is on the foyer table for any younger


is on the foyer table for any younger
SUNDAY, March 15, 2015
Pre-Worship Prayer Time 9:10 AM; Worship 9:30 AM
RRC VISION STATEMENT: Riverview Reformed Church strives to be a bonded group of
believers, spreading the Word of our Lord, and showing the Love of Jesus Christ to others by:
Offering dynamic Christian Education; reaching out to our community; providing facilities for ministry;
Building an involved close-knit congregation; and providing excellent congregational care.
Life at RRC/Please sign the FRIENDSHIP PADS
*Praise Song - “Come, Let Us Worship and Bow Down”
Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord, our God,
our Maker. Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the
Lord, our God, our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His
pasture. And the sheep of His hand, just the sheep of His hand. CCLI License No 1222159
*Praise Song - “Blessed Jesus”
Blessed Jesus come to me, soothe my soul with songs of peace.
As I look to You alone, fill me with Your love.
REFRAIN: Glorious, marvelous grace that rescued me; Holy, worthy
is the Lamb who died for me.
Mountains high and valleys low, You will never let me go; By Your fountain
let me drink, fill my thirsty soul. REFRAIN…
Blessed Jesus come to me as I fall down at your feet. Let me touch
Your nail scarred hands. Jesus I would see. REFRAIN… CCLI License No 1222159
*Praise Song - “Shine, Jesus, Shine”
Lord, the light of Your love is shining in the midst of the darkness shining;
Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us, set us free by the truth You now
bring us, Shine on me, shine on me.
REFRAIN: Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory;
Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire. Flow, river flow, flood the
nations with grace and mercy. Send forth Your Word, Lord, and let
there be light.
Lord, I come to Your awesome presence, From the shadows into Your
radiance; By the blood I may enter Your brightness, search me, try me,
consume all my darkness, shine on me, shine on me. REFRAIN…
As we gaze on Your kingly brightness, so our faces display Your
likeness; Ever changing from glory to glory, Mirror’d here may our lives
tell Your story, Shine on me, shine on me. REFRAIN… CCLI License No 1222159
*Opening Prayer
*Opening Hymn #468 “I Will Sing the Wondrous Story”
Scripture Lesson - Psalm 32
page 869
Moment for Mission—Dave Reck
Children’s Message
Pastoral Prayer /Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Scripture - John 10:1-18
“Jesus: The Good Shepherd”
page 1666
OFFERTORY, Our response to God’s Love
*Doxology (front cover of hymnbook)
*Offertory Prayer
*Closing Hymn #294 “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
*Choral Benediction “Go Now In Peace”
Go now in peace. Never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of ev’ry day.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true. Know He will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love, and show you believe. Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.
CCLI License No. 1222159
ORGANIST: Dixie Church
PIANIST: Marcie Kruse
GREETERS: Vic & Patty Stuelpnagel, Alan & Sharon Egge
USHER: Loren Haak
SOUND SYSTEM: Terry Poelstra
POWER POINT: Matthew Tjeerdsma VIDEO: Shirley Hoxeng
THANK YOU for being here this morning!! It was a joy being with you!
Please be sure to sign the attendance pads at the end of each pew.
If you are a visitor, please be sure to include your mailing address.
A Nursery Room for pre-schoolers and infants (ages 3 and under) is available
during the Worship service down the south hallway.
A Children’s Worship Bulletin is on the foyer table for any younger
children to use during the Worship service.
You can see RRC Church Services broadcast on
your Public Access Channels in Yankton on Saturday evenings at 7:00 PM.
“When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of
it, my father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together
because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there”.
Matthew 18:20 (the Message)
Join us for prayer time at 9:10 AM on Sunday mornings in the new
Prayer Chapel and at 12:15 PM on TUESDAYS in the Fellowship Hall.
Hearing Assistance Aids are available for those who are hard of hearing.
They are located in the cabinet on the back wall of the sanctuary.
God will be speaking to you today, but it won’t be by cell phone.
Please turn yours off or set to vibrate, during the service
Easter Candy Donations With Easter being right around the corner, we will start
collecting donations of individually wrapped candy, to put in the plastic eggs for the Egg
Hunt on Easter Sunday morning. You may drop off your donations in the box in the foyer by the counter.
Summer Camp Registrations for Inspiration Hills are available in the
foyer. Camps are available for kids, families, and youth groups. Check it out! Please
see their website also at For more information you may also
call 712-986-8193 or email [email protected].
VBS News
VBS will be held May 26-28 from 6:30-8:30 PM here at RRC, along with
Christ the King Lutheran. The next planning meeting will be April 30 at 6:00 PM here.
Sunday, March 15th the University of North Dakota Concert Choir will present a
concert at 7:30 PM in Bishop Marty Chapel, at Mount Marty College, as part of their
regional tour. The concert is free and open to the public; a freewill donation will be taken. The concert of sacred music will include works by Claudio Monteverdi, Ola Gjeilo,
Johannes Brahms, North Dakota composer Christopher Gable, and others.
Sara Otteman Bray, who is originally from Yankton, is a member of this choir.
At the March Consistory Meeting the consistory approved two
more projects that need congregational support to move forward. First is a plan to
update and refurbish the kitchen. The estimate for refurbishing the cabinets and
replacing the counter tops is $5,000. It was approved that the money from this year's
soup kitchen would be given to this project. With $3,400 all ready raised, there is a
need for around $1,600 to make this project a reality. The second project that is
needing attention is the power point projection system. We have received a bid to
replace our existing projector and screen with a screen that would be positioned lower about the wall, allowing the cross to be moved back to its original position. Total
cost for this project is $8,300. There is some money in the budget allocated for this
but the budgeted amount will not cover it all. If you would like to know more, or would
like to pledge or donate to either of these projects, please speak to a member of the
Request to those using the Nursery If you know your children have
been playing in the nursery, please see that before leaving, toys are cleaned up and
put away. Thanks for your help!!
Good News: No Boundaries (an evening with Words of Hope). April 26, 7:00 PM at
Community Reformed Church, 6800 E 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD. Speaker: Rev. David
Bast, president of Words of Hope. Refreshments will follow. A special offering will be
received in support of Words of Hope ministries in Turkey and the Middle East.
Saturday, March 28—TTBA decorate for Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 5—EASTER...Easter breakfast is planned. The Youth Group will be
providing muffins. All monetary donations go towards the Youth Group.
Thursday, April 9—Serve “The Banquet” at the UCC church. Watch for sign ups!!
Support THE CENTER at 900 Whiting Drive, as they host their Wine & Dine Event,
Mar. 21, 5:30 PM. It’s a night of food, fun, and fellowship, and a live and silent auction.
Proceeds fund all operations at the Center, including Meals on Wheels. Stop by the Center to pick up tickets at $30 each. If questions contact Christy Hauer at 665-4685.
COMING EVENTS...This week at RRC
Today, Sunday, March 15
9:10 AM Pre-Service Prayer time in the Prayer Chapel
9:30 AM Worship Service
10:45 AM Sunday School for ages 3 years to Adults
Children’s & Cherub Choirs
Monday, March 16
6:30 PM DWS Potluck
7:00 PM Boy Scouts
Tuesday, March 17
12:15 –12:45 PM Time of Prayer
7:00 PM AA Meeting
7:00 PM Boy Scout Anniversary Planning Meeting
Wednesday, March 18
6:30 PM Youth Group Parent Meeting
7:00 PM Adult Choir
Thursday, March 19
7:00 PM Mystery Book Club Meeting
Friday, March 20
8:00 PM AA Meeting
Saturday, March 21
1:00—5:00 PM Fellowship Hall/Kitchen reserved
Next Sunday, March 22
9:10 AM Pre-Service Prayer time in Prayer Chapel
9:30 AM Worship service
Lay Worship Leader - Rod Gall
Ministry in Music –The Adult Choir
Greeters - Kuipers & Egges
Usher - Jean Prater
Nursery Sitter—Abby Kuipers, if needed
Sound System Manager - Todd Carr
Power Point— Matthew Tjeerdsma
Videographer—Richard Syring
Opening Church—Jean Prater
Cookie Providers—Jean Prater & Sharon Auch-Bylander
10:45 AM Sunday School for ages 3 years to Adults
Children’s & Cherub Choirs
Feb. 15: Regular Offering - $3456.50; Building - $90.00
Feb. 22: Regular Offering - $3129.00; Building - $200.00
March 1: Regular Offering - $2705.00; Building—$150.00
March 8: Regular Offering - $2204.58; Building—$260.00
Offering envelopes available in the foyer for general & building fund donations
To fully support the budget, offerings need to average $3500 weekly
Don’t forget—HyVee Cards...a fundraiser for the building fund. For each card
sold, 5% comes back to RRC—an easy way to increase your giving to the building
fund without increasing your cost. Cards are available for $50 and $100. Make
checks payable to RRC-BF (or Riverview Reformed Church Building Fund). $25
cards are also still available.
We are looking for new people to sell Hy-Vee cards before and after church. Lisa
Kuipers & Renae Bouza have been doing it since we started. They feel it is time for
new blood! If you are interested, please talk with either Lisa or Renae!!
Habitat for Humanity:
Provides lunch to the volunteers the 1st SUNDAY of
every month. If you are interested in providing food or money to purchase food and
haven’t signed up yet, there is a sign up sheet in the foyer
Memorial Brick Orders
Orders are being taken again for Memorial Bricks
for the Memorial Garden. If you wish to purchase a memorial brick in memory of
someone, please fill out the order forms, found on the foyer table. Price is $100 per
Garden Spots for your summer garden planting will be available for “rent” again
this year. We will begin taking reservations for the 10 spots we have, now thru the end
of March. If you would like a spot, please contact Tim O’Hara at 760-0750 or the
church office at 665-9204. There will be a $25 rental fee to help defray the cost of
water for watering your plants.
Youth Group Parent Meeting Wednesday, March 18, 6:30 PM. Plan to
discuss youth trips and upcoming events
I would like to lead an 8-week Women’s Bible Study, written by a good friend,
EACH TUESDAY from 12:15—12:45 PM, a “time of prayer” is being held in the Church
Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to come and spend a time of prayer with others.
If this is during your lunch time, please feel free to bring your lunch along.
Sign ups for Ministry of Music and cookie donations are on the foyer table for
January –April 2015 . PLEASE sign up for a date that is convenient for you!!
Y ou may e-mail messages to the church office at [email protected] E-mails directly to
Pastor Rod may be sent to [email protected] Check out our website at—there you can submit Prayer Requests and Calendar Additions. You can
also view the weekly bulletin on our web page (Minus the prayer concerns).
Offering for the month Deb Burma—”Living a Chocolate Life”. Please contact me, Lisa Kuipers, if interested
and we will try to figure out a time to meet that works for most
The Bouza Family & Boy Scout Troop 102 invite you to
join us for an Eagle Court of Honor, in recognition of Michael Hunter Bouza,
achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, on Saturday, March 28, at 2:00 PM, here at
RRC. Reception to follow the ceremony.
The Mission & Evangelism Committee is reorganizing for 2015.
New members are welcome. Suggestions for mission activities or where mission funds could be
directed are also being taken. If you’d like to work with this group or have suggestions,
please contact Jean Prater.