
The flowers at the Altar are given to the Glory of God and in memory of
A. Frank Robinson, Betsy Robinson Mapp, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Tanner
and in celebration of the marriage of Marjory Clair Zeno and William Betts Carpenter
Celebrant and Preacher: The Reverend Dr. Mark Cooper
Lay Eucharistic Minister: Bill Creekmur
Preacher: The Reverend Dr. Mark Cooper
Celebrant: The Reverend Caroline Smith Parkinson
Deacons: The Reverend Randolph Marshall Hollerith
Sally Gunn, Deacon-in-Training
Assisting Priest: The Reverend Carmen Germino
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Jim Rudisill, Randi McFadden
Lector: Shelton Way, Fran McDermott
Acolyte Team 6: Addie Wright, Team Captain; John Fitzgerald, Tripp Hickman, Ashby
Poindexter, Kate Surgner, Tucker Surgner, Mary Lib Warner, Olivia Warner; Harriet
Wright, Adult Leader; Barbara Hassett and Paige Fox, Acolyte Masters
Musicians: West Gallery Choir, Guitar Ensemble
Soloists: Jane Harrison, Fran McDermott, Diane Wright
Director of Music: Dr. Mark A. Whitmire
Organist: Virginia Ewing Whitmire
Usher Team 4: Harry Moore, Team Leader; Bill Branch, Ferd Baruch, Jim Cosby,
Brad Gray, Jay Jennings, Ed Jewett, Vance Spilman, Scott Ukrop, Jay West, and
Murray Wright; Harry Turton, Chief Usher
Video: Jonathan Sumrell
Vestry Greeter: Harry Moore
Preacher: The Reverend Dr. Mark Cooper
Celebrant: The Reverend Caroline Smith Parkinson
Deacons: The Reverend Randolph Marshall Hollerith
Sally Gunn, Deacon-in-Training
Assisting Priest: The Reverend Carmen Germino
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Tom Baker, Catherine Baker
Lectors: John Mahoney, Melissa Silver
Acolyte Team 7: Sarah Whitaker, Team Captain; Nate Davis, Caroline Goggins, Eliza
Goggins, Izzy Whitaker, Douglas Williamson, Margaret Williamson, and Thomas
Williamson; Norvell Whitaker, Acolyte Master; Adult Leader; Barbara Hassett
and Paige Fox, Acolyte Masters
Musicians: Parish Choir
Director of Music: Dr. Mark A. Whitmire
Organist: Virginia Ewing Whitmire
Usher Team 6: Scott Fitzgerald, Team Leader; Katie Evans, Ron Evans, Paige
Fitzgerald, Denny Fox, Mary Fox, Bill Gregory, Clinker Moss, and Dawn Siegel;
Brink Brinkley, Chief Usher
Video: Corinne Davis
Vestry Greeter: Bobbie Ukrop
Wheels Minister: John Willett
Altar Guild Group 2: Vann Williams, Group Leader; Ann Campbell, Cary Doyle, and
Connie Spilman; Lucy Meade, Altar Guild Chair
1205 West Franklin Street Richmond, VA 23220
February 21-28
CARITAS Shelter week – overnight shelter for families (Michaux)
Sunday, February 15
The Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Annual Congregational Meeting
The Reverend Dr. Mark Cooper, Preacher
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Holy Eucharist, Rite II & Children’s Chapel
Annual Congregational meeting – adults and youth in 9th-12th
grades (Sanctuary)
CARITAS Rally for Sunday School & youth in 6th-8th grades
Choral Eucharist
Youth Choir rehearsal (Choir Room)
Deacon-in-training committee (Gibson B)
Coffee & Refreshments (Valentine)
7:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Monday, February 16
Office & Children’s Center closed for Presidents’ Day
Tuesday, February 17
6:00 p.m.
Mardi Gras for Missions (Michaux)
Wednesday, February 18
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Ash Wednesday
Living Faith Bible Study (Michaux 205)
Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes
Lectionary Ladies Bible Study (Michaux 205)
Children’s Choir rehearsal (Children’s Choir Room)
Dinner (Valentine)
Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes
Thursday, February 19
7:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Thursday Men’s Bible Study breakfast (Valentine)
Sisters in the Word Bible study (off-site)
Group Meditation Sit (Michaux 306)
Parish Choir (Choir Room)
Friday, February 20
9:15 a.m.
Youth Ski trip begins
Food Force 1 (Michaux kitchen)
Saturday, February 21
7:30 a.m.
CARITAS Shelter Week begins
Food Force Men (Michaux kitchen)
Sunday, February 22
The First Sunday in Lent, The Reverend Carmen Germino, Preacher
Youth Ski trip ends
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Holy Eucharist, Rite II & Children’s Chapel
Christian Formation for children and youth
Forum for Youth & Adults: Strategic Planning small groups
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Youth Choir rehearsal (Choir Room)
Coffee & Refreshments (Valentine)
7:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Beginning on Wednesday, February 25 at the 10:00 a.m. Living Faith Bible Study
and again in Christian Journey at 7:00 p.m., we will have the opportunity to walk
with Jesus during Lent. We will use the work of Marcus Borg and John Dominic
Crossan’s The Last Week to follow the Gospel of Mark’s details of Holy Week from
Palm Sunday to Easter. Undoubtedly, as we follow the events of that fateful week we
will be challenged by new ideas and new perspectives, and our faith will be
deepened. Books may be purchased for $12.00 by contacting Anita Lisk at
[email protected].
February 15, 2015
The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
Annual Meeting & Vestry Election
Each year at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation of St. James’s, we elect six
people to the Vestry. The new class we elect today will serve for three years as part of
a rotation of service to the parish. Vestry members provide leadership in all areas of
parish ministry and missions from welcome and hospitality to faith formation and
service to stewardship, communication and building and grounds.
Nominees for the Class of 2018
Willson Craigie
Jay Jordan
Tom Porterfield
Becky DeCamps
Connell Mullins
Tina Sherrod
Also today we thank the retiring class for their faithfulness to this ministry:
Class of 2015
Ryon Acey
Michael Lantz
Kendal A. Sibley
Mimi Herington
Steve McCoy
Britt Van Deusen
St. Jamesers who will continue in their service on the vestry include:
Class of 2016
Knox Hubard
Geoff Sisk
Kathryn West
Gloria Prevatt
Bobbie Ukrop
Norvell Whitaker
Class of 2017
Peggy Spilman Crowley
Matt Harper
Harry G. Moore, Jr.
Carol Ann Fuller
Carrie Montague
W. Allan Rees
Please thank all of these St. Jamesers for their service to our parish community.
At St. James’s Church,
our mission is to live as Doers of the Word,
worshiping God and serving others
to build Christ’s kingdom.
Be Ye Stewards of the Earth: This Chimes is printed on paper with 50% recycled content.
We recycle all paper waste at St. James’s, including this bulletin.
Annual Congregational Meeting for adults and youth in 9th-12th grades (Sanctuary)
CARITAS Rally for children & youth in 6th-8th grades (Valentine)
Sunday School for children 2 years old-5th grade (Gibson & Michaux)
Forum for Adults & Youth in 9th-12th grades: “Strategic Planning – Dreaming for the
Future of St. James’s,” (Michaux House small groups)
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held TODAY at 10:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary. We will
review the activities of the parish over the past year and elect new members to the vestry.
Regularly scheduled Youth and Adult Study Hour classes and activities will be suspended
for the morning so that everyone may have an opportunity to attend and participate.
During the Annual Meeting today, all Sunday School children and youth in 6th-8th grades
are invited to CARITAS Rally in Valentine Hall. We will decorate cards and tablecloths
for CARITAS guests, watch a video about homelessness, and learn ways we can serve
Today in Valentine Hall (and following Sundays on the 2nd floor of the Michaux
House) you can find “Lent in a Bag” items to assist your family in observing Lent at
home. The paper bags include small prompts as well as ideas on ways to use them for
reflection during Lent. Pick one up this today or contact Becky Page at
[email protected] to learn more.
It’s the best party of the season and it’s here! Brand new this year are fabulous Mardi
Gras ties and bowties designed by Peter Blair. These will be on sale today between
services in the Michaux House and at Mardi Gras for Missions. Ties are $85 and
bowties are $65. The fun begins at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday with delicious food and
festive jazz in the basement of Michaux where you can also view silent auction items.
Then we’ll move upstairs for more silent auction and a live auction in Valentine Hall.
Pre-sales are over. Ticket pre-sales are over. Tickets are $40 at the door.
Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes will be offered at noon and 7:00 p.m. on
Wednesday. Additionally, Cooking Team 5 will offer dinner in Valentine Hall at 6:00
p.m., but regular Wednesday night programming and choir rehearsals are on hiatus for
observance of Ash Wednesday.
Please lift up the following people and communities in your prayers.
For the sick and in need: especially Radcliffe Anderson, Joseph Badolato, Catharine
Gabriel Carey, Ginny Cone, Katharine Alexander Disharoon, Grayson Dutton,
Carleton Fuller, Mary Chester Griffith, Ashleigh Blumer Kohlitz, Bill Reese, Alice
Burwell Reid, Courtenay Reynolds, Harvey Rosen, Richard Rumble, Sr., Ruth Sams,
Jenny Sharrar, Elizabeth Huff Sleeman, Ned Southwick, Sarah Spain, Mary Staton,
Robbie Wells, Betty Whitehurst, Allison Wright, and Elizabeth
For the newly married: especially Clair Zeno and Will Carpenter, who were married here
For all who celebrate their birthday today: especially Mason Beazley, Randy Trow, Caroline
Wright, and Elizabeth Krusen
For those who have recently died: especially Jane Spilman, Robert Stanley Yount, and
Frank Mascia
Next Sunday, we will all gather in the Michaux House between services to hear the
work being done on a Strategic Plan for the parish and discuss the future of St.
James’s. Youth classes and Bible study will be suspended for the day so that all may
participate in the small group discussions. Sunday School class for 2 year olds-5th
grades will be held as usual. This is a not-to-be-missed Sunday!
CARITAS begins Saturday night and St. James’s will provide food and lodging to
some 35 parents and children during Shelter Week. Sign up in the narthex or at
http://bit.ly/2015CARITASweek. Meg Stott ([email protected]) and Amanda
Roberts ([email protected]) are co-chairing this shelter ministry and
may be contacted for more details
Our longest running mission continues to flourish in this country with one of the
poorest economies in Central America. We will run a Bible school/summer camp
experience at Our Little Roses Home for Girls in San Pedro Sula July 6-13 this
summer. Teens with parents going on this trip may also sign up and registration is
due by March 15. Trip contact Julie Wade ([email protected]) can give you
more details.
Ski with the Youth (6th-12th grades) at Shrine Mont and Bryce Resort. Registration
deadline is TODAY. Contact Mary Beth Abplanalp at [email protected] or
register at http://bit.ly/2015YouthSkiTrip.
Legos are part of upcoming Sunday school lessons. We need donations of Lego bricks,
mini-figures, and baseplates. Workshop leaders are needed for 2 nd-5th grades for The
Lord’s Supper lesson February 22, March 1, 15 and 22. The workshops will be Art,
Cooking, Legos, and Service. Contact Becky Page at [email protected] to donate
materials or lead a workshop.
The Junior High Youth Mini-Mission Trip to Exmore, VA, will be July 10-12 for
current 5th-7th graders. The Senior High Youth Mission Trip to Blackfeet Nation
Reservation, Montana will be July 11-18 for current 8 th-12th graders. Scholarships
are available and registration deadline is March 1. Interested youth should contact
Mary Beth Abplanalp at [email protected] for information or register at
A lectionary-based Bible study will take place on Monday mornings in Lent in the
Fagan Parlor in the Michaux House. The group will meet at 7:00 a.m. beginning
February 23. Bring your Bible and your own coffee – with a lid please!
Gena Adams-Riley, meditation teacher in Richmond, offers an ongoing a meditation
group for children 2nd-5th grades on the third Thursday afternoon of the month
(February 19) at St. James’s. An adult Group Sit is offered on the second Friday
morning of the month (March 13) in room 306 of the Michaux House. Register at
[email protected].
A mission trip to Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, to assist with Hurricane Sandy recovery
is planned for April. Children over the age of 13 can volunteer when accompanied
by an adult. A $100 deposit is required by TODAY, and complete details are at
www.doers.org. Trip contact: Barbara Robinson at [email protected].
Registration for summer 2015 is open at www.shrinemontcamps.net. Dates for camps are
available on that website. There are ten different camps offered for children and youth from 8
to 18 years old and work/volunteer opportunities for youth and young adults. Summer camps
brochures are in the narthex. Shrine Mont is the camp and conference center of the Episcopal
Diocese of Virginia located in the beautiful mountains of Virginia.
“O sing unto God with the voice of melody.” -Psalm 47:1
Days is a song by The Kinks, written by Ray Davies (b. 1944) and released as a
single in 1968. A well-loved song, it has been covered by many artists. This morning we
are singing Kirsty MacColl’s (1959-2000) arrangement, which was released in 1989 as a
single and on her album, Kite. The song is one of thanksgiving for days spent together
and optimism about the future. In the gospel reading today, Peter, John and James
have just seen an altered Jesus speaking to Moses and Elijah. In Hebrew tradition,
when the Messiah comes, the Feast of Booths will be celebrated. When Peter asks to
make three booths, he is declaring once again, “You are the Messiah.” There is a great
spirit of optimism in his words. Jesus sets them right the next day when he says, “Let
these words sink into your ears; for the Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of
men.” (Luke 9:44). Though completely untended by the song writer, this song does
express well the incredulity of the disciples as they come to grips with whom they have
been spending their days, and how they will continue to do so throughout their lives:
“Though you’re gone, you’re with me every single day, believe me.” An encounter with
the Light of the world does leave a permanent impression.
Sicut cervus is a setting of a setting of Psalm 42:1 by the 16th-century Italian master
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594). [see below]
11:15 A.M. SERVICE
Today the musical portions of the Eucharist (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei)
will be sung by the Parish Choir. The music comes from the Communion Service in F by
Herbert Sumsion (1899-1995). Sumsion was organist at Gloucester Cathedral, where
St. James’s Choir was in residence in 2003.
Sicut cervus is a setting of a setting of Psalm 42:1 by the
16th-century Italian master Giovanni Pierluigi da
Palestrina (1525-1594). After brief service at the
cathedral of his hometown, Palestrina was called to St.
Peter’s in Rome, where he was soon appointed director
of the papal choir. The rest of his life was spent in
Rome, composing hundreds of masses and motets that
have come to be considered perfect models of sacred music. In June of 2013 ten
members of the West Gallery choir joined with the Parish Choir to perform Sicut cervus
at the Chiesa di San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy. It was among the most spiritual moments
of the tour. The sense of wonder was heightened when we found among the 5th-century
mosaics a depiction of Psalm 42:1, “Like as the deer desires the water-brooks.”
February’s Hymn of the Month is O Light of Light, Love given birth, (Hymnal 133).
The text is a translation of the tenth-century Latin hymn, O nata lux de lumine. From the
light of the star which the wise men followed, to the blinding light of Jesus’ face at the
Transfiguration, the theme of light is a central image in the season of Epiphany. The
tune Elmhurst takes its name from the street where the composer, Cary Ratcliff (b.
1953), lived at the time of the tune’s composition.
The West Gallery Choir and Guitar Ensemble will lead worship with the songs of
Bob Dylan at a 10:00 a.m. joint service on March 8. In the poem, “Last Thoughts on
Woody Guthrie,” Bob Dylan wrote,
You need something to open up a new door
To show you something you seen before
But overlooked a hundred times or more
You need something to open your eyes
You need something to make it known
Join us as we worship with a Dylan vocabulary, both musically and lyrically, for the age
old truths for which we hunger.