FACULTY EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY AREA CAS CAS CAS NAME Anemone, Robert Applegarth, Risa Bramwell, Allison CAS CAS CAS Cervenak. Sarah Croatt, Mitch Cuda, Anthony CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS Debbage, Keith Eddington, Kari Eger, Asa Fernos, Talia Filene, Benjamin Grieve, Gregory Holian, Dave Huebner, Daniel Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina Kirchoff, Bruce CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS Kriger, Colleen Krueger, Derek Kwapil, Tom LeGreco, Marianne Levenstein, Lisa Lewis, Thomas Marcovitch, Stuart McFadden, Cybelle Murphy, Art Nash, Donna Oberlies, Nick CAS CAS CAS Parker, Michael Prysby, Charles Rifkin, Mark CAS CAS CAS CAS Roderick, David Rogers, Eugene Rowell, Jonathan Rychtar, Jan CAS CAS Shivaji, Ratnasingham Silvia, Paul CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS Smyth, Clifford Soles, Jeff Tsui, Tsz-Ki (Martin) Villella, Peter Wasserberg, Gideon CAS CAS Zarecki, Jon Zhang, Haimeng (2013-2014 Qualifying Contributions) ACCOMPLISHMENTS Elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Rhetoric in American Anthropology: Gender, Genre, and Science. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2014 - Co-editor with Neil Bradford, Governing Urban Economies: Innovation and Inclusion in Canadian City-Regions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (2014) - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grant for Creating Digital Opportunity Wandering: Philosophical Performances of Racial and Sexual Freedom. Duke University Press CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation for Generation of Cyanocarbenes from Alkynes and Azides Coeditor with Ronald Schuchard of The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot, The Critical Edition. Vol. II: The Perfect Critic: 1919-1926. London and Baltimore: Faber & Faber and Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014 Ten years of preparing Greensboro’s State of the City Report Co-PI, National Institute of Mental Health award for Anhedonia and Cardiac Autonomic Effort Deficits in MDD in the Lab and Daily Life The Islamic-Byzantine Frontier: Interaction and Exchange among Muslim and Christian Communities (I.B. Tauris Press) National Science Foundation grant for Rigidity of isometric Hilbert space actions using the tool of low dimensional cohomology Museums for America grant from the Institute for Museums and Library Services (co-editor), Playing with Religion and Digital Games (Indiana University Press, 2014) Candidate Character Traits in Presidential Elections, Routledge (2014), with C. Prysby Becoming Mead: The Social Process of Academic Knowledge. Chicago: University of Chicago Press National Science Foundation award for Social context and functions of testosterone pulses in wild California mice -2014 UNC Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching -2014 Charles Edwin Bessey Teaching Award, Botanical Society of America National Humanities Center Fellowship Liturgical Subjects: Christian Ritual, Biblical Narrative, and the Formation of the Self in Byzantium. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014) Co-PI, National Institute of Mental Health award for Anhedonia and Cardiac Autonomic Effort Deficits in MDD in the Lab and Daily Life National Communication Association's Service Engagement Award, November, 2014 National Humanities Center Fellowship Project NExT fellowship (New Experiences in Teaching) from the Mathematical Association of America Guest Co-Editor, Special Edition of Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, titled The Development of Prospective Memory in Childhood Gendered Frames, Embodied Cameras: Varda, Akerman, Cabrera, Calle, and Maïwenn, Fairleigh Dickison Press. Fulbright Research Award National Science Foundation award for Wari Empire in Pre-Columbian Peru. -Junior Research Excellence Awards -Co-PI, Program Project award (PO1) from the National Cancer Institute for Discovery of Anticancer Agents of Diverse Natural Origin All I Have In This World: A Novel. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 2014 Candidate Character Traits in Presidential Elections, Routledge (2014), with D. Holian - President of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association - Settler Common Sense: Queerness and Everyday Colonialism in the American Renaissance. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014 A collection of poems: The Americans. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2014 Senior Research Excellence Awards -National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) site grant for Mathematical Biology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro , with J. Rychtar -National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) site grant for Mathematical Biology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, with J. Rowell -Simons Foundation Grant for Game-theoretical models in biology Simons Foundation Grant for The Analysis of nonlinear eigenvalue problems and applications -Write It Up: Practical Strategies for Writing and Publishing Journal Articles, American Psychological Association - PI National Institute of Mental Health award for Anhedonia and Cardiac Autonomic Effort Deficits in MDD in the Lab and Daily Life National Security Agency grant for Correlation Inequalities Mochlos III, The Hellenistic Period, The Beam-Press Building, Philadelphia 2014 National Science Foundation award for Ecosystem Studies Program - studies of methylmercury in forest ecosystems Scholarly Editions and Translations grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities - US Department of Defense award for studies of sex pheromones in the Andean sand fly - Israeli Ministry of Health Award for studies of control of sand flies Cicero's Ideal Statesman in Theory and Practice, Bloomsbury Academic, 2014 National Foundation grant for The statistical analysis of global-scale processes and phenomena. BRYAN Acquaah, Moses BRYAN Amoako-Gyampah, Kwasi BRYAN Boles, James BRYAN Buttner, Holly BRYAN Canziani, Bonnie BRYAN Hodges, Nancy BRYAN Hsieh, Jerrie BRYAN Iyer, Lakshmi BRYAN Iyer, Venkat BRYAN James, Channelle BRYAN Jin, Byoungho BRYAN Kshetr, Nir BRYAN Link, Al -Invitation to deliver inter/national named lecture. Keynote Speaker, Open University of The Netherlands Fourth International PhD Conference on "Africa and the World: Research in an Emerging Global Context" (Oct. 2014). - Principal Investigators on major research grant or receipt of multi-year career development award. Awarded (250,000 South African Rand (ZAR) equivalent to about US$22,700) with Kwasi Amoako-Gyampah (ISSCM) by The Network for Business Sustainability South Africa (NBS:SA), Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria on "A Systematic Review of Measuring and Valuing Social Capital for Business Decision-Making and Reporting" (Sept. 2014) with Kwasi Amoako-Gyampah -Selection as visiting writer, scholar, or artist in residence at inter/national venue. Selected as Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow by the Institute of International Education to assist the Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration in Operations Management curriculum development and to mentor faculty and graduate students in research (2014) with Moses Acquaah, Management - Principal Investigators on major research grant or receipt of multi-year career development award. Awarded (250,000 South African Rand (ZAR) equivalent to about US$22,700) with by The Network for Business Sustainability South Africa (NBS:SA), Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria on "A Systematic Review of Measuring and Valuing Social Capital for Business Decision-Making and Reporting" (Sept. 2014). Receipt of major career award (e.g., Distinguished Scientific Contribution, Lifetime Achievement Award). 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Marketing Association's Sales Special Interest Group (comprised by academic researchers in area of sales management. Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. (2014). A Global Analysis of the Impact of Family Business Failure, Allocentrism, and Minority Membership on Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectations. Paper accepted and selected for Best Empirical Paper Runner-up Award (announced 2014, to be given at 2015 USASBE conference), Tampa, FL., with E. Memili and C. James -Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Best Paper Award in Teaching Track. “Student Consulting and Critical Thinking: Monitoring the Use of Judgment Heuristics,” Annual Conference of the Small Business Institute®, Las Vegas, NV (2/2014) Best Paper Runner-up Award. -A Conceptual Framework for Entrepreneurial Responses to Neo-Luxury Services Consumers” 7th International Conference on Services Management, Macau, China (12/2014), with K. Watchravesringkan and J. Yurchisin. - Li, J. (NCSU), Canziani, B. and J. Hsieh (2014). “An Exploratory Study of U.S and Chinese Perceptions of Simulated U.S. Courtesy” by, 7th International Conference on Services Management, Macau, China (12/2014). Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Paper-of-Distinction Award. Developing Curriculum to Foster Students' Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Small Business Skills from a Global Perspective: A Report on Project Products, Results, and Outcomes. International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting, Charlotte, NC (11/2014) with J. Yurchisin and K. Watchravesringkan Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Best Paper Runner-up Award. Li, J. (NCSU), Canziani, B. and J. Hsieh (2014). “An Exploratory Study of U.S and Chinese Perceptions of Simulated U.S. Courtesy” by, 7th International Conference on Services Management, Macau, China (12/2014). Appointment to inter/national council or advisory board. - President of Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) and international organization for global IT. (2014-15). - National Center of Women in IT (NCWIT) Academic Alliance Executive Committee Member. NCWIT has over 1500 members from workforce and academics. (2014-15) Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. -research report titled "Job Satisfaction for Internal Auditors: How to Retain Top Talent" published by Institute of Internal Auditors (10/2014). A comprehensive research report (monograph) based on survey (1600 internal auditors), provides several key findings. Collectively, report (and findings) mentioned extensively in journals and outlets that cater to all types of accounting professionals worldwide. Link: http://www.theiia.org/bookstore/product/job-satisfaction-for-internal-auditors-how-to-retain-top-talent-download-pdf-1871.cfm 1. Article based on report became feature (and cover) story in Your Career Compass magazine (published by IIA)—mailed with Internal Auditor magazine and Your Career Compass eNewsletter to IIA membership of 180,000+ members in 190 countries. 2. Summary of report appeared in Journal of Accountancy (published by AICPA): http://www.journalofaccountancy.com/News/201411387.htm. 3. Article also referenced by CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountant) in their magazine www.cgma.org/MAGAZINE/NEWS/PAGES/201411387.ASPX (11/18/2014). 4. Became one of main articles on accounting web (11/2014): http://www.accountingweb.com/article/bramwell%E2%80%99s-lunch-beat-gasb-ready-tackle-lease-accounting-governments/224138 5. Widely read Accounting Today magazine ran story with summary of report along with statement from Richard Chambers (President/CEO, IIA) who spoke about report/findings. Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Memili, E., James, C., Fang, H.C., & H. Buttner (2014). A Global Analysis of the Impact of Family Business Failure, Allocentrism, and Minority Membership on Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectations. Paper accepted and selected for Best Empirical Paper Runner-up Award (announced 2014, to be given at 2015 USASBE conference), Tampa, FL., with E. Memili and H. Buttner -Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Paper-of-Distinction Award. Woo, H. (CARS PhD student) and B. Jin (2014). The Effects of Apparel Brands' Corporate Social Responsibility Practices on Brand Equity Moderated by Culture. International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting, Charlotte, NC (11/2014) -Appointment to inter/national council or advisory board. Advisory board member for The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Seoul, Korea (2014). Publication of an authored/co-authored/edited book by established academic/trade press. Global Entrepreneurship: Environment and Strategy (2014), New York: Routledge (selected as Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine). -Publication of an authored/co-authored/edited book by established academic/trade press. Recent Developments in the Economics of Science and Innovation (edited with C. Antonelli) (2014), London: Edward Elgar. - Selection as visiting writer, scholar, or artist in residence at inter/national venue. Received 2014 grant from Kauffman Foundation to organize conference of international scholars on broad topic of nascent entrepreneurship. This led to co-sponsorship from the National Research Council of the National Academies. NRC will host the conference at the National Academy of Sciences in DC in June (2015) with many staffers from Capitol Hill and OSTP expected to be in attendance. BRYAN Memili, Esra BRYAN Min, Seoha BRYAN BRYAN Palvia, Prashant Van Hasselt, Martijn BRYAN Watchravesringkan, Kittichai BRYAN Welsh, Dianne BRYAN Yurchisin, Jennifer HHS HHS Baker, Stephanie Beverly, Lee - Invitation to deliver inter/national named lecture. Proposed to OECD Director to host world conference on “Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Enterprise Dynamics”—conference was funded (2014) by the European Commission. Dr. Link co-organized event at OECD (12/2014), involving international/multi-disciplinary group of leading scholars who addressed assemblage of OECD Working Party on Industry Analysis/ European Commission Institute on Technological Studies. Dr. Link was invited to deliver Keynote Address on the topic of ideation. - Appointment to inter/national council or advisory board. Appointed to Advisory Panel of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the study of economic development strategies for the International Space Station (2014). Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. - Memili, E., Misra, K., Chang, E.P.C., & J.J. Chrisman (2014). The propensity to use non-family managers’ incentive compensation in small and medium size family firms. Journal of Family Business Management, Special Issue, 3(1): 62-80. Paper selected as the Outstanding Paper of 2013 and award provided by Journal of Family Business Management in 2014. - Fang, H.C., Memili, E., Chrisman, J.J., & A. De Massis (2014). The Prevalence of Small-to-Medium Size Family-Owned Firms and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis. Paper presented and selected for USASBE 2014 Best Entrepreneurship and Public Policy Paper Award at USASBE 2014 conference, Fort Worth -Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Paper presented and selected for USASBE 2014 Best Family Business Paper Award at USASBE 2014 conference, Fort Worth, TX. Fang, H.C., Memili, E., & D. Welsh (2014). A Longitudinal Analysis of the Innovation Process in Publicly-Traded Family Firms, with D. Welsh, MEHT - Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. (2014). A Global Analysis of the Impact of Family Business Failure, Allocentrism, and Minority Membership on Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectations. Paper accepted and selected for Best Empirical Paper Runner-up Award (announced 2014, to be given at 2015 USASBE conference), Tampa, FL., with C. James and H. Buttner - Artistic/design exhibition that receives inter/national recognitions. Exhibited their work at following international juried exhibit: (2014). Man Ray’s Queen City Dress. 2014 Live Gallery Exhibit, International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, NC., with J. Yurshisin Exhibited her work at following international juried exhibit: - (2014). Spirit of Modern Shaman. 2014 Live Gallery Exhibit, International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, NC. -(2014). Memories of a flowering moment. 2014 SFTI International Conference and the International Invited Fashion Exhibition 19th, Diliman, Philippine (invited). -(2014). Larmes. The Original, the 13th Fashion group of Seoul National University Collection, Seoul Art Centre, HanGaram Art Museum, Seoul, Korea (received Korean national press). Appointment to inter/national council or advisory board. Appointed Executive Advisor for the Global Information Technology Management Association (www.gitma.org) (2014). Principal Investigator on major research grant or receipt of multi-year career development award. Awarded 2-year ($288,307) NIH Developmental and Exploratory grant (R21) "An Innovative Method to Account for Non-Adherence in Treatment Evaluation" (2014). -Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Paper-of-Distinction Award. Developing Curriculum to Foster Students' Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Small Business Skills from a Global Perspective: A Report on Project Products, Results, and Outcomes. International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting, Charlotte, NC (11/2014), with N. Hodges and J. Yurchisin -Best Paper Runner-up Award. A Conceptual Framework for Entrepreneurial Responses to Neo-Luxury Services Consumers” 7th International Conference on Services Management, Macau, China (12/2014), with B. Canziani and J. Yurchisin -Named the Fulbright-Hall Distinguished Chair in Entrepreneurship for Central Europe -Publication of an authored/co-authored/edited book by established academic/trade press. Creative Cross-Disciplinary Entrepreneurship: A Practical Guide for a Campus Wide Program (12/2014), New York: Palgrave MacMillan. -Election as fellow/officer in inter/national professional association. 1. Division President, Technology & Innovation Management Division, Academy of Management (~3,000 members in TIM division, largest/most prestigious organization in management field with 19,000+ members) (2014-2015). 2. President, Small Business Institute (National President, 2013-2014). -Recognition of applied scholarship through inter/national fellowship or award. Recipient of Leavey Award by Freedoms Foundation for Private Enterprise Education (UNCG Spartan Trader) (May 2014). -Invitation to deliver inter/national named lecture. 1. Keynote Speaker, 37th Annual Leavey Awards Class, Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA (May 2014). 2. Invited Keynote Speaker, Entrepreneurial Librarians Conference, Wake Forest University (Oct. 2014). 3. Invited Keynote Speaker, Entrepreneurial Librarians Conference, Wake Forest University (Oct. 2014). - Recognition by inter/national journal/organization for impact of article/ conference paper. Paper presented and selected for USASBE 2014 Best Family Business Paper Award at USASBE 2014 conference, Fort Worth, TX. Fang, H.C., Memili, E., & D. Welsh (2014). A Longitudinal Analysis of the Innovation Process in Publicly-Traded Family Firms with E. Memili, MEHT -Artistic/design exhibition that receives inter/national recognitions. Exhibited their work at following international juried exhibit: (2014). Man Ray’s Queen City Dress. 2014 Live Gallery Exhibit, International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, NC., with S. Min - Paper-of-Distinction Award. Developing Curriculum to Foster Students' Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Small Business Skills from a Global Perspective: A Report on Project Products, Results, and Outcomes. International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting, Charlotte, NC (11/2014), with N. Hodges and K. Watchravesringkan - Best Paper Award in Teaching Track. “Student Consulting and Critical Thinking: Monitoring the Use of Judgment Heuristics,” Annual Conference of the Small Business Institute®, Las Vegas, NV (2/2014) with B. Canziani and K. Watchravesringkan Election as a fellow or officer in a national or international professional association: elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of Accredited Public Health Programs Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on a $633,589 grant from the NIH on “Hypoglycemia-induces changes in the VMH (ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus) glucose metabolome and HAAF (hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure)” (continuation funding) HHS Bibeau, Dan HHS Brown, Natasha HHS Calkins, Susan HHS Coard, Stephanie HHS Crosby, Danielle HHS Dennison, Susan HHS Duffy, Donna HHS Ennis, Cathy HHS Erausquin, Jennifer HHS HHS Erikson, Keith Etnier, Jennifer HHS Flynn, Perry HHS Gill, Diane HHS Gold, Laurie HHS HHS Haldeman, Lauren Hestenes, Linda HHS HHS Hooper, Celia Kamhi, Alan HHS LaParo, Karen HHS Leerkes, Esther HHS HHS Lovelady, Cheryl Lundgren, Kristine Recognition of applied scholarship through a national or international fellowship or award: received 2014-2015 Coleman Foundation Entrepreneurship Fellowships. All were recognized at the Fellows Summit in Chicago in August 2014, with D Duffy and S. Morrison Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board: -President-elect of the Society for the Applied Analysis of African American Public Health Issues (SAAPHI) - appointed as an Ad hoc review panelist on the NIH/National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Initiative “Tools for Educating Children about Clinical Research” -Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: PI on a $4,052,415 grant from the NIH for her project “Developmental trajectories of early behavior problems” (continuation funding) -Recognition by UNCG Student Government Association: recognized by the UNCG Student Government Association as one of the 10 most influential faculty members at UNCG Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board: invited to participate at the American Psychological Association meeting on “Pathways to Behavioral Health Equity: Addressing Disparities in Men and Boys of Color.” Other invitees are all noted scholars with prestigious and strong national reputations Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: PI on a “Race to the Top” grant funded by the North Carolina DHHS, Division of Child Development and Early Education. These Associate Professors are Principal Investigators, with LaParo, Hestenes, Mims Publication of an authored, co-authored, or edited book by an established academic or trade press: for the publication of their book Faculty Mentoring: A Practical Manual for Mentors, Mentees, Administrators and Faculty Developers. Stylus Publishing, Virginia, with S. Phillips -Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: PI on a $69,000 grant from the Women's Football Foundation to conduct injury research for the Independent Women’s Football League (IWFL) - Recognition of applied scholarship through a national or international fellowship or award: received 2014-2015 Coleman Foundation Entrepreneurship Fellowships. All were recognized at the Fellows Summit in Chicago in August 2014, with S. Morrison and D. Bibeau -Receipt of a major career award such as Distinguished Scientific Contribution or Lifetime Achievement Award: received the Distinguished Service Award from the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) Research Consortium - Election as a fellow or officer in a national or international professional association: elected President of the National Academy of Kinesiology Recognition by a national or international journal or organization for the impact of an article or conference paper: article “Program to Improve Young Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Consumption” in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior was the Most Read and Most Downloaded article of the journal Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board: was appointed as Associate Editor for the Nutritional Neuroscience journal -Election as a fellow or officer in a national or international professional association: elected President-Elect of North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) -Invitation to deliver a national or international named lecture: delivered the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) Sport and Exercise Psychology Senior Lecture -Recognition by a national or international journal or organization for the impact of an article or conference paper: received the American Speech and Hearing (ASHA) 2014 Editors Award for his publication “Evidence Based Practices in Schools: Findings of a National Survey” -Election as a fellow or officer in a national or international professional association: was elected as Chair of the American Speech and Hearing (ASHA) Speech-Language Advisory Council -Receipt of a major career award such as Distinguished Scientific Contribution or Lifetime Achievement Award: received the Distinguished Scholar Award from the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) -Election as a fellow or officer in a national or international professional association: elected Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) -Invitation to deliver a national or international named lecture: -delivered the Dorothy V. Harris Memorial Lecture presented at Penn State University, University Park, PA -was the invited keynote address at the 2014 Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP) International Congress. Tokyo Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is the lead PI on a $365,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health for “Pathways from Childhood Self-Regulation to Cardiovascular Risk” Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board: was appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nutritional Education and Behavior (the premier journal in her field) Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on a “Race to the Top” grant funded by the North Carolina DHHS, Division of Child Development and Early Education. These Associate Professors are Principal Investigators, with Crosby, LaParo, Mims Election as a fellow or officer in a national or international professional association: re-elected as Secretary of the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions Receipt of a major career award such as Distinguished Scientific Contribution or Lifetime Achievement Award: received the Honors of the Association from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA), the highest honor the Association bestows in recognition of a lifetime of work. Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on a “Race to the Top” grant funded by the North Carolina DHHS, Division of Child Development and Early Education. These Associate Professors are Principal Investigators. All are HDF faculty, with Crosby, Hestenes, Mims -Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on a grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development for her project “Identifying Genetic Risk for Maternal Insensitivity and Infant Dysregulation” for $388,598 (continuation funding) - is PI on a grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development for her project “Biological and Behavioral Predictors of Early School Success” for $2,137,544 (continuation funding). Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board: was appointed as Chair of the Lactation Research Interest Section of the American Society for Nutrition Recognition of applied scholarship through a national or international fellowship or award: with He, (listed with SOE) Associate Professor in the School of Education received the FulbrightHays Group Projects Abroad (GPA) award from the Department of Education to fund an international, interprofessional education project in Shanghai, China HHS HHS McIntosh, Michael Mills-Koonce, Roger Selected as UNCG’s 2014 nominee for the O. Max Gardner Award, the highest UNC-BOG faculty award Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on a $662,738 grant from the NIH to study “Integrating demography and biosocial stress models of LGBTI family formation” (continuation funding) Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on a “Race to the Top” grant funded by the North Carolina DHHS, Division of Child Development and Early Education. These Associate Professors are Principal Investigators, with Crosby, Hestenes, LaParo Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board: was appointed as Chair of the Nutrient Gene Interaction Research Interest Section of the American Society for Nutrition Recognition of applied scholarship through a national or international fellowship or award: received 2014-2015 Coleman Foundation Entrepreneurship Fellowships. All were recognized at the Fellows Summit in Chicago in August 2014, with D. Bibeau and D. Duffy -Invitation to attend a colloquium in recognition of applied scholarship: invited to participate in a Colloquium at Baylor University on “Congregational Social Work with Older Persons” in recognition for their applied scholarship on the Congregational Social Work Education Initiative (CSWEI) with J. Poole -Recognition of applied scholarship in a national publication: recognized by Social Work Today – a national newsmagazine committed to enhancing the entire social work profession by exploring current successes and new challenges. Jay and Fran were recognized for the Congregational Social Work Education Initiative (CSWEI) where UNCG and NC A & T social work students partner with nurses in faith-based communities to provide services to the underserved. This project has been continuously funded for seven years by the Cone Health Foundation with J. Poole Publication of an authored, co-authored, or edited book by an established academic or trade press: for the publication of their book Faculty Mentoring: A Practical Manual for Mentors, Mentees, Administrators and Faculty Developers. Stylus Publishing, Virginia, with S. Dennison -Invitation to attend a colloquium in recognition of applied scholarship: invited to participate in a Colloquium at Baylor University on “Congregational Social Work with Older Persons” in recognition for their applied scholarship on the Congregational Social Work Education Initiative (CSWEI) with F. Pearson --Recognition of applied scholarship in a national publication: recognized by Social Work Today – a national newsmagazine committed to enhancing the entire social work profession by exploring current successes and new challenges. Jay and Fran were recognized for the Congregational Social Work Education Initiative (CSWEI) where UNCG and NC A & T social work students partner with nurses in faith-based communities to provide services to the underserved. This project has been continuously funded for seven years by the Cone Health Foundation with F. Pearson Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: received a $100,000 grant from the Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU) for “Data Analysis Subcontract with Scientific Applications International Corporation” Election as a fellow or officer in a national or international professional association: was elected Fellow of the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) -Receipt of a major career award such as Distinguished Scientific Contribution or Lifetime Achievement Award: received the Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research from the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) Research Foundation -Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board- was appointed to the Board of Directors of the American Kinesiology Association Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: are PI and Co-PI on a $364,418 grant titled “Picture me Alcohol Free: Engaging Youth in Community-Based Prevention” funded by the National Institute of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, with D. Wyrick Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on the NIH Adolescent Trials Network grant ($20,289): CATCH – Comprehensive Assessment and Coordination for HIV-Positive Youth as they move from Adolescent to Adult Care. Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI on an $855,103 grant from the Templeton Foundation for his research on “Gratitude, wellbeing, and the decline of materialism. Recognition by a national or international journal or organization for the impact of an article or conference paper: recognized for her article “Examining maternal and paternal involvement as promotive factors of competence in African American children in informal kinship care” which was published in Children and Youth Services Review, her discipline’s most prestigious journal. Appointment to a national or international council or advisory board: appointed to the editorial board of Cultura Ciencia Deporte Journal (CCD Recognition of a state organization for contributions to the medical profession and the public health: he, along with Rev. Odell Cleveland received the John Huske Anderson Award from the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) for their contributions to the production of the NCMS’ Accountable Care Guide for Community Health Partners. His contributions provided a foundation for community health partnerships that will be critical to the success of value-driven health care Principal Investigator/Co-PI on a major research grant or receipt of a multi-year career development award: is PI and Co-PI on a $364,418 grant titled “Picture me Alcohol Free: Engaging Youth in Community-Based Prevention” funded by the National Institute of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, with B. Strack HHS Mims, Sharon HHS HHS Morrison, Ron Morrison, Sharon HHS Pearson, Fran HHS Phillips, Susan HHS Poole, Jay HHS Rhea, Chris HHS HHS Ross, Scott Shultz, Sandy HHS Strack, Bob HHS Tanner, Amanda HHS Tudge, Jonathan HHS Washington, Tyreasa HHS HHS Williams, Kathy Wineburg, Bob HHS Wyrick, David JSNN JSNN Herr, Daniel Joseph Starobin "Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications", A.D. Kelkar, D.J.C. Herr & J. G. Ryan. His role as section leader for: SIA Technology Roadmap. U.S. Patent 8,855,787 issued 10/7/14. Joseph M. Starobin and Vivek Varadarajan, "Method and System of Stimulation of Nerve Tissue with a Sequence of Spatially Distributed Resonant Sub-Threshold Electrical Stimuli. SOE SOE SOE SOE Ackerman, Terry Bettez, Silvia Bird, Nora Carlone, Heidi Chair-Elect for the Psychometric Society American Educational Studies Association Critics' Choice Award for her book, "But Don’t Call Me White: Mixed Race Women Exposing Nuances of Privilege and Oppression Politics.” Academic and Cultural Enrichment (ACE) Scholars: New Americans Educated for Community College, Institute of Museum and Library Services -Engineering is Elementary (contract with Museum of Science, Boston) -Ethnographies of science education: Situated practices of science learning for social/political transformation. New York, NY: Routledge. (Republished as part of Routledge’s Special Issues as Books). Brandt, C., & Carlone, H.B. (2014) -Invitation to serve as keynote at Nordic Network for Researchers (Cultural, political, and social perspectives on science education) at Malmö University, Sweden. Talk was entitled: Cultural production of smartness in science learning settings. SOE SOE SOE SOE SOE SOE Chu, Clara Compton, Mary Gillis, Margaret Gonzalez, Laura He, Ye (Jane) Henson, Robert Elected President of Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Salus University subaward for student doctoral Fellowship (tuition and stipend), Salus University (SU) / DoED Preparing Post‐Baccalaureate Early Interventionists/Early Childhood Educators for Working with ALL Children, DOED OSERS Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Latino Parents Learning About College (LaP‐LAC), Kate B Reynolds Charitable Trust Experiencing China: Designing Curriculum Activities for All Learners, DOED Office of Postsecondary Education Development of Accessible IRT‐Based Models and Methodologies for Improving the Breadth and Accuracy of Item Option‐Scored Diagnostic Assessments, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) / DoED IES Un/Anticipated and Un/Intended Consequences of the Use of Student Growth Measures for Educator Evaluation: A Multi‐State, Mixed Methods Study, Spencer Foundation Theorizing and Advancing Teachers' Responsive Decision Making in the Domain of Rational Numbers, University of Texas at Austin / NSF Teach, Lead, and Collaborate: Serving Students with Significant Intellectual Disabilities (Project TLC), DOED OSERS Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), with P. Williamson - Received the Exemplary Research in Social Studies Award from the National Council for the Social Studies - Received the Early Career Award from the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies - Received the SITE/NTLI Exemplary Technology Paper Award from the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies Full‐Scale Development Project: Herpetology Education in Rural Places and Spaces (HERPS), National Science Foundation (NSF) -Professional Leadership Award, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision -Enhancing evidence‐based clinical internships for 75 master's‐level counselors working with at-risk youth, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Transforming Teaching through Technology (TTtT), DOED Office of Innovation and Improvement, with K. Wixson -UNCG LINK‐2‐LEAD, DOED Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) -Elected to Council for Exceptional Children’s Teacher Education Division’s presidential line. Medal for "Enormous Contributions to Educational Thought" from the School of Education, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. Making for Change: Becoming Community Engineering Experts through Makerspaces and Youth Ethnography, Michigan State University / NSF -Enhancing evidence‐based clinical internships for 75 master's‐level counselors working with at-risk youth, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) -Research in Counselor Education and Supervision Award, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Teach, Lead, and Collaborate: Serving Students with Significant Intellectual Disabilities (Project TLC), DOED OSERS Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). with B. Jamenez Contextual Research ‐ Empirical: Building a Conceptual Model of Learning‐Trajectory Based Instruction sub, North Carolina State University (NCSU) / NSF Transforming Teaching through Technology (TTtT), DOED Office of Innovation and Improvement, with C. O’Connor SOE SOE SOE Hewitt, Kimberly Jacobs, Victoria Jimenez, Bree Journell, Wayne SOE SOE Matthews, Catherine Mobley, Keith SOE SOE O'Connor, Christina Rock, Marcia SOE SOE SOE Shapiro, Svi Tan, Edna Wester, Kelly SOE SOE SOE Williamson, Pamela Wilson, Peter (Holt) Wixson, Karen SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD Allard, Janet Bagley, Marjorie Barret, Ashley Bell, Deborah Burke, Kelly SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD SMTD Carr, Revell Fisher, James Gabriel, Denise Geraldi, Kevin Hodges, Donald Holley, David Lee, Brandon Lopez, Fabian MacLeod, Rebecca Morris, Christine Rawls, Scott Rubinoff, Kailan Sullivan, B.J. Teachout, David Wells, Robert Wren, James Selected for a residency at the Rhinebeck Writers Retreat. Selected to perform and teach at the Brevard Music Festival. Performs with the Greensboro Symphony: principal oboist. Contributed two essays to the book Tradition and Innovation that was published in 2014 -Her book Mask Makers and Their Craft was just reprinted. Performs with the Greensboro Symphony: principal clarinetist. Professor Burke was also a concerto soloist with the Greensboro Symphony Orchestra performing Carl Maria von Weber Fantasia and Rondo. Book Hawaiian Music in Motion: Mariners, Missionaries and Minstrels was published in 2014. Had a large number of articles and book reviews published in 2014 and did the final edit work for a new book that will appear in 2015. Served Triad Stage, a professional Equity Theatre, as a movement director. Conducted an outstanding performance of Yale University Composer Christopher Theofanidis’s masterwork The Here and Now with the UNCG Symphony. Served as Vice President of the International Society for Music Medicine. Current president of the National Opera Association. Performed on tour with the Christian McBride Big Band in China and Japan. Performs regularly with the Carlos Chavez String Quartet in Mexico City. Selected as the 2014 American String Teacher Association’s Research of the Year. Served Triad Stage, a professional Equity Theatre, as both an actress and voice coach. Performs with the Greensboro Symphony: principal violist. Selected to perform and teach at the Brevard Music Festival. Article in Music and Protest 1968 won the American Musicological Society’s Ruth Solie Award in 2014. Invited member of the American Dance Legacy Initiative. Co-authored a new book The Journey from Music Student to Teacher: A Professional Approach that was published in 2014. Member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Served Triad Stage, a professional Equity Theatre, by providing combat choreography. SON SON SON SON Côté-Arsenault, Denise Cowen, Kay Davis, Leslie Hu, Jie Elected to Board of Directors, Pregnancy Loss & Infant Death Alliance Co-Author of textbook, Maternal & Child Nursing Care, 4th Ed., Publisher: Pearson Named as the nursing representative for the National Cardiovascular Data Registry - Inducted as Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing SON SON SON Hyde, Yolanda Ivanov, Louise Kennedy-Malone, Laurie SON SON SON SON SON Krowchuk, Heidi Letvak, Susan Lewallen, Lynne Van Horn, Elizabeth Wallace, Debra - Invited as an extraordinary minority researcher and presented "Research with Chinese Elders" at UCLA School of Nursing 2014 Student Research Day - Two published articles in diabetes for Hispanics with diabetes and their family members were rated as the top 1 and top 7 articles in the area of diabetes self-management. Elected President of the NC National League for Nursing Inducted as Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing Textbook Award- Book of the Year Awards American Journal of Nursing, Advanced Practice Nursing in the Care of Older Adults, By Laurie Kennedy-Malone, Kathleen Ryan Fletcher, and Lori Martin-Plank. Philadelphia, F.A. Davis Co. SciWorks Radio, National Public Radio, “Importance of Human Interaction in Neuro-cognitive Development in 1st Years of Life” Received a three year HRSA grant to provide an accelerated BSN program to medically trained veterans NLN Research Grant, “Research Synthesis of Clinical Evaluation in Nursing Education” NLN Research Grant, “Research Synthesis of Clinical Evaluation in Nursing Education” Appointed (invited) to be on the CMS grant review team for Innovations in Health Care Delivery program. University Libraries University Libraries University Libraries University Libraries University Libraries University Libraries Bazirjian, Rosann Elected as a Global Council Delegate to the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) Bucknall, Tim Winner of The Association of College and Research Libraries, Librarian of the Year Award Craft, Anna Appointed to Online Computer Library Center, Global Metadata Advisory Group Crowe, Kathy Invited keynote speaker at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Holmes, Gerald Winner of the 2014 American Library Association Achievement in Library Diversity honoree Kellam, Lynda Elected to national council, Administrative Council of International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) kwa 3/30/15