CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme
10th Annual HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Consultative Forum
3rd to 5th June 2015, Nairobi, Kenya
The Ministry of Health, Kenya through the National AIDS and STI Control Program (NASCOP)
invites all stakeholders in HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment to the 10th Annual HIV
Consultative Forum on 3rd to 5th June 2015. The Annual HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment
Consultative Forum is a platform for sharing innovation and strategies towards achievement of
various targets in the fight against HIV in Kenya. This conference brings together senior officials
from the Government of Kenya, development partners, learning institutions, local and
international HIV experts, public and private practitioners, implementing partners and
organizations of persons living with HIV, among others. The theme for this year’s forum is
The Forum will focus on three tracks:
1. Prevention of New HIV Infections
2. Improving Health Outcomes and Wellness of People Living with HIV
3. Facility and Community Systems in HIV Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support
Track 1: Prevention of New HIV Infections
There are four categories within this track:
General population
Pregnant or breastfeeding women and HIV Exposed Infants (HEIs) (mother-baby pair)
Key populations
Adolescents and youth
Abstracts are invited in line with these categories. Specifically, abstracts should focus on
combination HIV prevention interventions, and demonstrate how they:
Have contributed to addressing both immediate risks and underlying vulnerability
through programmatic and policy actions
Are planned and managed to operate consistently and synergistically on multiple levels
(i.e. individual, community, society, etc)
Have promoted mobilization of community, private sector, government, and global
resources in a collective undertaking
Embraced enhanced partnership and coordination
Incorporated mechanisms for learning, capacity building, and flexibility to permit
continual adaptation and improvement
Are monitored and evaluated for individual and combined impact including availability
of a rigorous programme monitoring linked to result i.e.
o innovative approaches to data collection and validation for impact on prevention
o Knowledge translation of interventions / Operations research to enhance HIV
prevention while working with the HIV positive ;
o Optimising reproductive health needs for discordant or concordant HIV positive
couples including conception needs
o Mother infant care in the context of PMTCT
o Use of treatment as prevention e.g. Prep studies, early impact Option B + in
Track 2: Improving Health Outcomes and Wellness of People Living with HIV
There are four categories under this track:
Adolescents and youth
Key populations
Abstracts are invited in line with these categories. Specifically, abstracts should focus on;
How the entire cascade of care has been implemented i.e. how those diagnosed with HIV
get linked into care, retained in care, initiated and retained on antiretroviral therapy and
achieve treatment outcomes such as viral suppression. Clearly demonstrate the effects
and/or impact of the interventions at each stage of the cascade and strategies employed at
each stage of the cascade
Quality of care for PLHIV including:
o OI prevention and management
o Nutrition interventions
o Treatment literacy
o Psychosocial services (adherence, disclosure, transition to adult clinic, etc)
o Mental health
o Appointment management
o Defaulter tracking
o Patient monitoring (laboratory and clinical)
o Non-communicable disease
Continuous quality improvement
Pharmacovigilance (adverse drug reaction monitoring and management and quality of
Track 3: Facility and Community Systems in HIV Prevention, Care, Treatment and
Abstracts are invited in line with this track. Specifically, abstracts should focus on:
Optimal use of technology such as smartphones and internet in HIV management
Integration of HIV service delivery models at facility level
Approaches in ensuring HIV commodities security
Optimizing service delivery at county level
Promoting use of strategic information for HIV research, monitoring and evaluation
Impact of capacity building (didactic, mentorship, etc) towards HIV prevention, care and
treatment (impact, cost saving approaches, etc)
Quality laboratory services to support comprehensive HIV services and universal access
Contribution of community interventions and linkages in the continuum of care
Human resource Management for better response to HIV prevention, care and treatment.
This is to identify/address the gaps in terms of HR (specialized cadre to manage CD4,
viral load testing, counselling for children or special sub-populations, VCT counsellors,
task shifting etc.
For further details under each track, refer to the concept note.
Abstracts submitted will be considered for oral or poster presentations. Abstracts from Ministry
of Health facilities will be given priority. Details for the preparation and submission of abstracts
are provided below.
Instructions for Abstract Submission
Format: Abstracts must be prepared in English using upper and lower case letters, Times New
Roman 12 pt font, single spaced and should not be more than 500 words. Abstracts should be
submitted as a Microsoft Word document using the outline provided below.
 Track name
 Category name
 Title of abstract
 Authors and affiliations
 Corresponding author and contact: (name, email, phone)
 Abstract outline
Background: Brief background of the program, intervention, research/evaluation, or issue
being addressed. Problem statement and context should be well articulated.
Objectives: Objective or purpose of the intervention or research/evaluation.
Methods: Description of the intervention, model, or research/evaluation methods used.
Results: Findings or outcomes/achievements of the intervention, model, or
research/evaluation. What did you achieve or lessons learnt? What were the effects of the
Conclusions, recommendations and implications: Based on your results, describe how
this activity could inform/guide other program and policies in accelerating HIV
prevention, treatment and care: a comprehensive approach towards 90-90-90 targets in
Deadline for abstract submissions: 27th March 2015
Submission: Abstracts should be emailed to all the addresses below, with the subject
line/reference “Abstract10th HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Consultative Forum”
Email to:
Forum email
Dr. Linda Misiko
Dr. Susan Njogo
Dr. Evans Imbuki
Ms. Patricia Macharia
Dr Prisca Muange
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstracts acceptance: Successful applicants will be notified via email. Where there are coauthors it is the responsibility of corresponding authors to inform the others. All accepted
abstracts will appear in their full form in the abstract book and on the CD-ROM that will be
distributed following the conference. Presentations will also be included on the CD-ROM and
NASCOP website following the conference.
Mode of presentations: Audio-visual equipment (lap top computers and LCD projectors) will
be available for oral presentations at the conference venue. Posters should have a uniform size of
A0 and printed in portrait layout. Authors are required to make and print their own posters. Titles
of the posters should be in bold and legible from a distance of at least two meters. All material
should be well labeled and legible. Lettering should be typed in simple serif fonts such as "Times
New Roman". Use upper and lower case letters.
Forum registration: Registration details can be found on NASCOP website
For further information kindly contact:
Dr Susan Njogo
Dr Linda Misiko
Ms. Patricia Macharia
Dr Prisca Muange
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0722-419-865
Phone: 0722-319-841
Phone: 0722-652-064
Phone: 0737-222-572