Dear Parent/carers The cold weather is still with us and I thank


Dear Parent/carers The cold weather is still with us and I thank
Dear Parent/carers
The cold weather is still with us and I thank everyone for supporting the school through this
sometimes challenging weather. Mr Glencorse has worked tirelessly to clear paths and
ensure that the carpark is clear, sadly the grit will not defrost the ice in freezing
temperatures. We thank him for his hard work in clearing a number of paths for parents and
children to use.
Robert Burns
What a super week we had with auditions for our Burns Competition. Thanks to Mrs
McKellar for helping to organise the event and taking part in the judging alongside Mr
George Kennedy and Mrs Fairbairn. The judges had a difficult job however they managed to
pick the winners. The winners from each class can be seen in the photograph below.
Our winners from P4-7 will participate in South Lanarkshire Burns Competition. Thank you
to all pupils, parents and staff for helping the children to learn and perform their piece so
Job Talk Week
Once again thank you to everyone who took part in Job Talk Week. Each class had a
number of parent/carers come in to tell them about their jobs. Children learned about
working as a carer, working in a garden centre, being a Project Manager for a utility
Grant Award
We are delighted to tell you that we have been successful in obtaining another
grant for £4,800 and have purchased ipads to use in the school. This is our
second grant this year which has helped us provide more equipment for the
school. Each class will be timetabled to have use of the laptops in class, over and above
their ICT time.
Parent Council Meeting
Our next Parent Council Meeting will take place on Wednesday 18th February 2015. The
meeting will begin at 7.00pm in the ICT suite. All parents/carers are welcome to attend.
Head Lice
I would like to take the opportunity to remind parents/carers to check their child’s head for
lice. A head lice infestation isn't the result of dirty hair or poor hygiene. All types of hair can
be affected, regardless of its length and condition. Sometimes they can be extremely
difficult to get rid of and if you are having problems please check out the NHS website, or contact the nurse
at your local surgery.
Credit Union
Our children save on a Wednesday morning and we would encourage all parents/carers to
get children into the way of saving, even if it is only 10p each week. This encourages good
life long skills and saving for a rainy day.
Staffing Update
We are delighted to welcome Mrs Morrison back to the school. Mrs Morrison as with all
Support Assistants has skills in both the office and classroom. Mrs Morrison will return to
work in the office. We also look forward to Mrs Young returning to school within the next few
weeks. Mrs Miller and Mrs Jenkins are both still unwell and we wish them and their families
all our good wishes.
Events in February
Fischy Music
I am delighted to tell you that we are having a visit from the organisation Fischy Music who
will work with children from P4-7 to produce a performance of We’re on the Road on 25th
February 2015. We are very grateful to Rev Helen Jamieson and Carluke St Andrews
Parish Church for their kindness in funding this performance.
Health Week and Fair-trade Fortnight
Our Health Week and Fair-trade Fortnight begin on Monday, 23 February 2015 and continue
until Friday 6 March. Please keep the afternoon of Friday 6 March 2015 free as we will be
having an open afternoon between 1.30pm -2.30pm for parents/carers.
Finally a reminder that Carluke Primary School is closed from 3pm on Friday, 6th February
and reopens on Thursday, 12th February 2015. We wish everyone a relaxing break.
Inclement Weather
Over the winter months we will continue to list in each newsletter how your child can
learn at home in case we experience inclement weather. Should we experience
inclement weather please check out the South Lanarkshire Council Website
(, or school website (
If the school should have to close due to inclement weather your child will be able to
continue learning at home. We have listed a number of activities your child could carry out
at home:
 Write a story/poem/news report about the weather ensuring you include what you
see, how it makes you feel, etc.
 Learn your tables and or mental maths.
 Draw/ paint etc a picture of what you can see from your window.
 Research the weather online and prepare your very own broadcast.
 Think about your class topic. What else would you like to find out about and
research it.
 Make soup or bake a cake with an adult. This will cheer everyone up.
 Spend time enjoying the snow and having fun as a family.
This is only a small list of things that your child could do and then share with your class on
your return to school.
If it is raining in the morning the dining hall door will open at 8.45am and children will be
brought into the dining hall at this time. Please enter by the playground as normal. Finally, I
would like to remind you that supervision does not begin in the playground until 8.45am.
Also if it is snowing in the morning and the ground is covered Mr Glencorse will make every
effort to ensure a path is clear at the front of the school to allow access. Please follow the
signs giving direction to which doors are open. We thank you for working with us.
Farm to Fork
A number of our visits to Sainsbury have had to be cancelled due to the weather, we will
ensure that all visits are reorganised.
School Lunches
Our catering staff are in the process of refunding money on lunch cards to the children in
Primary 1 – Primary 3. Please be patient and this money will come to you in due course.
May I remind you that if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Our
door is always open.
My thanks to all pupils, parents/carers and staff who continue to support the school each
year. Many thanks for all your hard work and support in making Carluke Primary School a
school we are all proud of.
I wish you all a relaxing break.
Kind regards
Elaine Waugh
Head Teacher
[email protected]
9th & 10th
Job Talk week – details to follow
P1 & Rm 4 Farm to Fork
School Closed Feb Holiday
School Closed to pupils In-service for Staff
House Event
Fair Trade / Health Fortnight
Fischy Music (Parents/Carers welcome 1.30pm)
P6 Assembly (9.30am)
Rm 2 Farm to Fork
Open Afternoon for parents/carers (Fairtrade coffee afternoon)
Proposed date Cross Country, Biggar
Parents Afternoon/Evening
P5 Assembly
P7 Softball Transition (CHS)
Fun5z netball final
Easter Service am
House party 2.30pm finish
Good Friday - School closed for Easter Holidays
School re-opens
P2 Assembly (9.30am)
School closed – Holiday Monday
School closed – In-service
Proposed Track & Field Event
Eco Week
P7 Parent Information Evening at Carluke High School
School closed – Holiday weekend
Transition ASN (pm)
Transition P1 (pm)
P7 Induction at Carluke High School
Lockerbie Manor final payment due (Current P6)
Transition P1 (am) & Meet your buddy
ASN Transition (pm)
P7 Assembly
P7 Celebration
Potted Sports (playground)
Nursery Transition
Sports Day (John Cumming Stadium)
Proposed Carluke Track and Field Final
P7/Teachers Netball Match
House Event
Service 10am
School closes 1pm for summer holiday.
Please note these are proposed dates and may be subject to change.