Guidelines for autonomous learners of German
Guidelines for autonomous learners of German
Sprachenzentrum Guidelines for autonomous learners of German at beginner level You have decided to learn German autonomously. The following guidelines offer you practical tips for a successful language learning experience. These guidelines include: 1. Materials that provide learning steps 2. How to learn vocabulary 3. Input: Reading, listening and grammar 4. Interaction and production 5. Timetable and final tips In the boxes you can find advice on materials in the Self-Access Center and online. All materials are in the Resource Pool ( Please enter the title of the material in the search box on the right or use the shortlink below the titles. You will then find the entry with the catalogue reference number or with the link. At the moment all descriptions are available only in German. Should you need help, please ask the assistant in the Self-Access Center for support. Dialang A computer program that combines self-assessment with test exercises, including tests for listening, reading and writing skills as well as for vocabulary and grammar. Sprachenportfolio A tool with which you can assess your own language competence and document your language learning process. Cornelsen GER-Einstufungstest An online placement test to help you You can find the Self-Access Center at Rämistrasse find your level of German. 74, room J15. During the semester it is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 until 21:00 and on Fridays from 11:00 until 17:00. During the semester break the Center closes at 17:00 on all weekdays. These guidelines are for beginners. If you are not a real beginner, you can evaluate your language skills with the help of the Language Portfolio (Sprachenportfolio): There you can also find lots of tools to structure your learning, to think about what you are doing and to document it. Should you need any support during your self-assessment, we recommend the Online Placement Test Dialang. Knowing your level will help you find appropriate materials in the Resource Pool. 1. Materials that provide learning steps When learning autonomously, lots of learners find it difficult to set aims and to define what to learn. As a possible replacement for a regular course with a teacher where you would be given a certain structure and progression, you could buy a course book (or find it at a library) or find an online course. The course would help you decide which topics you wish to focus on: you could then complement the chosen topics with other materials and exercises. You should work with a language course that you like and find interesting. Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 1/15 Sprachenzentrum We recommend the following materials (available at the Self-Access Center): Interaktiver Deutschkurs der deutschen Welle You can use this course as a guest. When you register – which is free! – the program saves the work you have done. You can read the instructions and explanations in German, English and Russian. Hueber: Miteinander t Self learning course for beginners with English explanations, audio CDs, (test) exercises and key. Hueber: Deutsch Kompakt Self learning course for beginners with a text book (German) and a bilingual exercise book (En/Ger), with audio-CDs. Cornelsen Lextra: Sprachkurs Plus Self learning course for beginners with a text book (German), an additional booklet (with English translations, an answer key, and a glossary), and audio-CDs. As you plan to learn on your own, it might be a good idea to alternate between two different beginners courses. While different courses will feature different topics, there will be a lot of overlap. That will help you to get the necessary repetition and keep it interesting at the same time. The textbooks of the Self-Access Center may not be checked out nor borrowed but there are photocopiers available. In Zurich, the bookshop Orell Füssli (off Bahnhofstrasse) has a wide selection of good materials. Books can be ordered in any Swiss bookshop and are usually delivered within two days. All recommended courses are for beginners and include varied exercise types, listening comprehension exercises, word lists and grammar explanations. 2. Vocabulary At the beginning, the acquisition of new vocabulary in a foreign language represents the most important but also the most time-consuming How to find more challenge to the autonomous learner. Even You can find more courses in our Resource when you attend a course, sooner or later you Pool: Just click the categories Deutsch, allgehave to deal with the question of how to expand meiner Sprachkurs and if you wish choose a your vocabulary. The bad news is that nobody level (Niveau). can do the job for you, the good news is that with a few tips and some information about how the brain works, the whole hard work can be simplified and even be fun! First, let us have a quick look at how the brain functions. The following simplified model of the brain will help you understand the language learning process as well as the study techniques suggested later. The ultra-short-term memory receives and filters sensory perceptions. Information is perceived extremely fast and then eliminated or forwarded. The storage is physical and happens in split seconds. The short-term memory takes the information from the ultra-short-term memory, which is then converted into language and repeated slowly, internally and silently. Here the purely physical form of a piece of information is translated into meaningful words and pictures. The information is stored in Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 2/15 Sprachenzentrum appropriate (meaningful) files. This working memory compares the information of the ultra-short-term memory with the stored knowledge in the long-term memory. This storing process can be both acoustic and visual, it lasts about 3 seconds per object and it can store about seven objects. The long-term memory adopts information which is repeated several times. Here the different files are linked together, new search paths are set. The storage is reached through interconnected neuronal pathways and is stored for ever. The capacity of this third storage is almost infinite. What does this mean for vocabulary learning and language learning in general? To make sure that the word or word string is not immediately filtered out by the ultra-short-term memory, which is something like an entryway, you must make sure that it is supplied with a lot of learning energy, i.e. you should learn drawing on multiple strategies, you should absorb the new vocabulary through as many senses as possible: reading (silently), reading aloud or silently moving your lips, making a movement (real or just imaginary), imagining a smell, etc. Example: You want to memorize the word string den Rasen mähen (to mow the lawn). You imagine yourself in a garden, sweating, you push the lawn-mower in front of you, it drones, you smell the freshly mown grass, on the ground you can read ich mähe den Rasen written everywhere in neon colors. The short-term memory only retains what was structured. This means words must be fitted immediately into corresponding files, semantic fields respectively. For example: Put the words lieben (love), sich streiten (quarrel), das Paar (the couple), der Partner (the partner) in the file Beziehung (relationship). As the short term memory has a capacity of seven to ten strings – a string can be a syllable or a whole sentence – it is much more economical and efficient to learn a whole sentence or a collocation than single words! E.g. ein Formular ausfüllen (to fill in a form) instead of das Formular (the form). As exemplified above, linguistic and neurolinguistic insights suggested that foreign language learners should move away from stubborn learning of single words and their translations. It is more motivating and above all more efficient to use more creative, varied methods. Therefore, become a creative vocabulary collector and organizer! Do not learn and repeat the vocabulary stubbornly, always following the same pattern, but vary your style and order the collected words. By reorganizing, you do not memorize the words in a meaningless order; you integrate the words into your individual pattern of thought. At every discovery of links, we learn more than just the single words. With the reorganizing principle we simultaneously learn a recall mechanism. Please find below a few examples of such reorganizing principles: Series of actions, e.g. the morning ritual: Ich wache auf – Ich steige aus dem Bett – Ich gehe ins Bad – Ich mache mir einen Kaffee – Ich schalte den Computer ein. (I wake up – I get up – I go to the bathroom – I make myself a cup of coffee – I switch on the computer.) Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 3/15 Sprachenzentrum Gradations, e.g. nie (never) selten manchmal oft meistens immer (seldom) (sometimes) (often) (mostly) (always) Hierarchical structures, e.g. Eltern erziehen (parents) (bring) Kinder (children) Lehrer (teachers) bilden (educate) Schüler/Studenten (pupils/students) aus Arbeitgeber (employers) stellen (hire) Arbeitnehmer (employees) ein (up) die Lebensmittel (Pl) (food) die Früchte (Pl) (fruits) der Apfel (the apple) die Banane (the banana) das Gemüse (vegetables) die Zitrone (the lemon) die Papaya (the papaya) .......... .......... .......... das Fleisch (meat) .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Causal structures, e.g. stimulus and reaction • e.g.: der Witz – das Lachen (the joke – laughter) • action and result e.g.: schreiben – der Text (to write – the text) • producer and product e.g.: der Bäcker – das Brot (the baker – the bread) Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 4/15 Sprachenzentrum Opposites or similarities, e.g. Antonyms • e.g.: hell – dunkel (light – dark) • synonyms e.g.: sprechen = reden (to talk = to speak) You could also buy an exercise book in which you stick pictures and label them (pictures and graphs support the visual memory), in which you draw, organize your vocabulary thematically or following other principles and in which you also freely associate the vocabulary you already know, i.e. you create spidergrams or mindmaps. Examples: Mindmap for Train station viele Menschen in einen Zug steigen das Geleis, -e (the track) der Zug, - "-e (the train) der Fahrplan, - "-e (What is there?) (many people) (the railway schedule) der Kiosk, -e (What can you do there?) (to buy tickets) Was macht man da? Fahrkarten kaufen WKHWLFNHWRI¿FH Was gibt es da? der Fahrkartenschalter warten (to wait) sich verabschieden (to say goodbye) sich begrüssen (to welcome someone) winken Im Bahnhof (the newsstand) (to get on a train) (to wave to someone) (At the station) den Zug verpassen der Lokomotivführer, - (the engine driver) der Schaffner, - (the train conductor) Wer ist da? WKHUDLOZD\RI¿FLDO Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez (How is it there) der Bahnbeamte, -n Wie ist es da? (the passenger) :KRFDQ\RX¿QGWKHUH" (to miss the train) der Reisende, -n laut (loud) voll (crowded) hektisch (hectic, bustling) Seite 5/15 Sprachenzentrum Spidergram for Switzerland die Kuh (cow) schlechtes Wetter der Käse (bad weather) (cheese) wandern die ETH (hiking) (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) die Schweiz (Switzerland) die Berge (mountains) die Arbeit (work) Grüezi (Grüezi) die Uhr (watch) arbeiten die Alpen (the Alps) (to work) Create your own exercises with the words you want to learn. From texts you can create your own cloze exercises. Übungen selbstgemacht is a handy tool to create cloze exercises out of webpages etc. Vocabulary training exercises (in books or computer programs) offer the possibility to repeat vocabulary creatively and therefore efficiently. Research-based teaching promotes learning with flash cards as the most efficient method. Different publishers (Hueber Verlag and Pons) sell pre-printed flash cards and sometimes also flash-card boxes in which you can collect the cards, as shown in the picture on the next page. The biggest advantage of flash cards is that you can carry a small bundle with you anywhere you like and do short vocabulary repetitions during breaks, in public means of transport, on your way to work. The Language Center Uni/ETH also has vocabulary flash cards for sale for the levels A1-A2. Flash cards Front side: Flip side: die Tasse, -n cup Ich hätte gern eine Tasse Tee. I‘d like to have a cup of tea. reservieren er reserviert, er reservierte, er hat reserviert. Wir möchten einen Tisch reservieren. book We would like to book a table. If you work with pre-printed cards and complete them with your own vocabulary or if you write and collect your own cards from scratch, it is important that you stick to some criteria. The flash cards should allow self-assessment: Use both the front side and the flip side (German • on one side, the translation into your first language on the other). Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 6/15 Sprachenzentrum • • • • Check the entries on your flash cards accurately for correctness with the help of a dictionary to avoid memorizing mistakes. On each flash card write an example sentence in which the new word is used in a meaningful way. Write down the main forms of the verbs on the card (e.g.: gehen – sie ging – sie ist gegangen). Write this additional information in such a way that you can test yourself. If you are a beginner, you can write just the infinitive form and the simple present to start with, but do leave some space so that you can add the other forms later. Also write down the gender and plural form to each noun, in such a way that you can also test yourself. Flash card box: Instead of flash cards you can also use sticky slips of paper ® (Post-it ). Write the name of objects in your room, your flat or your office on the slips. To every word also add important additional information, just as on the flash cards. When you see an object with a slip, think of the word for the object in the target language or say it aloud. Do not forget the additional information. Flash cards for levels A1 to A2 can be bought from Martin Amann ([email protected]). Content: 832 words with English translation and information on word stress, approx. CHF 25.– Instead of labelling the object with its own name, you can write other words you want to learn on the slips and hang them around your living areas. The position in the room can be an additional learning help. You memorize for example Das Auto hängt am Kühlschrank (The car is hanging on the fridge) and you try to visualize it. With sticky slips of different colours you can also support the learning of articles. Take a different colour for every gender. It does not matter which color; you just have to be consistent. If you buy a hard-copy dictionary, make sure that it contains the following information: gender, plural forms, the perfect and past tenses of irregular verbs. A very good dictionary also has information on pronunciation. Examples for gender labelling das Haus; Haus (n); s Haus die Frau, Frau (f), e Frau der Mann; Mann (m), r Mann Examples for plural forms Häuser: Haus, -¨-er Frauen: Frau, -en Männer: Mann -¨-er Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 7/15 Sprachenzentrum If you find two abbreviations after the noun in your dictionary, then the first is for the genitive, the second for the plural form: e.g. Haus (n), -es, -¨-er (gender) (genitive) (plural) Langenscheidt: Wortschatz Intensivtrainer A1 Example for main forms kommen: kommt, kam, ist gekommen Languages Online, Deutsch Example for word stress Information on word stress combined with length symbols: Mond (long), kommen (short), vergessen (short) Vocabulary teaching material for students at A1 level, with lots of different exercises, a key and downloadable audio files for the words. Online games and printable worksheets with key, wordlists (English-German) and a lot of audio materials. Language Guide – Wortschatz Illustrated online dictionary with audio. Just word stress: ’Mond, ’kom men, ver’ges sen Karteikarten mit Spreadsheetprogrammen erstellen When you are already a little bit more advanced, you should also own a monolingual dictionary (German-German), more specifically a German as a foreign language dictionary, in which the definition of words is paraphrased and put into context in a meaningful way with many examples. Finally one more encouraging tip: You will understand a lot of words you did not learn consciously. In the German language there are countless words with Latin or Greek origin, which sound more or less the same in many languages. Next to Dutch, English is the IndoEuropean language which is most closely related to German. Many words are written in a slightly different way but once you say them aloud, you recognize them immediately. If you activate your own vocabulary and pluck up courage to draw parallels, you can guess the meaning of many German words without having learnt them before. Pons Vokabeltrainer-App Excel template to create your own flash cards. Langenscheidt Vokabeltrainer 6.0 Vocabulary trainer with lots of different exercise types and audio files for many words. You can also record your own words. App for Android and iPhone/iPad, linked to the corresponding Pons dictionary app. It collects all the words you look up with the dictionary, and you can add words yourself. Free download, but you need to register. Langenscheidt: Wörter – Bilder – Situationen With the aid of pictures about different topics you can improve your vocabulary of mostly nouns. Übungen selbstgemacht Create your own cloze texts from any text. How to find more You can find more materials to learn vocabulary in the Resource Pool if you click the following categories: Deutsch, Wortschatz, Übungen and the level if you wish. Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 8/15 Sprachenzentrum Spotlight Verlag: Deutsch Perfekt 3. Input: reading, listening and grammar Magazine for learners of German with topical texts on culture and customs. Difficult words and expressions are explained. Langenscheidt: Lesen & Hören A1 3 books with audio CDs where you can read and listen to short illustrated stories. With exercises and key at the end. Hueber: Lesen & Schreiben A1 Reading and writing exercises for beginners, with key. How to find more: Go to the Resource Pool of the SelfAccess Center for more reading materials. Choose the categories Lektüre, Deutsch and the appropriate level (A1 or A2). A good language learner distinguishes him/herself in that s/he creates him/herself as many inputs in the foreign language as possible. This does not always have to happen at home at the desk in a serious work situation. Try to integrate the German language into your daily routine as much as possible, become an observing German reader and listener in everyday life. Set realistic goals, which are achievable and therefore motivating for your purpose. The objective should always be to approach the language step by step. The idea is that you learn to understand texts or dialogues in everyday situations and notice that by activating your experience and your general knowledge, you can often guess the meaning of what you have heard or of written text, without knowing the grammatical structure or every single word. Reading Use every opportunity to read. Preferably read shorter Grammatisches Wörtertexts more often rather than a longer text only once, posbuch sibly failing to understand it and therefore feeling ed after that. For example, we recommend regularly readEnter any word in the search box. The ing the free newspapers, and with increasing progress you program finds the possible main forms. will also dare to read more challenging texts. Watch out for Under inflection you can find all the advertisements in magazines, billboards, on TV and ask a forms of the word. In the top right corGerman speaking colleague or friend if you do not underner, there is a direct link to LEO and PONS. stand them, look at picture books with little text, read comics – perhaps you already know Asterix and Obelix in LEO Online-Wörterbuch your first language and you could now try and read it in German. When selecting a text, pay particular attention to Dictionary with translations into many choosing something languages. • that you find interesting, e.g. an article on your hobby PONS Online-Wörterbuch • that you already know, e.g. texts on a known fact, reports or announcements on your subject, short Dictionary for many languages, with foreign learners. IPA transcription. There is also an app. When you read texts online and would like to look up words, you must find the principal form of the words. For example, the online grammar reference site Canoo suits this purpose and it is directly linked to the online dictionaries LEO and PONS. LEO provides translations from English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Polish, Russian and Chinese into German and vice versa. PONS offers those languages including Greek, Latin, Slovenian and Turkish. Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 9/15 Sprachenzentrum Listening To learn a language you need listening inputs. Through listening activities you absorb the intonation, you learn to identify words, you hear fixed phrases and expressions, as well as short and often used everyday language forms. There are even learner types who learn almost exclusively through listening – they listen and try to imitate. Listening inputs are particularly important in the special language situation of the German part of Switzerland (diglossia). If you are learning German in Switzerland, you will surely have noticed that the Swiss Germans speak their dialect mainly in the private domain, whereas they use High German or Standard German as their official language or at schools, universities, in the press, for scientific research and of course when speaking with foreign people or learners of German. This means that you cannot rely on getting enough High German listening inputs in everyday life and that ideally you should find additional audio materials. There is a wealth of audio materials especially designed for learners: In the box to the right you can find a selection which is available online or in the Self-Access Center. There are further possibilities to listen to German: watching movies (movies you already know in subtitled German synchronization), watching and listening to the news and listening to German songs. The choice is almost endless! Among the most famous German artists we could mention: Herbert Grönemeyer, Fettes Brot, Roger Cicero, Nena, die fantastischen Vier, Juli, Christina Stürmer, Annette Louisan, etc. At the Self-Access Center you can also find a small selection of films and German songs. How to find songs and movies: • Choose the option Lieder to look for music and songs in the Resource Pool. • Combine Filme und Videoclips with DVD to get a list of the films we have at the Self-Access Center. At the end of each entry you can find the available languages under Audio details. Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Streaming Radio which takes you from one artist or group to similar songs. Start with a German band or artist you know. Audacity With this program you can record and edit audio files. It is free, open source and runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. Auralog: Talk to me This is a language course with which you can record yourself and also do some interactive oral exercises. Step into German Listen to German music online, watch music videos, read the lyrics in German or the English translation, and you can also use the worksheets. Klett: Schon mal gehört? 10 German songs on an audio CD and a book with the lyrics and exercises for different levels. Hueber: Hören & Sprechen A1 Exercise book with audio CD to improve your listening and speaking skills. Langenscheidt: Bilderbogen D-A-CH DVD with short video reports about Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You can practise your listening skills with exercises (pdf on CD-ROM). Cornelsen: Studio d A1 DVD for beginners, with exercise book. How to find more: To find audio materials with transcripts, open the Resource Pool and click the categories Deutsch, Hörmaterialien, mit Transkription and possibly also the level. Seite 10/15 Sprachenzentrum Try to get your friends and colleagues involved. Arrange for example that one of your colleagues at work speaks German to you at least 15 Minutes a day. You can still answer in English or ask questions when necessary. If you would like to combine listening and reading, we can recommend our audiobooks for different levels. The audiobooks suitable for beginners are listed in the box to the right. Audiobooks for beginners • Hueber: Lese-Novelas • Langenscheidt: Lesen & Hören • • Edition bi:libri Cideb: Lesen und üben • Cornelsen Lextra: DaF-Lernkrimi Finally there is one more learning tip we would like to How to find more: share with you, which is good for both reading and listenIn the Resource Pool of the Selfing. For each activity, it is a good idea to try and predict Access Center you can find further the content. This means to make reasonable guesses suggestions for suitable audiobooks. about a reading or listening passage, which will help you Choose the categories Deutsch, understand. Because when you expect a certain piece of Hörmaterialien, Lektüren, CD and information, you then have less problems understanding or the appropriate level (A1 or A2). finding it. This is a strategy we adopt automatically in our first language when we read or listen to something. Most people must practice this first in the foreign language. To do this efficiently we suggest the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose a reading or listening text which corresponds to your level. Read the title first and perhaps also the introduction. Think about which information could be found in the text and take some notes. Note down some questions which the text could answer. Start listening or reading the text only after these considerations and check your hypotheses and find the answers to your questions. See which hypotheses were correct and what you could not find in the text although you assumed you would. Grammar You have surely already wondered why grammar has not been mentioned yet in these guidelines: Many of you must have memories of your foreign language learning at school with lots of memorizing grammar and going through endless drill-exercises. This is typical of many countries. Have you ever learned speaking a language in this way? Possibly not. But also in this case, we can draw on findings in Second Language Acquisition. Research shows that mastering grammar rules cannot prevent mistakes when speaking. This means, there is something like a grammar knowledge in one’s brain, which is nevertheless almost entirely disconnected from the actual language used, especially at beginner’s level. At first sight this appears to be a bit disappointing, but actually this is extremely good news. Good grammar knowledge is not an absolute requirement for good language Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Langenscheidt: Grammatik Intensivtrainer A1 Practice book for A1 students, without grammar explanations, with key. Langenscheidt Grammatiktraining Deutsch Practice book without grammar explanations, with key. Schubert: A Grammatik Grammar book with exercises, key and audio CD. For beginners. Seite 11/15 Sprachenzentrum skills. Nevertheless – to learn the language at the beginning, but above all to really understand the language at a higher level, it is helpful and sometimes even necessary to know some grammar rules. Grammar helps to better understand the structure and rules of a language. Especially at the beginning, we recommend practicing the grammar with a learning partner. This will help your understanding process and is more fun! In addition to the grammar explanations you will find in the courses for autonomous learners mentioned above, we can also recommend the grammar practice books listed in the box. 4. Production / Interaction In the long run, the aim of most learners of German is to be able to express themselves in German. The best is to tackle this skill right from the beginning. It is important to speak a lot, even when you make mistakes and there is nobody to correct you. Speaking increases your fluency and it also increases your capacity to learn more by showing you what you cannot do yet. Grammatikübungen online (German Academy Vienna): Multiplechoice exercises. You can choose exercises according to level or topic. You have to register before using this site. Grammatisches Wörterbuch German dictionary and grammar. You can find information on word formation as well as a comprehensive word and sentence grammar. English version available. Minimalpaartraining On you can practise your ability to differ between minimal pairs (Aal – All etc.). Phonetik-Simsalabim On this webpage you can practise the Those who want to speak in the foreign language have active and passive spoken German in to be active and take the initiative. You have to over10 sections with different phonetic come fears and inhibitions. One idea might be to start topics. speaking for oneself at home, to get your mouth round the language, before plucking up courage to do so in Phonetiktricks online public. Here are some ideas with which you could start at home: This website consists of 17 videos with Sing along to songs. You can find the texts of most • tricks about how to improve your prosongs on the internet. nunciation of German. Repeat dialogues of listening materials. In the Re• source Pool you can look for materials which have a Schubert Verlag: Einfach Deutsch transcript. The videos mentioned in the listening aussprechen section are also suitable for this kind of exercise. Introduction to the different aspects of Work with language learning software. • German phonetics. In German, with Read texts aloud, learn them by heart and recite • exercises, key and English-German them. You could for example record yourself with word list at the end. Audacity and then listen to how you sound. Repeat expressions you come across often aloud. • Learn phrases which you might need to communicate in typical daily situations. • You should pay attention to your pronunciation right from the beginning. Good pronunciation is important to be understood without difficulty. Most native speakers intuitively assess the competence of a Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 12/15 Sprachenzentrum foreign speaker not according to his/her grammar skills but through his/her pronunciation. Therefore it is worth taking the time to learn to pronounce the words correctly. This does not mean that you have to sound like a German or Swiss person. A foreign accent is no problem as long as it does not impede understanding. Good pronunciation starts with listening. Sounds which you cannot distinguish from one another or intonation patterns which you do not recognize or perceive cannot be reproduced correctly. For a good pronunciation you do not only have to master the sounds of the German language; word stress, rhythm and intonation are equally important. Try to listen a lot and to pay attention to the sound of the language. Consider: where the speaker takes a break. • where words are emphasized. • which words in the sentence are emphasized. • where the voice goes up and where it goes down. • where you can hear specific sounds, for example the voiced “s“ ([z]). • For this kind of exercise take a listening text with transcript (see section Listening). First read and listen to the text and look up unknown words. After that you can fully concentrate on the pronunciation. Highlight what you find interesting, either before or while listening. Try to read the text aloud together with the recorded voice, or record yourself and then compare your voice with the original recording. By the way, reading along is not only good for your pronunciation, it also helps you with your spelling. In German there is a strong relationship between letters and sounds. When you know how to write a word, you can also say it and when you know how to say it, you can often also write it correctly. Should you have particular difficulties in one area, you can find teaching materials on phonetics and other materials in the Self-Access Center, with which you can systematically practice single aspects of pronunciation. Tandem-Leitfaden Tips for successful Tandem-learning. Seagull: Lernmaterialien für alle Sprachen A lot of tips and suggestions what to do with your tandem partner as well as communication exercises. The worksheets are sorted into different topics and levels. Präsenz-Tandem Students and staff of the University and ETH Zürich can fill in the form and send in their application. We will then look for a suitable Tandem partner. Try to speak German right from the beginning. Always order your coffee in German, greet your colleagues at work and ask them how they are. Perhaps you can also arrange with a colleague to speak German 15 minutes a day. Another very successful method to practice speaking is Tandem Learning. Two people with different first languages work together to improve their foreign language skills. Ideas and materials, as well as important rules for a successful Tandem Learning session are to be found in the Language Center as well as in the Self-Access Center. Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 13/15 Sprachenzentrum Distanztandem Uni-Bochum They offer assistance finding e-mail partnerships for Tandem learning. Deutsch zu zweit In this book your German speaking Tandem partner can find basic knowledge on study techniques, the German grammar and instructions for different exercises which s/he can do with you. Unlike a Tandem partner, whose first language has to be the target language, a learning partner can have any first language. We have already mentioned that it is worth learning grammar with a colleague or friend. A learning partner can be of great help and support to learn vocabulary (e.g. testing each other’s vocabulary), to discuss linguistic difficulties, to practice speaking and above all for the motivation. By meeting regularly you can try and maintain the discipline needed to make progress, which is so difficult to bring up when learning autonomously. Games in the Self-Access Center In the Self-Access Center you can find different games you can play with your Tandem partner. Click Spiele and Deutsch in the Resource Pool. You can take out a game for the day and play it where you like. 5. Timetable and final tips Finally, once more the most important tips in short, as well as recommendations for your timetable. We would like to encourage you to look for help when you get stuck with your project. In the SelfAccess Center you can find assistance and help to make best use of the resources available. In addition, the Language Center also offers a counseling service: please contact us for an appointment. Ø Reserve enough time every day or every week for German: the rule is, better short sessions on a regular basis than rare longer sessions. Ø Intensive learning, our recommendation: every day, 15 min vocabulary, 15 min course, 30 min input, later also production. Ø Alternative for busy students: distribute the learning phases over the week. For example 15 min vocabulary learning on Monday, 30 min course on Tuesday, 15 min vocabulary learning on Wednesday, 30 min input on Thursday… Ø Integrate German into your everyday life. Speak German during your coffee break, while you do the chores, write your shopping list in German and send simple emails. Ø Set realistic goals. These goals should not be grammar-bound or textbook specific. Decide to learn a certain number of words per day or to have a short conversation in German at the office or at the bakery. Ø Be patient! It takes time to learn a language. We wish you lots of fun and success learning German! Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass und Erfolg beim Erlernen der Deutschen Sprache! Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 14/15 Sprachenzentrum References: Robert Kleinschroth: Sprachen lernen. Der Schlüssel zur richtigen Technik. Rororo Sprachen. 3. Auflage September 2003. Ernst Appeltauer: Grundlagen des Erst- und Fremdsprachenerwerbs. Fernstudieneinheit 15. Langenscheidt 2001. David Crystal: die Cambridge Enzyklopädie der Sprache. Zweitausendeins, Campus Verlag 1993 Text: Anja Gredig, Cornelia Steinmann / Übersetzung: Christine Martinez Seite 15/15