the application form.


the application form.
Randy Yarber Missions Scholarship
 Purpose: To reward a Great Commission-minded believer, who serves others “above and beyond,”
in a way that brings glory to Jesus Christ with a summer short-term missions trip scholarship of up to
 Applicants: 16-22 year olds from North or South Carolina
 Application window: January 1 – March 15. Interviews with three finalists will be held between
March 15 and 30
 Award Date: April 15
Applicant Information (please print) Name: ______________________________________________
Date of Birth: __________________________ Phone: _______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________
Home church: ________________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about Above & Beyond?  Church Leader Friend Website Other ___________
Pastor or Ministry Leader who will serve as your reference: They will be sent a reference form to
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Missions trip details
Organization coordinating missions trip, if different from your home church: _____________________
Missions team leader: _____________________________ Daytime phone: ______________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________
Destination country: _______________________________________ Team fee: __________________
Mission trip focus: ____________________________________________________________________
Application Essays
Please respond to these questions. You may attach an additional page to this application if necessary.
1. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior? ____yes ___no
If yes, concisely, describe your faith journey and what it means to you be a follower of Christ’s.
2. Why do you want to serve on this missions team and what is the greatest quality you will bring
to the team?
3. Have you served on a previous missions team? ____yes ____no
If yes, where and how did you see God at work?
4. What do you think it means to live with an “above and beyond” attitude and how does your life
reflect that attitude?
5. In the past six months how have you been serving others and sharing the love of Christ in your
Please mail or email your completed application to one of the addresses below. Upon receipt, you will
receive a confirmation email.
[email protected] or
Above & Beyond
9735 Caldwell Commons Circle
Suite 101
Cornelius, NC 28031