Carlsbad Time Lines - Carlsbad Historical Society
Carlsbad Time Lines - Carlsbad Historical Society
1st Quarter 2008 Volume 10, Issue 1 Carlsbad Time Lines Carlsbad Historical Society (760) 434 9189 Electrification of Carlsbad Did you know that parts of the US did not get electricity until after the depression of the 1930’s? This information made us wonder when Carlsbad got its electricity. We have been searching the newspaper data bases and obtained good information from the Oceanside Historical Society. It is clear that the North County had small power stations that provided electricity to paying members, shortly after downtown San Diego started this service in 1881. The companies running this new business absorbed the cost of laying out the wires to the clients. Some of the hotels had their own generators for lights, alarms and for the elevators. Later on the use of electrical pumps proved to be critical to the farming of flowers and other crops in North County. Chronology of Electricity * 1800. Alessandro Volta invents an electric battery, the first source of DC current. * 1802. Humphry Davy in London showed how we can cast light by passing an electric current through a platinum strip. In 1809 he demonstrated how to impose a large voltage across the air gap between two carbon electrodes to create a brilliant light. * 1820. French inventor de La Rue made a successful incandescent lamp by putting an expensive platinum coil in an evacuated glass tube. * 1831 Michael Faraday in London experimentally characterizes magnetic induction. He develops the principles of electric motors and transformers. * 1879 Thomas Edison invents his version of a light bulb. His contribution to electric lighting was its development, distribution and marketing. * 1902 Invention of the flashlight. Chronology in North County * 1881 First electric generator in S.D. running on extracted gas (1876 failed attempt). It was used to drive carbon arc lamps. * January 14, 1888, Carlsbad Sea Lion. The electricians will be here next week to run the wires in the new hotel…the building is to be lighted throughout with the latest improved incandescent electric light and equipped with electric alarm call bells. * June 1, 1895 Oceanside Blade .The Oceanside electric light plant has been in operation for several weeks under the ownership and management tonight. * 1932 Natural Gas lines from Los Angeles reach San Diego * 1952 SDGE figures Silver Gate Power Plant in SE San Diego will max out and decides to build a plant in North County. Encina site is later selected in Carlsbad. * 1954 Encina Power unit # 1 goes on line. Carlsbad High School 50th Anniversary Reenactment On Saturday February 16th alumni from Carlsbad High School celebrated the 50th anniversary of their drive into town. Ginny Unanue, CHS alumni and Carlsbad Historical Society Treasurer in addition to all around volunteer organized and coordinated the event. * November 5, 1904, Oceanside Blade. The plotting of the pier tract by the Oceanside Gas & Electric Co., and surveying of the plunge site will commence on the 15th. * 1918 High Voltage Transmission Line San Diego to San Juan Capistrano (S. Cal. Edison tie in) * August 23, 1919, Oceanside Blade. Consolidated Electric Co. is extending its lines. * 1926 Carlsbad Champion reports electricity allows pumping water to grow strawberries and flowers * November 3, 1930 Oceanside Blade. S.D. Electric takes over gas. Oceanside's separate gas and electric services officially come Parade of Historic Cars down the South Coast Highway 101 Starting at Oceanside High School, Oceanside motorcycle police escorted the Carlsbad High alumni in vintage 50s cars down Mission, turning left on South Coast Highway (Hill Street) and into Carlsbad, all the way to Magee Park. Once at the park, Carlsbad School Board Members and Superintendent John Roach welcomed the alumni. After brief ceremony alumni, school board members, residents, society members and the press enjoyed the day. High praise was given for the displays and memorabilia in Magee House and barn and Heritage Hall. The Carlsbad Board of Directors thanks all the volunteers without whom we would never have been able to hold such a major event. For those of you who were unable to attend, visit the Magee House Museum to see the displays or check out the You Tube link on our website to view video recordings of the event. Queen- Judy Sousa, Princess Judy McCartney, Noel Larson, Vera Soto and Margarita MacEachen CHS groundbreaking Lancer Day Parade The name Lancer Day was given to the normal Homecoming celebration because Carlsbad High did not have any alumni to “come home” that first year. 1961 - Class was First class to attend CHS for the entire 4 years 1961, 1962 &1965 - Coach Swede Kracmar was first football coach to lead team to three CIF small school championships 1965 - Castle Capers changed to Purple Shield 1977 - First Homecoming King: Frank Castro & Newspaper changes to Excalibur 1988 - Newspaper now called Lancer Express 1996 - First year of girls’ water polo 1998 - First year for Lancer Jacks 2000 - First surf team won all four divisions of CISF 2002 - First Women’s Golf team begins June 1958 – Carlsbad High First Graduating Class Carlsbad High School “Firsts” CHS students leaving Oceanside High February 17, 1958. The First Lancer Day Parade in Downtown Carlsbad was on Friday November 13, 1959 at 4pm. The students assembled on Harding Street between Grand and Oak and marched west along Elm (Carlsbad Village Drive) to State Street, turning north marching along State to Grand and then turned east once again marching to a parking lot to hold a pep rally. The Lancer Day Queen and her Court for this first parade were 1955 -Carlsbad and Oceanside voters approved 1.26 Million construction bond to build 1st public high school. Sept 1957 –Cornerstone laid with time capsule. Carlsbad students began academic year commuting to Oceanside 1957-1958 Principal: Mr. Alfred D. LaFleur Vice- Principal: Miss Jean Walker First A.S.B President: Alex Reza First Senior Class President: Mack Mata First School paper called Castle Capers. First Homecoming Queen: Judy Collins February 17, 1958-First Day on the Carlsbad Campus 1959 - First Lancer Day parade High School’s first cheers Carlsbad High School Time Capsule Mayor M. Castorena The Carlsbad High School cornerstone laid in September 1957 included a time capsule box containing a copy of the 1957 Carlsbad Journal, the first edition of the Carlsbad High School newspaper, a student handbook and 1957-minted coins. 50 years later, in anticipation of a campus renovation, the time capsule was opened in September 2007. Randy Sheldahl opens the wall Opening copper container With sorrow we note the passing of Tony Mata on December 16, 2007. Tony was well admired and loved throughout Carlsbad. He was known as a local who loved sports, playing guitar and who worked for the City of Carlsbad as a Building Inspector. Born in Carlsbad, Tony was part of the large Mata Family who arrived in Carlsbad in the 1920s from Mexico. His mother died shortly after his birth. As the youngest son Tony loved telling stories about his father Feliciano Mata, who rode with Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution. During his teens he played baseball and this love for sports he carried throughout his adulthood coaching many pony and little league teams as well as Pop Warner football. He will be deeply missed. Inside the container Passings…… Feliciano Mata Carlsbad Historical Society Board meeting, Magee House Jan 15, 2008 - Highlights CHS Board meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM by President Gutierrez. Present were: Susan Gutierrez, Jack Cumming, Jerry Colling, Ginny Unanue, Geoff Armour, and Lenore Bouras. Tony Mata Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Unanue distributed copies of 2 financial reports (Secretary has copies in her files), one covering expenses and income for 2007, another covering proposed budget for 2008. She also reported that CHS will soon switch its insurance coverage from Aztec to National Insurance Services. Discussion followed, including ways to increase our membership and various actions to do so. Some suggestions were: adding more programs at Magee House, inviting City Council members and the public to attend our social events, encourage renewals of old members, invite local long-time Carlsbad residents to discuss Carlsbad history, perhaps at Carlsbad-by-the-Sea. Regarding our Magee House teas, Ginny reported that Carlsbad Inn has initiated a program of telling their guests about our Tuesday High Tea and Tour at Magee House, which is becoming very popular. She also has other large Tea and Tour groups scheduled, including a Red Hat group, and will need help on those days to accommodate them all. Both Treasurer's reports were approved unanimously. Change of time for Board meetings: President Gutierrez reported that she will no longer be available for Board meetings on Tuesdays after she starts working full-time at Vista Library. The Board agreed to change their meeting day to Mondays, when she will be available. Thus, the Board will now meet on the 3d Monday of EVERY OTHER month. If that Monday happens to be a holiday, the Board will then meet the following (4th) Monday. The meeting time will still be 4PM. ***** BOARD MEETINGS Lucia Kelly Sippel Plaque Dedication…. All members are welcome to attend our bimonthly Board of Directors meetings. Meetings are held in the Magee House meeting room at 4 p.m. the third Monday of every other month. Meetings are held in the following months; January, March, May, July, September, and November CHS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Susan Gutierrez 1st Vice President: Geoff Armour 2nd Vice President: Jack Cumming Secretary: Lenore Bouras Treasurer: Ginny Unanue Members-at-Large: Dr. Jerry Colling and Sue Ladouceur. Carlsbad Historical Society P.O. Box 252 Carlsbad, CA 92018-0252 (760) 434-9189 [email protected] Open Friday 10 to 4 pm and Saturday 10 to 4 pm. Private Tours with Tea are given on Tuesday and Thursday BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Magee House and Museum 258 Beech Ave. Carlsbad CA 92008 The Carlsbad Historical Society Board of Directors invites members as well as the public to Lucia Kelly Sippel plaque dedication scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Sunday April 13, 2008 at the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park 6200 Flying LC Lane. A brief ceremony will be followed with refreshments. CALENDAR *Sunday April 13, 1 pm, Lucia Kelly Sippel plaque dedication (see story) *Monday April 28, 10am, CINCH Meeting – Magee House * Monday May 5, 4pm, Board Meeting at Magee House. ONGOING PROGRAMS -Volunteers welcome in any of these areas *Third grade tours. *School presentations with audiovisual display and trunk show. *Private tours with Victorian teas. * Carlsbad history research *Photo collection management
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