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‫מדינת ישראל‬
‫משרד החינוך‬
‫מנהל חברה ונוער‬
‫מבחן אנגלית – ‪ 21‬שנ"ל‬
‫امتحان في اللغة اإلنجليزية – ‪ 21‬سنة تعليمية‬
‫‪English Diploma Exam‬‬
‫(شتاء ‪,5102‬חורף תשע"ה)‬
‫رقم الهوية ‪ /‬מספר ת‪.‬ז‪_____________ : .‬‬
‫التاريخ ‪ /‬תאריך ‪_____________ :‬‬
‫אנו רואים בקיום טוהר הבחינות משימה חינוכית‪ ،‬ערכית ומוסרית‪ ،‬שהמערכת‬
‫כולה נקראת להיערך להצלחתה‪.‬‬
‫באחריות הנבחן ‪ /‬הנבחנת לשמור על טוהר הבחינות בהתאם לכללים ולהנחיות‬
‫בע"פ ובכתב על גבי שאלון הבחינה ועל ידי אחראי‪/‬ת הבחינה‪.‬‬
‫نرى بنزاهة االمتحانات هي مهمة تربوية‪ ،‬وستعمل مختلف المؤسسات المعنية على صيانتها‪،‬‬
‫ويقع على عاتق الممتحن ‪ /‬ة المحافظة على نزاهة االمتحان وفقا للنظام واالرشادات سواء‬
‫شفوية او كتابية على دفتر االمتحان‪.‬‬
‫הוראות לנבחן – تعليمات للممتحن‬
‫משך הבחינה‪ :‬שעה ורבע‪.‬‬
‫مدة اإلمتحان‪ :‬ساعة وربع‪.‬‬
‫מבנה השאלון ומפתח הערכה – مبنى اإلمتحان ومفتاح تقييم‪:‬‬
‫בשאלון זה שני חלקים‪:‬‬
‫חלק ראשון‪ :‬הבנת הנקרא – קטע‬
‫חלק שני ‪ :‬הבנת הנקרא – קטע‬
‫(‪ 05‬נקודות)‬
‫(‪ 05‬נקודות)‬
‫االمتحان مكون من فصلين‪:‬‬
‫الفصل األول‪ :‬فهم المقروء – قطعة‬
‫‪ 05‬درجة‬
‫الفصل الثاني‪ :‬فهم المقروء – قطعة‬
‫‪ 05‬درجة‬
‫‪ 055‬נקודות‬
‫‪ 055‬نقطة‬
‫חומר עזר מותר בשימוש‪ :‬מילון דו‪ -‬לשוני‪.‬‬
‫مواد مساعدة ُيسمح استعمالها‪ :‬قاموس هاراب انجليزي‪ -‬عربي‪.‬‬
‫הוראות מיוחדות‪:‬‬
‫עליכם לכתוב את כל התשובות בגוף השאלון (במקומות המיועדים לכך) באנגלית‬
‫ובעט בלבד‪ .‬אסור להשתמש בטיפקס‪ .‬בתום הבחינה החזירו את השאלון למשגיח‪.‬‬
‫إرشادات خاصة‪:‬‬
‫عليك كتابة ُكل األجوبة في دفتر االمتحان‪ .‬أكتب أجوبتك باإلنجليزية‪ ،‬وبقلم حبر فقط‪ .‬ممنوع‬
‫استعمال التبيكس‪ .‬في نهاية االمتحان أرجع استمارة االمتحان للممتحن‪.‬‬
‫בהצלחה – بالنجاح !!!!‬
Read the article below and then answer questions 1-7.
Gadgets We Like
The latest inventions that would make your life better.
Print the Moon.
Now that *3D printing has become the next big thing, it is starting *to get
attention from important people and scientists as well.
At the moment, NASA is pushing forward the old plan of *colonizing the
moon. It is using 3D printing technology to help with these plans.
Huge 3D printer-robots would print the buildings on the moon.
Instead of printing plastic or food, the printers would be using cement and
electrical components to create houses.
10 It makes the idea of colonizing the moon much more realistic.
Build a Boat
Have you always wanted to park your yacht at the Hertzliya marina?
Well, you still can't! But you can have *a portable boat for your family.
The idea is having a *foldable boat, which you can *transport much more
15 easily than any other normal non-foldable boat. When folded, it looks like a
large suitcase you can put on the roof of your car. The boat is modular, so
once you arrive to the Kinneret, you can build it for three *passengers, or for
six passengers.
It costs around 1,500 US$, and you need to add more money if you want a
20 small engine, oars or other accessories.
21 It is available at: better-outdoors.com/page2/Boat.html
*3D printing
* to get attention
* colonizing
*a portable boat
‫תרגום לעברית‬
‫ממד‬-‫הדפסה בתלת‬
‫למשוך תשומת לב‬
‫סירה ניידת‬
‫ניתנת לקיפול‬
‫الترجمة للعربية‬
‫طباعة ثالثية األبعاد‬
‫لفت اإلنتباه‬
‫قارب متنقل‬
‫قابلة للطي‬
Answer questions 1-7 in English. Follow the instructions.
1. Complete the sentence. (lines 1-4)
3D printing is starting to get attention from _____________
(7 points)
2. Circle the correct answer. (lines 5-7)
Who would print the buildings on the moon?
a. 3D printer-robots.
b. 3D printing technology.
c. NASA.
3. Circle the correct answer:
Yes or No
(7 points)
(lines 8- 10)
It makes the idea of colonizing the sun much more realistic.
Yes / No
(7 points)
4. What is the advantage )‫ (יתרון‬of a foldable boat? (lines 12-16)
_______________________________________________ (7 points)
5. What does the word it in line 15 refer to? (lines 13-16)
_______________________________________________ (7 points)
6. Circle the correct answer. (lines 16-18)
The boat is modular, so you can build it:
a. for only three passengers.
b. for three or six passengers.
c. for only six passengers.
(7 points)
7. Name two things that you can buy for the boat: (lines 19-21)
a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
(8 points)
Read the interview below and then answer questions 8-14.
Who Runs the World ? Girls !
1 Dana Zax, a reporter for The Jerusalem Post magazine interviewed Hila
Hadad, the *CEO of Caligula Shoes about being *a successful
Dana: What is a successful woman in your opinion?
5 Hila: I define it as reaching the *goals you have given yourself, from what you
have already done. I believe in motivating workers and getting joy and
satisfaction from your work.
Dana: What is the advantage of a woman director?
Hila: A lack of ego. I am *approachable to all of my workers. I believe that a
10 personal connection gives a lot of motivation.
Dana: Have you come across any *difficulties as a woman?
Hila: Happily, I haven't come across any difficulties that come from being a
Dana: What do you love most in your work?
15 Hila: The *challenges. The field is always changing. Even though it is a lot of
work, I enjoy getting out of the routine and improving all the time.
Dana: What is your life's motto?
Hila: "*Seek and you shall find". I believe that everything can be done with
motivation and hard work. There's a saying in French: "Dare, Dare again,
20 Always dare".
* a successful businesswoman
* goals
* approachable
* difficulties
* challenges
‫תרגום לעברית‬
‫אשת עסקים מצליחה‬
‫ מטרות‬,‫יעדים‬
‫להיות נגישה‬
‫الترجمة للعربية‬
‫المديرة العامة‬
‫سيدة أعمال ناجحة‬
‫ يمكن الحصول عليه‬/ ‫يمكن بلوغه‬
Answer questions 8-14 in English. Follow the instructions.
8. Who is Dana Zax? (lines 1-3)
(8 points)
9. What is a successful woman in Hila's opinion: (lines 4-7)
a. If you define the goals you have given yourself.
b. When you believe in yourself.
c. If you reach the goals you have set for yourself.
(7 points)
10. Complete the sentence. (lines 4-7)
Hila believes in _____________ workers and getting ___________
and ______________ from your work.
(6 points)
11. Why is Hila approachable to all of her workers? (lines 8-10)
(8 points)
12. Circle the correct answer:
Yes or No
(lines 11-13)
Hila hasn't experienced any difficulties that come from being a woman.
Yes/ No
(7 points)
13. Circle the correct answer. (lines 14-16)
The word challenges in line 15 is mentioned )‫(מוזכרת‬:
a. as something that Hila loves most in her work.
b. as something that is always changing.
c. because Hila is improving all the time.
14. What is Hila's life's motto? (lines 17-20)
!!!! ‫ – בהצלחה – بالنجاح‬Good luck !
(7 points)
(7 points)