Pews News - St John`s Redhill
Pews News - St John`s Redhill
Tickets for the classical music concert at the end of April are now on sale! We have lots of publicity material to distribute for the first of this concert, which is entitled the Bibby Duo and Friends: Saturday 25th April 6.00pm-8.00pm. Tickets are available after 10.30am services from the back of the church from Jenny, priced £10 for adults and £1 for under-18s. Please buy a ticket and sign up to take a leaflet to your school, workplace, community group, local library/shop or deliver them down your street. We have about 170 tickets to sell and this event has potential not only to be a huge success but in doing so reach a vastly wider audience than just our congregation. Please think about how you can help to promote this and other concerts, which will be held in June and July. The performers for the Bibby Duo and Friends concert are internationally-acclaimed pianists Nicola and Alexandra Bibby, Sussex musician and opera singer Jane Haughton (mezzo soprano) and our own Simon Edge-Partington (oboe) who performs with the English Arts Ensemble and organises concerts for charities. The programme contains many delights for all, including the Carnival of the Animals. Refreshments will be available at the interval. Please also think about any items you could donate for sale, or with a percentage of the proceeds given to the fundraising appeal, at the auction of fine arts and promises, on Saturday 3rd October. The auction will be run by Christopher Claxton Stevens (contact 020 8673 7071, [email protected]) who has offered to use his long expertise in the antiques trade to run the sale, and would welcome hearing from anyone who would like to contribute items, whether as gifts or on a percentage commission basis. These might include antique or contemporary furniture, porcelain, pottery and glass, pictures, books, silver and plate, jewellery, clocks, metalwork, or collectors’ items. Part of the auction will also allow people to donate their talents, services and promises. Maybe you could promise to do an afternoon's gardening, an evening's singing, or donate a meal for two at a restaurant. Last, but no means least, please continue to use EasyFundraising for all your online purchases and searches. Find our cause by typing in and searching for 'St John's new building appeal'. Pews News St John the Evangelist Church Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6QA Registered Charity No. 1135368 Vicar: vacant Church Wardens: Janet Scott 01737 769336 Mike Genge 01737 770891 8th March 3rd Sunday of Lent Services and Readings 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Readings Hymns 5.30pm Evensong Readings Hymns Psalm Exodus 20.1-17 John 2.13-22 634, 765, 541, 500 Exodus 5.1 – 6.1 Philippians 3.4b-14 422, 715, 481, 229 12 Today’s anthems are “If ye love me” by Thomas Tallis (1505-1585), text from John 14, and “View me Lord” by Richard H Lloyd (b. 1933), text by Thomas Campion (1567-1620). Traidcraft Real Easter Eggs are available again this year. Please complete an order form in the latest Spring catalogue, which is available on the Traidcraft stall at the back of the church. Today’s voluntaries are (at 10.30am) Prelude and Fugue in E minor BWV555 by J S Bach (1685-1750) and (at 5.30pm) Trumpet Tune by Henry Purcell (1659-95). Church Maintenance Day - Saturday 28th March: This is the target date and the time will be 9.00am to 12.30pm. There can be some flexibility, however - it will be possible to pick a task and nominate your own date and time near the above. Let's get things looking good for Easter! Sign-up sheets will appear in due course. Feel free to talk to Ted Eilley, [email protected], 01737 765657. Junior Church: The topic for the St John’s school group (5-11 years) is “Jesus and the Temple” (John 2.13-22) and for the Vestry group (2½-5 years) “A Beautiful Pearl”. Salt n Pepper meets today for those in school years 7-11. All are very welcome to join us at 10.30am. Please note the new venue of St John’s School. Any questions please contact Claire or Richard French. The next meeting of Afta8z will be on Monday 9th March, 8.00pm at 71 Chart Lane, Reigate, for week 3 of the Lent Course. All in school years 10-13 welcome. The next dates for A Good Yarn are Mondays 9th and 23rd March, 2.00pm-4.30pm and 7.30pm-10.00pm. All welcome, 6 Beaumonts RH1 5DT. Heather Powell 01293 774588 or 07710 447478. Mothering Sunday Posies: On Saturday 14th March, starting at 10.00am, we will be making posies for Mothering Sunday. Everyone is welcome to come along and help; many hands make light work. Contributions of greenery will be gratefully received and can be left in the church porch from Friday 13th March. The Junior Choir will be holding another bake sale next Sunday, 15th March. Money is being raised to help pay for the RSCM summer Choral course in Bath. Choristers would be most grateful for your support. The Church Electoral Roll has to be revised before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). This year you need take no action if you are already on the Roll. However, if you are not on the Electoral Roll and wish to attend the APCM and take part in its proceedings, your name must be entered on the Roll by 6th April. Application forms for enrolment are available at the back of the church. Please let me have completed forms by 23rd March. No names can be added to the Roll after 6th April until the close of the APCM. Peter Siggs. Last Call for visit to Pilsdon Community, West Malling, Kent on Saturday 14th March. Christians Aware is organising a trip to visit The Pilsdon at Malling Community on Saturday 14th March. It is a Christian-based community with its ideals and ethos taken from the Pilsdon Community in Dorset. This visit will allow us to get an insight into the works of the community. If you are interested in joining the visit, please speak to Sarah Walters, and if enough people want to go, a minibus can be organised for transport. We would need to leave St. John's at 10.30am and we would be back at about 6.30pm. Please contact Sarah Walters on 01737 217253 or email [email protected] The Junior Church Good Friday workshop will be held on Friday 3rd April from10.00am to 12.00noon, gathering at the church. There will be plenty of different activities for family and friends. There will be sign up sheets at the back of the Church from next Sunday: Hand Bells, Arts and Crafts inside the church, an Easter Walk, making an outdoor Easter Garden. There will also be tea, coffee and Hot Cross Buns. We look forward to seeing you there. Church Magazine: The March magazine is available at the back of the church. Please note that the deadline for the April issue of the magazine is 22nd March, as the publication date will be 29th March. You can send written contributions by email to [email protected] at any time up to, and including, 22nd March - the sooner the better! You don't have to write anything - if you prefer, editor Jo Josh would be very happy to take down your ideas in a telephone or face-to-face interview on 01737 270220. Please send any contributions for Pews News to Anne Rueff at [email protected] or phone on 762534, by 8.00pm on Wednesdays.