Seat Announcements


Seat Announcements
We Welcome You To
Beth Jacob Congregation
Shabbat & Pesach, April 3-11, 2015
14-22 Nisan, 5775
Seventh Day Yom Tov, Thursday Night, April 9
Candle Lighting 7:02 pm; Mincha/Shiur 7:05 pm
Tonight Count Omer 6
Shabbat & Pesach Minyanim
Shabbat, April 4 & Sunday, April 5:
Hashkama 7:10 am, Benny’s 8:30 am, Shapell 9:00 am,
Young Professionals 9:30 am
Friday, April 10 & Shabbat, April 11:
Hashkama 7:10 am, Benny’s 8:30 am, Shapell 9:00 am
Our Young Professionals Minyan will meet at 9:30 am on
the first 2 days of Pesach, April 4 & 5, and will not meet on
the last 2 days of the chag, April 10 & 11.
Teen Minyan will not meet throughout Pesach.
Due to Yom Tov, Rabbi Topp’s 8 am Chumash Shiur will
not meet on 4/4 and 4/11. Shiur will resume on 4/18.
Yom Tov Begins:
Candle Lighting 6:58 pm
Mincha/Maariv 7:00 pm
Seder after 7:54 pm
Yom Tov, Shabbat, April 4
Torah pg. 954, Haftorah pg. 955
Drasha Rabbi Topp
Bima Dr. Richard Corn, David Flader, Hugo Rose
Shacharit & Mussaf Cantor Wollheim
Ba’al Koreh Dr. Jeff Werber • Korei Aliyot Neil Silverstein
Mincha/Shiur 6:50 pm
Candles & Seder after 7:59 pm
Tonight Count Omer 1
Yom Tov, Sunday, April 5
Torah pg. 956, Haftorah pg 957
Drasha Rabbi Posy
Bima Jess Dolgin, Rabbi Paul Gelb, Neil Silverstein
Shacharit & Mussaf Cantor Wollheim
Baal Koreh Elon Glouberman • Korei Aliyot Neil Silverstein
Mincha/Shiur 7:05 pm; Havdallah 8:00 pm
Tonight Count Omer 2
Yom Tov, Friday, April 10
Torah pg. 962, Haftorah pg. 964
Drasha Rabbi Posy
Bima Ari Miller, Laurence Richards, Dr. Robert Weber
Shacharit & Mussaf Cantor Wollheim
Ba’al Koreh Jay Braun • Korei Aliyot Neil Silverstein
Candle Lighting 7:03 pm; Mincha/Maariv 7:05 pm
Tonight Count Omer 7
Yom Tov, Shabbat, April 11
Torah pg. 964 Haftorah pg. 966
Drasha Rabbi Posy
Bima Marvin Goldsmith, Michael Neuman, Steve Shrier
Shacharit & Mussaf Cantor Wollheim
Ba’al Koreh Jay Braun • Korei Aliyot Neil Silverstein
Mincha 6:45 pm; Seudah 7:05 pm; Havdallah 8:04 pm
Tonight Count Omer 8
The chometz that Rabbi Topp sold on your behalf will be
reacquired on Saturday night, April 11 by 8:40 pm.
Mazal Tov!
► To Dr. Hindi & Rabbi Adir Posy on the birth of a boy; to
grandparents Avivya & Dr. William Stohl and Fayge & Dr. Carl
Posy; to big brothers Yitzy, Eitan, Ami & Ariel.
► To Leah & Arnie Rotter on the birth of a grandson; to parents
Yael & Jon Mosery; to grandparents Amy & Ilan Mosery of NY; to
big sister Aliza Joy; to all the Rotter, Katzin and Mosery families.
►To Ilana & Brian Lipman on the birth of a granddaughter; to
parents Ilana & Brett Lipman; to grandparents Miriam & Hillel
► To our new members Beverly Ann & Shepard Kokin.
Calendar of Events - At a Glance
Yom Hashoah Memorial Program, Wednesday, April 15
Yom Hazikaron & Yom Ha’atzmaut Event, Wednesday, 4/22
Shabbat with Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, May 1-2
Lag B’Omer Celebration for Kids, Thursday, May 7, 5-7 pm
Shavuot with Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Rosenblatt, May 23-25
Connected to the Past - Committed to the Future
Family Picnic in the Park, Sunday, June 7
Summer Kollel, June 29-July 30
Beth Jacob’s Kestenbaum family
youth department
Shabbat and Yom Tov Youth groups begin at their regular
time of 9 am and run until services end. Exciting activities
include davening, snack, games, Torah learning, and Pesach
themed activities .
6 months to 2 years old;
2 to 4 years old;
4 to 6 years old
7 to 8 years old;
9 to 12 years old
(Junior Congregation)
Young Professionals Corner
Divrei Torah: If you would like to give next month’s five
minute vort, please contact [email protected]
YP Beth Jacob is now live on Facebook! Please friend
us and look online for future shiurim, programs, and
events. If you would like to get more involved, please email
[email protected]
Our Shabbat Youth Groups are nut sensitive. We can't
guarantee that we're nut free, but we make a sincere effort to
serve only nut-free snacks. Please refrain from sending nut
products with your child to Shul.
Lag B’Omer Celebration! Thursday, May 7, 5:00 pm to
7:00 pm in Jacob’s Garden. Enjoy hot dogs and s’mores
and a visit from Rabbi Akiva!
For more information on our youth programs, please contact
Rabbi Eli Broner at [email protected]
Teen Programs
BILU Thursday evenings 5:30 – 7:30 pm. BILU is a weekly
after-school program for public high school students who want
to develop their Jewish identity.
Beth Jacob Teens! Beth Jacob is an amazing place for
teens, with a weekly Shabbat minyan at 9:30 am and
exciting field trips and events throughout the year.
For more information contact [email protected]
Do you knit / crochet? Help us make hats & mittens for newborns at
Shaare Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem. Supplies provided. Call for more
info ACSZ office 310-229-0915 / Terry 310-552-9174.
Yom Hazikaron Community Wide Night of Remembrance, April
A Krav Maga Self-Defense course is being formed in our community.
21, 7:30 pm at the Saban Theatre, 8440 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly
Taught by Self-Defense expert Amir Peretz, this four part seminar will
Hills. Presented by FIDF, Temple of the Arts and Thank Israeli
cover self defense in a variety of scenarios. For information and
Soldiers. Featuring screening of Jerusalem U production Beneath
pricing please call Avishay at 818 262 9344
the Helmet. Feee admission, limited seating available.
NEED HELP WITH YOUR OLDER TEEN? Is your teen or young adult
Refreshments will be served.
in trouble? Do you need support or counseling? Professional
assistance is just a phone call away. Please contact Aish Tamid of
Los Angeles at 323-634-0505 today. All inquiries and conversations
Thank you for not wearing perfumes in consideration of those
are confidential.
with asthma or allergies.
PANOPLY LA - April 28 - Join us for a fun and exciting multimedia
Women's Tehillim Group, Mondays 9-10 am, Mellon home, 1148
trivia night with all proceeds going to benefit the Yeshivat Yavneh
Beverwil Dr. Newcomers welcome. Hebrew skills not required.
Scholarship Fund. Start thinking about your team of ten and
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles (JBBBBSLA) has
email [email protected] for more information.
been providing Jewish children in Los Angeles with caring adult mentors for the past 100 years Mentoring can have a significant impact on Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds and American
a child’s life. Whether experiencing social or emotional challenges, or Friends of Magen David Adom Invite you to Our Land Through a
Lens supporting Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency medical
seeking additional enrichment and support, there are many circumstances in which a child may benefit. Currently, JBBBSLA has 20 boys response agency through investment in Israel Bonds. Wednesday,
waiting for mentors and are in urgent need of male volunteers. Learn April 29, 2015 6:30 pm at Museum of Tolerance 9786 West Pico Blvd
$50 per person. For more info contact Brigitte Medvin or Sherry
more at<> or contact Ashley
Appleby at 310-996-3000.
Waterman at
Bnei Akiva Events: PESACH - NO SNIF Chag Sameach!
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> or
For Bnei Akiva info call: Eyal 310-220-1459 or Avi 818-442-8608.
323-456-1155 if you are interested in becoming a volunteer or in
Moshava Malibu -- Your softball game will never get called for
enrolling your child in their mentoring program.
rain - days are dry and sunny all summer long! Sign up
at or call 855-MOSHAVA
L.A. – Beverly Hills Community
Coming up
Shavuot Scholar in Residence
Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Rosenblatt
May 23-25, 2015
Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Rosenblatt has been Senior Rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center since 1985,
and has lectured widely in the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Israel. He holds a
BA and MA in Comparative Literature from John Hopkins University, a PhD in Modern British
Literature from Columbia University, and Semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological
Seminary of Yeshiva University.
Please join us for several talks throughout the holiday, and our All Night Learning Program on Leil
Shavuot, Saturday Night, May 23, with an all-star cast of outstanding Torah Scholars.
From Ungvar to Beverly Hills
A book by member Alice
Neuman Schoenfeld, on her
inspiring story of emerging from
one of history’s darkest chapters and
forging a new life in a new land.
Call the office at 278-1911
to order for $18.
The Shul office will be closed throughout Pesach and will
reopen on Monday, April 13.
Please remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin prior to lighting
candles on Thursday, April 9, which allows you to cook and
prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbat. An Eruv Tavshilin consists
of a matzah and a boiled egg. The bracha can be found in
standard siddurim.
All classes and shiurim are on hiatus until after Pesach.
Refuah Shleimah
Names will remain on the list until Shabbat Mevorchim unless
otherwise instructed. If you or someone you know is a choleh and you
would like the name included, please call Debora at the office.
Ilan Ashkenazi, Gavriel Akiva ben Esther Hanah • Dr. Sheldon
Michel, Shalom ben Uri • Jerome Schechter, Yosef Shalom
Halevi ben Elka • Shalom Raphael Yitzchak ben Chana Gittel •
Avraham Yisrael ben Devorah Gittel • Chana Tzivea bat Chava
Tziporah • Benzion ben Chaya Yehudit • Pesel Hencha bat
Leah • Debora bat Yehudit • Sarah Gittel bat Chava Raitzel •
Miriam bat Malka • Ber Laib ben Malka Nicha • Eliyahu
Menachem ben Toba • Betzalel Mordechai ben Raizel Rochol •
Yochevet Tova bat Beila Ita • Hinda bat Malka • Shimon Dov ben
Shifra • Chaim Yehuda ben Chana Rachel • Chaim ben Mahin •
Mordechai Yitzchak ben Rifka • Rivka Mishket bat Serel • Eliot
Klugman-Eliezer David ben Rifka • Reuven Halevi ben Ratza •
Shoshanah bat Esther • Giora ben Ester • Darla bat Peggy •
Sarah bat Yetta • Pinchas ben Gittel • Avner ben Simcha • Pesha
Malka bat Benyamin • Dovid ben Leah Esther • Yehudit Esther
bat Miriam Sarah • Shlom ben Pauline • Rochel Emunah bat
Rifka Devorah Bryna • Bracha Malkin bat Chana • Rivka bat
Tova • Yehudit Esther bat Miriam Sarah • Ephraim ben
Mordechai • Yaakov ben Zelda • Eliezer ben Chayei Sarah
Security: To ensure everyone’s safety, no unattended items
are to be left anywhere at any time. If you see something
suspicious, say something!
Areivim Opportunities
Shabbat Hospitality The Shalom Aleichem team strives to
make our shul a welcoming place. If there’s a Shabbat or
Holiday meal when you could have extra guests, email
[email protected] or [email protected]
Bikur Cholim If you or someone you know is unfortunately ill
or homebound, or if you want to participate in the mitzvah of
Bikur Cholim, email Rabbi Topp at [email protected],
or Michelle Dolgin at [email protected], or call 278-1911.
Davening - Chol Hamoed Pesach
Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 5:45, 6:30, 7:30 am
Sunday – Thursday 7:05 pm