“You said… We did” - Brighton & Hove NHS Clinical Commissioning


“You said… We did” - Brighton & Hove NHS Clinical Commissioning
“You said… We did”
What the CCG has done as a result of
from patients, carers and the public
Our Happiness Strategy
We spoke to nearly 1,000 people across
the city on their views and experiences of
“The Five ways to Wellbeing”
These views helped shape our Happiness
Strategy and the associated action plan.
You told us there is a huge range of
activities and projects that could support
mental health and wellbeing…
…We created a Wellbeing Innovation Fund
to make sure we could develop some of
these ideas. We have funded over 50
innovative projects throughout the city.
Our Heroes Campaign
We know that many people in the city are still
unaware of the range of urgent care services.
We relaunched our “Heroes” campaign to raise
awareness, including:
* A film starring TV’s Zoe Ball, reminding people
of alternatives to A & E
* Getting coverage in local press – in print and
online, ITV Meridian, Radio Sussex
* Running a successful Thunderclap social media
campaign, with 122 supporters and a reach of
nearly 113,000 people
* Coverage through the local hospital trust’s website,
our out of hours GP service provider IC24 and city council website
* Cabvert: An animation shown on LCD headrest screens Streamline
taxis, potential reach: 36,750+ passengers per month
* Publicity in Churchill Square shopping centre
Flu campaign
You told us… that many over 65’s in the
city still don’t get their flu jab
We… created a campaign targeting over
65’s in particular.
Knoll Lunch Club told us:
“We had a chat about the flu jab, and
two of our persons had not even booked
yet… so this jogged their memory.”
We asked some of our equalities based voluntary sector groups
about views on sharing patient records. They told us:
* There needs to be more information about the benefits of record sharing
* People have fears about records being kept confidential
* People want control over sharing records – for example, being able to say who sees the
* More information about online access is needed
* There are concerns about disadvantaging the digitally disenfranchised
* We need to provide information in different forms
* Records need to include relevant socio cultural /language/access information
* The GP is not always the focal point of care, especially where there are complex needs
As a result of this feedback we will…
* Develop an “Information Sharing Charter”, to ensure standards of confidentiality,
consent and access are adhered to
* Develop “building Blocks” of frequently asked questions, which can be tailored for
different groups
* Develop guidance on including relevant social, cultural and gender related issues in
patient records
* Work with colleagues in the city council and voluntary sector to support people getting online
* Work with other NHS organisations to ensure they have appropriate information sharing
and consent policies
Feedback from service change and procurement
Musculo skeletal (bones and joints) services
This service has recently been re-procured across Sussex.
We wanted to ensure that patients in Brighton and Hove get
the best possible local services.
* Held an event for patients, carers and the public to hear about existing services
and tell us what worked well and what needed to be improved
* We worked with a small group of patients/carers to develop this feedback, and
include it in the design of our new service
* We included patients on our procurement panel, where they helped evaluate bids
* We held an event to introduce our new service to patients and the public
* Our new provider has a requirement to involve patients and gather feedback on
an on-going basis, to make sure standards remain high.
You told us…
Patients need good quality,
reliable information on health
condtions and Local services.
We are…
Working to develop our existing
“Information Presciptions”
Website to give a “one stop shop”
approach to information on NHS,
Council and voluntary sector
services in Brighton and Hove.
Working with our protected characteristic groups
You told us…
Gypsies and Travellers often
have trouble registering at a
GP practice as they need help
filling in forms.
People who don’t speak
English need access to
interpreters in urgent care
Many GP practices in the city
aren’t “young people friendly”
Worked with Friends, Families and
Travellers to develop a “Help Card” which
can be used to indicate that help is
Awareness training on the needs of
Gypsies and Travellers has been provided
to a number of our GP Practices.
Now provide telephone interpreting
in all local NHS services, to support
unplanned conversations, e.g in
pharmacies. We also provide face to
face interpreting in all NHS services
where needed.
Worked with young people from
“Right Here” who produced a guide for
GP practices, and have reviewed and
worked with a number of GP practices
to improve “young person friendliness”!