2016-ORIL 2 - Ohio Department of Transportation


2016-ORIL 2 - Ohio Department of Transportation
Ohio’s Research Initiative for Locals
Request for Proposals
RFP Solicitation Number: 2016-ORIL2
Research Title: Synthesis Study on Load Capacity on Concrete Slabs Without Plans
Problem Statement:
Approximately 6,550 small span concrete slab brides exist in Ohio. Of these bridges, approximately 1,234 (19%)
do not have any plans. Many of these structures, still in-service today, were built decades ago; some dating as far
back as the 1930s. The vast majority of these bridges are on the local system as less than 20 can be found on
state routes. Some counties, such as Jefferson and Fayette, have as many as 30 of these slab bridges with no
plans while other counties, such as Meigs, find a significant portion of their inventory (approximately 31% or 133
bridges) comprised of these structures all without plans. While these structures are routinely inspected and given a
general appraisal rating, a mechanism for load rating these structures is either unavailable or unknown by county
engineers. As a result, county engineers rely on past performance and engineering judgment to determine the
approximate load capacity of the structure. This likely leads to an overly conservative evaluation. Exacerbating
this issue, recent developments in industries, such as oil and gas, have some counties experiencing sudden and
significant increases in heavy truck traffic on these structures. These bridges were not built with the expectation of
the size and quantity of this traffic. In order to optimize the usefulness of these bridges and ensure the safety of the
traveling public, a simple, low-cost scientifically-based method for determining the load capacity of these structures
is needed.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of this research is to identify a simple, low-cost, reliable method for county and city engineers to use to
evaluate the load capacity of concrete slab bridges without plans. The objective of this research is to perform an indepth synthesis study to identify the current state of practice and, if an established method is not identified, indicate
the future steps necessary in order to achieve the stated goal.
Proposed Research
This research project should focus on identifying a simple, low-cost, nondestructive, repeatable process for
evaluating the load capacity of concrete slab bridges without plans that can be easily implemented by county and
city engineers within Ohio. The process should take into consideration both single and multiple span concrete
It is understood that a fair amount of research on this topic has been performed and an acceptable process may
already exist. Therefore, the scope of work for this study has been narrowed to consist of an in-depth synthesis
study to provide the current state of practice. Based on the findings, additional analysis may be requested to assist
in the implementation of results. Proposals (and budgets) should be developed for the performance of the
synthesis study only. Any work beyond a synthesis study would be incorporated into the scope of work (and
budget) through an addendum to the contract, as appropriate.
At a minimum, the synthesis analysis is expected to include the following items. The research team may propose
additional items to ensure that the synthesis is comprehensive:
o In-depth literature review to identify best practices and lessons learned both nationally and regionally.
Interviews with other state DOTs, local transportation agencies outside of Ohio, and transportation
researchers may be included in the scope of work to supplement/clarify the findings of the literature review.
o Survey Ohio counties, cities and ODOT districts with these structures to identify current/best practices and
lessons learned locally.
Based on the findings, the researcher must provide recommendations for moving forward with establishing a
process that can be used by Ohio’s local transportation professionals.
o If an existing process is identified, the researcher is expected to clarify if the process is ready for
implementation as is or if additional analysis/validation is necessary. If additional work is necessary, the
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researcher should provide recommendations on how to proceed with that additional work.
 Recommendations are expected to include a section addressing “critical” structures. For example,
the researcher should provide recommendations on when additional measurements/analysis
beyond the identify process should be considered for the determination of load capacity.
If an existing process is not identified, the researcher is expected to provide recommendations on how to
proceed with developing an acceptable process.
Requirements of the Research Team:
The successful research team will include individual(s) experienced with concrete slab bridges.
requirements of the State of Ohio require the inclusion of an Ohio-based entity on the research team.
Assistance from Locals:
During the course of this research, the researcher can expect to receive the following assistance from the Technical
Advisory Committee:
 Technical direction and clarification.
 Review of project reports.
 Assist in survey of Ohio counties.
Project Specific Deliverables
The researcher must provide following deliverables by the completion date of the project:
1. Results from the synthesis study.
2. Recommendations on establishing a simple, low-cost, reliable method for county and city engineers to use
to evaluate the load capacity of concrete slab bridges without plans that may be approved by FHWA.
Research Contract Deliverables
In addition to the project specific deliverables, the researcher must also provide the following standard deliverables
by the completion date of the project:
1. Quarterly progress reports (provided electronically).
2. Electronic copies of the draft final report and draft executive summary shall be submitted 120 days prior to
the contract completion date.
3. Seven copies of an approved final report, seven color copies of an approved executive summary, and a
PDF and MS DOC version of both documents shall be submitted by the contract completion date.
4. Article for the Research newsletter (to be provided upon request).
5. Participation in the following meetings: project start-up, monthly progress calls, research review session (1
per year), and research results presentation.
The results of this research will assist in establishing a scientifically-based, practical, and economical method that
can be used by county and city engineers to determine the load capacity of small span concrete slab bridges
without plans. This will aid in optimizing the usefulness of these structure, provide increased confidence in the
structure’s performance and anticipate lifespan, and enhance the overall safety of the traveling public. As larger
and heavier vehicles continue to expand their use of the local system, having greater confidence in the load
capacity of these structures becomes a more pressing concern. This research will not only improve the
understanding of the current condition of these structures, but assist local transportation officials in understanding
their true capacity and limitations.
Potential Application of Research Results
The findings of this research will be of interest to counties, municipalities, and states that have similar structures.
While actual implementation of a process will be at the discretion of Local Public Agencies, successful findings
could result in specialized technology transfer (e.g.: training) by the ORIL program in collaboration with the Ohio
LTAP Center.
Preliminary Literature Search Results
A preliminary literature search indicated multiple research studies pertaining to load capacity rating of structures
without plans. The large quantity of existing information is, in part, a factor behind the need for this research.
Following a cursory review of the literature search, some of the information is pertinent to this topic while some
studies do not focus specifically on small span concrete slab bridges. A listing of all documents identified is
provided below:
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Development of a Load Test for the Evaluation and Rating of Short-Span Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridges
Eitel, A; Huckelbridge, A; Capaldi, N
Case Western Reserve University. 2002
Evaluating the Load Carrying Capacity of Bridges without Plans Using Field Test Results
Chajes, M J; Shenton III, H W; Thompson, E
University of Delaware. 2004
Guidance for Field Evaluations and Load Ratings of Bridges with Limited or Missing As-Built Data
Harris, Devin; Ozbulut, Osman; Chase, Steven B.; Kassner, Bernard
University of Virginia
Virginia DOT Research in Progress Project 36891
Estimated End Date: April 2016
Finite-Element Analysis and Load Rating of Flat Slab Concrete Bridges
Davids, W.; Poulin, T.; Goslin, K.
Journal of Bridge Engineering, 18(10), 946–956. 2013
Approach for Establishing Approximate Load Carrying Capacity for Bridges with Unknown Material and
Unknown Design Properties
Taylor, Zach; Amini, Omar; van de Lindt, John W.
Colorado State University. 2011
Load Testing for Bridge Rating: Dean's Mill Over Hannacrois Creek
Hag-Elsafi, Osman; Kunin, Jonathan
New York State DOT - REPORT FHWA/NY/SR-06/147. 2006
Dynamic Testing of a Short span Rural Bridge
Shen-En Chen, Thomas Grimes, Sreenivas Alampalli, Mostafiz Chowdhury and Gregory Myers
Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Conference 2002
Advanced Methodology for Rating Concrete Slab Bridges
Azizinamini, A.; Elremaily, A.; Choobineh, F.
Advanced Technology in Structural Engineering: pp.1-8. 2000
Reliability Based Rating Procedure for Concrete Slab Bridges Using Field Testing
Azizinamini, A.; Keeler, B.; Choobineh, F.; Mans, P.; Luedke, J.
University of Nebraska. 1998
Testing of Old Reinforced Concrete Bridges
Klaiber, F. W.; Wipf, T. J.; Streeter, C. M.
Iowa State University. 1997
Concrete Bridge Assessment: an Alternative Approach
Middleton, C. R.
Institution of Structural Engineers
Structural Engineer, Volume: 75, Issue Number: 23/24. 1997
Feasibility Study for Simplified Load Testing of Slab Bridges. Final Report.
Huckelbridge Jr, A. A.
Case Western Reserve University. 1995
Old Concrete Slab Bridges. I: Experimental Investigation
Azizinamini, A.; Boothby, T.; Shekar, Y.; Barnhill, G.
Journal of Structural Engineering, 120(11), 3284–3304. 1994
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Old Concrete Slab Bridges. II. Analysis
Azizinamini, A.; Shekar, Y.; Boothby, T.; Barnhill, G.
Journal of Structural Engineering, 120(11), 3305–3319. 1994
Performance of Concrete Slab Bridges. Final Report.
Shekar, Y. Azizinamini, Atorod; Barnhill, G.; Boothby, T. E.
University of Nebraska. 1993
Concrete Slab Bridges: How Strong are they?
Shekar, Y.; Azizinamini, A.; Barnhill, G.; Boothby, T. E.
Iowa State University. 1993
Evaluation of a Short Span Concrete Arch Bridge for Rehabilitation
Yen, B T; Zhou, Y
Iowa State University, Ames. 1993
Nondestructive and Destructive Testing of Decommissioned Reinforced Concrete Slab Highway Bridge and
Association Analytical Studies
Aktan, A. E.; Zwick, M.; Miller, R.; Shahrooz, B.
Transportation Research Record, Issue Number: 1371. 1992
10 months (includes the 4 months review/publication of the final report)
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