
Home of the Spartans – JANUARY 30, 2015
RHS Office Staff The secondary office contact people this school year; Sue Feldhege ‐ the contact person for attendance. Dee Torborg – handles all things connected to the high school. Shannon Molitor will do the same for middle school and Jane Wahlin works with the athletic director. Mr. Mark Jenson 320) 685‐4911 Mr. Barry Voight 320 685‐4966 Mr. Joel Baumgarten 320) 685‐4913 All – Night GRAD Party Info The next All Night Grad Party meeting will be on Monday evening, Feb. 2nd @ St. Boniface Parish Center at 6:30 pm. As always, there is a need for many volunteers to make this a successful event for our graduating seniors. Please contact Pam Wilbur if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering – [email protected] All Night Grad Party
Do you have a 2015 graduating senior? Help make
graduation night a memory of a lifetime. Plans are well
underway for the 2015 All Night Grad Party but
volunteers are still needed for all committees. Junior
parents are also encouraged to come be a part of the
planning process.
Thanks to the following people for volunteering to be
General Chair people: Russ and Pam Wilbur, Don and
Michele Fisher and Rhonda Pohl.
The next meeting will be Monday, February 2nd at
6:30 p.m. at St. Boniface Church in the Parish Center.
Please join us to learn more about how you can help
make the 2015 Grad Party a memorable experience
for our students. For more information contact Pam
Wilbur at 685-8945 or e-mail [email protected]
Look at the upcoming RHS activities!! Feb. is a busy month for our music department! Feb 4th and 11th are vocal solo/ensemble competitions. The 6th grade Band/Choir concert will be 7:00 pm on Thursday night, Feb. 19th. The MS/HS choir concert will be on Thurs. Feb. 26th at 7:00 pm Financial Aid Info Night – Feb 2, 2015 The ROCORI Guidance and Counseling Office will offer their annual Financial Aid Night for Juniors/Seniors and their parents. We are pleased to have Valerie Knoop, a financial aid representative from St. Cloud State University, who will present information to parents to help them understand the financial aid process. Valerie’s presentation will not be geared towards students attending SCSU, but rather financial aid opportunities for all students. This includes; completing the FAFSA, (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form, how financial aid is determined, identifying the types of aid available, scholarships, loans, grants, etc. Financial Aid Night will be held in the ROCORI High School Media Center, on Monday evening, February 2nd, at 6:30 PM. Call the guidance office with questions. Jen Illies‐Sabol (A‐L) Craig Lieser (M‐Z) Roz Jungles 685‐4916 PROM
April 25, 2015
Snow Week
February 2nd – February 6th
February 2nd – Pajama Day
February 3rd – Sassy and Classy Day
February 4th – Camouflage Day
February 5th – Would you be my best
friend if I wore this? day
February 6th – Beach Day – Pep fest
Parking Tickets and other……. We seem to be having an issue with students who refuse to pay their parking tickets. This is just a reminder of how the school district handles parking violations “if a student receives a third violation, that also remains unpaid, the student’s vehicle is subject to being towed at owners expense.” Seniors – we do NOT issue caps/gowns to any student who has any outstanding fees, fines, books, parking tickets, athletic/activity fees, etc. Please be sure to get any and all of these paid before the end of April. Questions; please contact the school office