Agenda - Oklahoma Medical Board


Agenda - Oklahoma Medical Board
Last update 2/26/15
Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision
March 12, 2015
This meeting of the Board will be held at the office of the Board, 101 NE 51st Street, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act and Open Meeting Act of Oklahoma.
The Board may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disapprove, vote to table, change the
sequence of any agenda item, or vote to strike or not discuss any agenda item.
*INDIVIDUAL PROCEEDINGS: Review and action on all agenda items noted for individual proceedings. In all agenda items noted
for individual proceedings, a majority of a quorum of Board members, in a recorded vote, may call for closed deliberations for
the purpose of engaging in formal deliberations leading to an intermediate or final decision in an individual proceeding under
the legal authority of Oklahoma state statutes, to wit: Article II of the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act, 75 O.S. §309
and the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. §307(B)(8).
9:00 A.M.
Meeting called to order
Opening remarks – Lyle Kelsey, Executive Director
Board Advisor Comments: John Wiggins, JD
Elizabeth R. Kinzie, M.D. - Request to supervise the prescriptive authority of more
than two Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners
Brent Wilson, M.D. - Request to supervise the prescriptive authority of more than two
Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners
Review, discussion and possible action on Staff Motion for Termination of Agreements:
David McDaniel, MD, - Staff Motion to Terminate Agreement
Ou-Kham Chansombath, OA - Staff Motion to Terminate Agreement
Amada Leute, RC - Staff Motion to Terminate Agreement
Kenneth Quenneville, MD, - Staff Motion to Terminate Agreement
*Brad Starkey, MD, - Motion to Terminate of Probation
*Kenneth J. Kirk, MD, - Motion to Modify Terms of Probation
*Kent King, MD – Motion to Modify Terms of Probation
Last update 2/26/15
*Joe B. McCurdy, MD, - Motion to Terminate Probation
9:30 A.M.
*Wilson Bernales – applicant, full medical license]
*Raul Martinez – applicant, Physical Therapist Assistant licensure
*Yvette Bernadine Pfeffer – applicant, full medical license
*Donald Rae Simmons – applicant, full medical license
*Paul Nathan Trites – applicant, full medical license
*Margaret Western – applicant, full medical license
*Wilbert Williams, Jr. – applicant, full medical license
11:00 A.M.
*Harvey Clarke Jenkins, MD – Disciplinary hearing alleging violating the terms of
probation, engaging in dishonorable/immoral conduct, committing a crime,
medical records violations, prescribing violations, controlled substance laws
violations, and failure to keep a proper and safe medical facility setting [Linda
Scoggins, Defense attorney; Jason Seay, AAG, for the State]
*Jerome Edward Block, MD – Disciplinary hearing alleging dishonorable/immoral
conduct, medical records violations, prescribing violations, controlled substance
laws violations and violation of patient confidentiality
*Maria M. Kane, M.D. – Disciplinary hearing alleging dishonorable/immoral conduct,
prescribing violations, narcotics laws violations, medical records violations,
failure to provide necessary ongoing medical treatment, failure to provide
proper medical setting and qualified assistive personnel, gross or repeated
negligence, and failure to establish a valid physician-patient relationship
*Amal Eid "Al" Moorad, M.D. – Disciplinary hearing alleging prescribing violations,
narcotics violations, medical records violations, and failure to establish a
physician-patient relationship prior to treatment
*Ronald Myers, M.D. – Disciplinary hearing alleging dishonorable/immoral conduct,
prescribing violations, narcotics rules violations, failure to establish a valid
physician-patient relationship, delegating the authority to another person for
signing prescriptions, gross or repeated negligence in the practice of medicine,
aiding/abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine, medical records violations,
failure to provide necessary ongoing medical treatment, failure to properly
supervise a Physician Assistant, acting as the employee of his Physician Assistant,
receiving compensation for professional services not actually rendered, and
failure to provide proper medical setting and qualified assistive personnel
Last update 2/26/15
*Jon Marcus Olive, R.C.P. – Disciplinary hearing alleging substance abuse
*Catherine Louise White, MD – Disciplinary hearing alleging incapacity or
incompetence to practice medicine
*Jeffrey Ariel Porras, M.D. – Disciplinary hearing alleging dishonorable/immoral
conduct, violation of criminal laws, sexual misconduct, inability to practice
medicine with reasonable skill and safety, conduct likely to
deceive/defraud/harm the public, abuse of physician’s position of trust,
predatory sexual behavior, and gross/repeated negligence
Review/action - minutes of the January 15, 2015 meeting
Ratify applications approved by the Secretary/circularization (attached to agenda)
Review/action – Ratify Committee recommendations approved on circularization
Occupational Therapy Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee on Dietetic Registration
Respiratory Care Advisory Committee
Athletic Trainers Advisory Committee
Physical Therapy Committee
Review/action – Committee recommendations
Therapeutic Recreation Committee
Advisory Committee on Orthotics and Prosthetics
Review, discussion and possible action – Prescription Monitoring Program
Review, discussion and possible action – Board Certification Rule and Board Approved
Non-ABMS Boards
Executive Director's report to the Board
• Legislative Update
Appoint member to the Physician Assistant Advisory Committee
Appoint members to the Respiratory Care Advisory Committee
New Business – any matter not known about or which reasonably could not have been
foreseen prior to the time of posting