summer 2016 - German Family Society
summer 2016 - German Family Society
German Family Society of Akron, Inc. Deutscher Familien Verein, Akron e.V. Facebook: Akron German Family Society Twitter: @Akrongfs • blog: 3871 Ranfield Road, Brimfield Township/Kent, Ohio 44240 • 330-678-8229 • Email: [email protected] SUMMER 2016 Happy 55th Anniversary “Our Frauengruppe” Soon after our German Family Society formed in 1955, Our Organization continued to grow and moved to GA Club in Akron and by 1961, the Ladies Auxiliary was formed. For many of us today, these were our Mothers and Oma’s bringing their love of cooking to support our “Verein”. With the many family recipes brought with them from the “Old Country,” they soon were recognized offering some of the best food in the area. Even our sister clubs comment on how good our food is. Today our leader, Helga Hippich finds new innovative ways to mass produce hundreds of pounds of schnitzel, sarma and potato salad, all with the same homemade taste and loving care. Our Festival guests come from all over the area to enjoy a meal with us. “Some of the best food!” some say while they wait, sometimes in the rain for their turn to get an Oktoberfest Platter. The evening of May 14th we celebrated and recognize those that have put a lifetime of love and dedication towards our Club. We were well represented from some founding members to the women that show their love for their group today. Many awards were given for decades of service to their group. The fun-filled evening included performances by our Jr Youth and Tanz Groups and hours of dancing to Eintracht band. They did a great job and we can’t forget the guys that volunteered in the kitchen that evening. Congratulations Ladies! You will always be the Heart of our “Verein” A Message from our President As summer arrives so begins the busy schedule for many of us on the Board and those that support and volunteer to help throughout the year. We always want to stress how appreciative we are of the many folks that make our club work year after year. I also say, without all of you, there would be no club. Many of our groups and the kitchen are asking for help through the Festival season. We ask for your help. Even if it’s only 1 or 2 festivals, we rely on our members to help so please accept a request to volunteer, or if not called, contact any of our kitchen, bar or Vice Presidents and let them know. We need you!! Our board has been reviewing the possibility of coming on line with credit card readers. This is still in discussions and we hope to tie this in with looking at revising our Website to accept reservations on-line as well. ( don’t worry, we love our reservations ladies, Eva and Renate and hope they hold their jobs for a long time.) Many of our sister clubs now operate in this manner and even purchase their tickets on-line as well. Our Thursday night crew, of which I’m also a part of, have completed and still working on other projects around the park. You may not even notice but a major Pipeline was installed to capture the parking lot water and take it directly to the pond. Thanks to some great weather early this year, grass has grown back and you would never know how torn up the grounds were 2 months ago. Thanks to Nicholas Burdohan, Frank Ganz, Mike Petzker, Skyler Sutton and Albert Petzker for all their help with this. This will eliminate the huge flow of rain water around the youth group and bier garten. We are also adding some new festival lights and adding more power out to the vendor areas. Eventually we plan on continuing about 600 square feet of brickwork on patio area. This will also allow us to have our vendors and ticket booths all on bricks. Our USA Donauschwaben Clubs gathered in Chicago the weekend of April 23rd. Our club was well represented with over 40 of our members. They mostly review each function of the clubs, break out sessions are done with each group from Kinder Group leaders, to Frauengroup leaders to the Presidents meeting. Here the Group leaders, Frauen, Sport and Presidents discuss ideas amongst themselves, suggestions, successes and issue that all of our groups deal with. Lastly I wish to again Congratulate, Helga Hippich, her Board and Frauenschaft on their 55th Anniversary. A wonderful evening was held in their honor. Helga gave out several longevity awards then was surprised herself at several gifts Thanking her for years of service to the kitchen and to their group. Even the Bar guys offered their collected tip money, gave them a 500.00 cash gift to the Ladies group to treat their members to something special this year. Congratulations Ladies! Rudy We extend our condolences to the families of: John W. Kemerer Wendel Gieger Jacon Waidmann John,Fiehn German Family Society’s Annual s, e Gam ing, ! nc a D ly Fun i m a F Foo Dri d, nks Fun , ! Saturday, June 25, 2016 3 pm - 11 pm Sunday, June 26, 2016 1 pm - 7 pm Kirchweih Mass, 11:30 am Fr. David Misbrener Visit our Beer Garden and enjoy European style food! Music by: Deutscher Musik Verein, Al Zimmerman Band, Fred Ziwich Band and Hank Haller Band. Dancing performed by The GFS Tanzgruppe, GFS Youth Group, GFS Jr. Youth Group and the GFS Kindergruppe Traditional Donauschwaben Kirchweih Program on Sunday. Childrens games, and other fun activities Sunday afternoon behind the main building. Inflatable bounce house and More! Entrance - $5 for adults ages 12 and older. Free Entrance for Children under 12. Free Parking Located at: 3871 Ranfield Road, Brimfield township (Kent) Just East of Routes 43 and 18. Our Youth Group travels to the “Old Country” The German Family Society Youth Group has worked hard with fund raising including selling sausage towards their planned trip to Germany, Austria and Hungary. All the work involved in the planning and funding comes to a close as their July 21st departure date arrives. Twenty nine Jugend kids and 5 chaperones will soon arrive in Frankfurt and begin their once in a lifetime experience visiting city after city. They will stay in some homes with people of different cities and also experience life in a few youth hostels. What a wonderful way to experience the Culture that we so often speak of. They will be visiting cities such as Speyer, Germany, and will stay with other Donauschwaben families. All will be welcomed home to where many of their own families once lived. The group will then move on to Mosbach where many of our former Jugend members stayed in the past. Their club offers dormitories for the kids to stay for a few days. This is a very active Club and their own Jugend members will be traveling to the USA shortly after our group leaves. In fact, Mosbachs group will be visiting Akron in August where we will host their members at our homes. Their group will perform at our club on August 17th. All are welcome for dinner and a performance by their groups. Please try to attend this Wednesday evening event. The youth will travel every few days to new cities including Draisl, Crailshem, Spaichingen all in Germany, and will perform. They will then travel to Ulm another fun place to see with the historic churches and may possibly climb up the massive stairs to the top. They will wrap up their trip through Germany with a visit to historic Munich and make their way to Innsbruck, Austria where a cable car ride is planned to the mountain tops. Vienna is next on their list where many of our own members settled in camps during the transitions from Yugoslavia to the USA. They’ll move on to the Budapest, Hungary where they will stay in Kleinturwall with the Donauschwaben folks there. The Youth Group wishes to thank all of parents and volunteers that have helped support the Youth Group throughout the years. It has taken many to help with festivals, making sausage, and our newest endeavor, the 5K run which will return for the second year the Saturday of Oktoberfest this year. Thanks to all who have supported the group which has allowed them to take part in such an amazing experience. Kultur Ecke Culture Corner Hallo Freunde, Hello friends, After the mild winter and a to short spring are gone we are already in the summer season. On May 14 we had the 55th anniversary of the Frauenschaft (women’s group). We enjoyed a nice evening with a wonderful program. It was a little bit sad to see that this special event wasn’t attended very well. Not to many of the 3rd generation showed up. I think it would be great to support the 1st and 2nd generation more. Please, support the older members! It is special to be a volunteer, meeting with other people and make friends. For many of us our club is another home and it is a very nice home. Collaboration is the key to keep the club going. “Grandma’s kitchen” will start again in fall, because many of us are pretty busy during the summer Hold the culture in your heart Greetings Anna Koenig Nach dem milden Winter und dem viel zu kurzen Frühling befinden wir uns schon im Sommer. Am 14. Mai hatten wir unser 55 jähriges Jubiläum der Frauenschaft.. Wir erfreuten uns an einem schönen Abend mit einem wunderbaren Programm. Leider wurde diese besondere Veranstaltung nicht sehr gut besucht. Die 3. Generation unseres Clubs war leider sehr schwach vertreten. Ich denke das es schön wäre wenn sie die 1. und 2. Generation ein wenig mehr unterstützen würde. Bitte unterstützt unsere älteren Mitglieder! Es ist etwas besonderes ein Ehrenamt zu haben, andere Menschen zu treffen und Freunde zu machen. Unser Club ist für viele wie ein zu Hause und es ist ein sehr schönes Heim. Nur durch gute Zusammenarbeit können wir noch viele Jahre unseren Club beibehalten. “Großmutter’s Küche” wird erst im Herbst wieder weitergehen, da viele von uns im Sommer kaum Zeit haben werden. Haltet die Kultur im Herzen Mit Gruß eure Anna Koenig Family News Congratulations to one of our very own, Tyler Kemerer, on taking 2nd place in the “2016 World Irish Dance Competition” held in Glasgow Scotland. Tyler has been a proud member of our Youth Group for many years. While we were gathering information in writing this article and we were saddened to hear that both Zachary and Tyler lost their father John, suddenly, just days ago. Our hearts go out to Karen and the Kemerer family. We decided to take a few excerpts from the Green South Side Leader and allow us to show off our World Class Dancer Tyler and how very proud we are of his amazing accomplishment. His mother Karen, said to me “Thank you for recognizing Tyler’s amazing achievement! His love for Irish dance as well as German dance is unwavering.” It’s this kind of dedication that Tyler and his fellow Jugend Members put out some of the best performances year after year. Way to Go Tyler! Green High School senior Tyler Kemerer came home from the 2016 World Irish Dance Championships to a very big pile of homework, but his second-place finish in the men’s 18-19 division made it all worthwhile. The world championships, held March 20-27 in Glasgow, Scotland, were a week earlier than the school district’s spring break, which meant Kemerer missed a week of school for the competition. Kemerer, however, is accustomed to hard work. Preparing for the world championships meant dancing five to six days a week and traveling to Cleveland or Columbus to do it, he said. On weekends, Kemerer would practice six to seven hours a day, taxing even for a young person. “I’m 18 and there are times I was really sore, especially coming up to the world’s. … I’m thankful now, because it helped me prepare so much for the competition,” Kemerer said. In the world competition, Kemerer, the reigning U.S. national champion, performed on a huge stage — 90 feet wide and 80 feet deep — with two other competitors, each trying to keep the judges’ attention on them. Big smiles; fancy, twisting footwork; and Kemerer’s signature high kicks were part of his bid for good scores. “I’m very flexible,” Kemerer said. “I’m able to kick high and I do a lot of kicks in my routines — it’s one of my trademarks. Not a lot of boys can be that limber. “I just went in wanting to dance my best and hoping to do well,” Kemerer said of his fourth trip to the world championships. His highest finish before this year was 12th in 2013, he said. “It was a very surreal moment,” he said. “All that hard work paid off.” *******Upcoming Event********* Wednesday, August 17th 2016 Coming to Akron German Family Society Dinner at 6:00pm Program at 7:00PM Herzlich Willkommen aus Deutschland: Jugend und Gesangs ( Singing) Gruppe Landsmannschaft der Donauschwaben Mosbach e.V. Our GFS will host 30 Performers from Mosbach Germany. Please note this date has been set due to their travel times in the USA. We hope that all can join us for a fun filled evening, enjoy their performance and socialize with our Donauschwaben Brothers and Sisters from Mosbach Germany. Please note: The date set on calendar for TBD on August 13th has changed to Wednesday August 17th. Nothing will be held on August 13th at the club. Reservations will be required! Please contact Eva Lehner 330.335.8985 or Renate Moellmann 330.633.3949 We are still looking for Families to Host our Guests from Monday August 15th evening to Thursday morning August 18th Please contact Carri Sensius at 330.715.2365 German Family Society’s 2nd Annual Lederhosen 5 K-eg Run 1 Mile Fun Run & 50 yd. Toddler Dash In Conjunction with the German Family Society’s Oktoberfest Saturday, September 10, 2016@ 9am Registration: $25 5-K Pre-Registration (T-Shirt 27, 2016) All proceeds will directly help to offset costs for our Youth Group’s upcoming trip to Europe. guaranteed if you register by Saturday, August $30 5-K Day-of-Race Registration 7AM-8:30AM Saturday, September 10, 2016 (T-Shirt NOT guaranteed) $20 1-Mile Fun Run Registration (T-Shirt guaranteed before 8/27/16) $25 Day of Race (T-Shirt NOT guaranteed) $10 50-yd.Toddler Dash (under 5 - No T-Shirt Available) Online race registration link at - ends Friday, September 9, 2016 at 12PM, Noon. Questions about the race?? E-mail us at: [email protected] Location: The race starts and finishes at the German Family Society 3871 Ranfield Road Kent, Ohio. The race will primarily be on Ranfield Road and in the neighborhood adjacent to the German Family Society. Finish Line Beer Garden: In addition to a goodie/gift bag and post race nourishment, your registration includes one free drink (Draft Beer/Soda/Water) ticket that can be redeemed until 12PM/noon day of run, must be 21+ with valid ID to redeem for beer. Sausage sandwiches and hot pretzels will also be available for purchase. After race photos will be available for a fee in the Beer Garden with our Youth Group Dancers. We invite you to come back to our Oktoberfest festival Saturday evening and Sunday for more German food, music, dancing and fun. Beer Belly Division: Got a beer belly? Be proud and join in our elite Beer Belly Division! We will treat you like Oktoberfest royalty, providing you a head start for the race. After the race, enjoy your beer, guilt free - you just burned those calories and earned a perfect reward! How to qualify: Men and women 21+ who are proud of the midsections they have built are eligible to enter this unique division. However, as this division is solely intended to be “for fun”, with the head start, you will not be eligible to win the race. Awards*: Best German-Themed Male and Female Costumes - wear your favorite German clothing, lederhosen and dirndls! 5 K-eg Run - Top 3 Men and Women Overall and Top Person in each division: Elementary (age 5-10), Middle School (age 11-14), High School (age15-19), 20-29, 30-39, 40-49. 50-59, 60+ 1 Mile Fun Run and Toddler Dash - Top 3 in each race. *Based on chip timing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Print/Mail Registration - Due Sept. 3, 2016 (or register online until Noon, Sept. 9, 2016) By signing below, I hereby understand that upon my entry into the Lederhosen 5 K-eg Run, Walk or Dash, I waive any and release all claims for damages and liabilities of any kind that may arise out of my participation in this event against all persons, entities, and agencies involved with promoting and running this event, including but not exclusive to the German Family Society, the city of Brimfield, all sponsors and any involved in the production of the race in regard to any and all injuries suffered by me while running, traveling to and from or participating in this event. I give my permission for the free use of my name, picture and/or video for broadcast, telecast, print and social media account of this event. Race does not permit pets, rollerblades, roller skates, skateboards, scooters, and bicycles. Registrations without fee will be void. Registration fee is non-refundable. Official entry form - please print clearly. Make checks payable to: German Family Society. Mail to: P.O. Box 182 Munroe Falls, OH 44262 I am participating in, circle one: 5 K-eg Run 1 Mile Fun Run Toddler Dash (No T-Shirt Available) T-Shirt Size - guaranteed if you register by August 27, 2016. Circle one: AS AM AL AXL A2X (Add $3.00) Total Amount enclosed: $_________________ Additional Donation: $___________________ Name:____________________________ Gender: M or F circle one Age (day of race):_________ Address:_______________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _______________ Email: ________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________ Signature: _____________________________________________ (Parent or Guardian if under 18) Contributions for Sponsorship are still needed. New this year, 2 free registrations with Platinum Sponsorship.Please email [email protected] or call Jill Armbrust at 330.606.9445 for more information. New Referral page for our Members owning Businesses or Services To all of our Club members that operate Businesses. What better place to post your company and services provided to our other club members, than our newsletter. Today it’s all about being able to trust someone and word of mouth on some of the services that our talented business owners can provide. This forum should let others know what services you offer and we’ll keep this free of charge. As the Family that we are, it gives our members options to hire someone that they know and trust. We offer this free service to all of our business members but it is as a referral only. We hope that by word of mouth from our Club members that we could be a part of your success throughout the year. ser-created with abctools® for home and classroom use only. raphics and format ©2000-2008 abcteach® German: Sports May not be sold/redistributed without permission Business owners please contact me at [email protected] and get your company listed. Please provide your Business name, your name, phone and small description of services offered. A website and address is important as well to those that offer services from their location. We will continue to run this program every quarter and hope to build a convenient referral page for our many members that have a need for such services. Parking: Tom Clark 330.338.3778 Tickets/Entrance: Rudy Germeister 330.633.0247 German: Sports Nina Frischherz 330. 696.8521 5 V E N R L I E R E N 13 T E N E N I S Please call: Kitchen: 3 4 G F 7 Y L A U F M ß M E N B 9 A M A 10 B A S E B A L L T N L I N K S C R T L I C H A 18 19 Z R A D F A H R T E N N E R G S T E I G E N We are still in need Volunteers to help with the European Festival. In order to keep our Festivals running we ask for a few hours of your time on Jun 25th and/or 26th. The Kitchen, parking and ticket crews are in need of help. Please, please offer to donate some time to continue our success as a Club. If we no longer have enough support for our Festivals, the future of our Club will also be in Jeopardy. 1 2 F G 6 B E E A C W 8 S C H W I M K T N E E N 11 S T N E C B N 12 H A S I L P 14 E L S P O 15 16 D F S R 17 S P O R T P L A T R O I I T E C B L H A 20 T L B E E L R Help Needed!! German: Sports 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 German Family Society of Akron 3871 Ranfield Road 8 Kent, OH 44240 9 10 11 German: Sports 12 3 4 5 13 7 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 10 12 le 20 13 German: Sports GERMAN SPORTS 18 Across 1 19 7. Running 8. Common water sport 10. Game played with a diamond 14. Athletic 17. Where soccer is played, for example 18. Cycling 20. Mountain-climbing 11 May not be sold/redistributed without permission Across 3 Down 6 1. Sword fighting? 2. The opposite of "lose" 8 3. Parallel bars, for example 4. Soccer 5. Opposite of "win" 10 6. Being tall can help with this sport 9. Group of players on the same side 11. Umpire or referee 12 12. Sport 13. Played with a ball and a racket 15. This sport requires padding. 14 16. Game 15 16 19. Race Down 1. Sword fighting? 2. The opposite of "lose" 3. Parallel bars, for example User-created with abctools® for home and classroom use only. 17 4. Soccer Graphics and format ©2000-2008 abcteach® German: Sports 5. Opposite of "win" 6. Being tall can help with this sport 9. Group of players on the same side 11. Umpire or referee 12. Sport 13. Played with a ball and a racket 15. This sport requires padding. 16. Game 19. Race m use only. German: Sports 2 May not be sold/redistributed without18 permission 20 Down 4 5 7 9 13 19
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