Current Week`s Bulletin
Current Week`s Bulletin
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes 2222 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502 March 14 & 15, 2015 The Mission of Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Parish is to Reveal the Compassionate Face of God. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:15 am & 5:00 pm Daily Mass - Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am Reconciliation: following the Saturday Vigil Mass Parish Office & Rectory: (315) 724-3155 Fax: (315) 732-3770 Intercessory Prayer Ministry: (315) 733-0616 Notre Dame Elementary School Office: (315) 732-4374 e-mail: [email protected] web site: Faith Formation Social Media: Website - (grades preK-6) and (grades 6-10) Facebook - Grades 6-10: Our Lady of Lourdes Teens Twitter - Grades 6-10: @LourdesTeens Facebook - Young Adult Ministry: Our Lady of Lourdes Young Adult Ministry CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. page 2 Prayer Remembrances for the week of March 14th through March 20th We pray for all members of the parish living and deceased, but especially Living: Laurie Hotaling Angeline Triveri Fusco Marilyn Joseph Janice George Requested by: Teresa Bushinger Cousin, Angela Salerno Pardi OLOL Rosary Group Rosalie Requested by: The Allen Family Wife, Carol OLOL Parish Jim & Michelle Jones Mulvihill Family Joseph A. Salerno Angela Salerno Pardi Vincent Salerno Stanley & Stella Jackson Bob & Debbie Jackson Carmen Blanco Plasabas 3rd Anniv. Son & Family Anthony DiMambro Mulvihill Family Dorothy Kistner Betty & Dick Kistner Harriet F. Capalupo Margaret & JoAnn Capalupo Susan Salerno Mark & Linda Toukatly Rosario Dapice Jr. OLOL Parish John LaRocco Wife Joyce W. Robinson Mary LaRocco Mary Ellen Van Allen Celia Lockwood 11th Anniv. Anthony Pettinato Bob & Dee Mitzler Anna Cassidy Anniv. Mary Alice Hebert Margaret Triveri Aiello Cousin, Angela Salerno Pardi Mario DiMarco L.A.O.H. Barbara Landers Betty & Don McCoy Rose Jamak Betty & Don McCoy Mary Sheila Powers 5th Anniv. Family Ethel Supersticioso Family Sunday, March 15, 2015 The Fourth Sunday of Lent For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. The Word of the Lord Readings for Sunday, March 15th 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 Psalm 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 Ephesians 2:4-10 John 3:14-21 Readings for Sunday, March 22nd Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33 Deceased: Rexford & Eileen Gilliland John Fuchs Matthew Benn Fred Mazloom LOURDES CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated, events take place in the dePaul Room of the Seton Center. 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 6:30 pm 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 11:30 am Monday, March 16 ACOA ~ Lawler Hall A.A. ~ Lawler Hall Finance Committee Wednesday, March 18 Catholic Women’s Club ~ card party Mohawk Valley Breastfeeding Café Eternal Father Rosary Group ~ Seton Chapel Thursday, March 19 Pumpkin Carve Meeting OLOL Men’s Club Adult Choir Friday, March 20 Comhaltas Saturday, March 21 A.A. Ignite Catholic Men’s Conference Attention men, the theme for the 7th Annual IGNITE is You Are Sent. You can be part of it on Saturday March 21st at the SRC Arena and Events Center for an amazing day that will have a tremendous effect on you . Register online at or call Larry Hagan at 724-3155 Monthly Memorials March The gift of bread has been given in memory of Deceased Member of the Moylan Family by Family The gift of wine has been given in memory of Rosa & Augusto Cecilia By Daughter Maria Parisi & Family Attention All Lay Ministers Fr. Joe is inviting all lay ministers at OLOL to be present at the evening Mass on Holy Thursday April 2. These various ministries from Liturgical to Maintenance, from Faith Formation to Administration to Bereavement, all who serve as a sign of our “washing feet” all year long. In addition to the traditional washing of feet, we will renew our commitment to ministry together. The Sanctuary Lamp for the week of March 15th is in memory of Joseph Vendetti by Family ' e e. s, page 3 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. We encourage you to participate in daily Mass during Lent. Stations of the Cross 6:45 am ~ St. John’s in New Hartford 7:30 am ~ Our Lady of the Rosary 8:00 am ~ Our Lady of Lourdes 9:00 am ~ St. John’s in New Hartford Friday, March 27th ~ 7:00 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Lent is a time to give of ourselves for the sake of others. You can make a life-changing gift to a child in need through Unbound. This Catholic organization, acting on the gospel call, connects people in need, with people who care. They serve families in 21 countries and 93.6% of all money they collect goes to provide food, medical care, education and, most of all, HOPE to those they serve. There will be an Unbound Ambassador here next weekend with the profiles of children waiting for sponsors. Please plan on stopping by the information table before you leave Lenten & Holy Week Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday - 4:00pm with reconciliation following Mass Sunday - 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15am and 5:00pm Friday, March 20th ~ 7:00 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Operation Rice Bowl Hungering for Peace We journey with CRS Rice Bowl to Lebanon to be present to a people who themselves are on a journey. Here we meet a family of Syrian refugees, a family perhaps not so unlike our own. We are challenged through our almsgiving this week to reach out to those who are forced to flee their homes, who are seeking shelter in and of peace. Lenten Forty Hours Devotion At Holy Trinity Church1206 Lincoln Ave. Utica Begins Sunday March 22 and continues with evening services on Monday and Tuesday March 23 & 24. March 22nd Rev. Mark Kaminski featured homilist 4pm service. Monday March 23rd 7pm featured homilist Rev. Edmund Castronovo Tuesday March 24th featured homilist Rev. James P. Serowik All are Welcome inquires call 724-7238 Palm Sunday March 29 th Distribution of Palms at all Masses Holy Thursday, April 2 nd Lenten Lunches Good Friday, April 3 rd Join Christians from other denominations for soup, sandwiches & conversation. Listen to an ecumenical discussion related to the meaning of Lent. The next lunch will take place from Noon until 1:00pm on Wednesday, March 18th at Westminster Moriah Olivet Presbyterian Church (714 Washington Street) Service of the Passion and Death of the Lord - 3:00pm Tenebrae Service - 8:00pm Participating Churches: Westminster Moriah Olivet Presbyterian Church, Our Lady of Lourdes, First Presbyterian, Mass of the Lord's Supper - 7:00pm All are welcome to participate in the service of foot washing & the Church will remain open until 10:00pm for Eucharistic Adoration The Great Vigil of Easter - April 4 th Vigil Mass - 8:00pm Easter Sunday - April 5 th Masses - 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15am & 5:00pm ….. ….. ….. ….. Bulletin Submissions for Easter Due to holiday publishing schedules, submissions of Prayer Remembrances and all other parish announcements for inclusion in the Easter bulletin, April 4th & 5th, must be submitted by March 20th. page 4 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. WEEKLY COLLECTION The collection for the week of March 7 & 8 331 Envelopes.. ….………………. $11,887.00 Electronic Giving….………………. $497.00 Plate…………………………… $1,612.94 Total……………………………… $13,996.94 Thank you for your continued support and generosity. INTRODUCTION TO CENTERING PRAYER “I get so distracted, my mind wanders so much. How can I focus my prayer?” Learn how to free yourself from distraction and add depth of meaning to all prayer. Join an Introduction to Centering Prayer on Saturday, April 11th, from 9:00am until 2:00pm, at The Good News Center. The cost is $15.00 per person which includes lunch and optional follow-up sessions. For more information contact Tanya at 315-735-6210 or visit on our website, Lent is a time to give of ourselves for the sake of others. You can make a life-changing gift to a child in need through Unbound. This Catholic organization, acting on the gospel call, connects people in need, with people who care. They serve families in 21 countries and 93.6% of all money they collect goes to provide food, medical care, education and, most of all, HOPE to those they serve. There will be an Unbound Ambassador here next weekend with the profiles of children waiting for sponsors. Please plan on stopping by the information table before you leave church. Pasta with the Padres Saturday, March 28th following the 4:00pm Mass in the NDES Auditorium. $8. 00 for adults and $5. 00 for children Enjoy delicious pasta - meatballs salad - rolls - dessert & more with Father Joe & Father Lukasz! We Share Online Giving Our parish has been using an Online Giving system that is strengthening stewardship as well as making it easier for members to support our parish. There are many benefits for the parish and for parishioners that choose to give online. Some of the benefits for the parishioner include: no need to write checks; you can give even if you are unable to attend services; and your contribution amount can be easily adjusted. The benefits for the parish include: no check processing fees; more consistent giving with recurring contributions; online donation summaries for record keeping; reaches a wider demographic of givers; and accommodates all special parish collections. Those who wish to continue to use traditional methods of offering may do so, however, we ask that you consider Online Giving. If you would like to sign up, pick up a flyer in church or visit : Liturgical Assignments for March 21 & 22, 2015 Altar Servers Chalice Eucharistic Ministers Bread Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 4:00 pm See Sacristan Margaret Mary Comesky Tim Fitzgerald Mike Fitzgerald Ryan Fitzgerald Mary Alice Hebert Lindsey Jones Mary Ann LaPorte Paul O’Hara Helen O’Hara Jim Neary Tom Coyne Ann Meyer 7:30 am See Sacristan Nancy Kneller Debra Perna Joe Argen Karen Geddes Joan McGuire See Sacristan Suzanne Appleton Tom Connors Laura O’Shaughnessy Herman Van Hatten Thomas Forsythe Barbara Murdie Patricia Rosato Jackie Santoro Pat Taylor Pat Lorenz Rose Butler Alice Connor 11:15 am See Sacristan Cornelius Deep Lucy Deep JP Gilroy Donna Kistler Lisa Montgomery David Scharf Dave Dwyer Noah Howard Marilyn Murphy Jim Powers Kathy Quigley Lois Bianco David Katz III Jennifer Dunlap 5:00 pm See Sacristan Dan Verna AnnaRita White Sheila Ambrose Anne Popeo Roger Potocki Doug Ambrose Chris Potocki Mass 9:00 am Greeters Office Volunteer Shirley Hilts-Adams Kathleen Amrhein Charles Brown Colleen Schaaf Jim Carroll Carol Trzepacz Elizabeth Witzigman Rose DeSantis Bill McLaughlin James Green Cheryl Green Cheri VanEtten Cheryl Green Anne Popeo page 5 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. BAPTISMS: We joyfully welcome all into our Church family through this sacrament. For couples expecting a child, we encourage preparation to begin during pregnancy. Please contact parish offices to make arrangements as soon as possible. MARRIAGES: Couples seeking to be joined in the Sacrament of matrimony are asked to make arrangements with our Pastor at least six months in advance of the celebration. R.C.I.A.: Our church welcomes new members through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Catholic or completing their entrance into our church through Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, please call the parish office. NEW PARISHIONERS: A thousand welcomes! We are happy that you are joining our faith community! Please enroll at parish office. HOSPITAL VISITS: When entering a hospital or nursing home, please inform its staff that you are a parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes Church so that we may be properly notified. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Chapel located in Seton Center. Every Monday thru Thursday ~ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Friday ~ 9:00 am - noon (closed on holidays) Mass is a time of prayer and reflection. Out of respect to our clergy & parishioners, please turn your cell phones off during Mass. If it is necessary to leave your phone on due to your profession or a family emergency, please switch your phone to the ‘vibrate’ mode. PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Salerno Parochial Vicar: Rev. Lukasz Kozlowski Deacon: Rev. Mr. William Hotaling Parish Minister: Sr. Lois Mary Paciello Outreach Ministries: Larry Hagan Youth Ministry & Faith Formation 6-10: Mark Ranieri ~ phone:765-1030 Faith Formation K-5: Nina Ranieri ~ phone: 534-3830 Music Director: Randy Davis Folk Group: Michael DeSantis Sunday Evening Liturgical Coordinator: Chris Bord Sunday Evening Music: Irena Lingley ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Business Administrator: Marie Morosco Receptionist/Bookkeeper: Paula Loin Administrative Assistant: Jim Powers Communications Specialist: Elyssa Arnone - Earl Summer Fun Program Director: Janis Farley FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE STAFF Facilities Manager: Joe Poupart Maintenance Assistant: Anthony Joaquin Housekeeper: Laurie Pensero We are equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please go to the sacristy before Mass. Father will assist you. Child Church is available for your convenience behind the Sacristy. A restroom and baby changing table are available in the room. Transmittal page CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, NEW YORK Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica NY DuC 06-0146. Week #16 sent on March 10, 2015.