Mar 18 - Fellowship Baptist Church


Mar 18 - Fellowship Baptist Church
Pastor’s Page
March 18, 2015
God is on the move in and through Fellowship Baptist Church! Darrell, Barb, and I spent most of yesterday morning discussing all the worship, discipleship, ministry, and mission opportunities happening in and
through Fellowship over the next four months and it is exciting and invigorating to imagine how we all will
participate in the ministry of the Kingdom of God in the weeks ahead!
Easter is almost here! We will have two worship services on Easter: A sunrise service at 7:00 AM with
a light breakfast to follow and worship at our regular time of 10:45.
Camp Shine is quickly approaching! Barb Agnew has hit the ground running as Fellowship’s new Children’s Minister and you will be hearing more about the needs of Camp Shine quite soon!
Youth Camps, Children’s Camps, Deacon Retreat, Appreciation Banquet, Lord’s Supper, Fellowship
Meals, and more all await us on the not-too-distant horizon! Each week we have many opportunities to gather to pray, to study God’s Word, to fellowship together, and serve others in His name.
I give this quick list of upcoming opportunities for worship, discipleship and service not to burden you
or to entice you to put them all on your calendar, but to encourage you!
The goal of the existence of Fellowship Baptist Church is to be a place where the Holy Spirit forms
people into faithful followers of Christ. Each week we pray for God to accomplish this in our midst, for the
forming and shaping of our souls is daily work. There are no shortcuts or substitutes, only daily seeking to
live not for our own self-interest but to live for Christ.
Everything on our Church calendar represents an opportunity to be formed and shaped! It is an opportunity to offer something of yourself to God, perhaps something of yourself to others, and certainly to receive from God!
There is one specific new opportunity I want to mention.
From April 1 through May 20 we will have a new and expanded Wednesday night schedule.
First, we will have weekly worship and discipleship opportunities for kids every week! A meal will be
provided for parents and kids at 5:00. Mandi Whittlesey will take the kids around 5:40 and will lead them
in a time of singing and fun. At 6:00, Barb will take them and have a time of Bible study and fun! Nursery
will be provided for the little ones.
Second, The Motherhood Hope Group will begin meeting weekly. Their study will begin at 6:00 each
Third, our weekly Prayer Gathering will be held from 5:30 – 6:00.
Fourth, a new small group will meet at 6:00 that will study and discuss how to be good neighbors in
our community and world. Each week we will look at scripture passages of neighborliness and discuss together the uniqueness of the places we live, where God may be at work in these places, and how we can join
God in what He is doing in our neighborhoods, workplaces, community, and world.
God is on the move in and through Fellowship Baptist Church!
May we all seek to join Him as He leads!
Fellowship Baptist Church
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Darrell’s Corner
By the time you read this about 20 students and adults will be back from a fun day in Cedar Park at Jumpstreet Indoor Trampoline Center, and I will probably be starting to feel the soreness of doing things I probably
shouldn’t be doing. Thank you for supporting our students and helping us invest in teenagers spiritually, but also
allowing us to spend time on trips like these laughing, connecting and bonding.
I also want to say a BIG thank you to David Mezger, Jeanette Fishbeck and Lacey Copeland for helping
transport students to and from Cedar Park. Trips likes these aren’t possible without the time and service of parents, grandparents and people like you.
Upcoming Events
Dinner and A Show – April 26th @ 6:00pm. This is our annual fundraiser to help offset the cost of sending
students to Super Summer and Journey Youth Camp.
Graduating Senior Recognition Sunday – May 17th during morning worship. Each year we like to recognize any students graduating from High School, College, Trade School, etc…I will need about 15-20 photos
of seniors from their baby years to current. If you know of a graduating senior that is part of our family
and extended family here at Fellowship that I do not have listed below, please let me know.
Shelcee Clark
Zach Christian
Adam Hicks
Promotion Party – We will be kicking off the summer by welcoming our new 6th graders into our student
ministry on Wednesday, June 3rd from 6:00 to 8:00pm
Summer Olympics – Most Wednesdays throughout the summer from 6:00 to 8:00pm
Super Summer – June 29th – July 3rd
Journey Youth Camp – July 12-16 (Sunday to Thursday)
Barbara’s Corner
Thank you for allowing me to serve the children and their families at Fellowship in the position of Children’s Minister! I am scheduling brief meetings over the next couple of weeks with each family as I want to get to know
you better.
Also, we will have a lunch and parents’ meeting on Sunday, March 29, after worship to talk as a group about
things coming up such as Camp Shine and summer camp at Highland Lakes. We’ll answer your questions about
how you can join me, Brother Matt and Darrell in service.
Save the Dates: all Wednesdays in June for Camp Shine!
Come visit me in my office for a chat and a piece of candy or prize from the Treasure Chest!
March 18, 2015
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Discipleship and Worship
Discipleship and Worship (Cont’d)
Men’s Bible Study – Tuesdays at 8:00am, studying
New Wednesday Night Schedule Starting April 1
5:00 pm - Dinner for kids and families
5:30 pm - Prayer Gathering
5:40 pm - Children’s Choir
6:00 pm - Motherhood Hope Team
- Neighboring Small Group
6:30 pm - Youth
Ladies’ Bible Study - Last Day - March 25 at 9:30
am, followed by a Ladies Luncheon.
Parent Lunch - following worship on March 29
Easter Worship - April 5, Sunrise Service at 7:00 am,
light breakfast at 8:00 am, Worship at 10:45 am
“How to be a Community Missionary” - Round Table Discussion - April 8, 6:00-7:00 pm
Fellowship Interest Lunch - April 12
Joint Worship with St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church in Johnson Park - April 19 at 11:00 am, followed by lunch at 12:00 pm.
Weekly Needs:
Monthly Needs:
March 1
General $5,970.00
Van $250.00
Cents for Soldiers $20.00
March 8
General $7,140.25
Cents for Soldiers $1.98
Children’s Fund $200.00
Kendall Respite $100.00
Van $600.00
March 15
General $5,405.25
Debt Reduction $147.30
Youth Fund $15.00
Van - $490.00
Thursdays – Kendall Respite - 9:30-1:00.
The Helping Center - Items for the month of March
– dried beans, boxed cereal (need badly), dried
noodles such as Medium Egg Noodles.
Church Van – We need a church van! Cost is
$25,000. $21,890 has been given. Pray about
giving to help raise the needed $3,110.
Volunteers Needed
Read Scripture in Worship Service
Pray in Worship Service
Volunteer for Nursery
Nursery Workers
March 22
Linda Lee
Lyn Jay
March 29
Laura Eaton
Kelley Homeyer
March 22
Melvin and Brenda Jones
March 29
Fellowship Baptist Church
PO Box 749
2702 Mormon Mill Rd
Marble Falls, TX 78654
Pastor – Matt Homeyer— 830-613-0740,
[email protected]
Associate Pastor of Worship/Students–
Darrell Fishbeck - 830-496-2424,
[email protected]
Children’s Minister - Barbara Agnew [email protected],
Secretary - Marianne McEwin— 432-4388104, [email protected]
Pianist – Mandi Whittlesey
Office Hours- Mon 8-12, Tues 8:00-2:00,
Wed 8-12, Thurs 8:00-2:00 & Fri 9:0012:00 Phone: 830-693-0710
Sunday School - 9:30am
Worship Service – 10:45am
Prayer Requests
Our Church Body
Dot Ballard, Sarah Clark, Stacey Ashabranner, Jean Bowman,
Ruth Heffington, Joyce Fields, Robert Woodard, Brooks Blanton, Peggy Feist, Wanda Martinez, Mark Mead, S. E. Miller,
Lillian Foster, Dawson Parker
For Our Friends & Family
Ben Alexander, Steve Fenny, Chlo Hall, Gayle Dubea, Amara
Scallan, David Klickman, Connie Curtis, Odessa Hughes, Tolbert Chisum, Bill McCoy, Zack Williams, Madelyn Correa,
Mackenzie Frasier, Ronnie Gray, Tom Simmons, Terry Miller,
Susie Pulsifer, Hazel Norman, Keeley Cooper, Liz Mercier’s
nephew, Ann Stevenson
For the Ministry of Fellowship, Community, & World
Kendall Respite Ministry, Cooke Family, Local teachers and
students, Taylor Putnam, Debbie Rouse, Scott & Lucia Everly
Deacon of the
March 22
Sidney Smith
Dan Copeland
March 29
Jerry Davis
Tommy Eaton