the EPPC draft program


the EPPC draft program
Excellence in Professional Practice Conference 2015
Conference Timetable
Day 1: Thursday 21 May 2015
Registration and Welcome Tea and Coffee/Exhibitors’ Expo
9.00 – 10.30am
Keynote 1 – Professor Geoff Masters AO, CEO, ACER
10.30 – 11.00am Morning Tea (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
Using feedback to build a growth mindset – a whole school initiative
(45 minutes)
Dr Jane Mitchell, Charles Sturt University
Session 1
11.00 – 12.30pm
Feedback: Focus on creating critical reflection capability in students
(30 minutes)
Mrs Christine Hills, Gladstone State High School, Qld
Teaching to Learn, Learning to Teach! (45 minutes)
Mrs Jane Denny, Catholic Schools Office: Broken Bay
Using formative assessment to help South Asian Ethnic Minority students
learn Chinese as a second language (30 minutes)
Dr Zhihui Kou, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Technology, evidence based assessment and learning for all in Maths
(45 minutes)
Mr Paul Sheedy, St Paul's Primary School, Vic.
Using data from the Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) to improve
‘first wave’ instruction (30 minutes)
Mrs Bianca Witney, Catholic Schools Diocese of Broken Bay
From acquisition to mastery: How reading profiles impact on outcomes for
struggling students (45 minutes)
Mrs Susan Woolfenden, Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta
Navigating the Literacy Learning Journey from Early Years to Year 3 and
Beyond (30 minutes)
Ms Evelyn Terry, School Academic Support Services, Qld
Using Assessment Data to Improve Reading Comprehension Instruction
and Evaluate its Effectiveness (45 minutes)
Ms Julia Blakey, St Mark's Primary School, Vic.
Teacher Judgements in Maths – A Functional Data Base (30 minutes)
Ms Michaela Wright, Schools Development Group, WA
Session 2
12.30 – 1.30pm
Session 3
3.30- 4.30 pm
3.00 – 3.30pm
Lunch (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
Adopting a Growth Mindset: Using Student Data to Improve Learning
Outcomes in Mathematics (Workshop, 90 minutes)
Mrs Kimberley Morgan, St. Monica's Primary School, Vic.
A reading mission accomplished: how a focus on research, evidence and
‘task predicts performance’ achieved the greatest growth in reading
(Workshop, 90 minutes)
Ms Linda Fox, DECD, SA
Putting Faces to the Data: Empowering students to engage with their
learning (Workshop, 90 minutes)
Ms Sheri Evans, Medina Primary School, WA
Empowering Local Learners: A pre-school to secondary approach to
improving executive functioning through a mathematics lens
(Workshop, 90 minutes)
Mr Shane Loader, Port Augusta / Quorn Partnership, DECD, SA
Why Does He Keep Doing That!?!? Utilising Functional Behaviour
Assessments (Workshop, 90 minutes)
Ms Aurora Alonzo, Woodbury Autism Education and Research, NSW
Afternoon Tea (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
Learning without limits: a developmental approach to learning and
assessment (30 minutes)
Mrs Heather De Blasio, Wilderness School, SA
Teachers Teaching Teachers: Creating a Sustainable In-House Professional
Development Program (30 minutes)
Mrs Amy Dugre, The Willows Community School, California, USA
A Read on the Data: Rethinking the use of data to close the skills gaps of
readers left behind (30 minutes)
Mr Neil Lloyd, Brisbane Youth Education and Training Centre, QLD
Using Data to Target Low Growth in Writing (30 minutes)
Mr Matthew Smith, Mount St. Joseph Girls' College, Vic
Using teacher designed online assessments to drive differentiated
instruction in mathematics (30 minutes)
Mr Anthony Speranza, St Mark's Primary School, Vic.
Influences and Benefits of Mobile Cloud Learning (MCL) Toward Enhancing
Learning Process And Evaluation of Learners’ Learning (30 minutes)
Mr Al-Maktari, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
Getting REEL: Richardson Engaging Effective Learning - Using High Impact
Instructional Strategies to improve student outcomes (30 minutes)
Kristy Grady, Richardson Primary School, ACT
Bringing Data to Life (30 minutes)
Ms Brenda Little, Beenleigh State High School, Qld
The Year 10 Book Project: Improving motivation and achievement through
publishing (30 minutes)
Ms Shelley Davidow, Noosa Pengari Steiner School, Qld
Session 4
4.30 -5.30 pm
Levers for change: Leading professional practice for improved literacy
performance (30 minutes)
Mr Ivan Baker, Chifley College Shalvey Campus, NSW
Learning More about Feedback from Education and Neuroscience
Professor John Hattie, Melbourne Educational Research Institute at The
University of Melbourne, and
Professor Pankaj Sah, Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland
Networking Drinks, exhibitors’ expo
Conference Timetable
Day 2: Friday 22 May 2015
Registration and Welcome Tea and Coffee/Exhibitors’ Expo
Session 1
9.00 -10.30 am
Innovation: Collaboration for growth in student performance (45 minutes)
Ms Lesley Gardner, Xavier High School, NSW
Bridging Spoken and Written Narratives (35 minutes)
Mr Matt Thomson, Charles La Trobe College, Vic.
Assessment reform in STAGE 5 and judgement of student achievement towards
RoSA (45 minutes)
Mr Tim Bordado, Sarah Redfern High School, NSW
VALID: Validating school based assessments using online, on demand
multimedia assessment tools for Years 6 to 10 (45 minutes)
Miss Joanne Sim, Department of Education & Communities, NSW
Facilitating teachers to use performance-based assessments through the
formation of professional learning communities across schools (30 minutes)
Professor Derek Cheung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
How Strong is Your School as a Professional Community? (45 minutes)
Dr Lawrence Ingvarson, ACER
Getting data to teachers to change teaching programs - a schools
journey (45 minutes)
Mr Matthew O’Brien, Brisbane Boys' College, Qld
The proof of the o-MLit is in the testing (30 minutes)
Dr Kellie Buckley-Walker, University of Wollongong, NSW
10.30 –
Morning Tea (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
Session 2
11.00 -12.30pm
Tickling a sleeping dragon: How adjusting and aligning testing and curriculum
can maximise success in Mathematics (30 minutes)
Ms Sally Harris, Presbyterian Ladies' College,Vic.
Elaborating responses to fraction assessment tasks reveals students' algebraic
thinking (45 minutes)
Ms Cath Pearn, ACER
It’s in my hands - a student based approach to assessment (45 minutes)
Mrs Dena Reddan, St. Therese Primary School, Vic.
From hindsight to foresight: Investigating data strategies to improve student
learning (30 minutes)
Mr Timothy O’Leary, Wesley College, Vic.
Using an evidence informed approach and instructional rounds to lead
accelerated whole-school scale change (45 minutes)
Mrs Catherine Cox-Walliss, Mount Barker South Primary School, SA
What Classroom Assessment Techniques Make the Difference? (35 minutes)
Ms Melanie Clark, Dardanup Primary School, WA
‘Being the Best Learner You Can Be’ A Mind, Brain & Education Program in
Operation (45 minutes)
Ms Donna Nitschke, DECD, SA
Using Manipulatives and Guided Discovery Lesson to Assess and Improve
Teaching and Learning Year 9 Mathematics: A Lesson Study (30 minutes)
Mrs Masjuwita Puteh, Rimba II Secondary School, Brunei
Empirical evidence that supports changes to pedagogical practice and tracks
learning gains in contemporary and technology-enabled learning environments
(45 minutes)
Mr Terry Byers, Anglican Church Grammar School, Qld
Using assessment data to close the gap between student achievement in
investigation tasks and tests and examinations at the Australian Science and
Mathematics School (30 minutes)
Dr Bronte Nicholls, Australian Science and Mathematics School, SA
12.30 1.30pm
Lunch (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
I've got the power in Auslan (Workshop, 90 minutes)
Miss Heulwen Sweet, Charles La Trobe P-12 College, Vic
Session 3
1.30 -3.00 pm
Activating student voice - accelerating improvement (Workshop, 90 minutes)
Mrs Deb O’Neill, Gilles Street Primary School, SA
Transforming your Pedagogy through the Purposeful Use of Data
(Workshop, 90 minutes)
Mrs Tania Leach, Education Queensland, Qld
Maximising Student Success in senior secondary education
(Workshop, 90 minutes)
Ms Jan Raymond, SACE Board of South Australia, SA
Using technology to promote formative assessment in secondary mathematics:
Advantages for teachers and learners (Workshop, 90 minutes)
Mr Roger Wander, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Vic.
3.00 –
Afternoon Tea (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
Sessio n 4
3.30 -5.00 pm
Achieving and Sustaining Improvement in Mathematics Teaching (45 minutes)
Mr Rob Proffitt-White, DET, QLD
Obtaining reliable feedback from your students about your teaching (30 minutes)
Mr Ed Roper, Brisbane Grammar School
The Progressive Capacity Matrices (Workshop, 90 minutes)
Mr Anton Reiter, Effective Curriculum Ideas, Vic.
Re-conceptualising entrepreneurial learning and assessment within general
capabilities in the Australian curriculum - Innovative approach to learning and
teaching for the future (30 minutes)
Dr Shantha Liyanage, DEC, NSW
Pushing the creative boundaries in student assessment (30 minutes)
Mrs Catherine Eppen-Van Der Aa, Mandurah Baptist College, WA
Teaching with GeoGebra versus Traditional Method (30 minutes)
Dr Pellumb Kllogjeri, University of Elbasan, Albania
Everything is Formative! Creating a culture of peer and self-assessment in
Workplace Maths (45 minutes)
Mr Mark Sivills, Don College, Tas.
Conference Timetable
Session 1
11.00 – 12.30pm
Day 3: Saturday 23 May 2015
Welcome Tea and Coffee Tea (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
9.00 – 10.30am
Keynote 2 – Professor Jennifer Gore,.University of Newcastle, NSW
10.30 –11.00am
Morning Tea (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
Using the Quality Teaching Model as a pedagogical framework to improve
assessment tasks (45 minutes)
Peter Clayden, Canberra College, ACT
Working together to enhance teacher education: A collaborative project
between Queensland College of Teachers and Queensland Deans of
Education (30 minutes)
Deanne Commins, Queensland College of Teachers
Kaleidoscope landscape: Reframing our approach to teacher growth and
development (45 minutes)
Dr Liz Criddle, St Stephen's School, WA
Learning Walks & Watching Others Work (30 minutes)
Ms Judith King, Department of Education, WA
Low-SES meets high expectations. A research-led approach to successful
student research (45 minutes)
Ingrid Lees, Parafield Gardens High School, SA
Sleep for Wellbeing and Academic Performance (45 minutes)
Mr McIlrath, Rhinomed and Camberwell South Primary School
Flipping the Textbook (30 minutes)
Matthew Cunnane, Noosa Pengari Steiner School, Qld
Instructional Practices Inventories: Quantifying and improving students’
cognitive engagement – Case studies of 3 Sydney high schools (30 minutes)
Ms Sabreena Taylor, Teacher Training Australia, NSW
12.30 – 1.30pm
Lunch (networking, exhibitors’ expo)
1.30 – 2.30pm
Panel session: How to plan and conduct your school-based research
2.30 – 3.00pm
Awards and Closing Address