Sunday 1 February 2015 - All Saints Church Milton Keynes Village


Sunday 1 February 2015 - All Saints Church Milton Keynes Village
WELCOME/INFORMATION SHEET - We are keen to ensure that newcomers and visitors
to our Church feel truly welcome and accordingly we will be preparing a handout or similar
which will communicate the information which they would find most useful. I am putting
together an initial draft and am looking for ideas, especially from our congregation, so
please do let me, Matt or any of the Stewards know what YOU would have liked to have
known on your first visit to our Church! Thank you – Moira [email protected]
MATT’S SERMONS – As you know we post copies of Matt’s Sermons on our church
website. Currently we have all Sermons on there for 2014. As part of our updates to our
website we are going to reduce that number down and will shortly be removing the
Sermons preached prior to September 2014. If there are any you would like to
download/print off, please do so quickly! – but if you do ever need any in the future, just
speak to Ann or Matt as we will have copies.
In his name we pray:
Come Holy Spirit, Build Your Church
In our hearts, In our lives, In this place
That we may be your witnesses
Through Jesus Christ our living Lord. Amen.
YOUTH CLUB – This Thursday, 5 February, 7 - 9pm at Christ the King for ages Year 5
and up. Cost £1 per child to cover costs of drinks, crisps etc.
ignite –Sunday, 8th February at 7pm at Christ the King, ignite, our monthly informal
Spirit-led service. All Welcome!
(One of the three churches that make up the Walton Churches Partnership)
Sunday 1st February 2015
Rector: Rev. Matt Trendall (01908) 582839
The next gathering will be the Annual General Meeting on
Monday 9 February, 2pm at St Mary’s, Wavendon. It will
include Communion led by Rev. Matt.
Further details from Pauline (01908) 237774
Mrs. Pat Sawyer
 (01908) 665341
Mrs. Sylvia Bennett
 (01908) 376344
BRIDGEBUILDER - will be going into the following
Schools within the WCP next week:
Ms. Jane Lee
 (07773) 166842
Pastoral Care Steward:
Ms. Gill Farrow
 (01908) 559022
WCP Administrator:
Mrs. Linda Kirk
[email protected]
Tuesday – Monkston Park, Thursday – Kents Hill
Please keep Bridgebuilder in your prayers as they continue their excellent work with
children living in MK.
TAIZE SERVICE FOR CANDLEMASS – TODAY, Sunday 1 February, 4 - 5pm at Holy
Trinity Church, Old Wolverton MK12 5NH. All are welcome.
10am – 4.30pm, Stantonbury Leisure Centre.
For more details see
Our very own Wayne Webb will be there (although not exhibiting this year) - do say hello if
you see him!
All Saints online WCP online
For Baptism or Marriage Enquiries, please contact:
The WCP Administrator, Linda Kirk on [email protected]
QUIET DAY FOR ASH WEDNESDAY – Wednesday 18 February, 10am - 4pm at the
Well at Willen with members of the Well community. Cost £20 includes a light lunch,
bursaries available on request.
To book a place (01908) 242190 or [email protected]
If you would like to be added to the email distribution of this newsletter, please contact
Ann Harris [email protected] or give your details to one of the Stewards
All Saints Prayer Chain: If you have an urgent prayer need and would like to be
supported in prayer, we have a group of people at church committed to pray for any
needs which arise. All requests will be treated in strict confidence, will be kept within
the group, and will be anonymised if you request it. To get support in prayer, all you
have to do is to email brief details to [email protected]
SUNDAY 1 February 2015
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
11.15am Family Communion – Rev. Keith Straughan with Children’s Church
during the Service. Today Keith will continue our Sermon Series ‘Who are you?’ –
discovering our amazing new identity in Christ - Ephesians 1 – 3
Readings: Ephesians 2.11-22
Luke 2. 22-40
Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ
Jesus Presented in the Temple
TODAY! - Children’s Church for school-aged children takes
place in the Vestry space. We will take the children out of the
Service after the first hymn and return them to their families
before Communion. Thank you to Jane who helped at our last
Today we will continue looking at the topic of ‘Following Jesus’ and the focus will be
on ‘Being Thankful’. Ann will be leading this session.
Sunday before Lent
8.30am Holy Communion – Rev. Matt Trendall
11.15am All Age Worship – Rev. Matt Trendall
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Last week we
celebrated a very special event at our
Sunday morning Service – Norma’s 90
Birthday! Norma was presented with a
card from all her friends at All Saints,
together with a beautiful flower
arrangement made by Gloria.
Many Happy Returns Norma!
Monday 2 February
9.15am – ‘Revive’, reflective prayer and worship at St Mary’s, Wavendon
10.45am – Worship Group Meeting at Gill’s House
Wednesday 4 Febuary
9.30 to 11am - WCP Home Group at Christ the King, Kents Hill. Meet in the Prayer Room
7.30pm - rest our monthly reflective mid-week Communion Service at All Saints
Thursday 5 Febuary
8.45am to 12pm – Coffee Morning at St Mary’s, Wavendon
2 to 3pm – Prayer Group. See opposite for details
7 to 9pm – Youth Club at Christ the King, Kents Hill. See over for details
7.30pm – All Saints Study Group. See opposite for details
Friday 6 February
10am to 11.45am – Coffee Morning/Drop in at Christ the King, Kents Hill
Sunday 8 February
7pm - ignite our monthly informal Spirit-led service at Christ the King, Kents Hill
We may take photographs during our Services, including during Children’s Church,
to use on our Church facebook page/websites and publications. Please let one of
the stewards know if you are not happy for images of you and/or your children to be
used. Many thanks
WCP CHRISTIAN UNITY PARTY 2015 – Great fun was had by all at our Christian
Unity Party at Christ the King on 23 January. There are photos and videos on the
WCP facebook page:
Lots of do-si-do-ing! Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a success, with
special thanks to Ruth for leading the organising team.
WORSHIP GROUP MEETING – The next meeting will be held TOMORROW,
Monday 2 February at 10.45am at Gill’s House.
DORCAS – This week the Dorcas ladies will be going out for the morning. The next
normal Dorcas will be held on Tuesday 17 February.
rest – This Wednesday, 4th February at 7.30pm, our monthly reflective mid-week
Communion Service at All Saints. All Welcome.
PRAYER GROUP – The Prayer Group will meet next this Thursday, 5 February
from 2 – 3pm. Please contact Catherine (01908) 667112 or Gill (01908) 559022
for details of venue. (We’ve moved it from Church to another location during the cold
winter months.)
ALL SAINTS STUDY GROUP – Thursdays at 7.30pm at 9 Culross Grove,
Monkston. We'll be following our Sunday sermon series, learning more about God's
word and his amazing plan for our lives. If you would like to come long and haven't
yet told Rev. Matt, please contact him before Thursday on (01908) 582839 or
[email protected]