Channel Program Brochure


Channel Program Brochure
powered by liaison
Liaison Channel Program
Liaison built one of the industry’s first net-native integration platforms designed from the start for
real-time message exchange, complete interoperability and the simplification of complex business
processes. For more than a decade, Liaison has powered integration for leading global enterprises,
such as Merck, Boeing and Amazon, and provided cost-effective integration for small and medium
sized organizations. As a leading Cloud Service Brokerage (CSB) provider, Liaison also powers
the integration services for the world’s top supplier networks, marketplaces, SaaS applications
and solutions providers.
Liaison built on of the industry’s first
net-native integration platforms, designed
from the start for real-time message
exchange, complete interoperability
and the simplification of complex
business processes. For more than a
decade, Liaison has powered integration
for leading global enterprises, such
as Merck, Boeing and Amazon, and
provided cost-effective integration for
small and medium sized organizations.
As a leading Cloud Service Brokerage
(CSB) provider, Liaison also powers the
integration services for the world’s top
supplier networks, marketplaces, SaaS
applications and solutions providers.
Liaison Partners Are
Leaders in Their Industries
Virtually Embed the
Liaison Integration Cloud
Today, Liaison partners with technology
vendors, service providers, integration
and middleware companies, ERP solution
providers and other organizations who
are leaders in their industries. By drawing
on our respective core competencies,
Liaison and its partners enable our
customers and their extended integration
communities to gain competitive
advantage while managing cost and risk.
Leading companies, such as Visa, Ariba
and NetSuite use Liaison’s Integration
Cloud Platform to virtually embed
integration products and services with
their solutions. Liaison enables these and
many other partners to create business
process networks and make it easy for
their customers and communities to
exchange electronic messages from
any application, over any connection
and with any business rule. We level the
playing field and allow everyone within a
community to communicate at the same
speed. If one partner can only “speak”
EDI, we manage this with ease, even if
everyone else is speaking custom forms
of XML. This allows everyone to optimize
existing investments and infrastructure
while still participating fully in the
community network.
Liaison Channel Program
Liaison Adds Process and
Policy to the Integration
Liaison took the integration stack, with
translation, transport and messaging
and moved it to the cloud. Then we
added policy-based integration, enabling
advanced orchestration, data correlation
and validation, security mediation
and other sophisticated business
processes. Unlike traditional point-topoint integration solutions that typically
moved documents between two systems
or companies, we extend business
processes across the B2B cloud, creating
conversations between companies and
communities that include real-time
queries and responses, message
exchange and strong security.
Liaison Partner Categories
OEM: You can OEM the Liaison
Integration Cloud Platform and market
a powerful solution that is “Powered
by Liaison”. This allows you to extend
your solution across vast integration
communities and provide seamless
“under the hood” integration services
and full visibility to your clients through
our LENS portal.
Technology Reseller: You can license
our industry leading technology products
and combine your strengths with the
power of our integration tool set.
VAN Reseller: Liaison offers
companies the ability to extend
Tier 1 VAN services to their clients
and trading partners.
Integrated Joint Solution: Liaison
works with partners to create joint
solutions, leveraging the best of two
technologies. •
Community Partner: Liaison works
with many strategic business partners
who refer customers to Liaison when
it helps to include integration in their
solution sale.
Liaison Partner Program
The Liaison Global Partner Program
enables companies to add value to their
existing solutions, reach new markets
and expand their services capabilities.
Many technology companies are finding
integration to be an obstacle to adoption,
and Liaison helps you remove that obstacle
and address your customers challenges.
Platform Partner: Liaison partners
with complementary providers to
expand our own services offerings
with best-of-breed technologies.
Contact Liaison today to learn more about
how your company can benefit from
partnering with Liaison.
About Liaison
Liaison Technologies is
a global integration and
data management company.
It provides innovative
solutions to integrate,
transform, harmonize,
manage and secure critical
business data on-premise
or in the cloud.
With a comprehensive array
of business-to-business and
integration and data
transformation services,
as well as on-premise
and cloud-based data
security solutions, Liaison’s
practitioners implement
data management
infrastructures adapted
to each client’s specific
business requirements.
Headquartered in Atlanta,
Liaison has offices in the
Netherlands, Finland,
Sweden and the United
Kingdom. For more
information, visit
Atlanta – US HQ
3157 Royal Drive
Building 200, Suite 200
Alpharetta, GA 30022
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1425 200620
The Netherlands
+31 (0) 20 700 9350
+358 (0)10 3060 900
+46 8 518 365 00
© 2014 Liaison Technologies
All rights reserved. Liaison is a trademark of Liaison Technologies.