 International priority date claimed: 22 November 2005, Federal Republic Of Germany. Orthopedic articles, especially orthopedic shoes, soles of shoes, insoles, shoe inserts and arch supports, also in the form of blanks; implants made of synthetic materials; orthopedic belts, electric and non-electric belts for medical purposes; stockings for medical and orthopedic purposes; harnesses and bandage splints for orthopedic purposes; amputation-, peroneusand joint springs for installation in orthopedic shoes; synthetic bandages and plaster bandages for orthopedic purposes; covering materials for covering orthopedic insoles; gloves for medical purposes; blank shoe trees for manufacturing orthopedic shoes; ear protection devices; footprint boxes for orthopedic purposes, consisting of an ink roller and footprint sheets; parts, components, as well as replacement parts of all aforementioned goods; all included in Class 10. 24 August 2007 International priority date claimed: 01 March 2007, Benelux. Respiration equipment (medical apparatus); ear inserts for medical use; hearing protectors (ear defenders); all included in Class 10. HAGEMEYER N.V.; RIJKSWEG 69, 1411 GE NAARDEN, THE NETHERLANDS. AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. SCHEIN ORTHOPADIE-SERVICE KG; HILDEGARDSTR. 5, D-42897 REMSCHEID, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07007295 24 April 2007 Medical devices included in Class 10. P E A K I N T E R N AT I O N A L L I M I T E D ; CLARENDON HOUSE, 2 CHURCH STREET, HAMILTON, BERMUDA HM CX. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3212 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 10—(cont.) 89001466 10 March 1989 Contraceptive appliances, rubber condoms; teats for baby feeding bottles, teething rings, mixing jugs for baby food; all included in Class 10. TOHTONKU SDN.BHD.; 186, JALAN BURMA, 10350 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 07011729 20 June 2007 Baby comforters, breast-pumps, panty-hose, and elastic stocking (surgical), feeding bottles, teats and valves for feeding bottles, drawsheets, soothing or teething rings, articles for infants and use during pregnancy not included in other Classes; surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and appliances; all included in Class 10. LAURA ASHLEY LIMITED; 27 BAGLEYS LANE, FULHAM, LONDON SW6 2QA, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3213 CLASS 11 04015530 92002763 28 April 1992 Water treatment equipment; water conditioners, filters, distillers, deionizes and reverse osmosis apparatus; all included in Class 11. ECOWATER SYSTEMS, INC. 1890, WOODLANE DRIVE, WOODBURY, MN 55125, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO.1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 04016722 29 October 2004 International priority date claimed: 20 August 2004, Japan. Electric lamps and lighting fixtures; all included in Class 11. LECIP KABUSHIKI KAISHA (LECIP CORPORATION); 1260-2, KAMINOHO, MOTOSU-SHI, GIFU, 501-0401, JAPAN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 12 October 2004 Pedestal fans for ventilation; ventilators for factory roofs; gasified exothermic cold-blast apparatus; gasified exothermic cold-blast fans; natural lighting installations in the form of roofs; smoke exhausting installations; electric fan in box form for producing the air curtain to shut out the inflow of the air; electric portable fans; exhaust ventilators for industrial purposes; all included in Class 11. KAMAKURA SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD. 7-11, 2-CHOME KITA-AOYAMA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: CHEW PHYE KEAT, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07006531 13 April 2007 Water supply installations included in Class 11. DITRON ENGINEERING SDN. BHD.; NO. 10, JALAN CANGGIH 4, TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN CEMERLANG, 81800 ULU TIRAM, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: RAYMOND TAN CHIAN HEE, K. H. LOW & RAYMOND TAN, NO. 18, PENTHOUSE (3RD. FLOOR), JALAN 14/14, 46100 PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA. 3214 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 11—(cont.) 05012630 29 July 2005 Air conditioners for vehicles, air conditioning units, air cleaners, air purifier, electric air deodorizers, air filters for air conditioning units, ventilating fans, disinfectant apparatus, fluorescent lamp, fans, filters for air conditioner, filters for drinking water, water purifying apparatus and machines; all the above for domestic, commercial and industrial use; purification installations for sewage, street lamps and other related components and accessories; all included in Class 11. LEE KAI CHIANG; NO. 7, JALAN BU 6/4, BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 06007693 07001531 29 January 2007 Heat exchangers (no parts of machines); all included in Class 11. THERMAL HEAT EXCHANGER S/B; 2A, JALAN TPP 5/2, TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN PUCHONG, SEKSYEN 5, 47100 PUCHONG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 09 May 2006 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “pleasure. perfected”. Electric apparatus for preparing hot and cold beverages; electric coffee and tea making machines, electric coffee machines, electric coffee percolators; all included in Class 11. KRAFT FOODS SCHWEIZ HOLDING AG; BELLERIVESTRASSE 203, CH-8008 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH, PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 3B-193, PLAZA SENTRAL, JALAN STESEN SENTRAL 5, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3215 CLASS 11—(cont.) 07006532 13 April 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “advanced water filtration system”. Water supply installation, filters for drinking water; all included in Class 11. ENGINEERING PRODUCTS & SERVICES (M) SDN. BHD.; NO. 8, JALAN TABOH 33/22, TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN SHAH ALAM, SEKSYEN 33, 40400 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: RAYMOND TAN CHIAN HEE, K. H. LOW & RAYMOND TAN, NO. 18, PENTHOUSE (3RD. FLOOR), JALAN 14/14, 46100 PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA. 07020264 17 October 2007 International priority date claimed: 27 April 2007, United Kingdom. Installations and apparatus for refrigerating, cooling and chilling; installations and apparatus for the treatment, purification and disposal of solid, liquid, and gaseous matter; water purification units; water treatment units; installations and apparatus for igniting, heating, burning and scrubbing gas; installations and apparatus for cleaning exhaust gases from the semiconductor industry; gas abatement apparatus; integrated gas pumping and abatement apparatus; gas scrubbing apparatus; wet scrubbers; water cooled traps; heated traps; filter traps, gas reactors; gas recovery apparatus; gas separating apparatus; and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 11. EDWARDS LIMITED; MANOR ROYAL, CRAWLEY, WEST SUSSEX, RH10 9LW, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: NG MAE LIN, ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN. BHD., SUITE 609, BLOCK D, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3216 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 11—(cont.) 07020805 24 October 2007 International priority date claimed: 31 May 2007, Korea (Republic Of Korea). Non-electric water purifier for household purposes, tableware sterilizers for household purposes, filters [parts of household or industrial installations], table bowls, toilet seats, bidets, disinfectant distributors for flushing toilets, footwarms [electric or non-electric], bath installations (sauna-), showers, baths (spa-) [vessels], bath installations, bath fittings, gas water heaters, gas water heaters for household purposes, instantaneous water heaters, refrigerating containers, mixer taps for water pipes, water taps, flushing apparatus, flushing tanks, air purifying apparatus for household purposes, ionisation apparatus for the treatment of water and for household purposes, drying apparatus and installations, air driers, air sterilizers, air filtering installations, air purifying apparatus, tableware sterilizers for industrial purposes, dehumidifiers for industrial purposes, desalination plants, clean chambers [sanitary installation], water sterilizers, water filtering apparatus, water softening apparatus and installations, water purification installations, water purifying apparatus and machines, beverages cooling apparatus, ice machines, garbage incinerators for household purposes, humidifiers, electric humidifiers for household purposes, electric freezers for household purposes, electric air conditioning apparatus for household purposes, electric blankets for domestic use and not for medical purposes, electric tableware sterilizers for household purposes, electric clothes drying apparatus for household purposes, electric kettles for household purposes, electric coffee makers for household purposes, electric toasters for household purposes, electric cooking stoves for household purposes, electromagnetic induction cookers for household purposes, refrigerators, hair driers [dryers], hand drying apparatus for washrooms, steam facial apparatus [saunas], microwave ovens [cooking apparatus], electric refrigerating show cases, electric rangers, electric stoves, electrically heated footmuffs, electric laundry dryers, electric pressure cooking saucepans, autoclaves [electric pressure cookers], electric waffle irons, electric appliances for making yogurt, electric cooking utensils, electric heaters for feeding bottles, electric kettles, electric coffee machines, electric coffee filters, electric coffee percolators, electric fryers, electric exhausters for briquette gas, heating cushion [pads], electric, not for medical purposes, electric coffee pots, electric cookers, electric dehydrators, electric toasters; all included in Class 11. SEUNG GWANG CO, LTD.; 160B 10L, NAMDONG IND. ZONE, 731-7 GOJAN - DONG, NAMDONG-GU INCHEON, KOREA (REPUBLIC OF KOREA). AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3217 CLASS 11—(cont.) 07024954 19 December 2007 Auto rice cooker, auto slow cooker, auto oven, microwave oven, steam boat, thermo pot, coffee maker, jug kettle, toaster, hot plate, deep fryer cook, home shower, table/standing fan, table/ standing lamp, air-conditioner, air cooler, gas cooker, refrigerator, iron, hair dryer; all included in Class 11. SUM ELECTRICAL (M) SDN.BHD.; 14, JALAN CENDERAI 21, TAMAN PERINDUSTRIAN KOTA PUTRI, 81750 MASAI, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. 04015529 12 October 2004 Pedestal fans for ventilation; ventilators for factory roofs; gasified exothermic cold-blast apparatus; gasified exothermic cold-blast fans; natural lighting installations in the form of roofs; smoke exhausting installations; electric fan in box form for producing the air curtain to shut out the inflow of the air; electric portable fans; exhaust ventilators for industrial purposes; all included in Class 11. KAMAKURA SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD.; 7-11, 2-CHOME KITA-AOYAMA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: CHEW PHYE KEAT, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07011418 15 June 2007 Installations, apparatus and instruments for cooking, refrigerating, heating, lighting, steam generating, freezing, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; refrigerators; electric water heaters; electric rice cookers; electric kettles, electric pots; electric coffee machines; electric deep fryers; electric hair driers; electric grills; hot plates; plate warmers; toasters; steamboat cookers; microwave ovens and electric cooking utensils, cookers and cooking stoves; gas lighters; electric domestic cooking appliances; drinking water filters; water dispensers; air conditioners, hand drying apparatus for washrooms, plate warmers, hair dryers and drying apparatus; water heaters and electric heating apparatus; roasting apparatus; fans and lamps, air conditioning apparatus; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 11. TEFAL ELECTRIC SDN. BHD.; 2419, TINGKAT PERUSAHAAN 3, PRAI INDUSTRIAL PARK, 13600 PRAI, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: MICHELE KOW SZE YIN, MJ & ASSOCIATES,SUITE 12-F, GURNEY OFFICE TOWER, 18 PERSIARAN GURNEY, 10250 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 3218 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 12 95002737 29 March 1995 Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof; all included in Class 12. MITSUBISHI JIDOSHA KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA; 33-8, SHIBA 5-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 96002480 13 March 1996 Vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land; motor vehicles, cars, buses, railway cars, trucks, trailers, tractors; vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by air; air vehicles, aeroplanes, airplanes, air crafts; vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by water; boats, ships, watercrafts; parts and fittings for the aforesaid; all included in Class 12. H A N J I N S H I P P I N G C O . LT D . ; 2 5 - 11 , YEOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-KU, SEOUL, KOREA. AGENT: MICHAEL CHAI & CO., LEVEL 5, WISMA HONG LEONG,18 JALAN PERAK, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 95011945 10 November 1995 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use separately of the letters ‘cr’ and the letter ‘v’. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air and water, automobiles and motorcycles, and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included Class 12. HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.); 1-1, MINAMI-AOYAMA 2-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO.1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 97016408 14 November 1997 Land vehicles; electric land vehicles; motors, engines, couplings and transmission components for land vehicles; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods ; all included in Class 12. UMW CORPORATION SDN. BHD.; 3RD FLOOR, THE CORPORATE, JALAN UTAS (15/7), BATU TIGA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 40200 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: TA I F O O N G L A M , L E E HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL, LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3219 CLASS 12—(cont.) 99005445 22 June 1999 Bicycles, parts and accessories therefore, including frames, forks, handlebars, stems, brakes, wheels, axles, axle extenders, sprockets, cranks, pedals, saddles, seats, seatposts, seatpost clamps, frame pads, handlebar plugs, grips and tires; all included in Class 12. H A R O B I C Y C L E C O R P O R AT I O N ; VISTA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 05002956 28 February 2005 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘supershock’. Shock absorbers, brake pads, brake linings and brake shoes all for vehicles; all included in Class 12. POWERDOWN AUSTRALIA PTY LTD; 42, ENTERPRISE DRIVE, BERESFIELD, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2322, AUSTRALIA. AGENT: CAROLINE FRANCIS, RAMRAIS & PARTNERS, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 00012995 18 September 2000 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter ‘m’ except as shown in the representation on the form of application. Anti-theft devices for vehicles; automobile bodies; automobiles; barges; boats; bodies of vehicles; buses (motor); cars; concrete mixing vehicles; dredges; electric vehicles; elevating tailgates; fork lift trucks; funnels for ships; hulls; launches; locomotives; lorries; motor buses; motor cars; motorcycles; omnibuses; pontoons; refrigerated vehicles; ships; ships hulls; traction engines; tractors; trailers; trucks; vans; water vehicles; mobile cranes; crawler cranes; tower cranes; truck crane; land piling crane; concrete mixer truck; water truck; passenger hoist; prime mover; hydraulic excavator; track front loader; wheel front loader; vibrator soil compactor; motor grader; bulldozer; dump truck; backhoe loader; backpusher; hydraulic crawler drill; all included in Class 12. MUHIBBAH ENGINEERING (M) BHD.; LOT 586, BATU 2, JALAN BATU TIGA LAMA, 41300, KLANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LIM KIAN LEONG, LIM KIAN LEONG & CO., SUITE 10-8, 10TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA 11, NO 21, JALAN PINANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3220 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 12—(cont.) 07024909 19 December 2007 Motor land vehicles, parts, and fittings; all included in Class 12. MT SYNERGY SDN. BHD.; NO.656, 2ND FLOOR, 4TH MILE, JALAN IPOH, 51200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06020229 06 November 2006 International priority date claimed: 05 May 2006, Federal Republic Of Germany. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of squares except as shown in the representation on the form of application. Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; all included in Class 12. 05017470 14 October 2005 International priority date claimed: 02 June 2005, European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - Ohim. Motor vehicles, namely vehicles incorporating lifting apparatus and cranes; fork-lift trucks; replaceable vehicle platforms; vehicle chassis; traction vehicles, parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods not included in other Classes; all included in Class 12. CARGOTEC PATENTER HANDELSBOLAG; C/O KALMAR INDUSTRIES AB, BOX 4004, 341 81 LJUNGBY, SWEDEN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT; CARLBOSCH-STRASSE 38, LUDWIGSHAFEN AM RHEIN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3221 CLASS 12—(cont.) 06021518 23 November 2006 International priority date claimed: 12 July 2006, Federal Republic Of Germany. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters ‘ml’. Rail vehicles, in particular multiple-unit trains and their parts to the extent included in Class 12. S I E M E N S A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F T; 80333 MUNICH, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07004276 13 March 2007 Vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water and parts and fittings therefor; brakes and brake components including brake calipers, brake pads, brake disks, brake wheel cylinders, brake shoes, brake linings, brake drums, brake levers, brake pedals, brake boosters, brake master cylinders,brake valves, abs(antilock braking system), shims for brake, brake pads with brake pad wear indicators; chassis, suspensions and power steering system for land vehicles; engines and motors for land vehicles; actuators and machines elements for land vehicles namely cranks [parts of land vehicles], crown wheels being parts of land vehicles, gear train parts for land vehicles and spark arrestors; all included in Class 12. KABUSHIKI KAISHA ADVICS (ALSO TRADING AS ADVICS CO., LTD.); 2-1 SHOWACHO, KARIYA-SHI, AICHI-KEN, JAPAN. 06023956 29 December 2006 Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air and water and parts and fittings thereof; all included in Class 12. RENAULT S.A.S; 92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT, FRANCE. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3222 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 12—(cont.) 07016918 28 August 2007 Retreaded tyre included in Class 12. COLTRAC SDN. BHD.; 2, JALAN TSB 10, TAMAN INDUSTRIES SUNGAI BULOH, 47000 SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07011731 20 June 2007 AGENT: TAN CHUAN YONG, TAN CHUAN YONG & S M CHAN 8TH FLOOR, 55-8, THE BOULEVARDMID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Baby carriages, covers for the same; bicycles; tricycles; scooters; luggage racks for vehicles; hoods for baby carriages; safety belts for vehicle seats; safety seats and supports designed for transporting infants and children in vehicles; trolleys, baggage trolleys, wheelbarrows, parts and pieces of equipment for these articles not included in other Classes; vehicles, equipment for conveying by land, air or water as well as parts and equipment for such articles which are not included in other Classes; all included in Class 12. LAURA ASHLEY LIMITED; 27 BAGLEYS LANE, FULHAM, LONDON SW6 2QA, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05017439 14 October 2005 Air springs for vehicle suspension; brake components for vehicles; fabricated safety glass windows for vehicles; gear transmissions for land vehicles; reservoirs; refrigerated wagons; tail lifts for vehicles; bumper for vehicles; all included in Class 12. PHOENIX FAR EAST SDN. BHD.; LOT 11B, JALAN PERUSAHAAN DUA, KAWASAN PERUSAHAAN BATU CAVES, 68100 BATU CAVES, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: YIP JIUN HANN, TRADEMARK2U SDN. BHD., WISMA MANJALARA BUSINESS AVENUE, SUITE 2-8, 8TH FLOOR, JALAN 7A/62A, BANDAR MANJALARA, 52200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3223 CLASS 12—(cont.) 07022562 16 November 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘excellence’ and the letters ‘aw ‘. Tires included in Class 12. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY; 1144, EAST MARKET STREET, AKRON, OHIO 44316-0001, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022756 07006119 06 April 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘automotive’. Vehicles; automobile vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air and water; all included in Class 12. SOCIETE GENERALE; 29, BOULEVARD HAUSSMANN, 75009 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: M. ANGELINE RAJ, ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD., #06-03 WISMA BANDAR, NO. 18, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 20 November 2007 It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with both the applicants are connected in the course of trade. Engines for automobiles; all included in Class 12. NIPPON PISTON RING CO., LTD.; 12-10, HONMACHI-HIGASHI, 5-CHOME, CHUO-KU, SAITAMA-SHI, SAITAMA-KEN, JAPAN. SIAM NPR CO. LTD.; 88, MOO 2 SRANGSOAK, BANMOH, SARABURI 18130, THAILAND. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I.P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3224 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 12—(cont.) 07023852 04 December 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter ‘j’. Car parts and fittings; car body modification parts for sale in kit form; all included in Class 12. CHEN KEIT MING TRADING AS JE RACING MOTOR SPORT; NO. 11, JALAN MERDEKA RIA 1, MERDEKA RIA INDUSTRI PARK, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07024145 07 December 2007 The transliteration and the translation of the chinese characters in the mark is ‘xin’ and ‘yuan’ meaning ‘expansion of wealth and wellness’ and ‘fountain’ respectively. Cars; motors for land vehicles; cycle cars; motorcycles; bicycles; sports cars; vehicle chassis; vans [vehicles]; carrier tricycles; electric vehicles; vehicles for transport (military-); clutches for land vehicles; rearview mirrors; tyres for vehicle wheels; bumpers for vehicles; steering wheels for vehicles; air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; all included in Class 12. 07023541 29 November 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Dump trucks, concrete mixing vehicles, concrete pump cars, mortar pump cars, concrete spreading vehicles; all included in Class 12. JUNJIN HEAVY INDUSTRY CO., LTD.; 77-21, SAMSUNG-DONG, GANAGNAM-GU, SEOUL, KOREA (REPUBLIC OF KOREA). AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. CHONGQING SHINERAY MOTORCYCLE CO. LTD; NO. 8 SHINERAY ROAD, HANGU, J I U L O N G P O D I S T R I C T, C H O N G Q I N G , PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. A G E N T: H O Y I N G D AT L AW R E N C E , LAWRENCE HO (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 8.02, 8TH. FLOOR, PLAZA FIRST NATIONWIDE, 161, JALAN TUN H. S. LEE, 50000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3225 CLASS 14 06005407 04 April 2006 Watches, wrist watches, wristlet watches, watches made of gold, watches made of plated gold, sport watches, watches for sporting use, watches for nurses; table watches, straps for waist watches, chains for watches, bands for watches, bracelets for watches, quartz watches, eletronic watches and clocks, clocks, table clock, stand clock, alarm clock; alarm watches; pocket watches, pendant watches, jewellery watches, cases for watches; belt buckles of precious metal; fashion jewellery; fake jewellery; brooches (jewellery); key chains of precious metal; name card holders of precious metal; shoes clips of precious metal; tie pins; collar studs of precious metal; all included in Class 14. LARRIE HOUSE SDN. BHD.; NO 17 & 19, JALAN 5/1A, TAMAN INDUSTRI SELESA JAYA, 43300 BALAKONG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LIM WEE FOO, TRADENEXUS CONSULTANCY SDN. BHD., NO. 15, JALAN 19/15, 46300 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 06006787 25 April 2006 Alarm clocks; belt buckles of precious metal; bolo ties with precious metal tips; bracelets; busts of precious metal; candle snuffers of precious metal; candlesticks of precious metal; charms; clocks; earrings; jewelry; jewelry cases of precious metal; jewelry chains; key rings of precious metal; lapel pins; neck chains; necklaces; non-monetary coins; ornamental pins; pendants; rings; slides for bolo ties; stop watches; tie clips; tie tacks; wall clocks; watch bands; watch cases; watch chains; watch straps; watches; wedding bands; wristwatches; all included in Class 14. PIXAR; 1200, PARK AVENUE, EMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA 94608, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3226 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 14—(cont.) 07021565 07020325 17 October 2007 Jewelry, namely charms, lapel pins, key chains made of precious metal; all included in Class 14. LADIES PROFESSIONAL GOLF ASSOCIATION; 100, INTERNATIONAL GOLF DRIVE, DAYTONA BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA 32124, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: TIMOTHY SIAW, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 01 November 2007 Cuff links; tie pins; jewellery; chronometrical instruments; cups of precious metal; compacts of precious metal; purses of precious metal; jewel cases of precious metal; wrist watches; watch bands; watch chains; clocks; alarm clocks; chronoscopes; clocks and watches, electric; straps for wristwatches; key holders; buckles of precious metal; bracelets; brooches; ornaments; all included in Class 14. RYOHIN KEIKAKU CO., LTD.; 4-26-3, HIGASHI-IKEBUKURO, TOSHIMA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH, PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 3B-19-3, PLAZA SENTRAL, JALAN STESEN SENTRAL 5, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3227 CLASS 14—(cont.) 94007341 16 August 1994 Gold and jewellery included in Class 14. WAH CHAN CONSOLIDATED SDN. BHD.; 10B-3, JALAN 14/20, 46100 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07020297 17 October 2007 Jewelry, namely charms, lapel pins, key chains made of precious metal; all included in Class 14. LADIES PROFESSIONAL GOLF ASSOCIATION; 100, INTERNATIONAL GOLF DRIVE, DAYTONA BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA 32124, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: TIMOTHY SIAW, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAHKWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3228 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16 95001114 08 February 1995 Paper, paper articles; stationery; printed matter and printed publications; business publication and information, brochures, catalogues, handbooks (manuals), pamphlets, promotional materials, advertising mats, posters, periodicals, magazines, plastic sheets and bags for wrapping and packaging (not included in other Classes), signboards, cardboards and goods made of these materials; all included in Class 16. FFM BERHAD; PT 45125, BATU 15 1/2, SUNGAI PELONG, 47000 SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SKRINE, UNIT NO.50-8-1, 8TH. FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 95007163 96003543 05 April 1996 Paper and paper articles, printed matter, newspapers, books, periodicals, magazines, teaching materials, all included in Class 16. WAH JOON TONG; 34, CHEESEMAN ROAD, 11600 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217 JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 19 July 1995 Printed matter, namely postcards, catalogues, calendars, magazines, printed timetables, books, newspapers, maps, diaries, pamphlets, stationery, bags of paper for packaging, boxes of cardboard or paper for packaging, flags of paper, banners of paper, labels, photographs, photograph stands, playing cards; all included in Class 16. JTB CORP; 2-3-11 HIGASHI-SHINAGAWA, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55, JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3229 CLASS 16—(cont.) 97002655 05 March 1997 Paper and paper articles, cardboard and cardboard articles; all included in Class 16. AIRBORNE EXPRESS, INC.; 3101 WESTERN AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98111, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 95000250 09 January 1995 Tissue paper included toilet tissue, pocket tissue, box tissue, serviettes paper and hand towels; all included in Class 16. NIBONG TEBAL PAPER MILL SDN. BHD.; SUNGAI KECIL; JALAN BANDAR BARU; 14300 NIBONG TEBAL, SEBERANG PRAI SELATAN, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHUAH JERN ERN, ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN BHD, SUITE 609, BLOCK D, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1, NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 00005985 15 May 2000 Paper, (card cardboard) and goods made of paper and card (cardboard), in particular paper towels, serviettes, filter paper, paper handkerchiefs, toilet paper, disposable nappies, packaging containers, packaging bags; printing products; bookbinding articles, in particular bookbinding yarn, linen and other textile materials for bookbinding; photographs; writing materials; photo albums; adhesives for paper and writing materials or for domestic purposes, and also for craft; selfadhesive tapes for paper and writing materials or for domestic purposes; artists’ supplies, in particular drawing,painting and modelling materials, paintbrushes; typewriters and office supplies, in particular non-electric office appliances; addressing machines, franking machines, copying appliances, filing cabinets, letter baskets, letter openers, writing documents, hole punches, staplers, paper clips, coloured tapes, correction means for office purposes, stampers, ink pads, stamping ink, inks for writing and drawing, indian ink; teaching and instruction media (except apparatus) in the form of printing products, games, animal and plant preparations, geological models and preparations, globes, whiteboard drawing implements; packaging material in particular wrappers, bags and foils; playing cards; printing letters; printing blocks; all included in Class 16. Q U E L L E A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F T; NURNBERGER STRABE 91 - 95, D-90762 FURTH, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. AGENT: LEE TATT BOON, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3230 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 03001484 07 February 2003 Paper cardboard and good made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; books, magazines, periodicals, publications, newspapers, pamphlets; bookbinding materials; stationery; book holders, bookmarks; stickers; erasers; writing cases, writing instruments, writing materials, writing pads; artists’ materials; drawing boards, drawing instruments, drawing materials, note books, drawing pens, markers; blackboards, easels; stamp pads, rubber stamps; letter openers and document trays; pens; pen cases, holders and boxes; pensils; pencil boxes holders and cases; pencil sharpeners; tape dispensers; rulers; chalks; babies’ diapers of paper and cellulose; handkerchiefs of paper; pocket-handkerchief; tablecloths and napkins of paper; sanitary paper; tissue papers; tissues of cellulose; box tissues, facial box tissue; facial tissue box, mini pocket tissue, wet tissues; and paper for cleaning lenses; tissues of cellulose and paper of removing make-up; calendars; cartoons; playing card cases, playing cards, greeting cards; gift boxes, gift wrap and trim; paper wall decorations, paper party hats, paper party bags, party decorations made of paper and/or plastics; posters; folders, notepads, office requisites, diaries, address books; albums, photograph albums, photographs, pictures, charts; glues and adhesives; all included in Class 16. DAIRYFARM ESTABLISHMENT; STAEDTLE 3 6 , P O S T FA C H 6 8 5 , F L - 9 4 9 0 VA D U Z , LIECHTENSTEIN. AGENT: BAHARI YEOW TIEN HONG, LEE HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL, LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 04019987 17 December 2004 Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. The second tarde mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials; printed matter, stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purpose; artists’ materials; office requisites (except furniture); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other Classes); tissue paper, make up removal tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, paper bags, garbage bags, cards, coasters, printed matter, envelopes, napkins, posters, postcards, greeting cards; pens and pencils, elastic bands, rulers, staples, staplers, stamp pads, drawing instruments and materials, paint brushes; adhesives, glues and tapes for stationery or household purposes, albums, calendars, disposable diapers, disposable napkins, filter paper, coffee paper filter, bibs, paper napkins, table cloths, cling film, plastic film for use in cooking, microwave cooking bags; all included in Class 16. DAIRYFARM ESTABLISHMENT; STAEDTLE 3 6 , P O S T FA C H 6 8 5 , F L - 9 4 9 0 VA D U Z , LIECHTENSTEIN. AGENT: BAHARI YEOW TIEN HONG, LEE HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL, LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3231 CLASS 16—(cont.) 05021271 16 December 2005 Magazines, comic books, coloring books, storybooks, trading cards, arts and craft sets, modelling compounds and playing cards; all included in Class 16. 05012413 26 July 2005 Writing, painting and drawing articles and implements, pens, pencils, pencil extenders, colour pencils, twist pencils, mechanical pencils, leads, mechanical colour pencils, erasers, sharpeners, ball pens, multi-functional pens, liquid ink roller, gel-ink roller, fineliner, textmarker, whiteboardmarker, universalmarker, crayons, paint markers, transparency markers, aquarelle sticks, charcoal, fibre-tip colouring pens, pastel pencils, artist pencils, clutch pencils, twist ball point pens, graphite pencils, rulers, squares, compasses, stencils, templates, fountain pens, t-shirt-marker, permanent marker, stationery holders for desks, pencil cases, pen rest and print articles; all included in Class 16. W I Z A R D S O F T H E C O A S T, I N C . ; ( A WASHINGTON CORPORATION), 1027 NEWPORT AVENUE, PAWTUCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02862, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A . W . F A B E R - C A S T E L L UNTERNEHMENSVERWALTUNG GMBH & CO.; NURNBERGER STR. 2, 90546 STEIN, GERMANY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05022011 29 December 2005 Magazines; periodicals; printed matter; printed publications; newspapers; booklets; books; handbooks; all included in Class 16. MEDIACORP PUBLISHING PTE LTD; ANDREW ROAD, CALDECOTT BROADCAST CENTRE, SINGAPORE 299939. AGENT: NG MAE LIN, ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN. BHD., SUITE 609, BLOCK D, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1, NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3232 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07015228 03 August 2007 Books and publications (printed); all included in Class 16. ERUWAN GERRY; NO. 43, JALAN 25, RANTAU BUKIT, 24300 KERTEH, TERENGGANU, MALAYSIA. 07008692 15 May 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter “m”, a numeral “4” and the words “online marketing”. Booklets, cards, catalogues, pamphlets, printed publications; all included in Class 16. INNITY SDN. BHD.; C501 & C502, BLOCK C, KELANA SQUARE, NO. 17, JALAN SS 7/26, KELANA JAYA, 47301 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHAN CHEE WOEI, TAY & HELEN WONG, SUITE 703, BLOCK F, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1, NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 06005408 04 April 2006 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these material, writing paper, letter heads, printed matters, publications, periodicals and literature of all kinds, journals, newsletter and magazines providing information, announcement and promotional printed materials, brochures, books, handbooks, manuals labels, pamphlets, printed guides, catalogues, pictures, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, and office requisites, newsletters, reports, instructional materials, instructional aids and brochures, plastic material for packaging, cards, post cards, name cards, greeting cards, playing cards, announcement cards and identification card, points of sales materials and posters, advertisement boards of paper or cardboard, signboards, billboards, sky boards and all outdoor signage of paper or cardboard, certificates, invitation cards, diaries, calendars, photograph albums and frames, prints and framed prints, carrier bags of paper or plastic, cartons, cardboard boxes, gift boxes, note pads, letter pads, writing instruments, pens, pencils, diaries, cheque books, business forms, mailers, envelopes, writing pads, money clips, coasters of card or paper, gift tags and luggage tags of paper and cardboard, ring binders, folders, personal organizers, covers for books and personal organizers, telephone directories, address and telephone books, stationery including note books, desk mats desk sets, pen and pencil cases, pen and pencil boxes; all included in Class 16. LARRIE HOUSE SDN. BHD.; NO. 17 & 19, JALAN 5/1A, TAMAN INDUSTRI SELESA JAYA, 43300 BALAKONG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LIM WEE FOO, TRADENEXUS CONSULTANCY SDN. BHD., NO. 15, JALAN 19/15, 46300 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3233 CLASS 16—(cont.) 06004920 29 March 2006 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other Classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; manuals showing computer operation method; punched cards and punched tapes for recordal of computer program; books; pen cases; calendars; cards; catalogues; inking ribbons for computer printers; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmes; copying paper; envelopes; office requisites files; fountain pens; geographic map; greeting cards; handbooks; labels, not of textile; ledgers; loose-leaf binders; magazines; manifolds; newsletters; newspapers; note books; writing pads; pamphlets; paper sheets; paper shredders for office use; pencils; electric or non-electric pencil sharpening machines; office requisites pens; photographs; periodicals; postcards; posters; printed matters; printed publications; stickers; wrapping paper; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; sealing wax; printers’ reglets; printing types; blueprinting machines: addressing machines; inking ribbons/typewriter ribbons; automatic stamp applying machines; electric staplers: envelop sealing machines for offices; stamp obliterating machines; drawing instruments/drawing materials; typewriters; checkwriters; mimeographs; letterpress duplicating machines; paper shredders; postal frankers (franking machines); rotary duplicators; marking templates; electric pencil sharpeners; paintbrushes; babies’ diapers of paper/babies’ napkins of paper; packaging containers of paper; food wrapping film for household use; garbage bags of paper; garbage bags of plastics; dressmaking patterns (patterns for making clothes); tailors’ halk (steatite); paper banners; flags of paper; indoor aquaria and their fittings; hygienic papers; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; baggage labels; printed lotteries (other than playthings of lotteries); table cloths of paper; papers; stationery; calligraphy and paintings; photograph stands; all included in Class 16. RENESAS TECHNOLOGY CORP.; TOKYO, JAPAN. 4-1, MARUNOUCHI, 2-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, AGENT: RODZIANA BT RIDZUAN, BADRI KUHAN YEOH & GHANDI, SUITE 8-9-6, MENARA MUTIARA BANGSAR, JALAN LIKU, OFF JALAN BANGSAR, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3234 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07016085 16 August 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. 07005755 03 April 2007 Proceeding under section 26(1)(b). Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “malaysia”. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; bookbinding materials; magazines; newspapers; printed literature; printed matter; periodicals; printed publications; guides; newsletters; stationery; posters; paper articles; instructional and teaching materials (other than apparatus); books; brochures; pamphlets; catalogues; posters; gift cards; greeting cards; stationery; promotional material and other printed materials; photographs; graphic reproductions; all included in Class 16. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists’ materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), plastic materials for packaging (not included in other Classes), printers’ type, printing blocks; all included in Class 16. DELFORT GROUP AG; FABRIKSTRASSE 20, 4050 TRAUN, AUSTRIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217 JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A.; 1800 VEVEY, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: MOHD. SHAH BIN HASHIM, NESTLE PRODUCTS SDN. BHD., 4 LORONG PERSIARAN BARAT, 46200 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07019621 05 October 2007 Company letter head, invoice, name card, credit note, statement; all included in Class 16. EE LEE AUTO SPARES SDN. BHD.; NO. 1 JALAN 1/57A, OFF BATU 3, JALAN IPOH, 51200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3235 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07016443 21 August 2007 International priority date claimed: 30 July 2007, France. Paper; cardboard; posters; notebooks; calendars; printed matter; newspapers; books; periodicals; albums; prospectuses; publications; journals; magazines; catalogues, manuals (handbooks), pamphlets, guides, booklets, tests, photographs; paper or cardboard media for photographs; stationery; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), namely: teaching documents such as lecture notes, case studies, course syllabuses, files, brochures; all included in Class 16. INSTITUT EUROPEEN D’ADMINISTRATION DES AFFAIRES (INSEAD), ASSOCIATION; B O U L E VA R D D E C O N S TA N C E , 7 7 3 0 5 FONTAINEBLEAU, FRANCE. AGENT: C LARA YI P CHOON FOONG, MARQONSULT IP SDN. BHD., B706, LEVEL 7, BLOCK B, KELANA SQUARE, JALAN SS7/26, KELANA JAYA, 47301 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07016493 22 August 2007 Advertisement material of paper or cardboard; adhesive for stationery or household purposes; albums; almanac; bags of paper or plastic; bags of paper or plastic for packaging; banners and signboards of paper and cardboard; binders; bookmarkers; bottle envelopes or wrappers of cardboard or paper; boxes of cardboard or paper; bubble packs of plastic for packaging; brochures; calendars; catalogues; charts; envelopes; graphic prints, graphic representations; invoices; note books; paper and paper articles; cardboard and cardboard articles; plastic materials for packaging; prospectuses; cards; forms; labels; letterheads; manuals (handbooks); jackets for papers; magazines; newsletters; office requisites, except furniture; pamphlets; paperweights; pen and pencils; pen and pencils cases and holders; periodicals; photographs; printed matter and publications; postcards; posters; signs; stands; stationery; stickers; tags of paper; teaching materials [except apparatus]; wrapping materials; writing materials; tickets; writing paper; all included in Class 16. CAPAIAN OMEGA SDN BHD; SUITE 4.40, 4TH FLOOR, WISMA CENTRAL, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: AHMAD FAZLI BIN AHMAD NORDIN, SHAHIDAN FAZLI NAWAWI & PARTNERS, C8M, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3236 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07017332 04 September 2007 Advertisement of a series of three trade marks. Paper; cardboard and goods made from these materials; writing paper and letter heads printed matter; publications; periodicals and literature of all kinds; journals; newsletter and magazines providing information, announcement and promotions on new products and services; brochures; books, handbooks, notebooks; manuals, labels; pamphlets; printed guides; catalogues; programs; book binding materials; pictures; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites; computer program documentation and manuals, newsletters, reports; instructional and teaching material; instructional materials, instructional aids and brochures, all of the aforesaid goods aimed at computer and telecommunications users; plastic material for packaging; cards, post cards, greeting cards, announcement cards and identification cards; printers? type; printing blocks; point-of-sales materials and posters; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard, signboards, billboards, sky boards and all outdoor signages of paper or cardboard; certificates; invitations; diaries; calendars; photograph albums and frames; prints and framed prints; carrier bags; paper or plastic bags; cartons, cardboard boxes, transparent sheeting paste-on labels; gift bags; gift boxes; note pads; letter pads; writing instruments; pens, pencils, and crayons; stationery pins and tacks; diaries; cheques; cheque books; cheque book covers; business forms, mailers, envelopes, money clips; coasters of card or paper; gift tags and luggage tags of paper and cardboard; ornaments of paper and paper mache; stickers; transfers (decalcomanias); stamps; ring binders; folders; personal organisers; covers for books and personal organisers; terrariums; telephone directories; address and telephone books; note books; desk mats; desk sets; pen and pencil cases; pen and pencil boxes; pen and pencil holders; rulers; erasers; embroidery, sewing and knitting patterns; decorative articles of paper; bookmarks; cut-out paper decorations; paper mobiles; cardboard mobiles; standup cards; all included in Class 16. DIGI TELECOMMUNICATIONS SDN. BHD.; LOT 30, JALAN DELIMA 1/3, SUBANG HITECH INDUSTRIAL PARK, 40000 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3237 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07013160 10 July 2007 Advertisement material of paper or cardboard; banners and signboards of paper and cardboard; paper and paper articles; pamphlets; pen and pencils; periodical magazines; printed matter and publications; postcards; posters; signs; stationery; periodical publications relating to travel; travel guide books; all included in Class 16. CYBERPLUS SDN. BHD.; LEVEL 11, WISMA TIME, 249, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07017599 07 September 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a numeral “8” and the letters “tv”. Paper; cardboard and goods made from these materials (not included in other Classes); printed matter; photographs; stationery; artists materials; graphic prints; graphic presentations and graphic productions; all included in Class 16. METROPOLITAN TV SDN. BHD.; SRI PENTAS, NO. 3, PERSIARAN BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07017979 13 September 2007 Erasers, rulers, pencil boxes, stationery sets, stationery, pencil case; all included in Class 16. HALLMARK CARDS PLC; HALLMARK HOUSE, BINGLEY ROAD, BRADFORD, WEST YORKSHIRE BD9 6SD, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: YEW WOON CHOOI, RODYK & DAVIDSON I.P. SERVICES SDN. BHD., T109, 3RD FLOOR, CENTREPOINT BANDAR UTAMA, NO. 3, LEBUH BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3238 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07019356 02 October 2007 International priority date claimed: 23 April 2007, European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - Ohim. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other Classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; flexible sterilisable packaging for medical use; all included in Class 16. AMCOR FLEXIBLES TRANSPAC S.A.; DA VINCILAAN 2, B-1935 ZAVENTEM, BELGIUM. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07019614 04 October 2007 The second trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. Bags (envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics for packaging), envelopes [stationery], folders [stationery], boxes for pens; greeting cards, bookmarkers, calendars, cardboard; coasters of paper, table mats of paper; notebooks, pads [stationery], writing pad, paper; pencil holders, stands for pens and pencils, pencils, writing instruments; advertisement board of paper; announcement cards; boxes of cardboard or paper; bubble packs (plastic) for wrapping or packaging; clipboards; easels; drawing materials; engraving plates; newsletters; paperweights; pictures; photographs; placard of paper or cardboard; printed publications; tickets; wrappers; all included in Class 16. OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD; 20TH FLOOR, PLAZA OSK, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: TA I F O O N G L A M , L E E HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL, LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3239 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07019616 04 October 2007 Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. The second trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “investment bank”. 07019620 05 October 2007 Company letter head, invoice, credit note, statement, name card; all included in Class 16. B.S.L AUTO SPARES SDN. BHD.; LOT 1, JALAN 1/57 A, OFF BATU 3, JALAN IPOH, 51200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Bags (envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics for packaging), envelopes [stationery], folders [stationery], boxes for pens; greeting cards, bookmarkers, calendars, cardboard; coasters of paper, table mats of paper; notebooks, pads [stationery], writing pad, paper; pencil holders, stands for pens and pencils, pencils, writing instruments; advertisement board of paper; announcement cards; boxes of cardboard or paper; bubble packs (plastic) for wrapping or packaging; clipboards; easels; drawing materials; engraving plates; newsletters; paperweights; pictures; photographs; placard of paper or cardboard; printed publications; tickets; wrappers; all included in Class 16. OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD; 20TH FLOOR, PLAZA OSK, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: FOONG CHENG LEONG, LEE HISHAMMUDDIN ALLEN & GLEDHILL, LEVEL 16, MENARA TM ASIA LIFE, NO. 189, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07019619 05 October 2007 Company letter head, name card, invoice, statement, credit note; all included in Class 16. B.E.L AUTO SPARES SDN. BHD.; LOT 1, JALAN 1/57A, OFF BATU 3, JALAN IPOH, 51200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3240 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07021328 31 October 2007 Paper bags and boxes of paper or cardboard paper, printed matter, book binding materials, envelopes, stamps, labels, stationery, letterhead, pens, pencils, signboards made out of paper or cardboard, adhesives for stationery and plastic materials for packaging; all included in Class 16. DURA DECK SDN. BHD.; NO. 656, 2ND FLOOR, 4TH MILE, JALAN IPOH, 51200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07020094 12 October 2007 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters of which the mark consist is “chuan dan” and “te wu” meaning “bill” and “spy”. Advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; books; magazines; photographs; postcard; posters; printed matter; printed publications; printing blocks; stationery; all included in Class 16. RUDOLF LOW BEN HUR; NO 106-A, JALAN PERWIRA 1, TAMAN UNGKU TUN AMINAH, 81300 SKUDAI, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHONG HAN SONG, CIMAGE SDN. BHD., DT. 3658-1, JALAN ANGKASA NURI 21, TAMAN ANGKASA NURI, 76100 MELAKA, MALAYSIA. 07020276 17 October 2007 Printed matters; letterheads, name cards, publications, boxes made of paper, stationery, document files, adhesives; all included in Class 16. NSI DISTRIBUTION SDN. BHD.; 40-G JALAN 11/116-B, OFF JALAN KUCHAI LAMA, KUCHAI ENTREPRENEURS PARK, 58200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3241 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07022404 15 November 2007 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is ‘yi guang chong’ meaning ‘one complex’. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numeral ‘1’ except as shown in representation on the form of application and the word ‘shamelin’. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter, bookbinding photographs, office stationery and equipment instructional and teaching material, plastic materials for packing, playing cards, printers’ type, printing blocks; all included in Class 16. ONE SHAMELIN MANAGEMENT SDN. BHD.; NO. 2, JALAN 12/91A, TAMAN SHAMELIN PERKASA, BATU 3 1/2, 56100 CHERAS, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022417 15 November 2007 Paper, cardboard, printed matter, periodicals; books; magazines; stationery; office requisites (other than furniture); advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics, for packaging; paper; paper sheets (stationery); posters, printed matter; all included in Class 16. TOP TEN BOOK & COMIC WORLD SDN BHD; 32, JALAN SS 2/63, 47300 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: HING KIM TAT, HING & ALVIN, NO. 22-1, JALAN USJ 1/1C, REGALIA BUSINESS CENTRE, 47620 SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3242 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07023059 23 November 2007 Paper, including coated and uncoated paper; newsprint; magazine paper; printing paper; writing paper; laminated paper; fine paper; drawing paper; copying paper; continuous stationery paper; label paper; envelope papers; papers for use in the graphic arts industry; all included in Class 16. STORA ENSO KABEL GMBH & CO. KG; SCHWERTER STRASSE 263, 58099 HAGEN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022842 07019622 05 October 2007 Company letter head, invoice, name card, statement; all included in Class 16. EE LEE AUTO SPARES SDN. BHD.; NO. 1 JALAN 1/57A, OFF BATU 3, JALAN IPOH, 51200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 20 November 2007 International priority date claimed: 21 May 2007, Trinidad And Tobago. Printed materials and publications, user guides, instructional manuals, magazines, data sheets, white papers, newsletters, catalogs, pamphlets, periodicals and magazines concerning computers, computer software, computer peripherals, and consumer electronic devices; all included in Class 16. APPLE INC.;1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3243 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07024537 13 December 2007 International priority date claimed: 03 July 2007, Australia. Printed matter included in Class 16. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY; PLENTY ROAD, BUNDOORA, VICTORIA 3083, AUSTRALIA. 07023824 04 December 2007 International priority date claimed: 16 July 2007, France. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Printed matter; table napkins of paper, table cloths of paper, table mats of paper, place mats of paper, table linen of paper, coasters of paper, posters, vouchers; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; stickers; artists’ material; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in others Classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; all included in Class 16. SODEXHO ALLIANCE; 3, AVENUE NEWTON, 7 8 1 8 0 M O N T I G N Y- L E - B R E T O N N E U X , FRANCE. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I.P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07024539 13 December 2007 International priority date claimed: 03 July 2007, Australia. Printed matter included in Class 16. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY; PLENTY ROAD, BUNDOORA, VICTORIA 3083, AUSTRALIA. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3244 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 16—(cont.) 07024911 19 December 2007 Paper bags and boxes of paper or cardboard paper, printed matter, book binding materials, envelopes, stamps, labels, stationery, letterhead, pens, pencils, signboards made out of paper or cardboard, adhesives for stationery, plastic materials for packaging; all included in Class 16. MT SYNERGY SDN. BHD.; NO.656, 2ND FLOOR, 4TH MILE, JALAN IPOH, 51200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07017299 04 September 2007 Printed matter, namely blank journal books, storybooks and diaries; book bindings; photographs; stationery; brag books, memory books, photo albums, blank, partially printed, and picture postcards, greeting cards, photo calendars; all included in Class 16. INTERNATIONAL MASTERS PUBLISHERS AB; ANGBATSBRON 1, MALMO, SWEDEN. AGENT: KHAIRUL AZAM BIN MOHD NILAM, IP BUSINESS SOLUTION, UNIT 5D, 5TH. FLOOR, WISMA KRAFTANGAN, NO. 9, JALAN TUN PERAK, 50050 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07021349 31 October 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “fine jadeite jewellery”. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter, newspaper and periodicals and incidental; all included in Class 16. JEWELLERY CIRCLES SDN. BHD.; SUITE 1007, 1ST FLOOR, PRESIDENT HOUSE, JALAN SULTAN ISMAIL, 50250 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3245 CLASS 17 07010673 05 June 2007 International priority date claimed: 21 February 2007, United States Of America. Polymeric tubing included in Class 17. ZEUS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, INC.; 3737 INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD, ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA 29118, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05006204 22 April 2005 Liquid silicon sealants; anaerobic sealants; all included in Class 17. FL SELENIA S.P.A.; VIA SANTENA 1, 10029 VILLASTELLONE, TORINO, ITALY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07010675 05 June 2007 International priority date claimed: 21 February 2007, United States Of America. Polymeric tubing included in Class 17. ZEUS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, INC.; 3737, INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD, ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA 29118, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3246 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 17—(cont.) 07010676 05 June 2007 International priority date claimed: 21 February 2007, United States Of America. Polymeric tubing included in Class 17. ZEUS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, INC.; 3737, INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD, ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA 29118, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06010419 16 June 2006 The transliteration of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ding hu” which has no meaning. Rubber ring; rubber sealing parts; plastic sealing parts; buffers of rubber; rubber stoppers; sealing cushion; gaskets; rubber shield; gum, raw or partly processed; rubber bush; all included in Class 17. ANHUI NINGGUO ZHONGDING CO., LTD.; ECONOMIC & TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE, NINGGUO CITY, ANHUI, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. 07016465 21 August 2007 Rubber, raw or semi-worked, latex rubber, natural rubber; all included in Class 17. FEDERAL LAND DEVELOPMENT A U T H O R I T Y; W I S M A F E L D A , J A L A N PERUMAHAN GURNEY, 54000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: TEO BONG KWANG, WONG JIN NEE & TEO, 13A-5, LEVEL 13A, MENARA MILENIUM, 8 JALAN DAMANLELA, BUKIT DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3247 CLASS 18 00006467 25 May 2000 Leather and leather imitations, travelling cases, suitcases, schoolbags, bags, handbags, travelling bags, backpacks and umbrellas; all included in Class 18. KIPLING SWITZERLAND AG; GEWERBESTRASSE 11, 6330 CHAM, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: LEE TATT BOON, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05017505 17 October 2005 Bags made of imitation leather; bags made of leather; bags made of plastics materials; handbags; backpacks; shopping bags; laundry bags; overnight bags; evening bags; casual bags; garment bags; duffel bags; clutch bags; sports bags, other than shaped to contain specific sports apparatus; athletics bags; bath bags; beach bags; belt bags; boot bags; school bags; waist bags; bags for climbers; bags; bags for travel; bags for campers; bags for cloths; bags for toiletry kits; suitcases and briefcases; attach cases; beauty cases; coin holders; wallet and purses; pouches; belt pouches; wallets for attachment to belts; belts made od leather and imitation leather; cases for key; cases for holding keys; key pouches; key holders made of leather and imitation leather; umbrellas; all included in Class 18. TAN SAY YANG; NO. 128, TAMAN NTAN, JALAN DATUK KUMBAR, 05300 ALOR STAR, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LEE KIM HONG, INTELLECT WORLDWIDE SDN BHD, SUITE 13A-06, WISMA MCA,163 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3248 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 18—(cont.) 07001981 05 February 2007 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ai zi you” meaning “love to go travel by oneself”. Bags (game-); bags (envelope, pouches) of leather for packaging; beach bag; travelling bags; and umbrella; all included in Class 18. METROPOLITAN TV SDN. BHD.; SRI PENTAS, NO. 3, PERSIARAN BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: MOHAMAD BUSTAMAN HJ ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07013365 12 July 2007 Handbags; suitcases; purses (not of precious metal); key cases (made of leather); bags for travelling; briefcases; opera bags; rucksack; umbrellas; parasols; all included in Class 18. BEAUCRE MERCHANDISING CO., LTD.; 385-10 KIL-DONG, KANGDONG-KU, SEOUL, KOREA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07022817 20 November 2007 Bags (game-); bags (envelope, pouches) of leather for packaging; beach bag; travelling bags; and umbrella; all included in Class 18. SISTEM TELEVISYEN MALAYSIA BERHAD; SRI PENTAS, NO. 3, PERSIARAN BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3249 CLASS 19 05005423 11 April 2005 Building materials (non-metallic), windows and window-frames, doors and door-frames, mortar, cement, asphalt mixtures, concrete; bituminous products for building purposes, bituminous coatings for roofing; roof coverings, not of metal, in particular roofing felt; floor coverings, not of metal; plaster for building purposes; all included in Class 19. REMMERS BAUSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH; BERNHARD-REMMERS-STR. 13, 49624 LONINGEN, GERMANY. AGENT: YEW WOON CHOOI, RODYK & DAVIDSON I.P. SERVICES SDN. BHD., T109, 3RD FLOOR, CENTREPOINT BANDAR UTAMA, NO. 3, LEBUH BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 94005466 05 July 1994 Prestressed concrete beams, asbestos cement sheets and articles made therefrom , plastic pipes, concrete pipes and asbestos cement pressure pipes and conduits piles and concrete based infrastructural and building products; all included in Class 19. HUME INDUSTRIES (MALAYSIA) BERHAD; LEVEL 9, WISMA HONG LEONG, 18 JALAN PERAK, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO.1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3250 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 19—(cont.) 96003163 27 March 1996 Non-metallic materials for use in the construction of courts, tracks and arenas for sports, recreational and gymnastics purposes; all included in Class 19. ETC (HOLDINGS) LIMITED.; 10 DIGBY DRIVE, MELTON MOWBRAY, LEICESTERSHIRE, ENGLAND. AGENT: MARY CARMEL SYBLE LOUIS, C/O HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., SUITE 3.02, LEVEL 3, AMODA BUILDING, NO. 22, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 02006574 10 June 2002 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of a ‘globe’. Building materials; non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; buildings; monuments, not of metal; all included in Class 19. MEGA COSMOS EAST SDN. BHD.; LEVEL 1, MENARA NCT, NO. 2, JALAN BP 4/9, BANDAR BUKIT PUCHONG, 47100 PUCHONG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3251 CLASS 20 92001485 06008377 19 May 2006 Coffin parts, wood and paper coffin, furniture, mirrors, picture frames (not included in other Classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, wholebone, shell, amber, mother of pearl, and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastic; all included in Class 20. NG CHIN HOOI WOOD & PLASTICS SDN. BHD.; 1516, TINGKAT SELAMAT 5, KAMPUNG SELAMAT, TASEK GELUGUR, 13300 SEBERAG PRAI UTARA, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 09 March 1992 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “foam”. Furniture, mattress, pillows, beds; all included in Class 20. FAR EAST FOAM INDUSTRIES SDN. BHD.; 805, BATU 3 3/4, JALAN JELEBU, 70100 SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LOK CHOON HONG, PINTAS IP GROUP SDN BHD, SUITE 6.03, 6TH FLOOR, WISMA MIRAMA, JALAN WISMA PUTRA, 50460 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3252 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 20—(cont.) 95011173 20 October 1995 To b e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a p p l i c a t i o n N o . : 95011172 Mattress, divan, pillow, bolster, cushion and furniture; all included in Class 20. LEE KONG HOOI; LOT 2496, JALAN HAJI SIRAT, OFF JALAN MERU, 41050 KLANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KRISTIN CHEAH SIEW KHOOI, TGKC INTELPRO SDN. BHD., NO.188, JALAN KAJANG JAYA 7, TAMAN KAJANG JAYA, 43000 KAJANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 92005101 24 July 1992 Furniture; school furniture, kindergarten furniture; all included in Class 20. Q-DEES SDN.BHD.; 114 JLN. GURUNG SINTAR, TMN. BUKIT MALURI, KEPONG, 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LOK CHOON HONG, PINTAS IP GROUP SDN BHD, SUITE 6.03, 6TH FLOOR, WISMA MIRAMA, JALAN WISMA PUTRA, 50460 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07003915 08 March 2007 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames, office furniture, kitchen furniture, bathroom furniture, garden furniture, showcases [furniture], cupboards, racks [furniture], display stands, screens [furniture], seats, armchairs, footstools, works of art of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, wax, plaster and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; corks for bottle, bottle caps, display boards, jewellery cases [caskets] not of precious metal; busts, statues, figurines [statuettes] of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; draughtsman’s tables, signboards of wood or plastic; furniture fittings not of metal; carts for computers [furniture]; sideboards; sofas; typing desks; chests of drawers; library shelves; bookstands; tea carts; filing cabinets; magazine racks; massage tables; lockers; trolleys [furniture]; boxes of wood or plastic; packaging containers of wood; packing containers of bamboo; bedding [except linen]; cradles; beds; chairs; cushions; all included in Class 20. JOHN HARDY LIMITED; P.O. BOX 957, OFFSHORE INCOPORATIONS CENTRE, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. AGENT: HELEN HUANG, PETER HUANG & RICHARD, 368-3-1 & 2 BELLISA ROW, JALAN BURMA, 10350 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3253 CLASS 21 07000555 12 January 2007 Feeding bottles, cups of plastic, powder-puffs, powder case, containers for household or kitchen use (except in precious metal); all included in Class 21. B & L TRADING SDN. BHD.; 5, PERSIARAN SUNGAI PARI TIMUR 22, TAMAN MAS, 30100 IPOH, PERAK, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SOH GEK LENG @ SOW GEK LENG, CRISTAL GENERAL SERVICES, 270-3-2, WISMA MUTIARA GENTING, JALAN AIR JERNIH, OFF JALAN GENTING KLANG, 53200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07004214 07016185 17 August 2007 International priority date claimed: 08 March 2007, Federal Republic Of Germany. A perforated ball containing disinfectants [cleaning utensils] for use in washing machines included in Class 21. SMART FIBER AG; PROF.-HERMANN-KLARESTR.23, 07407 RUDOLSTADT, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 12 March 2007 Household and kitchen utensils and containers; glassware, crystal-ware, porcelain and earthenware; dishes and plates, glasses and chalices, vases coffee-cups, tea-cups, breakfast-cups, mugs, boxes, frames, candlesticks, trays, ashtrays and vide poches, ice-buckets, thermos, fruit-dishes and fruitbowls, jugs and bottles, goblets and goblets for fruit-salads, photograph-holders, serviette-rings, oil cruets, champagne-buckets, sauce-boats, glass-stands, bottle-stands, knife-stands, cheese-dishes, caviar-dishes, butter-dishes, fruit-stands, all these in glass, crystal, porcelain or earthenware; all included in Class 21. BLUFIN S.P.A.; VIA G.FERRARIS 13, 15, 15/A, I-41012 CARPI, ITALY. AGENT: MARY @ MERRY A/P T. VALLIYAPARAMBIL T., ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD, #06-03 WISMA BANDAR, NO. 18, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3254 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 21—(cont.) 07004278 13 March 2007 Plastic cup and lid, plastic cup and dome lid, plastic spoon, plastic chill plate, plastic sandwich box, plastic burger box, plastic cake tray, plastic food tray, plastic food box, plastic display box; all included in Class 21. MULTIPLEX PACKAGING SDN. BHD.; 17 & 19, JALAN INDUSTRI MAS 6, TAMAN MAS PUCHONG, BATU 14, JALAN KAJANG/ PUCHONG, 47100 PUCHONG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: YIP JIUN HANN, TRADEMARK2U SDN BHD, WISMA MANJALARA BUSINESS AVENUE, SUITE 2-8, 8TH FLOOR, JALAN 7A/62A, BANDAR MANJALARA, 52200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07018872 25 September 2007 International priority date claimed: 30 March 2007, European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - Ohim. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter ‘k’. Utensils and containers for household and kitchen (as far as included in Class 21); inserts for cupboards, baskets, troughs, cornices, shelves, supports, grids, frames and containers; all included in Class 21. HEINRICH J. KESSEBOHMER KG; MINDENER STR.208, D-49152 BAD ESSEN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3255 CLASS 23 93009410 30 November 1993 Thread included in Class 23. PERUSAHAAN KYAN YAP (M) SDN. BHD.; LOT 749, KG.BARU MK.10, SENGGARANG, 83200 BATU PAHAT, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. CLASS 24 07013528 13 July 2007 Decorative textile wall coverings for infants and children, bath towels, hooded bath towels, wash cloths and wash mitts for infants and children; bedding for infants and children, namely, blankets, comforters, bed sheets, mattress pads and crib bumpers; all included in Class 24. THE WILLIAM CARTER COMPANY (MASSACHUSETTS); 1170 PEACHTREE STREET, SUITE 900, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30309, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: M. ANGELINE RAJ, ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD., #06-03 WISMA BANDAR, NO. 18 JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3256 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 24—(cont.) 07011998 22 June 2007 Advertisement of a series of three trade marks. Banners, bunting, flags (not of paper), pennants, textile articles, handkerchiefs, labels of textile materials; bed linen, towels, brocades, silk, embroidery, loose covers for furniture, coasters (table linen), knitted fabric curtains, napkins, tapestry (wall hangings) of textile, quilts, upholstery fabrics, woollen cloth, woollen fabric, velvet and felt; rugs and blankets; textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers; all included in Class 24. DIGI TELECOMMUNICATIONS SDN. BHD.; LOT 30, JALAN DELIMA 1/3, SUBANG HITECH INDUSTRIAL PARK, 40000 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KATHERINE LIM SUI HONG, KL IP (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., LOT 307, 3RD. FLOOR, WISMA MPL (HLA), JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07012821 04 July 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numeral “1” and the words “postpaid” and “plan”. Banners, bunting, flags (not of paper), pennants, textile articles, handkerchiefs, labels of textile materials; household, bed linen, towels, brocades, silk, embroidery, loose covers for furniture, coasters (table linen), knitted fabric curtains, napkins, tapestry (wall hangings) of textile, quilts, upholstery fabrics, woollen cloth, woollen fabric, velvet and felt; rugs and blankets; textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers; all included in Class 24. DIGI TELECOMMUNICATIONS SDN. BHD.; LOT 30, JALAN DELIMA 1/3, SUBANG HITECH INDUSTRIAL PARK, 40000 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KATHERINE LIM SUI HONG, KL IP (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., LOT 307, 3RD. FLOOR, WISMA MPL (HLA), JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3257 CLASS 24—(cont.) 07017333 04 September 2007 Advertisement of a series of three trade marks. 07008067 08 May 2007 Textile material, towels, golf towels, textile clothing labels; all included in Class 24. ALFRED DUNHILL LIMITED; 15, HILL STREET, LONDON W1J 5QT, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. Banners, bunting, flags (not of paper), pennants, textile articles, labels of textile materials; bed linen, towels, brocades, silk, embroidery, loose covers for furniture, coasters (table linen), knitted fabric curtains, napkins, tapestry (wall hangings) of textile, quilts, upholstery fabrics, woollen cloth, woollen fabric, velvet and felt; rugs and blankets; textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers; all included in Class 24. DIGI TELECOMMUNICATIONS SDN. BHD.; LOT 30, JALAN DELIMA 1/3, SUBANG HITECH INDUSTRIAL PARK, 40000 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KATHERINE LIM SUI HONG, KL IP (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., LOT 307, 3RD. FLOOR, WISMA MPL (HLA), JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3258 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 25 M/083952 10 October 1979 93009018 16 November 1993 Sports clothing, stocking, socks and shoes; all included in Class 25. Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. FILA SPORT S.P.A.; VIALE CESARE BATTISTI 26, 13900 BIELLA, ITALY. AMANRESORTS LIMITED; 3RD. FLOOR, KAILEY TOWER, 16 STANLEY STREET, CENTRAL, HONG KONG. AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. M/098778 24 February 1983 AGENT: CHOOI OOI CHEE, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 93010074 23 December 1993 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter ‘n’ and the device of a shoe. Proceeding under section 20(1) proceeding under section 27(2) - advertised before acceptance. Footwear, athletic shoes and leisure shoes; all included in Class 25. Articles of clothing for men, women and children; sports clothing; all included in Class 25. NEW BALANCE ATHLETIC SHOE, INC.; 20 GUEST STREET, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02135, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AUSTRALIAN CONSOLIDATED PRESS LIMITED; 54, PARK STREET, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA. AGENT: DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3259 CLASS 25—(cont.) 97004408 07 April 1997 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “bra”. Bras; included in Class 25. VICTORIA’S SECRET STORES, INC.; FOUR LIMITED PARKWAY EAST, REYNOLDSBURG, O H I O 4 3 0 6 8 , U N I T E D S TAT E S O F AMERICA. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 06003919 14 March 2006 Articles of clothing; caps (headwear); bandanas; scarves; hats; visors; headbands; clothing of imitation leather; clothing of leather; motorists clothing; paper clothing; peaks (cap); pockets for clothing; ready-made clothing; shirts; skull caps; socks; footwear; belts; suspenders; vests; wristbands; armbands; waistcoats; neckties; sweatshirts; sweaters; overalls; uniforms; aprons; gloves; jackets; jerseys; jumpers (shirt fronts); articles of clothing for sports and leisure; headgear; t-shirts; all included in Class 25. MEASAT BROADCAST NETWORK SYSTEMS SDN. BHD.; 3RD FLOOR, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ALL ASIA BROADCAST CENTRE, TECHNOLOGY PARK MALAYSIA, LEBUHRAYA PUCHONG - SUNGAI BESI, BUKIT JALIL, 57000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 97009357 09 July 1997 Articles of clothing for men, women and children including jeans, shirts, blouses, skirts, t-shirts, pants, slacks, shorts, trousers, sweaters, pull-overs, knitwears, jersey, jumpers, cardigans, jackets, swimming costumes, underwear, sleepwear, pyjamas, gowns, sportwear, socks, stockings, belts, caps, and ties; gloves, raincoat and all types of footwear and headwear; all included in Class 25. JAX CORPORATION (M) SDN BHD; 2-3-17 & 18, HARBOUR TRADE CENTRE, NO. 2, GAT LEBUH MACALLUM, 10300 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: INTELLECT WORLDWIDE SDN. BHD., 3.02, MENARA BOUSTEAD PENANG, 39, JALAN SULTAN AHMAD SHAH, 10050, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KAREN NAVAMANI ABRAHAM, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3260 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 25—(cont.) 06021657 27 November 2006 Articles of clothing for men, women and children; footwear; headgear; all included in Class 25. HEE YEN PHIN; NO. 27, JALAN KELISA EMAS 1, TAMAN KELISA EMAS, 13700 SEBERANG JAYA, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LAM WAI MIN, AD TAX ADVISORY CONSULTANCY SDN. BHD., LOT 2.01, 2ND FLOOR, NO. 25, TINGKAT KIKIK TUJUH, TAMAN INDERAWASIH, 13600 PRAI, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 06006087 14 April 2006 Shoes, sport shoes, sandals, slippers, upper outer clothing, upper outer clothing for sports, upper clothing, pants, under pants, sports pants, neckties, socks, stockings, leggings, underwear, hats, caps, visors, sports wears, swimming trunks, skirts, belts (clothing), scarves, shawls, jeans, t-shirts, shorts, singlets, shirt, overcoat, raincoat, sweater; all included in Class 25. SUNRISE & COMPANY (PTE) LTD; NO. 9 KAKI BUKIT CRESCENT, KAKI BUKIT TECH PARK 1, SINGAPORE 416240. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07000565 12 January 2007 Clothing, footwear, headgear, suits, tee-shirts, uniforms; all included in Class 25. ONG POH HOCK TRADING AS FORTUNE ENTERPRISE; NO. 148, JALAN SHABAB 8, JALAN SULTANAH SAMBUNGAN, 05100 ALOR SETAR, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHONG HAN SONG, CIMAGE SDN. BHD., DT. 3658-1, JALAN ANGKASA NURI 21, TAMAN ANGKASA NURI, 76100 MELAKA, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3261 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07010254 30 May 2007 International priority date claimed: 30 November 2006, France. Garments (clothing); sportswear (other than diving), scarves, shawls, ties, tie holders, braces, gloves (clothing); belts (clothing); footwear (other than orthopaedic), headgear; all included in Class 25. LANCEL INTERNATIONAL SA; ROUTE DES BICHES 10, VILLARS-SUR-GLANE, SWITZERLAND. 07008066 08 May 2007 AGENT: INDRAN A/L SHANMUGANATHAN, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Clothing, footwear and headgear; shirts, knitwear, waterproof clothing, jackets, blousons, sportswear, leisurewear, trousers, hats, caps, sun visors, socks, belts, golf shoes, trainers; gloves, scarves, ties; all included in Class 25. ALFRED DUNHILL LIMITED; 15, HILL STREET, LONDON W1J 5QT, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 07005785 03 April 2007 Shoes for women, men and children; all included in Class 25. GRUPO EMYCO, S.A. DE C.V.; BOULEVARD ADOLFO LOPEZ MATEOS NO. 3427, ORIENTE, FRACCIONAMIENTO INDUSTRIAL, JULIAN DE OBREGON, LEON, GUANAJUATO C.P. 37290, MEXICO. AGENT: INDRAN A/L SHANMUGANATHAN, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3262 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07016240 20 August 2007 Clothing; footwear;headgear; all included in Class 25. TORQUAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED; 439, EAST TAMAKI ROAD, EAST TAMAKI, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. AGENT: CHEW PHYE KEAT, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07016643 23 August 2007 Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. Articles of clothing and footwear; skirts, shirts, dresses, jackets, pants, blouses, t-shirts, knit-wear, shorts, bermuda shorts, jeans, shoes, sandals, boots, slippers; all included in Class 25. BYSI INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD.; 40 UBI CRESCENT, #01 - 06 UBI TECHPARK, SINGAPORE 408567. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07014433 25 July 2007 Footwear; all included in Class 25. RED PROFILE SDN BHD; LOT 609, SUBLOT 1814, (UNIT NO. 17), KOMPLEKS KILANG SME, KOTA PADAWAN, BLOK 71, JALAN KUCHING-SERIAN, 93250 KUCHING, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3263 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07021488 01 November 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter ‘x’. Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. THE H.D. LEE COMPANY, INC.; 3411 SILVERSIDE ROAD, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19810, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06018545 11 October 2006 Batik sarung; batik lepas; sarung palaikat and other clothings made of batik; all included in Class 25. P. RAMAN NAIR SDN. BHD.; 349-M, JALAN T E M E N G G O N G , 1 5 0 0 0 K O TA B H A R U , KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M I C H E L E Y E O H E E L E E N , SHAHRIZAT RASHID & LEE, LEVEL 12, MENARA MILENIUM, 8, JALAN DAMANLELA, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07013249 11 July 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘cotton’. Clothing included in Class 25. DNC SUCCESS ENTERPRISE; NO. 637 PBD 18, PARIT BAKAR DARAT, JALAN TEMENGGONG AHMAD, 84000 MUAR, JOHOR. 3264 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07018977 26 September 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ‘sport by ‘separately. Men’s and women’s clothing, namely, sweat shirts, sweat pants, sweat suits, tank tops, leotards, head bands, shirts, shorts, pants, jeans, jackets, skirts, slacks, blouses, dresses, vests, coats, sweaters, scarves, swimsuits, underwear, underpants, slips, camisoles, bras, nightgowns, robes, socks, hosiery; infants’ and children’s clothing, namely, t-shirts, sweaters, long sleeved shirts, shorts, pants, jumpers, jumpsuits, overall, one-piece playsuits, pajamas, socks, dresses, skirts; men’s, women’s, children’s and infant’s footwear and headwear; all included in Class 25. CHEROKEE, INC; 6835, VALJEAN AVENUE, VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA 91406, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: SU SIEW LING, c/o TAY & PARTNERS, 6TH FLOOR, PLAZA SEE HOY CHAN, JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07017747 10 September 2007 Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. JACK WOLFSKIN AUSRUSTUNG FUR DRAUSSEN GMBH & CO. KGAA; LIMBURGER STRASSE 38 - 40, 65510, IDSTEIN/TAUNUS, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. AGENT: ZAHARIZAN AHMED MEAH, DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD, 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3265 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07020204 16 October 2007 Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. JACK WOLFSKIN AUSRUSTUNG FUR DRAUSSEN GMBH & CO. KGAA; LIMBURGER STRASSE 38 - 40, 65510, IDSTEIN/TAUNUS, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07019196 28 September 2007 International priority date claimed: 29 March 2007, United States Of America. Clothing, namely, shirts, sweaters, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, socks, hats; and outerwear; footwear; all included in Class 25. CROCS, INC.; 6328, MONARCH PARK PLACE, NIWOT, COLORADO 80503, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: AZMAN BIN OTHMAN LUK, CHOOI & COMPANY, LEVEL 23, MENARA DION, 27, JALAN SULTAN ISMAIL, 50250 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07010591 05 June 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numeral ‘003’. Inner sole of shoes; included in Class 25. WORLD FOCUS SDN. BHD.; NO. 27, JALAN INDAH 2/4, TAMAN UNIVERSITI INDAH, 43300 SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3266 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07021487 01 November 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘denim’. Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. THE H.D. LEE COMPANY, INC.; 3411, SILVERSIDE ROAD, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19810, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ZAHARIZAN AHMED MEAH, DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD, 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07020315 17 October 2007 Athletic shoes; bandanas; baseball caps; beach cover-ups; beachwear; belts; bibs; bikinis; blazers; boots; bow ties; bras; caps; chaps; cloth bibs; coats; dresses; ear muffs; footwear; gloves; golf shirts; halloween costumes; hats; head bands; head wear; hosiery; infantwear; jackets; jeans; jerseys; kerchiefs; leotards; leg warmers; mittens; neckties; night shirts; night gowns; overalls; pajamas; pants; panty hose; polo shirts; ponchos; rainwear; robes; sandals; scarves; shirts; shoes; skirts; shorts; slacks; slippers; sleepwear; socks; stockings; sweaters; sweat pants; sweat shirts; swimsuits; tank tops; tights; t-shirts; underwear; vests; wrist bands; all included in Class 25. DISNEY ENTERPRISES, INC.; 500, SOUTH BUENA VISTA STREET, BURBANK, CALIFORNIA 91521, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: PAULINE KHOR HONG PING, ZAID IBRAHIM & CO., LEVEL 19 MENARA MILENIUM, JALAN DAMANLELA, PUSAT BANDAR DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3267 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07021489 01 November 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ‘gold label’. Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. THE H.D. LEE COMPANY, INC.; 3411, SILVERSIDE ROAD, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19810, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 07022912 A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. 21 November 2007 The trade marks are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Articles of clothing for men, women and children; brassieres; camisoles; corsets; girdles; leggings; pyjamas; petticoats; slips [clothing]; socks; stocking; suspenders; sweat absorbent underclothing; antisweat underclothings; underpants; underwear; anti sweat underwear; bathing suits; bodices; braces for clothing; footwear and headwear; all included in Class 25. FIRST RISE SDN. BHD.; LOT B817 8TH FLOOR, WISMA MERDEKA PH. 2, JALAN HAJI SAMAN, 88000 KOTA KINABALU, SABAH, MALAYSIA. 07023883 04 December 2007 International priority date claimed: 04 September 2007, Hong Kong. Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. STERLING PRODUCTS LTD.; 29-37, KWAI WING ROAD, SING MEI INDUSTRIAL BLDG., 9TH-TOP FLOOR, KWAI CHUNG, NEW TERRITORIES, KOWLOON, HONG KONG. AGEN T: C LARA YI P CHOON FOONG, MARQONSULT IP SDN. BHD., B706, LEVEL 7, BLOCK B, KELANA SQUARE, JALAN SS7/26, KELANA JAYA, 47301 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LOH YEN PHENG, INTELLECT WORLDWIDE SDN. BHD., 3.02, MENARA BOUSTEAD PENANG, 39, JALAN SULTAN AHMAD SHAH, 10050 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 3268 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07023891 05 December 2007 Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. LOH TZE YI; 35, LORONG SELANGAT, TAMAN PERTAMA, CHERAS, 56100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: KRISTIN CHEAH SIEW KHOOI, TGKC INTELPRO SDN. BHD., NO. 188, JALAN KAJANG JAYA 7, TAMAN KAJANG JAYA, 43000 KAJANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07024018 06 December 2007 Boots; boot for sports; heelpieces for boots; iron fittings for boots; non-slipping devices for boots; ski boots; welts for boots; caps [headwear]; shower caps; chasubles; clothing: clothing for gymnastics; clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; football boots; studs for football boots [shoes]; football shoes: footwear; tips for footwear; footwear uppers; hat frames [skeletons]; jackets [clothing]; stuff jackets [clothing]; jerseys [clothing]; jumpers [shirt fronts]; outerclothing; overalls; overcoats; pyjamas; pullovers; sandals; shirts; shoes; heelpieces for shoes; iron fittings for shoes; non-slipping devices for shoes; welts for shoes; sports shoes; suits; bathing suits; teeshirts; waterproof clothing; wristbands [clothing]; shirt yokes; all included in Class 25. ROYAL TRADEMARKS ESTABLISHMENT; L A N D S T R A S S E , 11 , 9 4 9 5 T R I E S E N , LIECHTENSTEIN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07019416 02 October 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘jeans’. Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. BRAPS MARKETING SDN. BHD.; 127, LEBUH KOTA PERMAI 1, TAMAN KOTA PERMAI, 14000 BUKIT MERTAJAM, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3269 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07025712 31 December 2007 Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. GOLDEN HIGHWAY AUTO-CITY SDN. BHD.; 1688-F8, JALAN PERUSAHAAN, HIGHWAY AUTO-CITY, NORTH-SOUTH HIGHWAY JURU INTERCHANGE, 13600 PRAI, PULAU PINANG. 07050070 07024353 11 December 2007 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘paris’. Underwear for women; all included in Class 25. BARBARA SA; 18 RUE ROGER SIMON BARBOUX, 94110, ARCUEIL, FRANCE. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH, PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (M) SDN. BHD., SUITE 3B-19-3, PLAZA SENTRAL, JALAN STESEN SENTRAL 5, 50470 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 08 August 2007 Clothing for men, women and children including dresses; jackets; overalls; pants and slacks; shirts; skirts; suits; sweaters; t-shirts; tops; vests; jumpers; knitwear; neckties; overcoats; suspenders; tight; pajamas; clothing of leather and imitation of leather; belts; caps (headwear); hats; headgear for wear; hosiery; stockings; scarfs; shawls; footwear including shoes, boots, sandals, and slippers; all included in Class 25. VINCCI LADIES’ SPECIALTIES CENTRE SDN. BHD.; NO. 21, LOT 116, JALAN U1/20, HICOM GLENMARIE INDUSTRIAL PARK, 40000 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR. A G E N T: M I C H E L E Y E O H E E L E E N , SHAHRIZAT RASHID & LEE, LEVEL 12, MENARA MILENIUM, 8, JALAN DAMANLELA, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3270 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07050088 29 August 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘accessories’. Clothing for men, women and children including dresses; jackets; overalls; pants and slacks; shirts; skirts; suits; sweaters; t-shirts; tops; vests; jumpers; knitwear; neckties; overcoats; suspenders; tight; pajamas; clothing of leather and imitation of leather; belts; caps (headwear); hats; headgear for wear; hosiery; stockings; scarfs; shawls; footwear namely shoes, boots, sandals, and slippers; all included in Class 25. VINCCI LADIES’ SPECIALTIES CENTRE SDN. BHD.; NO. 21, LOT 116, JALAN U1/20, HICOM GLENMARIE INDUSTRIAL PARK, 40000 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 07017303 04 September 2007 Clothing; headgear; footwear; all included in Class 25. CAT’S EYES COLLECTIONS; NO.19G, LOT 503, 1ST FLOOR, AL-IDRUS COMMERCIAL CENTRE, JALAN KULAS, 93400 KUCHING, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SEMUEL BELAWAN, NO.17, TAMAN HAPPY VALLEY, JALAN LUIS, OFF JALAN TUN JUGAH, STAMPIN, 93350 KUCHING, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M I C H E L E Y E O H E E L E E N , SHAHRIZAT RASHID & LEE, LEVEL 12, MENARA MILENIUM, 8, JALAN DAMANLELA, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07023921 05 December 2007 Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. SINNOXXA SDN. BHD.; NO. 52, JALAN HUJAN BUBUK, TAMAN OUG, 58200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3271 CLASS 25—(cont.) 07024980 19 December 2007 Clothing, footwear (except orthopaedical), headgear; all included in Class 25. REPSOL YPF S.A.; PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA 278-280, 28046 MADRID, SPAIN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. CLASS 26 07020304 17 October 2007 Ribbons included in Class 26. LADIES PROFESSIONAL GOLF ASSOCIATION; 100, INTERNATIONAL GOLF DRIVE, DAYTONA BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA 32124, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: TIMOTHY SIAW, SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAHKWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3272 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 28 06003457 08 March 2006 Arcade-type electronic video games; hand held unit for playing video games; stand alone video game machines; all included in Class 28. TETRIS HOLDING, LLC; 1209 ORANGE STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: HOO LIN COLN, LIN COLN & CO, NO. 14, LEVEL 2, JALAN 30/70A, DESA SRI HARTAMAS, 50480 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05010260 27 June 2005 Fishing tackle, including reels for fishing, rods for fishing, lines for fishing, line guides (for use on fishing rods), hooks for fishing, lures (artificial) for fishing, artificial baits, creels (fishing equipment), floats for fishing, fishing weights (namely, sinkers), landing nets for anglers, fishing bags, fishing gloves; fishing rod cases and fishing tackle containers, hip-guards specially made for fishing; all included in Class 28. SHIMANO INC.; 3-77 OIMATSU-CHO, SAKAI, OSAKA, JAPAN. AGENT: YEW WOON CHOOI, RODYK & DAVIDSON I.P. SERVICES SDN. BHD., T109, 3RD FLOOR, CENTREPOINT BANDAR UTAMA, NO. 3, LEBUH BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 06010982 26 June 2006 Fishing rods; fishing reels; fishing line; artificial fishing lures; artificial fishing baits; fish attractants; fishing tackle, namely, fishing hooks, leaders used for fishing, fishing leader kits containing a length of wire leader and a pair of terminal connectors, downriggers, swivels, snap swivels, snaps, knotless fasteners, connector sleeves; fishing rod racks; fishing rod holders; tackle boxes: fishing rod cases; sportsperson’s fishing bags; and ice fishing strike indicators; all included in Class 28. FISHING SPIRIT, INC.; 1900 18TH STREET, SPIRIT LAKE, IOWA 51360, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: M. ANGELINE RAJ, ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (M) SDN BHD., #06-03 WISMA BANDAR, NO. 18, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3273 CLASS 28—(cont.) 07011553 05006935 04 May 2005 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter ‘t’ and the numeral ‘3’ except as shown in the representation on the form of application. Golf clubs; included in Class 28. THE YOKOHAMA RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED; 36-11, SHIMBASHI 5-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 105-8685, JAPAN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 19 June 2007 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is phonetic equivalent of the word “ariston” which has no meaning. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter ‘w’. Golf bags; golf balls; golf clubs; golf shafts; tennis rackets; racquetball rackets; squash rackets; badminton rackets and paddleball rackets; tennis balls; racquetballs; racket strings for tennis rackets, racquetball rackets, squash rackets and badminton rackets; grips for tennis rackets, racquetball rackets, squash rackets, badminton rackets and paddleball rackets; badminton shuttlecocks; softballs; baseballs; baseball gloves; softball gloves; baseball bats; softball bats; basketballs; footballs; soccer balls; volleyballs; batting gloves; golf gloves; throat protectors for athletic use; facemasks for baseball, softball and football; chest protectors for sports; leg guards for athletic use; knee pads for athletic use and elbow guards for athletic use; all included in Class 28. WINEX CO., LTD.; 1F., NO. 26, LANE 505, YANGMING RD., SANMIN DIST., KAOHSIUNG CITY 807, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA. AGENT: WONG JIN NEE, WONG JIN NEE & TEO, 13A-5 LEVEL 13A, MENARA MILENIUM, 8 JALAN DAMANLELA, BUKIT DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3274 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 28—(cont.) 07012191 26 June 2007 07017362 05 September 2007 International priority date claimed: 09 February 2007, United Kingdom. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of letters ‘i’ and ‘dc’. It is codition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods which both the applicants are connected in the course of trade. Fishing tackle, including reels for fishing, rods for fishing, reel seats for fishing [parts of fishing rods], lines for fishing, line guides (for use on fishing rods), hooks for fishing, lures (artificial) for fishing, artificial baits, creels (fishing equipment), floats for fishing, fishing weights (namely, sinkers), landing nets for anglers, fishing bags, fishing gloves; fishing rod cases, fishing tackle containers, hip-guards specially made for fishing; all included in Class 28. Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other Classes; toys; board games; hand-held, self-contained games apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; footballs; balls; bags adapted for carrying sporting articles and apparatus; miniature replica football kits; darts and flights therefor, balloons; coin/counter operated games; ordinary playing cards; all included in Class 28. THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION PREMIER LEAGUE LIMITED; 30, GLOUCESTER PLACE, LONDON W1U 8PL, UNITED KINGDOM. BARCLAYS BANK PLC; 1, CHURCHILL PLACE, 29th FLOOR, LONDON E14 5HP, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: CAROLINE FRANCIS, RAMRAIS & PARTNERS, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. SHIMANO INC.; 3-77 OIMATSU-CHO, SAKAIKU, SAKAI CITY, OSAKA 590-8577, JAPAN. AGENT: YEW WOON CHOOI, C/O TETUAN HELEN YEO & PARTNERS SDN BHD., SUITE 8-7-2, 8TH. FLOOR, MENARA MUTIARA BANGSAR, JALAN LIKU, OFF JALAN BANGSAR, 59100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3275 CLASS 28—(cont.) 07018056 13 September 2007 07018789 24 September 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the abbreviation ‘co.’ and the symbol ‘&’. The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Rubber action balls, action figures and accessories, plush toys, balloons, golf balls, toy banks, toy snow globes, yo-yos; all included in Class 28. Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION; 5555, MELROSE AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90038-3197, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A G E N T: Z A H A R I Z A N A H M E D M E A H , D R E W M A R K S PAT E N T S & D E S I G N S ( M A L AY S I A ) S D N B H D , 9 T H F L O O R , BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Toy figures, toy action figures, toy masks, toy pistols, toy vehicles, toy robots, dice, dolls, doll’s clothes, games other than those adapted for use with television receivers, flippers for swimming, kites, marbles for games, playing cards, table games for baseball; all included in Class 28. TOEI KABUSHIKI KAISHA; 2-17, GINZA 3-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3276 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 28—(cont.) 07019164 28 September 2007 Apparatus for use in golfing; articles for use in playing golf; articles of sports clothing [gloves] for use in playing golf; bag stands for golf bags; bags especially designed for skis and surfboards; balls for games; bats for games; batting gloves [accessories for games]; bells for christmas trees; body boards; boxing gloves; club (golf-) hoods; caddie bags for golf clubs; candle holders for christmas trees; christmas tree stands; christmas trees of synthetic material; christmas trees (ornaments for-) [except illumination articles and confectionery]; clubs (golf-); darts; dolls; divot repair tools [golf accessories]; exercisers [expanders]; flippers for swimming; flying dics [toys]; games; games (balls for-); gloves (boxing-); gloves (golf-); gloves for games; gloves for sporting purposes [specifically adapted for]; gloves for use in playing baseball; gloves made specifically for use in playing sports; golf apparatus; golf bag travel covers; golf bags, with or without wheels; golf ball markers; golf ball retrievers; golf ball spotters; golf balls; golf clothing [gloves]; golf club bags; golf club covers; golf club grips; golf club head covers; golf club heads; golf club heads for sale as part of a kit; golf club shafts; golf clubs; golf games; golf gloves; golf irons; golf mats; golf practice apparatus; golf putters; golf swing alignment apparatus; golf tee bags; golf tees; golf training aids; golf wear [gloves]; golfing apparatus; grip bands for badminton rackets; grip bands for squash rackets; grip bands for table tennis bats; grip bands for tennis rackets; grip ribbons for rackets; grip strings for racquets; grip tape for racquets; grips for golf clubs; grips of sporting articles; grips for the handles of sporting articles; grips for the handles for sporting articles used in ball games; grips for the handles of sports rackets; handles for golf clubs; head covers for golf-clubs; hockey sticks; in-line roller skates; irons [golf clubs] (head protectors for-); knee guards [sports articles]; mah-jong; masks (toy-); nets for sports; nets for practising golf; ornaments for christmas tree [except illumination articles and confectionery]; paddings (protective-) [parts of sports suits]; playing balls; plush toys; portable golf driving ranges; rackets; roller skates; shafts for golf clubs; shin guards [sports articles]; skateboards; skates (in-line roller-); skates (roller-); skis; skis and surfboards (bags especially designed for-); surfboards (bags especially designed for skis and-); surf boards; surf skis; table tennis (tables for-); tee holders; tees (golf-); toys; toys for domestic pets; all included in Class 28. KJ INDUSTRIES PTE LTD; 73, BUKIT TIMAH ROAD #01-01, REX HOUSE, SINGAPORE 229832. AGENT: AZMI MOHD ALI, AZMI & ASSOCIATES, 14TH FLOOR, MENARA KECK SENG, 203, JALAN BUKIT BINTANG, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3277 CLASS 28—(cont.) 07019340 02 October 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter ‘a’. Gymnastic and sporting articles and apparatus; sporting articles including articles and accessories for use in boxing, gymnastics, indoor and field athletics, and for use in playing the games of tennis, squash, badminton, table tennis, softball, golf, netball, volleyball, basketball, baseball, ice hockey and hockey, football, lacrosse, fives, bowls, lawn tennis, cricket, croquet, clock golf, quoits, discs and putting golf and water polo; balls for use in sports; sports bags in this Class; sports bags; bags adapted for use with sporting equipment; tennis thermo bags; fitness equipment; tennis nets and posts inflatable balls for sports; inflatables in the nature of soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, volleyballs; tennis rackets, squash rackets, badminton rackets, table tennis bats and related goods and accessories in this Class; exercise equipment; hand exercisers; balls for games; balls including tennis balls, snooker tables; snooker balls and cues; skis; snow boards; surfboards; sailboards; golf mats; dart mats; darts; playground equipment; knee protectors for use when participating in sports; protectors for elbows and knees when riding bicycles; elbow pads, shields and protectors; protective padded articles for use in sporting activities; protective padded articles; stationary exercise bicycles; toy bicycles; sporting articles for wear adapted for use in specific sports; skates; in-line skates; roller skates; hand exercisers (other than for therapeutic use); play tents; hand held electronic games; toys, games, playthings, playing cards, soft toys, novelties, souvenirs; toy miniature figurines, balloons; electronic games; computer assisted games; computer games other than coin freed or for use with external display source; christmas decorations; decorations for christmas trees; artificial christmas trees and christmas tree stands; kaleidoscopes; sporting articles for equestrian use and sports; apparatus for use in fishing; fish hooks; fishing apparatus and articles; bags adapted for fishing; artificial baits for fishing; audible indicating apparatus for use in fishing; bags adapted to hold fishing tackle; artificial bait; bite indicators; bite sensors; cases for fishing rods; creels; decoys for hunting or fishing; fishing apparatus; fishing articles; fishing bags; fishing floats; fishing ground baits; fishing holdalls; fishing line casts; fishing lines; fishing plumbs;. fishing reel cases; fishing reels; fishing rod cases; fishing rod rests; fishing rod supports; fishing rods; fishing stools; fishing tackle; fishing tackle float swivels; fishing tackle terminal tackle; fishing tackle wallets; fishing weights; fittings for fishing rod handles; flies for fishing; fly-tying materials for making flies for fishing; gut for fishing; handles for fishing rods; hooks for fishing; landing nets for fishing; lines for fishing; linings for fishing rods; lures for hunting or fishing; paternosters; poles for fishing; fishing reels; rods and rod blanks for fishing; warning devices [bite indicators] for use with fishing tackle; all included in Class 28. THE ANTIGUA GROUP, INC.; 16651 N. 84TH AVENUE, 85382 PEORIA ARIZONA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: YIP JIUN HANN, TRADEMARK2U SDN BHD, WISMA MANJALARA BUSINESS AVENUE, SUITE 2-8, 8TH FLOOR, JALAN 7A/62A, BANDAR MANJALARA, 52200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3278 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 28—(cont.) 07025373 07022151 12 November 2007 Toy vehicles; all included in Class 28. TOY STATE INDUSTRIAL LIMITED; G3-5, G/F, NEW EAST OCEAN CENTRE, 9 SCIENCE MUSEUM ROAD, TSIM SHA TSUI EAST, KOWLOON, HONG KONG. AGENT: KHAIRUL AZAM BIN MOHD NILAM, IP BUSINESS SOLUTION, UNIT 5D, 5TH. FLOOR, WISMA KRAFTANGAN, NO. 9, JALAN TUN PERAK, 50050 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 27 December 2007 Games and playthings; sport balls; board games; tables for table football; stuffed dolls and animals; toy vehicles; puzzles; jigsaw puzzles; balloons; inflatable toys; pogs; playing cards; confetti; articles for gymnastics and sport; soccer equipment, namely, soccer balls, gloves, knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads, shin guards, soccer goals; sporting bags and containers adapted for carrying sports articles; party hats (toys); handheld electronic games other than those adapted for use with television receivers only; foam hands (toys); robots [toys]; arcade games; appliances for gymnastic; all included in Class 28. F E D E R AT I O N I N T E R N AT I O N A L E D E F O O T B A L L A S S O C I AT I O N ( F I FA ) ; F I FA - S T R A S S E 2 0 , 8 0 4 4 Z U R I C H , SWITZERLAND. AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3279 CLASS 28—(cont.) 07009259 21 May 2007 Rackets; rackets (strings for-); bats for games; playing balls (balls for playing); tennis rackets; tennis balls; tennis nets; all included in Class 28. XIE JINXIU; NO. 5 MAGUANTUN VILLAGE, QINGLIANGSI DISTRICT, ZHUOZHOU CITY, HEBEI PROVINCE, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. AGENT: DAVID OH KIT YAN, MINDVAULT SDN BHD, SUITE B-10-11 PLAZA MONT KIARA, NO. 2 JALAN KIARA, MONT KIARA, 50480 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07025216 24 December 2007 International priority date claimed: 22 June 2007, Trinidad And Tobago. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘iphone’. Stand alone video game machines; pinball and arcade game machines; hand-held unit for playing electronic games; coin-operated video games; toy computers, phones and other toy consumer electronic devices; electronic action toys; electronic educational game machines for children; musical toys; battery operated remote controlled toy vehicles; toys and games, namely, action figures and accessories therefore; board games; card games; playing cards; all included in Class 28. APPLE INC.; 1, INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3280 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 29 93001798 M/084991 14 January 1980 Milk and dairy products included in Class 29. MALAYSIA MILK SENDIRIAN BERHAD; NO.7, JALAN 19/1, 46300 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 22 March 1993 To b e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a p p l i c a t i o n N o . : 90001426 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and other dairy products; edible oils and fats; preserves, pickles; all included in Class 29. SOGO CO. LTD.; 8-3 SHINSAIBASHI-SUJI 1-CHOME, CHUO-KU, 542 OSAKA, JAPAN. AGENT: LIM CHENG POH, LIM & RAHIM, 3RD FLOOR, KOMPLEKS PERNAS SOGO, 190, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3281 CLASS 29—(cont.) 05016553 04 October 2005 Preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; all included in Class 29. SAHIMI BIN DOLLAH; NO. 7001, PERMATANG PAUH, 13100 PENAGA, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 93008377 26 October 1993 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter “m”. Canned flakes tuna,canned golden young corn,canned whole mushroom,canned pork mince with bean paste,canned spiced pork cube,canned straw mushroom,canned abalone mushroom,canned pork luncheon meat,canned lychee in syrup and canned longan in syrup; all included in Class 29. MAKMUR MALAYA SDN. BHD.; 3, JALAN CHAN SOW LIN, 55200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LOK CHOON HONG, PINTAS IP GROUP SDN BHD, SUITE 6.03, 6TH FLOOR, WISMA MIRAMA, JALAN WISMA PUTRA, 50460 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 97002564 04 March 1997 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters of which the mark consist is ‘le shi’ meaning ‘pleasure’; delight; bit of jam. Ready to eat snack foods consisting primarily of potatoes, nuts, other fruit or vegetable materials or combinations thereof including potato chips and fabricated potato chips; all included in Class 29. PEPSICO, INC.; 700 ANDERSON HILL ROAD, PURCHASE NY 10577, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3282 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 29—(cont.) 93005981 15 August 1993 Meat, fish, seafood, poultry, all being preserved, dried, cooked or canned, dates, raisins; milk and dairy product; canned food products; jams, mushrooms, agar-agar,; all included in Class 29. CHIA KHIM LEE FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE. LTD.; NO.119 DEFU LANE 10, SINGAPORE 539230. AGENT: DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 00013032 19 September 2000 Ingredients in this Class; meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; maraschino cherries, candied fruit peel; desiccated coconut; jellies, piping jelly, jams, fruit sauces; eggs, powdered eggs; milk and milk products; full cream and skim milk powders, milk substitutes; custard powder; instant custard; dairy and non-dairy whipped toppings, cream whip, cream whip powder; prepared nuts; gelatine; edible oils and fats, pan oil, bakery fats; malt; all included in Class 29. AB MAURI TECHNOLOGY PTY LIMITED; LEVEL 1, TOWER B, 799 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, CHATSWOOD, NSW 2067, AUSTRALIA. AGENT: MICHAEL SOO CHOW MING, SHOOK LIN & BOK, 20TH FLOOR, AMBANK GROUP BUILDING, 55 JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 03005694 19 May 2003 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of applications. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ‘fillo-chicken, vegetables and mushroom’. Poultry (not live) and all poultry products, for foods; all included in Class 29. AYAMAS FOOD CORPORATION SDN. BHD.; LEVEL 14-17, WISMA KFC, NO. 17, JALAN SULTAN ISMAIL, 50250 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. A G E N T: A Z M I M O H D A L I , A Z M I & ASSOCIATES, 14TH FLOOR, MENARA KECK SENG, 203, JALAN BUKIT BINTANG, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3283 CLASS 29—(cont.) 05016015 26 September 2005 Lentils, soup mixes, butter beans, split peas and marrow fat peas; dried fruit and dried vegetables; meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; jellies, jams; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; preserves; all included in Class 29. 06005337 04 April 2006 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “shuang ji pai” meaning “twin chicken brand”. MORNING FOODS LIMITED ( A COMPANY INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND); NORTH W E S T E R N M I L L S , C R E W E , C W 2 6 H P, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: HOO LIN COLN, LIN COLN & CO, NO. 14, LEVEL 2, JALAN 30/70A, DESA SRI HARTAMAS, 50480 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; salted vegetables, sweetened vegetables, dried turnip slices, chilli beans, ginger jam, stem ginger, garlic paste, garlic preserves, garlic toppings for cooking, dried mushrooms, prepared mushroom; preserved mushroom; baked beans, beans being cooked, beans being dried, beans being preserved, canned beans, chilli beans, dried soya beans; anchovies (ikan bilis) and salted fish; all included in Class 29. KOI HAI SENG IMPORT EXPORT SDN. BHD.; LOT 525, PERSIARAN SUBANG PERMAI SUNGAI, PENAGA INDUSTRIAN ESTATE, 47500 SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: GOH MEI LING, HENRY GOH & CO. SDN. BHD., 217, JALAN IMBI, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07021370 31 October 2007 Beef; bacon; sausage; beef patties; beef slices; hot dogs; prepared beef; veal; lamb; and poultry, namely, chicken, turkey, and duck; all included in Class 29. MIDAMAR CORPORATION; 1105 60TH AVE. SW, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA 52404, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: NG MAE LIN, ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN. BHD., SUITE 609, BLOCK D, PHILEO DAMANSARA 1, NO. 9, JALAN 16/11, 46350 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3284 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 29—(cont.) 02005238 11 May 2002 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “hai”, “huang” and “pai” meaning “sea”, “grand” and “brand” respectively. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the chinese character meaning “brand”. Shellfish; abalones, abalone clams, sea asparagus, clams, shellfish products; all included in Class 29. HOCK SENG FOOD PTE LTD; 267 PANDAN LOOP, SINGAPORE 128439. AGENT: KHAW HANG MENG, PETER HUANG & RICHARD, 368-3-1 & 2 BELLISA ROW, JALAN BURMA, 10350 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 93003437 15 May 1993 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “bing shan biao” meaning “iceberg brand”. Vegetable oil included in Class 29. CONTINENTAL EDIBLE OIL INDUSTRIES SDN BHD (INCORPORATED IN MALAYSIA); 27, JALAN SIBU 16, TAMAN WAHYU, BATU 61/2, JALAN IPOH, 68100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: TAN KEOK LAY, EDMUND TAN & CO., SUITE B19 1ST FLOOR, PLAZA PEKELILING, JALAN TUN RAZAK, 50400 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 91000534 28 January 1991 Salted fish, food products made from prawn, prawn paste (belacan), petis udang, sambal rojak, cencalok, salted prawn, anchovy; all included in Class 29. CHUAH TEONG GUAN TRADING AS SYARIKAT PERNIAGAAN HIN LEONG; 160, LEBUH TEK SOON, 10000 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3285 CLASS 30 95008469 19 August 1995 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, bakingpowder; salt, mustard, pepper, vinegar, sauces, spices, ice; all included in Class 30. ROYAL COPENHAGEN A/S; SMALLEGADE 45, 2000 FREDERIKSBERG, DENMARK. A G E N T: M O H A M A D B U S TA M A N H J ABDULLAH, BUSTAMAN, LOT C9-3, JALAN SELAMAN 1, DATARAN PALMA, 68000 AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 92005289 31 July 1992 Instant coffee mix, tea mix and malt-extract family cereal beverage; all included in Class 30. F & B NUTRITION SDN. BHD.; WISMA KING KOIL, 2C-4, LEVEL 5, JALAN SS6/6, KELANA JAYA, 47301 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: PETER HUANG & RICHARD, 368-3-1 & 2 BELLISA ROW, JALAN BURMA, 10350 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. 94001577 02 March 1994 Yeast, baking powder and bread improvers; all included in Class 30. LESAFFRE & CIE ; 41, RUE ETIENNE MARCEL, 75001 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: LEE SHY TSONG, DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW I.P. SDN BHD, THE PENTHOUSE, LEVEL 33, MENARA TUN RAZAK, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 3286 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 30—(cont.) 03007092 12 June 2003 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, instant coffee, artificial coffee, cereals, biscuit, pastry and confectionery, all included in Class 30. P.T. SARI INCOFOOD CORPORATION; DESA TANJUNG MORAWA B, KABUPATEN DELI SERDANG, SUMATERA UTARA, INDONESIA. AGENT: ZAHARIZAN AHMED MEAH, DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD, 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 97002563 04 March 1997 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters of which the mark consists is ‘le shi’ meaning ‘pleasure’; delight; bit of jam. Ready to eat snack foods consisting primarily of grains, including corn chips, tortilla chips, rice chips, crackers, pretzels and puffed and extruded snacks; popped popcorn; snack foods having a grain or cereal base; all included in Class 30. 98014179 PEPSICO, INC.; 700 ANDERSON HILL ROAD, PURCHASE NY 10577, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SUNBOW CREDIT & LEASING SDN BHD; SUITE 1009, 10TH FLOOR, SUN COMPLEX, JALAN BUKIT BINTANG, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: DREWMARKS PATENTS & DESIGNS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 9TH FLOOR, BANGUNAN GETAH ASLI (MENARA), 148, JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 10 December 1998 Preparations made from cereals, rice; processed beans; biscuit products, wafer; noodles; vermicelli; snack food; all included in Class 30. A G E N T: W O N G S A I F O N G , S H E A R N DELAMORE & CO., 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO. 1, LEBOH A M PA N G , 5 0 1 0 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3287 CLASS 30—(cont.) 04007653 07 June 2004 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “royal”. Cocoa, chocolate, chocolate confectionery, sugar confectionery, flour confectionery, biscuits, wafers, cakes, snack foods; all included in Class 30. SWEETKISS FOOD INDUSTRY SDN. BHD.; 36,38 & 40, JALAN MEGA B, TAMAN INDUSTRY MEGA, 43500 SEMENYIH, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 03008213 04 July 2003 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffe; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionary, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; all included in Class 30. TONG SENG HUAT RICE TRADING SDN. BHD.; NO. 58A & 58B, MERBAU ROAD, 98000 MIRI, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. 05016480 03 October 2005 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters ‘tc’ and the word ‘great’. Sauces, vinegar and ketchup; all included in Class 30. KOH KWANG HUEI AND KOH AH NGA @ KHOR HANG KWENG TRADING AS TAI CHONG FOOD INDUSTRY; 100A BATU 6, SIMPANG EMPAT, 06650 KANGKONG, KOTA SETAR, KEDAH, MALAYSIA. 3288 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 30—(cont.) 05017570 18 October 2005 The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is ‘da zhong’, ‘bing’ and ‘fang’ meaning ‘the people’, ‘biscuits & confectionery’. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ‘biscuit & confectionery’. Biscuits included in Class 30. TA CHONG BISCUIT & CONFECTIONERY; NO. 32, MAIN ROAD, 35500 BIDOR, PERAK, MALAYSIA. 06003035 01 March 2006 Advertisement of a series of two trade marks. The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in representation on the form of application. The transliteration and translation of the japanese characters appearing in the mark is “peppalanchi” meaning “pepperlunch”. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a word “pepper”. Sandwiches, sushi, hamburger sandwiches, pizzas, box lunches, box lunches filled with boiled rice mixed with beef, box lunches filled with boiled rice and beef, box lunches filled with boiled rice and beef as a side dish, meat pies, spaghetti; all included in Class 30. PEPPER FOOD SERVICE CO., LTD.; 3-2, AZUMABASHI 3-CHOME, SUMIDA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. 06007763 10 May 2006 Proceeding under section 26(1)(b). Breakfast cereals, muesli, corn flakes, cereal bars, ready-to-eat cereals; cereal preparations; all included in Class 30. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A.; 1800 VEVEY, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: MOHD. SHAH BIN HASHIM, NESTLE PRODUCTS SDN. BHD., 4, LORONG PESIARAN BARAT, 46200 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: CHEW PHYE KEAT, RAJA, DARRYL & LOH, 18TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY, JALAN RAJA LAUT, 50350 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3289 CLASS 30—(cont.) 06007871 11 May 2006 07000490 11 January 2007 Bah kut teh spices (local chinese herbal soup ingredients) being spices and condiments, flour; wheat flour; corn flour; aromatizing or seasoning products for food; sauces (condiments), vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs and spices, herb and spice mixes; herbal tea [other than for medicinal use]; spices extracts; all included in Class 30. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the chinese character meaning ‘beneficial’. HNG NGO PEN & KHAW BAH HUAT TRADING AS HAOMEIWEI FOOD INDUSTRIES; T/A HAOMEIWEI FOOD INDUSTRIES, NO. 74, LORONG MURNI 12, TAMAN DESA MURNI, SUNGAI DUA, 13800 BUTTERWORTH, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. LIM CHEN KONG; NO. 89A, JALAN DANAU 1, TAMAN DESA JAYA, 81100 JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: MICHELE KOW SZE YIN, MJ & ASSOCIATES, SUITE 12-F, GURNEY OFFICE TOWER, 18 PERSIARAN GURNEY, 10250 PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA. Noodles; vermicelli [noodles]; ribbon vermicelli; flour for food; instant noodles; flour and preparations made from cereals; all included in Class 30. AGENT: TAN SIN SU, QUALITY ORACLE SDN. BHD., L6-03, LEVEL 6, WISMA BU 8, NO. 11, LEBUH BANDAR UTAMA, BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 3290 WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN [2hb Julai 2009 CLASS 30—(cont.) 97003653 24 March 1997 The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the marks are ‘he’ and ‘le’ meaning ‘congratulate’ and ‘happy’. Confectionery included in Class 30. DIETHELM MALAYSIA SDN.BHD.; 74, JALAN UNIVERSITY, 46200 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO.; 7TH FLOOR, WISMA HAMZAH-KWONG HING, NO.1, LEBOH AMPANG, 50100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 05004290 23 March 2005 Flour, wheat flour, pastries, confectionery; cookies, bread and biscuits; all included in Class 30. WASAWELL SDN. BHD.; PLO 18, JALAN PERKELILING, 81700 PASIR GUDANG, JOHOR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: LINDA WANG CHAW LING, TAY & PARTNERS, 6TH. FLOOR, PLAZA SEE HOY CHAN, JALAN RAJA CHULAN, 50200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 06007877 11 May 2006 Tea included in Class 30. INDADI UTAMA (M) SDN. BHD.; GDN 21, LOT 7574, BATU 4 1/2, JALAN KLANG LAMA, 58000 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: SURENDRAN A/L S.SUBRAMANIAM, SHIELDMARK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SDN. BHD., 28-A, JALAN TUN TAN SIEW SIN, 50050 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 2hb Julai 2009] WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 3291 CLASS 30—(cont.) 07022537 96005745 29 May 1996 Sugar, rice, tapioca. flours, pies (sweet or salted ones), pizza, tarts (sweet or salted ones). pasta (plain or flavoured and/or filled ones). ready dishes partially or totally made of pastry. bread. biscuits (sweet or salted ones), cakes, pastries. all these products being plain and/or coated and/or filled and/or flavoured one. confectioneries. ice cream. honey; salt; mustard; vinegar sauces (condiments); spice; all included in Class 30. 16 November 2007 Coffee and cocoa; tea; all included in Class 30. KEY COFFEE INC.; 2-34-4, NISHI-SHIMBASHI, MINATO-KU TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: WONG JIN NEE, WONG JIN NEE & TEO, 13A-5 LEVEL 13A, MENARA MILENIUM, 8 JALAN DAMANLELA, BUKIT DAMANSARA, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. THE JACOB’S BAKERY LIMITED.; LONG LANE, AINTREE, LIVERPOOL L9 7 LD, UNITED KINGDOM. AGENT: CHEW KHERK YING, WONG & PARTNERS, LEVEL 21, SUITE 21.01, THE GARDENS SOUTH TOWER, MID VALLEY CITY, LINGKARAN SYED PUTRA, 59200 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 07021066 29 October 2007 Crackers, cookies, candies (non-medicated-), sugar candies (non-medicated-), chocolates, cakes, biscuits, pastries, moon cake; all included in Class 30. 07009960 29 May 2007 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ‘beauty world’. Coffee and tea; all included in Class 30. STEADY FORCE (M) SDN. BHD.; NO.97, TAMAN SRI PULAI, KUBANG KERIAN, 16150 KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. KINH DO CORPORATION; 6/134, 13TH NATIONAL ROAD, HIEP BINH PHUOC WARD, THU DUC DISTRICT, HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM (SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF). AGENT: CHARMAYNE ONG POH YIN, SKRINE, UNIT NO. 50-8-1, 8TH FLOOR, WISMA UOA DAMANSARA, 50 JALAN DUNGUN, DAMANSARA HEIGHTS, 50490 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
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