March 2015 - Derby Safeguarding Children`s Board
March 2015 - Derby Safeguarding Children`s Board
Derby Safeguarding Children Board Training and Learning Programme January 2015 – March 2015 1 Page 3 Who requires training? 4 The application process 5 Course Details 5 Alcohol and Substance Misuse 5 Managing Allegations 5 Assessment and Analysis 6 Black and Ethnic Minority Children and Young People 6 Chairing Safeguarding Meetings 6 Child Protection and Multi Agency Meetings 7 Child Sexual Abuse - Introduction 7 Child Sexual Abuse- Impact on Family 7 Child Sexual Exploitation 8 Court Skills 8 Disabled Children and Young People 8 Domestic Abuse 9 Everybody’s Business 9 Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence 9 MAPPA – Foundation 10 MAPPA – Practitioners 10 Neglect 10 Parental Mental Health 11 Sexually Harmful Behaviour 11 Suicide and Self Harm 11 Support and Supervision 12 Training the Trainers – Single Agency 12 Working with Highly Resistant Families 12 WRAP - Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent Seminars 13 Seminars 13 E Learning 13 Training Venue 14 & 15 Course Calendar 16 Training Application Form 2 Who requires training? Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play and has a responsibility for keeping them safe. Course levels do not reflect the complexity of the course but the range of workplace responsibility of the participant. Level 1 role Those whose work role brings them into contact with children and young people and families/carers. Level 2 role Those who work regularly with children, young people and families/carers, and may be asked to contribute to safeguarding processes. Level 3 role Those with particular and specialised responsibility for safeguarding children contributing to safeguarding assessments and plans. Level 4 role Those with responsibility for supervising or guiding staff in safeguarding processes such as designated or named professionals and managers of staff working at level 1-3. Staff and volunteers with Level 1 and 2 responsibilities will have access to materials on the DSCB website and should be provided with induction and support from within their agencies. Within the training programme all the courses are aimed at staff and volunteers who hold Level 2 and Level 3 responsibilities. Everybody’s Business is suitable for staff members who have either Level 2 or Level 3 responsibility at work. In addition, staff members who hold Level 4 responsibilities will have access to the following courses: Managing Allegations and Effective Support and Supervision. The attendance certificate will specify the level of responsibility the course is directed at and will therefore meet the requirements of your regulator. Efforts have been made to simplify pathways for courses. If there is an expectation that participants will have completed some training before proceeding to a further course; this will be stated within the detailed section on the brochure. 3 The Application Process • • • • • All applications must be via the LSCB website by completion of a course application form. Until the system is electronic, a paper copy must be signed by the applicant’s manger and sent to the Training Administrator, Sue Phillips. Confirmation of places and venue details will be sent out via email to the member of staff or their manager or by letter prior to the training/course commencing. Staff should only attend if their place has been confirmed. If staff attend without confirmation and the numbers exceed 20; they are likely to be asked to attend another time. Cancellation and Charging Policy Demand for the LSCBs’ courses is high and not all applicants obtain places. It is essential therefore that staff inform the training administration of any cancellation in advance of the course start date, in order for the place to be offered to another candidate. All multi agency courses continue to be free. However, if an applicant does not give notice of cancellation there will be a charge of £100. Certificates of Attendance Certificates of attendance will be available on completion of the training and evaluation forms. A learning agreement and sources of support will be sent out prior to the course. Unless stated all Derby SCB courses continue to be at Kedleston Road Training Centre, 184 Kedleston Road Derby DE22 1GT. Full day events run from 9.30-4.30 Half day events run from 9.30- 1.00 or 1.00 – 4.30pm The DSCB is currently able to offer two drinks on a full day and one drink on a half day course. Participants are advised to bring their own refreshments or money for the vending machine. Maximum participant numbers for courses will be 20 unless stated otherwise. Maximum participant numbers for seminars will be 50 unless stated otherwise. 4 Course Details Alcohol and Substance Misuse by Parents Level 3 Learning Outcomes • To understand about how alcohol and drugs may affect the individual, their parenting and their children. • To know the policy and legislative framework to working with children and families where there is alcohol and substance misuse. • To know the research evidence about the links between alcohol and substance misuse, domestic abuse, mental health and children’s safeguarding. • To know how to use screening and identification tools for alcohol and substance misuse. • To know the research evidence on the protective factors for children from alcohol and substance misuse. • To know the SCR findings around alcohol and substance misuse and child safeguarding. Dates: Tues 10 February 2015 Managing Allegations ( HALF DAY COURSE) Level 4 Learning Outcomes • Explore the behaviours that could lead to an allegation being made. • Be able to explore and explain when an allegation can result to criminal offences being committed against a child. • Increase the awareness of behaviours that indicates a practitioner is unsuitable to work with children. • Know the key roles and responsibilities of other agencies if allegations are made against staff, carers or volunteers. • Develop awareness of the application of local policies and procedures. • Understand what decisions or action an employer can take following an allegation-before or after investigation. Date: Thurs 26 February 2015 1.00pm – 4.30pm Assessment and Analysis Level 3 • • • • • Further their understanding of the background and context for the Early Help Assessment of Children and their Families. Understand and apply risk assessment and analytical approaches. Develop analytical, critical thinking and reflective practice skills. Identify the key features and principles of the Early Help Assessment Framework. Build on their understanding of the statutory requirement governing consent, confidentiality, information sharing and the escalation process. Date: Tuesday 20 January 2015 5 Safeguarding Black and Minority Ethnic Children and Young People Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Understand the significance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of black and minority ethnic children and their families. • Know how to ensure that assessment of need provides required information to enable practitioners to deliver effective support the child and the family. • Appreciate the effects of cultural and religious beliefs on practice whilst remaining child focused throughout the safeguarding process. • Further their understanding of current issues including the impact for families who have No Recourse to Public Funds. • Be informed about the incidence of forced marriage, honour based violence and FGM in Derby. Date: Wednesday 4 February 2015 Chairing Safeguarding Meetings (HALF DAY COURSE) Level 3 This course is available to multi agency staff that have responsibility for chairing: Team Around the Family (TAF) network meetings, Children in Need (CIN) Reviews, Core Group meetings or Child Protection Conferences Learning Outcomes: Understand how to structure and conduct safeguarding meetings Know how to encourage participation from children, young people, parents and professionals including the principles of working with an Interpreter Understand the principles of information sharing and confidentiality Know how to work with a Minute Taker and other professionals to ensure accurate information is available and recorded for the purpose of action planning Date Thursday 5 March 2015 - 9.30am - 1pm Child Protection Planning and Multi Agency Meetings Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Understand the purpose and function of case conferences and other multi agency meetings. • Understand the roles and responsibilities of agencies participating in meetings. • Develop awareness of the involvement of children and families in meetings. • Develop skills and knowledge to implement and evaluate effective multi agency protection plans. • Develop awareness of the application of national local policies and procedures. • Recognise factors that promote or inhibit change. Dates: Thursday 22 January 2015 6 Child Sexual Abuse - An Introduction Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Outline the theory which illustrates how abusers operate. • Describe the impact of abusers’ behaviour on children and young people. • Identify reasons why children’s disclosures are difficult, relating this to child protection. • To develop confidence and competence in applying procedures when working with CSA. Dates: Dates to be arranged from April 2015, Child Sexual Abuse – Impact on the Family Level 3 ( 2 DAY COURSE) Prior to being accepted on this course, participants must have completed CSA – an Introduction and have a clear responsibility for undertaking Section 47 Enquiries Learning Outcomes • Identify and question their own values and assumptions in relation to child sexual abuse. • Describeage-requiredsexualbehaviourinchildrenandsignsandindicatorsofsexualabuse. • Demonstrate knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation and their power and responsibilities within this. • Outline the dynamics of child sexual abuse and underpinning theories in relation to Adult Perpetrators. • Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of sexual abuse on a child/young person and their family, in order to plan future intervention giving particular consideration to race, gender, disability and religion. Dates: Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Child Sexual Exploitation Level 3 Learning Outcomes: • Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) the local and national picture. • Typical indicators of CSE. • Dealing with a disclosure from a young person, recording and report writing. • Risk assessments and harm thresholds. • Commonly used grooming tactics and understanding the child’s perspective. • Identify factors that increase vulnerability to CSE. • Building trust and promoting engagement with children, young people and families. • Disruption strategies. • Care planning and multi-agency interventions. • Derby LSCB Protocol. Dates: Wednesday 28 January 2015 (FULLY BOOKED) 7 Court Skills Workshop (HALF DAY COURSE) Level 3 Learning outcomes • To understand the reason for and the process of court hearings. • To practice the basics of giving evidence in court. • To develop confidence and effectiveness in safeguarding children within the court arena. Dates: Friday 13 March 2015 - 9.30am - 12.30pm Safeguarding Disabled Children and Young People Level 3 Learning Objectives • To further your understanding of the reasons why disabled children are particularly vulnerable to abuse. • To develop ways in which workers can reduce that vulnerability. • Understand the role of other practitioners and agencies in supporting and advising families and safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. • To recognise the importance of communicating effectively and build on effective working relationships. • To build on your understanding of the impact of practitioners decisions and actions in safeguarding disabled children and have confidence in challenging practice. Dates: Thursday 5 February 2015 Domestic Abuse Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Understand the different ways in which domestic abuse may impact on a family. • Identify risk factors of domestic abuse. • Be familiar with the MARAC team and the DASH process. • Understand the complexities of domestic abuse to enable staff to effectively work together with others to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are living in a household with domestic violence. • To understand the Domestic Violence Risk Impact Matrix (DVRIM) tool used to assess the impact of domestic violence on children. Dates: Thursday 15 January, Wednesday 18 March 2015 8 Everybody’s Business Level 2 and 3 Learning Outcomes • The definitions, signs and symptoms related to child protection. • The thresholds for support and intervention. • What to do if they have concerns about children, including those who are suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm. • What will happen once they have informed someone about those concerns. • What further contribution they may be asked or expected to make, including how to share information. Dates: Tuesday 13 January (FULLY BOOKED), Monday 16 February,(FULLY BOOKED) Tuesday 10 March 2015 (FULLY BOOKED) rd Extra Date - Monday 23 February Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence Level 3 Learning outcomes: • Understand what is meant by forced marriage and honour based violence. • Be familiar with national guidance and local procedures and appreciate own role and responsibilities and those of others. • Know the boundaries of personal competence and responsibility, when to involve others and where to seek advice and support. • Know when and how to respond to immediate safety issues in relation to a particular child and other children within the household. Date: Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Multi Agency Public Protection – Foundation Level 3 Learning outcomes • Understand the purpose and function of MAPPA. • Understand the language and terminology of MAPPA. • Explore the framework for identification, information sharing, risk assessment and risk management. • Understand the methods and process for recording risk. • Identify best practice examples. • Examine factors impacting on the disclosure of information. • Identify any local issues which may impact on effectiveness. Date: Wednesday 21 January 2015 9 MAPPA – Practitioners Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Examine the Agency/MAPPA interface processes. • Explore practice issues and in particular the relationship between agency assessment, risk management and MAPPA processes. • Review the requirements of disclosure and the implications for offender managers and stakeholders. • Determine good practice in information sharing. • Explore the perspectives of the various agencies and how these may impact on multi agency working within the context of MAPPA. • Identify learning and action points that arise out of the training day. Date: Thursday 12 March 2015 Neglect Level 3 Learning outcomes: • To ensure a consistent approach in working with cases where neglect is an issue. • To consider the importance of the multi agency network in cases of neglect. • To understand why neglect is harmful to children. • To ensure that assessment of need provides appropriate information to enable practitioner to deliver effective services to support the child and their families. • Familiarise participants with the questions to ask/consider during the Graded Care Profile GCP assessment process and the need to work in partnership. • To focus on the outcome for the child rather than the intention of the parent. Dates: Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Working with Parental Mental Health Level 3 Learning outcomes • Explore each others’ roles and responsibilities and processes of care. • Provide key information on the current knowledge base in relation to adult mental health and its implications for children. • Identify for parents and their children, risks, stressors and protectors. • Recognise the signs and impact of Post Natal Depression and understand the application of the pre birth protocol. Date: Tuesday 24 February 2015 –COURSE FULLY BOOKED 10 Addressing Sexually Harmful Behaviour Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Identify own attitudes and values in relation to working with children and young people with sexually harmful behaviour. • Understand the consequences of sexual abuse. • Be familiar with the Safeguarding Children Procedures in relation to Sexually Harmful Behaviour and know how to access them. • Understand the possible pathways into sexually harmful behaviour. • Understand the basis on which a professional judgement can be made as to whether a child’s behaviour is abusive. • Understand the key theoretical models used in assessment and treatment of children with sexually harmful behaviour. • Be aware of the multi agency assessment tool (AIM). Date: Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Suicide and Self Harm Level 3 Learning Outcomes: • Understand self-harm and the underlying reasons for it. • Be able to act sensitively and appropriately in supporting each child or young person to be emotionally well. • Be able to address values and attitudes in working with children and young who self-harm within the context of safeguarding children. • Ensure that assessment of need provides appropriate information to enable practitioner to deliver effective services to support the child and their families. Dates: Wednesday 4 March 2015 Effective Support and Supervision in Safeguarding Level 4 Learning Outcomes: • Appreciate own role and responsibilities and those of others in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. • Develop confidence and confidence in supporting staff including recognising stress and supporting staff through their safeguarding role. • Manage a system to prevent ‘case drift’ and enable an effective ‘exit’ strategy for cases • Build upon their skills for developing effective safeguarding staff. • Have a sound understanding of the principles and processes for effective collaboration and be able to forge and sustain relationships with other practitioners to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Dates: Dates to be arranged from April 2015 a two day course 11 Training the Trainers – Single Agency Level 3/4 Derby SCB is able to train staff from single agencies so that they feel confident and competent to deliver the Everybody’s Business course within their organisation. It would be important that the member of staff has a remit for training within their role and that they have some training experience. Date: Tuesday 3 March 2015 Working with Highly Resistant Families Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Identify the barriers to effective engagement with the families, and reasons why parents and practitioners’ can be fearful of contact. • Increase confidence in making judgements about children at risk of harm and identify paths workers can take to avoid further hostility. • Enable practitioners to develop a productive relationship with families to foster trust, openness and respect and keep the child in focus. • Demonstrate effective multi-agency networks, making effective use of information across agencies. • Identify how best to relate to families from diverse background, cultures and recognise where value judgements can get in the way of your ability to accurately assess parenting. • Identify how some parents mislead workers in home visits through passive or covert manipulation. • Demonstrate how supervision can be used effectively when working with hostility. Dates: Friday 30 January 2015 Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent ( HALF DAY COURSE) Level 3 Learning Outcomes • Understanding of the Government Prevent Strategy. • Ability to use professional judgement to recognise vulnerable individuals who may need support. • Appreciate own role and responsibilities and those of others in recognising vulnerability to radicalisation and safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable children and adults. • Be able to communicate effectively and develop working relationships with other practitioners and professionals, children and families to safeguard children and adults from being radicalised. Dates: Dates to be arranged from April 2015 12 Seminars: Derby SCB will be running a range of seminars throughout the year. Joining instructions will be explained on flyers posted on the website two months prior to the event. Seminar topics will include: Safeguarding under 1’s Bereavement and loss Safer recruitment procedures E Learning: Derby SCB will develop several e learning packages to be housed on the website. Over the next year the following packages will be developed: Introduction to safeguarding Feeling prepared for court Staff are also welcome to complete the E learning packages on the Derbyshire Safeguarding Board website which include Private Fostering and Learning from Serious Case Reviews. Members of staff and volunteers are advised to sign up to alerts from the Derby Safeguarding Board website for updates in policies, procedures, services and events. Training Venue: Kedleston Road Training Centre 184 Kedleston Road Derby DE221GT 01332 641181 DSCB Administrator – Sue Phillips – 01332- 717811 DSCB Training Coordinator – Naomi Feldman – 01332 717817 13 Course Calendar Date 5 March 2015 Duration AM Course Chairing Safeguarding Meetings Venue Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Level 3 13 Jan 2015 16 Feb 2015 10 March 2015 All Day Everybody's Business 4 March 2015 All Day 15 Jan 2015 18 March 2015 24 Feb 2015 (FULLY BOOKED) 10 Feb 2015 All Day Working with Suicide and Self Harming Behaviours Domestic Abuse Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Council Chamber Kedleston Road 2 All Day Parental Mental Health All Day Alcohol and Substance Misuse 20 Jan 2015 All Day 3 March 2015 All Day 4 Feb 2015 All Day Assessment Framework and Risk Analysis Single Agency Training the Trainers BME Children and Young People 13 March 2015 AM Court Skills 22 Jan 2015 All Day 5 Feb 2015 All Day Multi-Agency meetings and Child Protection Conferences and Planning Disabled Children Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road Kedleston Road 3 21 Jan 2015 All Day MAPPA Foundation Course 12 March 2015 All Day MAPPA Practitioner Course 28 Jan 2015 (FULLY BOOKED) 30 Jan 2015 All Day Child Sexual Exploitation All Day 26 Feb 2015 PM Working with Highly Resistant Families Managing Allegations Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Dates to be 2 Days Effective Support and Supervision All Day Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence Kedleston Road 3 All Day Neglect Kedleston 3 2/3 (ALL 3 DATES ABOVE FULLY BOOKED) Extra date 23 Feb 2015 14 3 3 3 3 3/4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 arranged from April 2015 Road 15 Date Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Dates to be arranged from April 2015 Duration All Day Course Addressing Sexually Harmful Behaviour Venue Kedleston Road Level 3 All Day Working with Child Sexual Abuse Kedleston Road 3 2 Days Child Sexual Abuse - Impact on Families Kedleston Road 3 PM Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent Kedleston Road 3 16 Derby Safeguarding Children Board Training Application Form Course title: Date: Your details Name: Job Title Work address and postcode: Agency E-mail address: : Tel. no: Please ensure you complete your email address as we will be using this to communicate with you about your application. Are you in a named or designated safeguarding/child protection role? Yes No Do you work/volunteer in: Derbyshire (County) Derby (City) Both Particular requirements? (e.g. access, equipment, learning materials, presentation media, room layout, group arrangements) Equality monitoring: if you are happy to provide it, the following information would help us to monitor access to courses. Gender: Male / Female Ethnicity: Do you consider yourself to be disabled? Yes / No Applicant Commitment I accept that if I am allocated a place, I will attend the whole of the course. I understand that if I fail to attend, without giving notice of my absence, a charge of £100 may be made. Signature: Date: Please note that you and your line manager will be contacted in the event of your failure to attend or complete the above course Line Manager / Supervisor Commitment I support the application above and accept that if a place is allocated I will ensure the availability of the applicant for the whole of the course, unless an unavoidable emergency arises. I understand that if a place is allocated and the above person fails to attend, without giving notice of their absence, a charge of £100 may be made. Name: Email: Tel: Signature: Date: Please post, fax or email your application to: Sue Phillips, DSCB, Eastmead, 107 Duffield Road, Derby, DE22 1AE Tel: 01332 717811 Fax: 01332 717819 [email protected] 17 2 Derby Safeguarding Children Board Eastmead 107 Duffield Road Derby DE22 1AE 18