DARE TO IMAGINE! - Tabernacle Baptist Church
DARE TO IMAGINE! - Tabernacle Baptist Church
DARE TO IMAGINE! Tabernacle Baptist Church Volume 59, Number 6 The Tidings February 11, 2015 Worship At Tabernacle February 15, 2015 8:15 a.m. KAINOS Contemporary Worship In the Gym Worship led by Stuart Morris The KAINOS Worship Band 10:30 a.m. in The Worship Center Worship led by Mark Barnes, Supply Minister of Music Tabernacle Choir Solo by Phyllis Head Preaching Both Services Rev. Glenn Dyer, Senior Pastor for the Interim Phenomenal Results John 14:12 Chad Sipes Tenders Resignation Dear Tabernacle Baptist Church, I am tendering my resignation effective February 28, 2015. Kim and I sense the Spirit moving us from Tabernacle at this time. Please pray for us as we pursue God’s will for our family in the future. We will be praying for you, as well. When we arrived at Tabernacle eight years ago, we promised the church we would love the students at this church. We have done our best to fulfill that promise by the grace of God, and have found in return a thousand fold blessing of families who have loved us in return. We will miss you. We love you. In Christ, Chad Sipes A Message From Our Pastor For The Interim Journey in Faith is the church’s effort to express gratitude for what God does for us, what He can do through us and to return to God gifts from our hearts. Ephesians 5:27-21 says, “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” Through God’s blessings on Tabernacle, Journey in Faith finances the ongoing ministry of the Tabernacle Life Center. Think of all the wonderful events that happen on a weekly basis in the TLC. All of them are made possible by continual, sacrificial giving by faithful believers. Since Tabernacle does not include the mortgage payment in its annual budget, all Journey in Faith gifts are designated for the purpose of paying off the loan, currently in its fourth year. The monthly loan payment is $11,572.82, meaning the current funds we have on hand will cover payments through July, 2015. As we continue to step deeper in faith, drawing closer as family, and reaching further in our community and beyond, prayerfully consider your gift to Journey in Faith. As we get ready to wrap up the sermon series on “God’s Church”, I want us to take another look at the formula: SP + TP + SM = PR. Last Sunday, we discussed how people cannot get to Heaven without God’s divine help through Jesus Christ. Jesus paid our sin debt by shedding His precious blood on the cross as our substitute. Jesus is the bridge between God and man. He is our only Hope. He offers eternal life, but we have to accept His free gift of salvation in order for this Gift to be our “personal gift”. The Simple Message in the above formula is that “Jesus loves us and wants a personal relationship with us”. If you have not accepted His love and forgiveness, you can do it now: Repent, Believe, Confess, and Call on Him. After receiving that Hope, begin to live for God. Get to know Him better and share this simple message with others. When transformed people being led by the Supernatural Spirit share that simple message, there are Phenomenal Results. As we, the people of Tabernacle, allow God to fill us with His supernatural power, we are transformed people who go out to share the simple, but profound message that Jesus Loves Us and wants us to live for him here and with him throughout eternity when we die. This Sunday, we will complete our study on the church formula. Let’s anticipate and expect Phenomenal Results when we are “Jesus” in our communities. I look forward to hearing from you about the miracles and Phenomenal Results God is doing in your personal lives and thus in Tabernacle as well. Your Pastor for the Interim, Glenn Dyer Recreation News Thunder Zone Senior Adult News ATTENTION SENIOR ADULTS Family Entertainment Center Sunday, February 22 For kids in Grades 6-12 Cost: $20 This is a youth trip for kids in Grades 6-12. Join us as we head over to Douglasville to The Thunder Zone where you can experience bowling, bumper cars, laser tag, and the massive arcade all for one great price! Don’t miss out! Kids should bring money for dinner. The buses will depart from the TLC at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 22. Limited seating available for the church buses. Sign up in the TLC! Student Ministry News CONNECT WITH Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:30 P.M. (Gym) “Doulos Days” Adults who need work done at their homes or businesses may call Stephanie in the Student Ministry office. We will send students to work for donations. Proceeds will support mission trips, camps, conferences, etc. Movie Matinee Monday, February 23 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. In the TLC Café 3 movies to choose from Rooms 256, 260, 262 Popcorn, Soft Drinks and Water Children’s Ministry News Vacation Bible School June 8-12 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Mark your calendar! Mothers Matter @ TAB Meetings Monday, February 23 at noon in the Café Monday, March 23 at noon in the Café Monday, April 27 at noon in the Café Mothers Matter Bible Study Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Café. Summer Camps July 13-17 Camp Pinnacle for girls (completed grades 3-6) Camp Kaleo for boys (completed grades 4-6) With Sympathy Extended Teaching Care To Odelle McGukin on the death of her daughter, Nancy Mahone, who died February 4. Sunday, February 15, 2015 Team Leader: Lori Blackmon Babies/Creepers (Room 107): Evalyn Parrish, Jaton Leverette Toddlers & 2 Year Olds (Room 101): Janice Cooke 3 Year Old (Room 120): Kristen Morris A Thank You Note has been received from: Sara Nell Kidd A NOTE FROM THE CAROLE BURSON CRISIS CARE MINISTRY TEAM This ministry team is a vital one that cares for bereaved families in our church. Currently we have sixteen members serving on our team, rotating hosting and serving when called upon. Additional members assist in preparing for the meal and hosting when the meal is served. Meals may be served in the Fellowship Hall, at a designated location, or at a family member’s home. Last year we served twenty two families, providing a meal for over five hundred people. Tabernacle provides meat, and members of Sunday School Classes prepare assigned side dishes and bring them to the church. Family members can relax and visit for a few minutes before or after the funeral, according to their wishes. Family members are always appreciative of this outreach of caring and love at this very difficult time. We would like to thank our Sunday School classes who prepare food, those who help host meals and those who participate in other ways. If you would like to be trained to serve in this vital ministry, you may contact Jane Collins at 770-834-7555 or Janis Lee at 770-830-1947. Pastor Glenn Dyer’s Schedule Pastor Dyer has agreed to be in Carrollton three days each week during his time as Senior Pastor for the Interim. This week he will be here Saturday through Monday. Wednesday Night Supper Adults $6 Children $4 $20 Family Maximum Menu for February 18 Adults: Grilled Chicken, Salad Bar with Fixings, Dessert Children: Hamburger, Chips, Go-Gurt, Dessert * Make reservations by noon on Tuesday. Opportunities This Week Sunday, February 15 8:00 am Children’s Worship for KAINOS (First Floor, Room 301) 8:15 am KAINOS Contemporary Worship (Gym) 8:30 am Instrumental/Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center) 8:45 am Deacons’ Prayer Gathering (Chapel) 9:15 am Bible Study for All Ages 10:15 am Children’s Worship (Rooms 252, 254, 301, 317) 10:30 am Worship Gathering (Worship Center) 12:00 pm Valentine’s Luncheon (Fellowship Hall) 1:30 pm Student Praise Band Practice (Gym, Room 316) 4:00 pm Pastor Search Committee Meeting (Room 206) Monday, February 16 9:30 am Staff Meeting (Room 206) 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 5:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) 6:30 pm Boy Scouts (Café) Tuesday, February 17 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 10:00 am Holy-Walk-a-Molie (Gym) 10:00 am WMU Prayer Group (Room 234) 12:00 pm VBS Meeting (Room 206) 12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm) 3:00 pm Student Basketball (Gym) 6:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) Wednesday, February 18 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 10:30 am PraiSingers Rehearsal (Room 222) 12:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal (Room 235) 12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm) 3:00 pm Student Zone (Gym, Café, Rooms 256, 258, 260, 262) 4:15 pm Student Sunday School Praise Band Practice (Room 316) 4:45 pm Wednesday Night Supper (Fellowship Hall) 5:30 pm Preschool Choir-Ages 4 & 5 (Rooms 127, 128) 5:30 pm Acteens (Room 234) 5:30 pm Graded Music and Missions (Rooms 301, 315, 317, 319, 321, 323) 6:00 pm Connect (Gym) 6:15 pm Adult Ensemble Rehearsal (Worship Center) 6:15 pm Mission Friends (Rooms 107, 120, 124, 126) 6:15 pm Wednesday Prayer Service (Chapel) 7:00 pm TAB Choir Rehearsal (Room 222) 8:30 pm KAINOS Band Practice (Gym) Thursday, February 19 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 10:00 am Open Gym Walking (Closes 12:00 pm) 10:00 am Holy-Walk-a-Molie (Gym) 11:00 am Mothers Matter Bible Study (Café) 12:00 pm Open Gym Basketball (Closes 2:00 pm) 4:30 pm Diabetes Prevention Program (Rooms 260, 262) 5:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) Friday, February 20 8:00 am MMO (Rooms 101, 107, 310A, 310B) 9:30 am Friday Bible Study (Room 206) 10:00 am Open Gym (closes 12:00 pm) 1:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) Saturday, February 21 9:00 am Open Gym Walking (closes 10:30 am) 10:30 am Open Gym Basketball (closes 12:00 pm) 1:00 pm West GA Tech Basketball Practice (Gym) DARE TO IMAGINE! Periodicals Postage Paid At Carrollton, GA 30117 TABERNACLE Baptist Church 150 Tabernacle Drive, Carrollton, GA 30117-6216 Phone: 770.832.7063 Fax: 770.834.2777 Website: www.tabernacle.org Sunday Broadcast: WBTR-FM 92.1 at 11:00 a.m. Pastoral Team Mark Barnes, Supply Minister of Music Janet Cleland, Associate for Children Glenn Dyer, Senior Pastor for the Interim Chad Sipes, Associate for Students DARE TO IMAGINE! The Tidings is published weekly by Tabernacle Baptist Church. Periodicals postage paid at Carrollton, Georgia 30117. POSTMASTER: Send changes to The Tidings, 150 Tabernacle Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117-6216. USPS 532-140. Sunday’s Report - February 8, 2015 Worship Gatherings KAINOS Worship Center ETC Children’s Worship Total Worship 45 344 16 24 429 Sunday Bible Study 362 On Campus 9 Cottage Landing Total Bible Study 371 S.S. Active Enrollment (January) 528 Stewardship Report YTD (Fiscal Year: October-September) Online 2/8/15 YTD Giving Budget $ 23,890.76 $ 576,010.27 Budget Year to Date Contributions Year to Date $ 607,201.77 Expenditures Year to Date $ 545,894.77 Journey in Faith $ 1,822.00 Journey in Faith Year to Date $ 56,077.00 Scan the World Missions $ 302.00 QR Code. World Missions Year to Date $ 5,380.00 Memorials and Honorariums February 8, 2015 General Church Budget in Memory of: Mr. Richard Haney Mrs. Ruth Smith Journey in Faith in Memory of: Mrs. Betty Keene Mrs. Ruth Smith Backpack Program in Memory of: Mr. Raymond Hughes Mrs. Lina Scarboro (Sandra Hughes and Howard Scarboro’s Mother) Backpack Program in Honor of: Mr. John Reed Carole Burson Crisis Care Ministry in Memory of: Mrs. Betty Keene Open Hands United Christian Ministries in Memory of: Mrs. Nancy Mahone (Odelle McGukin’s Daughter) Needs for February Toothpaste Toothbrushes Shampoo *Volunteers are still needed beginning Saturday, February 14. Training for volunteers will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 14 at Open Hands. Deacons of the Week February 15 - February 21 Jaton Leverette Phil McGukin Sue McGukin
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