expert seminars 2014 – analysis
expert seminars 2014 – analysis
EXPERT SEMINARS 2014 – ANALYSIS PARTICIPANT STRUCTURE FOR EXPERT SEMINARS IN 2014 Based on number of employees in the company: 13 % Based on position in the company: 1 %1 % 1 % 1 % 2 %2 % 30 % 13 % 3% 3% 4% 4% 6% 1 000 a více 1,000 or more 50─199 50-199 méně než 50 less than 50 200-499 200─499 33 % 8% 500─999 500-999 19 % 8% 25 % Based on company’s industry segment: 2 % 1% 1 % 1 % 2 %2 % 4% 4% 3% 3% 31 % 5% 6 % 11 % 7% 7 % 8% Public Administration Státní správa Finance Finance Education Vzdělávání Services Služby Wholesale and Retail Velkoobchod a maloobchod Processing Industries Zpracovatelský průmysl Transport Doprava Zdravotnictví Healthcare Energy Energetika Chemical Industry Chemický průmysl Stavebnictví Construction IT IT Telekomunikace Telecommunications Heavy Machinery Industry Strojírenský průmysl Sales Obchod Automotive Automobilový průmysl Security Technologies Zabezpečovací technika 15 % 8% Popularity of presentations among listeners: IT Manager IT manager IT Leader Vedoucí IT Administrator Administrátor IS Admins Správce IS Director Ředitel IT Consultant IT konzultant IT Specialist IT specialista IT Technician IT technik IT Architect IT architekt System Engineer Systémový inženýr Auditor Auditor Economist/Financial Analyst Ekonom Project Manager Projektový manažer College Professor VŠ učitel Analyst Analytik Salesperson Obchod PR Presentations Case Studies Non-commercial Presentations EXPERT SEMINAR CONCEPT REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTNER SEMINARS: • partner presentations much comply or fit with the set topics for the event • we welcome case studies: case studies are generally the most interesting and most effective way to communicate with customers about products and solutions. Customers can see themselves in the role of „product recipients“ and partners „demonstrate“ the longevity/life-cycle of the implemented solution. Case studies include the following basic information: • description of the (customer) environment where implementation took place • needs and requirements for the solution • description of the solution (possible comparison with other solutions, description of benefits) • implementation process • real benefits for customer • future perspectives • Panel discussions are an integral part of all seminars. It’s essential that partners take part in the panel discussion. Panel discussions offer participants a means for verifying their knowledge and experience gathered during the seminar. • We ask that you please deliver documents (annotations, presentations, etc.) on time, based on the agreed deadline! • Do you work with an expert capable of giving an independent presentation? We can provide you space for a free presentation during the theoretical part of the seminar program. OUR QUESTIONNAIRE FINDINGS: The marketing part of the presentation cannot exceed 20%. The presentation must focus on a solution. Pure product presentations are not popular (successful) among participants. REFERENCES: Partners: The location is great and the whole event is very well organized. The presentations are done professionally. To sum up in once sentence: I’m glad I’m here. Wolfgang May, Barracuda We regularly take part in the conference, ICT and Security, together with our partners, for it involves one of the most important, autumn security events focused on the end user (clientele). DCD Publishing, as the event organizer, guarantees good participation, high quality presentations and good overall event organization. Lucie Stránská, Veracomp We give the event a positive review – an interesting mix of participants from a sales point of view and also as concerns the space we had for our presentation. Tomáš Kvašňovský, HP I am at one of these events for the first time, but I give it a positive review. I like how it’s organized as well as the number of participants and partners. I also like the event format, which combines lectures and info stands, where you can run product demos. I also like the timely communications about the event. Jaromír Štěpán, Samsung We liked the event’s interesting venue, the excellent organization, keeping to the time limits for individual presentations, the active audience, the good technical equipment and the interesting panel discussion at the end. Maroš Mihalič, Novell I liked the large number of participants; especially those from larger companies. When I look around the conference room, I feel that more people showed up than expected. A lot of people also visited our info stand, so our impressions are definitely positive. It’s good that we are visible among other print solution brands. The event organization is also very good. Jindřich Balogh, Brother I like the events as such. I give them a positive review. I was pleased by the interesting structure of participants. It will be interesting to follow the events’ long-term benefits. Jan Vituj, MyQ Listeners: I have to commend the organizers, because given how many people there are in attendance, there is no problem with space. The technical equipment works fine together and everything runs according to plan. The lectures are very interesting and I haven’t come across any problems. The purpose of my coming here – to find out something new – has been met to a T. I have been at other similar events – paid ones – and learned nothing. So from my side: thumbs up! Marin Jelek, Defense Ministry I give the events a good evaluation. So far all lectures have been very interesting. All organizational details have also been handled in an excellent manner. I can boost my knowledge and skills at the events; ones I use when planning further investments in IT. Vladislav Dvořák, Tradeco Attending the conferences it a positive thing for me, because I draw inspiration from it and the lectures are the most interesting (part). The case studies on virtualization had the greatest value for me. Filip Týc, ÚAMK (Žlutý Anděl / Golden Angel) Product and company promotion shouldn’t take up the majority of the presentation! Jan Kuřík, Defense Minister DATA STORAGE AND WORK WITH DATA APRIL 22 Apr. 2015 The volume of enterprise data continues to grow and as does its cost. Questions on efficient and secure data storage have come to the fore, as well as ones on backup, recovery and archiving. This holds true for businesses and organizations of all sizes. However, the means, resources and tools may vary. The seminar will include not only theoretical and practical examples of solutions for storing and archiving data; presentation of solutions and systems for intelligent work with data; but also the area generally called Big Data, which today is rapidly developing. Big Data is an evolving term, which indicates a vast amount of data, procedures and technologies for storing, processing, analyzing and imagining/envisioning this data and the given results. The aim of these processes is to extract new, synthesized and strategically- or otherwise-important information. Even though it might seem that Big Data is just a nice-sounding marketing term, that’s not true. The analysis of information mined through the use of AI algorithms or collected by machines from Data Lakes, and which is constantly gathered in global networks as well as in the information systems of businesses and public administrative offices, offer astounding results (benefits). In relation to society‘s growing „openness“ toward providing information and the rapid growth in volumes of data gathered by machines, Big Data will definitely play an increasingly important role in decision-making and strategic processes for all organizations. Therefore, it is important to become acquainted with the term, with means for mining data and using acquired knowledge, before the overall „boom“ comes. Framework Program for Seminar The seminar’s aim is not just to acquaint participants with the newest trends in technologies and methods for storing, backup and archiving of data by using networked, virtualized and virtual storage servers, but also to connect, organically, the discipline of data storage with equipment and technologies for working with data. This includes mainly the newest analytical methods, assessment and mining information contained in constantly growing volumes of unstructured data, i.e. Big Data. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations) 1. Evolution and trends in storing and processing enterprise data Introduction to data storage and working with data a. history of data storage from an information technology perspective b. changing forms of information in businesses and organizations c. growth in volumes of unstructured data d. hierarchical approach to data storage and information life-cycle management e. online storage (technologies and features) f. storage networks (SAN) and networked storage (NAS); principles, technologies, features) g. cloud storage (features and use) h. data storage and backup as a business process i. data storage server administration as a comprehensive activity 2. Big Data: how to handle unstructured information Introduction to work with unstructured data a. Big Data, areas of usage and related terms, creating and working with metadata, virtualization b. Big Data platforms (Hadoop, et. al.) c. basics of Data Management i. Master Data Management, definitions, tools, solutions ii. artificial intelligence (AI) iii. normalization, rule administration, error detection and repair, consolidation and deduplication, storage, distribution, classification, taxonomy services (systematics) iv. identifying sources from which data is collected v. cloud solutions: Information as a Service, BDaaS (Big Data as a Service), using data from social networks Systems, Technologies and Solutions: 3. Resources and technologies for data storage: a. disks and disk arrays b. servers and storage systems c. networked storage (NAS) and storage networks (SAN) d. virtual and cloud-based servers 4. Software and systems for administration, management and use of data and data storage servers a. data storage server and data administration b. solutions for data storage and archiving c. work with big and unstructured data Case Studies: 5. Examples of realization and implementation of data storage servers, backup, archiving and work with unstructured data, Big Data, etc. Short presentation (approx. 15-20 min.) of implemented solutions Presentation Structure: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. description of (customer’s) environment, where the implementation took place solution needs and requirements solution description (possible comparison with other solutions, description of benefits, shortcomings) implementation process real benefits for customer future outlook Panel Discussion ENTERPRISE MOBILE DEVICE ADMINISTRATION AND BYOD APRIL 23 Apr. 2015 With the rapid development of use of smart mobile devices, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices, the enterprise network has expanded to include a mobile component. Whereas the administration of classic landline networks has been historically fixed and planned out, administration of mobile networks has begun to develop only recently. Meanwhile use of mobile devices brings many new aspects and risks for enterprise information systems. Management of mobile networks and securing enterprise information systems in today’s mobile age (and in the future as well) has become very important (if not fundamental), as regards growing cyber security vulnerabilities and cyber crime. The aim of this seminar is to broaden participants‘ understanding of enterprise information systems and enterprise networks beyond the enterprise; i.e. working in a space where use of mobile devices – mainly smart phones and tablets – has become standard: whether it be employees doing their work or handling private/personal matters. The event will address not only legislative questions on use of mobile solutions and BYOD, but also questions on security and management of mobile devices. This will also include handling said issues and looking at systems currently available and their features, as well as the issues of implementation and specific trends in this area. SEMINAR CHARACTERISTICS The seminar’s aim is to acquaint participants with current trends in using mobile devices; mainly smart phones and tablets – be it by employees at work or when they are sorting out personal/private matters. The seminar will describe methods, specificities, risks and means of implementing mobility in businesses and organizations. It will address BYOD as a legislative matter as well as questions on security and management of mobile devices. It will look at systems currently available for handling these issues as well as their features; in addition to questions of implementation and trends in this field. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations): 1. 2. Mobile devices in enterprise information systems a. mobile devices as part of information systems b. specifics and risks of integrating mobile devices c. mobile device management d. access to information, its management and implementation of security policy e. ensuring secure usage and problems that might arise f. trends and the future of using mobile devices in information systems BYOD: use of private/personal devices for work purposes a. definitions and types of BYOD b. means and the specifics of integrating BYOD from the employee and employer points of view c. legal, legislative and organizational consequences for implementing BYOD Systems, Technologies and Solutions: 3. Systems and solutions for enterprise mobility a. systems and solutions for mobile device management in an enterprise information system b. securing information systems with mobile elements and devices c. supervision of information systems with mobile devices d. other enterprise mobility solutions Case Studies: 4. Presentation of successful implementation of mobility systems: Presentation Structure: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. description of (customer’s) environment, where the implementation took place solution needs and requirements solution description (possible comparison with other solutions, description of benefits, shortcomings) implementation process real benefits for customer future outlook Panel Discussion ENTERPRISE ICT INFRASTRUCTURE MAY 23 May 2015 Whereas not so long ago it was enough to install a computer network and connect user work stations to it in order to set up business information infrastructure, nowadays IT infrastructure consists of a complex, hybrid environment that includes a wide array of systems: from your own infrastructure of local, enterprise and remote communications networks and their passive and active elements to servers and various other devices on to services related to supervision, administration, management and security. Projecting and building enterprise ICT infrastructure requires in-depth analysis of activities, information flows and organizational/business needs. It must take into consideration both current and future requirements, developments and objectives. Today a mind-boggling amount of means for setting up enterprise ICT infrastructure are available: from one’s own local solution to complete outsourcing and purchase of infrastructure as a service. This seminar will acquaint participants not only with what current information and communications technologies, hardware and software offer, but also with processes for how to evaluate and analyze your needs and future development properly. This will include review of tested, modern solutions; their features; characteristics and options that they offer. We will also look at future development trends in ICT infrastructure. SEMINAR CHARACTERISTICS Some of the most important current activities involving ICT infrastructure are modernization. expansion and partial or full renewal of ICT infrastructure. This seminar’s aim is to acquaint participants with the features and options that contemporary ICT infrastructures provide, with modern methods for building local and extensive/broader enterprise ICT infrastructure, options for virtualizing enterprise infrastructure, tools and solutions for supervision, diagnostics, management and administration. Last but not least, we will discuss trends and prospects for the future. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations): 1. ICT infrastructure as an integral part of business activities. Clarification of ICT infrastructure roles in the overall business or organizational structure as an equal tool for achieving work/activity goals: a. enterprise infrastructure and its evolution b. definition of infrastructure and its parts c. outsourcing ICT infrastructure, ICT as a service, cloud d. administration and management of enterprise ICT infrastructure e. security for enterprise or organizational ICT infrastructure f. virtualization of enterprise infrastructure Systems, Technologies and Solutions: 2. Data networks, basic part of enterprise infrastructure Building a data network: a. local (LAN) and wide-area (WAN) networks b. network administration, managed LAN/WAN, network outsourcing, network as a service c. passive and active network features 3. Performance elements of ICT infrastructure a. servers, server systems, clusters, etc. b. data storage servers, disk arrays, etc. c. specialized infrastructure elements/features (networked phone switchboards, IP telephony systems, infrastructure elements for information sharing, video-conferencing systems, etc.) d. tools for ICT infrastructure virtualization e. other enterprise ICT infrastructure components 4. Tools and solutions for ICT infrastructure analysis, diagnostics, supervision, administration, management and security. SW tools for ICT infrastructure administration, management and supervision Case Studies: 5. Examples of realization and implementation of DMS: Short presentations (approx. 15-20 min. each) on an implemented solution Presentation Structure: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. description of (customer’s) environment, where the implementation took place solution needs and requirements solution description (possible comparison with other solutions, description of benefits, shortcomings) implementation process real benefits for customer future outlook Panel Discussion ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS JUNE 09 JUNE. 2015 Enterprise document management is a topic that has so far mainly been overlooked, particularly by smaller businesses and organizations. However, as the amount of time needed for business activities grows and expands, document management, distribution and presentation continue to grow in importance. Whereas several years ago it was enough to share a hard disk, it is practically impossible to get by without a quality system for document management (a DMS) organically integrated into an entire enterprise or organizational information system. This seminar loosely builds on other seminars on print solutions and data storage and expands their content to include processes for working with electronic documents. The seminar’s aim is to acquaint participants (both theoretically and practically) with the current and future states of working with electronic documents, resources, systems and tools for document administration and flow, storage, archiving, search and other parts of DMS. SEMINAR CHARACTERISTICS The seminar’s aim is to explain how inclusion of document management is an increasingly important part of enterprise information systems. The seminar also looks to acquaint participants with how to work with e-documents, resources, systems and tools for document administration and flows, storage, archiving, search and other DMS components. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations): Case Studies: 5. Examples of DMS realization and implementation 1. Past, present and future of enterprise document management: a. Brief introduction to the topic of document management systems (DMS) i. electronic documents and their administration ii. definition of DMS, activities, roles and objectives iii. DMS structure and components b. how DMS tie into enterprise information systems c. DMS and unified communications (UC) d. options for setting up DMS e. DMS and mobility f. current status and newest development trends in DMS 2. Standardization in enterprise document management a. standards, their roles and important in enterprise document management b. standards used today and future ones (i.e. ISo 12651, ISo/TC 171, ISo 9001 and others) c. how to achieve compliance with standards? Presentation Structure: Systems, Technologies and Solutions: Panel Discussion 3. Technical resources for DMS: a. technical resources for storing and archiving documents (data storage servers, disks, disk arrays, etc.) b. DMS infrastructure c. servers, server systems, clusters, etc. d. mobile DMS components 4. Software and solutions for DMS: a. solutions for smaller DMS components (storage, secure archiving, search, etc.) b. comprehensive systems and software for enterprise document management c. mobile DMS solutions i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. description of (customer) environment, where the implementation took place solutions needs and requirements solution description (i.e. comparison with other solutions, description of benefits) implementation process real benefits to customer future outlook Laws and Legislation: 6. Legislative and legal aspects of enterprise document management a. legislative requirements when working with electronic documents (acts on electronic documents, locating/storing documents, reliability, administrative office requirements, paper vs. electronic documents) b. legal aspects of administration and archiving of e-documents (validity and reliability of documents, use of e-documents in administrative and legal procedures, reliable archiving, etc.) CLOUD JUNE 17 June 2015 Cloud is without a doubt a contemporary phenomenon and also one of the near future. One can look at the cloud from many angles, in many aspects, as regards a business or organization. Many of these aspects have been discussed and addressed in the past. Cloud, as with any other model of providing information and communications technology services, represents one of many possible approaches for businesses and organizations to obtain optimum ICT services in all regards: financial, user-facing and quality-wise; in the best possible way. So let’s look at the cloud, not from the perspective of definitions and the most frequently quoted marketing buzzwords, but rather as one way to implement ICT services in a business or organization. The seminar will provide relevant information mainly to businesses and organizations as future users of ICT and cloud-based services; whether realized locally (private and hybrid cloud, enterprise data centers) or when buying from third party suppliers of ICT and cloud services. SEMINAR CHARACTERISTICS The aim of this seminar is to acquaint participants with the possibilities that the cloud provides, and does not provide. They will learn about ways of implementing cloud solutions on their own and when working with third parties, about ways of putting together cloud solutions and, last but not least, about cloud-based services, their benefits, insufficiencies and management. The seminar will provide a comprehensive basis both for decision-making on when and how to use the cloud and cloud-based services, as well as basic information to persons considering a move to cloud-based services or implementing them. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations): 1. IT as a Service, cloud as one of the options for handling enterprise ICT ICT not from the perspective of cloud-based principles, but rather from the perspective of using it as a solution for building enterprise IT: a. cloud, IT as a Service, definitions and basic terms (cloud, managed services) b. types of clouds (public, private, hybrid), features and areas of use c. public cloud (provision, options, advantages, challenges) d. Managed Services – features, usability, strengths e. cloud vs. local ICT solutions as concerns options, features, realization, usage value, management, operations f. economic aspects of using ICT and cloud services, financial comparisons g. security aspects of cloud-based ICT solutions Systems, Technologies and Solutions: 2. 3. 4. Resources and solutions for implementation of private and hybrid clouds. Tools and resources for virtualization in businesses and connecting private and public clouds Public ICT and cloud-based services for businesses and organizations ICT and cloud-based services available in the CR Moving businesses to cloud-based services and management of ICT provided by third parties Tools, resources, experiences from the move to using ICT as a Service and to the cloud and means for managing ICT provided by a third party Case Studies: 5. Examples of realization and implementation of outsourced ICT services: Short presentations (approx. 15-20 min. each) on implemented solutions Presentation structure: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. description of (customer’s) environment, where the implementation took place solution needs and requirements solution description (possible comparison with other solutions, description of benefits, shortcomings) implementation process real benefits for customer future outlook Panel Discussion MANAGING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES SEPTEMBER 24 Sept. 2015 The role of ICT is to provide services. ICT services are one of the tools for running a business‘ or organization’s activities or for running manufacturing machines, finance departments or building administration. In order for ICT to provide proper services with minimum costs, it has to be managed properly. ICT and ICT services management (ITIL, COBIT, standardization in compliance with ISO 20000, etc.) are very quickly becoming strategic affairs that the leadership of any business or organization has to deal with. They have to implement them or will have to do so, to some degree, in the future. There is a difference between an IT project, whose aim is to build IT infrastructure, and an ITSM project, whose job is to ensure that ICT is used properly and provides the right services at minimum cost. SEMINAR CHARACTERISTICS The seminar’s aim is to acquaint participants with the importance of managing information and communication technologies (IT Service Management, ITSM), to present ITSM as an important, independent discipline, to acquaint listeners with the basic approaches, principles, processes, methods, frameworks and standards in the field of managing ICT, i.e. ITIL, COBIT, ISO 20000, etc. The seminar’s task is to prepare a comprehensible, transparent and sufficiently thought out platform that will serve in the eventual implementation of ITSM in an organization or company; or for further dissemination of knowledge in the field of ICT management. Participants will also learn about tools and technologies for introducing and implementing ITSM and the benefits of implementations that have already been done. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations): 1. Principles of ICT management Introduction to the topic of managing information and communication technologies, definition of terms and principles: a. basic terms for ICT management (ICT, ICT infrastructure, ICT resources, ICT services and their relation to the cloud) b. management and processes (functional, process, project) c. history and evolution of ICT management d. ITIL, COBIT, principles, frameworks, methods, standards for ICT management (BS 15000, ISO 9000, ISO 20000, etc.), relationship to other standards and methods e. implementation methods and principles (Six Sigma, Balanced Scorecard, PRINCE 2, etc.) f. certifications and trainings in the field of ICT management 2. Methods and principles for managing ICT in organizations and businesses Summary of basic principles and processes that are currently used when implementing ITSM; definition and clarification of relationships between the realization team, the company leadership and employees, implementing ITSM and the associated risks 3. Training and certification in the field of ITSM: a. certifications and ITIL, COBIT certification schemes, etc. b. who to train and how, requirements for educating and training employees c. course and certification authorities Systems, Technologies, Solutions: 4. Tools and platforms for implementing ITSM Description of platforms, technologies and software used for introducing, implementing, auditing and managing ICT 5. Courses and training Case Studies: 6. Examples of successful implementation of ICT solutions and support for ICT solutions as part of projects. Presentation Structure: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. description of (customer’s) environment, where the implementation took place solution needs and requirements solution description (possible comparison with other solutions, description of benefits, shortcomings) implementation process real benefits for customer future outlook Panel Discussion PRINT SOLUTIONS OCTOBER 22 Oct. 2015 Print solutions are hardly just shared printers connected by a computer network. They are an integral element of document and content management systems that are closely connected with the majority of other processes in a business or organization. This seminar’s aim is to provide a comprehensive view of printing options that contemporary print solutions offer and of new print technologies that lead to simplified printing for users and administrators and also lead to financial savings and protection of the environment. The seminar will also explore the means and paths for integrating printing solutions with enterprise systems for document and content management, the benefits and savings that the proper and adequate introduction of such solutions afford and the means and paths for implementing and managing the solutions. It will look at problems and obstacles that arise when designing, managing and integrating such solutions. SEMINAR CHARACTERISTICS This seminar loosely builds on the seminar „Enterprise Document Management and Enterprise Information Systems“. The seminar’s aim is to look at printing solutions as a comprehensive part of enterprise information systems and their tie-in to enterprise systems for document and content management. It will present new print technologies, means and principles of handling enterprise printing, integration of enterprise print solutions into enterprise systems for document management and enterprise print management. The seminar will also address issues such as savings on enterprise print and environmental protection, which today are integral parts of any print solution. The event will also pay special attention to security and the privacy of enterprise printing. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations) 1.Old and new print technologies. Overview of new, modern print technologies, mainly from the perspective of features, costs, savings and environment protection 2. Means of handling print activities in businesses and organizations. Print solutions from the perspective of various aspects of modern print solutions for enterprise printing: a. distributed and centralized printing, Managed Print Solutions b. multifunctional devices and processing documents c. wireless and mobile printing d. means of creating (designing) print solutions e. administration and management of print processes f. document management, document distribution g. security and privacy when printing (approaches to print and printed documents) h. monitoring documents, protection against attacks on mobile and distributed printing, private printing using the network i. print in heterogeneous environments j. administration of print drivers, universal drivers, print platforms k. issues of maintenance, the environment, eco friendliness, recycling/waste management Systems, Technologies, Solutions: 3. Print solutions, their implementation and integration with enterprise systems for document management Main lecture block, presentation of various print solutions with an emphasis on features that distinguish them from others: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. analysis of printing environments, optimization, solution design mobility and print solutions outsourcing, leasing and solution rental financing print solutions, cost monitoring, ROI, savings resources for implementing secure print environments service levels for various forms of implementing print solutions, benefits and risks for the customer integration of print solutions with enterprise systems for document management and content management systems and tools for administration and management of print solutions Case Studies: 4. Examples of successful implementation of print solutions Presentation Structure: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. description of (customer’s) environment, where the implementation took place solution needs and requirements solution description (possible comparison with other solutions, description of benefits, shortcomings) implementation process real benefits for customer future outlook Panel Discussion ICT & SECURITY NoVEMBER 12 NoV. 2015 Security is increasingly viewed as a system issue. It is standardized and implemented in compliance with systematic, generally valid rules. It is measured and audited. It has become a discipline that is no longer seen as separate from information and communications technologies. It is an integral and essential part of the latter. Threats and attacks change constantly. Long-term threats appear more and more; they are prepared strategically with a specific target in mind. Meanwhile, the significant growth in worker mobility brings new, up-to-now-unknown or underestimated aspects (of security) to the field of ICT. A further non-negligible factor is the decreasing perception of risks on the part of internet users in general. This is caused on one hand by social networks and their mass usage, and on the other by many times, indiscriminate pressure from software makers (mainly makers of mobile devices) to provide various data, i.e. location. The topic of ICT security is generally very broad, for the spectrum of undesirable activities and means by which hackers can penetrate a system is vast. The number of security risks has grown rapidly with growth in the scope of services that ICT systems provide. SEMINAR CHARACTERISTICS The seminar’s aim is not just to describe specific security solutions, either hardware or software, but also to provide information on security from a more general perspective; explaining the issue of ICT security as a discipline and to set a certain level of perception of protective information systems overall. This later helps with the better implementation or update of security (solutions) in the organization, for each security solution covers a specific set of protective elements. The seminar will also touch upon global issues of legislation, rights, liability (including criminal law). Last but not least, it will provide an evaluation of the implementation and impact of the Cyber Security Act on overall ICT security, i.e. at a time when the law will have been in effect for almost one year. Framework Program for Seminar: General, Theoretical Section (meant only for non-commercial presentations): 1. ICT security as a systematic discipline Description of possible threats, spots or areas in the organization’s information system that are potential targets for attacks, reasons for attacks, principles and means of protection. Systematic protection in ICT: a. theft and misuse of data, reasons, targets and consequence, means of defense b. social engineering and protection against it c. aspects of ICT crime for various types of organizations (banks, state administration, industrial espionage, etc.) d. human factor and its role in ICT security, liability, its enforcement and sanctions e. strategies, principles and technologies for security management (security oversight, security audits, content, benefits) f. systematic approach to securing enterprise ICT g. training employees in the field of security 2. ISo 27000 standard and its relation to ICT security Standardization in the area of information security, description of standards and related standards, their meaning, how protecting information relates to business Systems, Technologies, Solutions: 3. ICT security in businesses and organizations Main block of lectures that will present real possibilities for enterprise security. Main topics will include a. implementation and management of security in the organization, security documents and related activities b. secure mobility and BYoD (security for mobile devices, security for mobile access, measures, tools, resources and systems for protecting mobile devices, views and approaches to mobile security from the company or organization’s perspective c. crisis solutions d. outsourcing and third party security solutions 4. Tools and systems for implementing security requirements Hardware, software and other tools, systems, platforms for implementing security (solutions); both comprehensive and single-purpose a. authentication, verification and secure access b. securing ICT system components c. security appliances (HW systems for securing ICT systems) d. software for authorization, authentication and security administration e. VPN, firewall security and perimeter, border security, etc. f. content security (anti-virus, filtering web content, anti-phishing, protection against attacks on servers, security during message transmission, etc.) g. protection against infiltration, against attacks, data theft and misuse h. cloud security solutions, cloud security gateways, etc. i. other/miscellaneous Legal Aspects: one year of applicability for the Cyber Security Act and news on legislation relating to ICT security. What did the Cyber Security Act change, how did it change perceptions on and implementation of ICT security (policies, solutions) and news on legislation and laws that relate to ICT security Panel Discussion PRICE LIST Standard Partner Benefits General Partner Main Partner Sponsoring an Independent Lecture Price 140,000 CZK 75,000 CZK 50,000 CZK Logo on the e-invite, logo on the seminar webpage (will remain there after the event), logo at the event venue, logo in the printed event report, exhibition stand in the foyer at the venue (for two company representatives), inclusion of promo materials in participants‘ bags, internet connection during the event, discount on presentation in Professional Computing magazine Logo and exhibition stand in the foyer at the venue 45 min 30 min - Yes Yes - 5 3 3 Color Black-and-White - Roll-up Stand in the Conference Room Yes - - Comparison of Lecture Evaluations for All Partners Yes Yes - Expert Presentation Database of Seminar Participants VIP Entry for Your Customers Advertisement or Technical Article in the Event Report (210 x 297 mm) Above-standard Partner Benefits Showing of an Ad Video Price General Partner Main Partner Free 5,000 CZK Own bags with own branding for all participants (bags will include promo materials from all event partners) Distribution and processing of your own questionnaires (5 questions max.) 10,000 CZK Free 5,000 CZK Creation of a presentation + its presentation by an expert – with your company logo Per Agreement Sponsorship of an independent lecture Per Agreement Workshop Per Agreement - CONTACTS Address: DCD Publishing, Lublaňská 21, 120 00 Prague 2, Tel.: +420 224 936 895; Fax: +420 224 936 908, Sales Sales Department [email protected] +420 224 936 895 Magdaléna Čupková [email protected] +420 602 555 899 Lenka Hortvíková [email protected] +420 602 275 955 Kamila Jurošková [email protected] +420 606 761 824 [email protected] +420 724 667 750 Events Coordinator Petra Beranová You can find photographs from all DCD Publishing events on