HERE - Queen Charlotte College


HERE - Queen Charlotte College
Newsletter to Parents, Caregivers & Friends of the School • 26 September, 2014
Orientation Day
Term 3 is gone and we are racing towards the end of our school year. Term
3 is always a busy term and Term 4 even more so with school camps, senior
exams and Prizegiving filling the calendar.
Senior students should use the holiday break to study and revise in
preparation for their NCEA exams. I wish you all a safe and relaxing term
break and we look forward to seeing you refreshed, and ready to put your
‘personal best’ into the final few weeks of 2014.
Governor General’s Visit
We were privileged to have a visit from the Governor General Sir Jerry
Mataparae and his wife Lady Janine Mataparae on Tuesday this week.
An official welcome
at Waikawa Marae
was followed by the
Governor General
accompanying senior
Aquaculture students
on the QCC barge,
skippered by Terry
Schwass from Waikawa
Marina to the Picton
Marina. At the same
time, Lady Janine took
the opportunity to visit
the Wet Lab and the
Hospitality Suite at
the College.
Photo courtesy of Seaport Scene
Start Term 4
October 13th (Monday)
Labour DayOctober 27th (Monday)
Marlborough Anniversary
November 3rd (Monday)
Year 9 Camp
October 20th-24th (Monday-Friday)
Seniors Last Day
November 7th
Year 10 Camp
November 24th-28th (Monday-Friday)
Term Dates 2014
Term Four October 13th – December 12th
Queen Charlotte College 173 Waikawa Road, PICTON 7220 Tel: 573 6558 • Fax 573 6559
Email: [email protected]
Farewell to Dig and Welcome to Kevin
After 20 years as Caretaker at Queen Charlotte College, we say
farewell to Dig Knowles who begins a new adventure and a wellearned retirement. Dig has been a familiar sight around the school
grounds and for many, he is a part of QCC folklore. The Board and staff
have appreciated the way in which the College has been presented
to all who pass by her gates and the time and energy required to ‘care
take’ or ‘take care’ of a school this size. We wish Dig all the very best
for the future.
We welcome Kevin Haughey to the staff at QCC. Kevin is our new
Property Manager and will be responsible for the pool, the bus fleet, the
buildings and the grounds.
Executive Officer - Name Change
For your information, the Executive Officer, Kay Riwaka has changed her name and will now be
known as Kay Severne.
Geography Department
On the 26th August, 14 fearless Year 13 Geographers
undertook some practical field work to further understand
the processes behind the formation of the Cloudy
Bay coastline. We started off driving down the road to
Rarangi where we saw evidence of the coastline being
much further inland than it is today. The students took
measurements of the beach to draw a beach profile,
measured the stone size of the beach material and did
an experiment to demonstrate the effect of longshore
drift on the movement of stones and sediment.
In the afternoon we drove over to Vernon Bluffs (thank
you Mr Leedam for giving us permission to be on your
land), and carried out another survey of the stone size on
the beach to make comparisons to Rarangi.
It was a great day with beautiful weather, and the
wonderful Mr Boyce who accompanied us as our local
expert (thanks again Mr Boyce, you are a legend!). These
students will now be able to comfortably write about their
case study in their exam with confidence. Good work
Teresa Besley
Specialist Classroom Teacher and HOD Geography
Careers Department
Dear Year 13
Congratulations to those of you who know what you are doing next year.
You have made the first positive step on the journey to the rest of your life.
If you haven’t, I am worried about you. Why is that that almost half of you still
have no real plans for when you leave school? Why is the default response
“I am having a GAP year”?
‘’I am older than you, please listen….”
There is absolutely no doubt that Education is the key to your future. It gives
you choices for the rest of your life. Leaving school with NCEA Level 2 or 3
is not the end, it is just the beginning. It is the base upon which you build at
Polytechnic, in an Apprenticeship or at University. The more time and effort
you are prepared to commit, the greater your chances of always having a
job, the higher your earning potential and the greater your ability to provide
for children of your own.
We are very lucky in NZ that Tertiary Education is available to all and that
even without school qualifications it is possible to have a second chance.
But why wait? Now, when you have no commitments, no mortgage, no
family to support…NOW is the time to begin to set yourself up for life.
Yes, Tertiary Education is expensive, but it is an investment in your life and
that is beyond cost.
Take the opportunities available. You and I have been talking about all these
possibilities for the last seven years. You have asked me questions when I
have been rushing across the quads, you have listened to me when I have
visited your classes, you have made appointments with me and you have
discovered what can be. Your teachers, your Form teachers, your Deans,
your sports coaches have all given you the benefit of their knowledge and
Believe that there are exciting possibilities out there for you, because it is
Now, how about taking that positive step towards the rest of your life.
Ms Wood
HOD Careers
PS Dear Parents
Please make sure your kids take all the opportunities they can. They need
your direction and they need your example. Teach them that Education is a
treasure, a taonga and don’t let them take the easy route.
Board Art 2014
Congratulations to all of the Queen Charlotte College
students who had any role in the very well attended opening
of the Marlborough Youth Council’s sixth Youth Art Exhibition
at the Millenium Art Gallery. The opening last Sunday was
very well attended and had a great vibe both inside the
gallery and outside at the back of the gallery where skateboarding demonstrations, a sausage
sizzle and great music set a festive scene in the sun. Our own Tamsin Woolf opened the exhibition
speaking for the Youth Council alongside Marlborough Mayor, Mr Alistair Sowman. Over 70
skateboard art pieces fill the gallery and are a must see. Three students
from QCC had artworks juried in to the exhibition. Congratulations go to
Isis Harvey, Kate Overend and Caspian Harvey.
Paula Somers
HOD Visual Arts
Isis Harvey
Caspian Harvey
Kate Overend
Board Art 2014 is a Top of the South youth art initiative.
Blank skateboard decks provided the canvases for the 2014 youth art
exhibition, which features board art by both Nelson and
Marlborough youth.
21 September – 19 October 2014
This year was the sixth graduation
ceremony for students from the
Toastmasters speechcraft course at
Queen Charlotte College. These
brave students committed an hour
and a half after school every Friday
during Term 3, planning, preparing
and practicing a new speech to
give to a group of equally nervous
students. To add to this, they had
to try and apply and incorporate
various speechcraft techniques in
order to develop their skills further.
An awesome bunch of students this
year made us laugh and made us
cry with tears of laughter! Special
mention must go to two students
who embarked upon this course
when English was not their second,
but their third language. Kudos,
to Sho and Akane Kamiyama. All the students
performed admirably in their finale which
was well supported by friends and whanau,
although to see them beforehand you would
be excused from thinking that these were
students who were preparing for a major acting
role as they paced up and down outside the
library practicing their speeches. Good effort!
Thank you to the graduate students from
previous courses. Without the commitment of
these students, all of whom are in their final year
at school and busy preparing for the next stage
in their lives, we would not be able to run such
a successful and satisfying course. Thank you,
Tamsin, Jackson, Leon, Braden, Tim, Dani and
Emma. You are our (not so hidden) gems.
So, next time you want someone to give an
effective speech at a major event, just call on
Tyler Sintes, Sho Kamiyama, Lachi McGuire,
Metisse Wilson, Akane Kamiyama and Jack
Teresa Besley
Student Perspective
From being nervous to talk in front of a small
group of people, to delivering my English class
mandatory speech each year, I was a no
hoper in hiding my fear of public speaking.
Participating in the Toastmasters course
this term, helped not only my skills in public
speaking, but my confidence level. People
assume you are given tips such as ‘imagine
the audience naked’ but you are taught that,
to overcome ones fear, you should suck it up
and get on with it. In the Toastmasters course
you are comfortable to know not everyone
(including yourself) takes everything so seriously.
Table Topics is an excellent way to let loose in
front of everyone and realise that you will have
to speak publicly sometime in your life, but most
of the time you can just wing it.
I feel proud of myself and my fellow peers who
attended this course; we have all come so far
and all have great confidence now because of
Metisse Wilson
Queen Charlotte College is privileged to be one of 16 schools selected to trial the new PaCT
for assessing students against the National Standards in Mathematics. Two of our Mathematics
teachers have undergone the training on how to use the tool and will be supported to use it at
the end of this year to gauge where our students sit against the National Standards. This tool
allows for the integration of teacher judgement and observations of what the student is doing in
class as well as what test results they get from standardised tests such as PAT and E-Astle. We look
forward to PaCT assisting us to make more consistent judgements of our students.
International Scene at QCC
There is a wide diversity of cultures
present at QCC in 2014. This year we
have become an ‘ethnic mosaic’ with
international students enrolled from
Germany, Japan, Denmark, Singapore and
China. In total we have nine international
students together with ‘domestic’ students
with international origins.
It is a great opportunity for our students to
be able to speak and mix with students
from other countries and to learn others
culture and life style, while at the same
time, sharing their own.
Photo courtesy of Seaport Scene
Our Principal and Deputy Principal recently visited with
International Exchange Agencies in Germany. These
Agents were extremely impressed with what QCC,
Picton and the wider Marlborough had to offer international students.
If you are at all interested in hosting and international student, please contact Ray Fitzgerald on
Hi, my name is Mirano and my home is in Nirasaki City in the province of
Yamanashi, Mainland Japan. It has a population of 35,000, so much larger
than Picton. I have been studying at QCC for 2 years and intend to gain
qualifications to enable me to attend University and to improve my English.
Things I miss from my home country are yum foods, my family and my dog.
What I like about Picton is the weather, the QCC teachers and skittles.
Hello, my name is Dominic. My home is in Singapore in
the province of Singapore in Mainland China. It has a
population of 5 million. I have been studying at QCC
for 9 months and intend to gain qualifications to enter
University and improve my English. What I miss from
home is my family and friends. What I like about Picton is the scenery, the
people and the Marlborough Sounds.
Gutentag! My name is Jost. My home is in Melle, in the
district of Osnabruck, Lower Saxony in Northern Germany
with a population of 80,000. I have been studying at
QCC for 5 months and hope to improve my English.
What I miss the most from my home country are my friends. What I like about
Picton is the landscape, the people, living in a small town and the school.
Hello, my name is Zigi (Crystal) and my home is in
Chengdu in the province of Si Chuan in Mainland China.
It has a population of 11 million!! I have been studying at
QCC for 1 month and intend to gain University Entrance
and to improve my English. What I miss from home are
snacks and the shopping malls.
What I like about Picton is the nice
people and the beautiful scenery.
Hi, our names are Sho and Akane.
Our home is in Tokyo in the province
of Nerima in Japan. We have been studying at QCC
for 18 months and want to do well and qualify for
University Entrance and we have already improved
our English. We miss certain foods from home, family
and friends but like living in Picton for the silence, the
people and the weather.
Hi, my name is Sherry and my home is in Shenshen in the province of Guong
Dong in Mainland China. It has a population of 10.62 million people. I have
been studying at QCC for nearly a month and intend to improve my English
and gain qualifications to enter University. What I miss from my home country
is my family, however, I am enjoying Picton because the people here are very
nice, very good.
Hi my name is Malte. My home is in Gistrup in the province
of Aalborg in Denmark. Denmark has a population of 5
million. I have been studying at QCC for 3 months and I
would like to improve my English and gain qualifications to
help me enter University. I miss my family but I like living in
Picton as it is so beautiful.
Hi my name is Lena. My home is in Vaterstetten in the
province of Munich in Germany. It has a population of
22,000. I have been at QCC for 2 and half months and
hope to improve my English and gain qualifications to
enter University. From home, I miss bread and speaking
German. I love NZ, it is a beautiful country and Picton is just great with its
harbour and small shops.
Kaiarahi Teina
We are very proud of our Junior Culture leaders who ran
workshops on Raranga Weaving, Rakau Stick games and
Haka for Waikawa Bay School on Thursday the 18th of
September. They were awesome and the Waikawa Bay
School staff were very grateful and full of praise for their
expertise and their leadership skills.
Surf Lifesaving
On Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September, Hannah Price, Nicholas Meiklejohn and Megan
Cook competed in the Tasman Pool Champs against other surf clubs including Nelson, Waikuku,
Spencer Park, New Brighton and Sumner. The results were:
Hannah Price - 2 Firsts and 2 Thirds
Nicholas Meiklejohn - 5 Firsts and 3 Seconds
Megan Cook - 1 First, 2 Seconds and 2 Thirds
The overall club points were:
Rarangi 177, Nelson 102, Spencer Park 82, Waikuku 16, Sumner 12, New Brighton 4
Congratulations to Andre Hebberd, Alex Aldridge, Dylan McManaway, Ryan McLeod and Clayton
Tautari who were part of the Marlborough U12 Rugby Rep team who won the Seddon Shield
tournament in Nelson last weekend. Well done boys!
EOTC Department
Year 9/10 Camp Payments
Time is running out!! Year 9 Camp is from Monday October 20th until Friday 24th and the Year 10
Camp is November 24th to the 28th. If you are not completing a one off payment, it is essential
to put in place an automatic payment plan to cover the cost of the camps. Please contact Kay
Riwaka at the College or make payment to the school bank account number Westpac 030599
0208587 000 identifying who you are and either Year 9 or Year 10 camp.
Richard Hill
Marlborough Performing Arts Competitions
The Marlborough Performing Arts Competitions will be held in
the first week of the school holidays. There are many young
people from Marlborough who will be competing in the
different classes, including a large number from outside of the
region. This competition is one of the largest performing arts
competitions held in the South Island.
The event culminates with a concert on the Friday night which
will feature many of the best performers from the week’s
Mentors Needed
Little people, not stats!
Over the past year, 74 Marlborough children have been matched with Synergy youth mentors
with 25 still on the waiting list and more referrals coming in weekly. Many of the current children
are from Blenheim but also Renwick, Picton and Havelock, and we get referrals from Seddon
and Ward as well. This is a call-out to people throughout Marlborough to have open eyes, minds,
hearts and hands to help these kids. We all want a great community and as the age old saying
goes, “if we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem”.
Since some of the children are boys from single parent families, it would be ideal if men would
step up and volunteer but women are also welcome to join our mentoring team. Please think it
over; could you spare even an hour a week to make a huge difference in a child’s life? Do you
know anyone else who would make a good mentor?
I look forward to hearing from you and answer any questions you may have.
Mentor training: Sunday 19 October
For more info / application form please contact:
Nancy Sherwood 577 9005 (ext 709)
[email protected]
Picton Toy Library Spring Fair