Sunday 10th May 2015 WELCOME


Sunday 10th May 2015 WELCOME
Sunday 10th May 2015
WELCOME - A very warm welcome to everyone today. If you are new to Aldridge Parish Church, we would love you to fill in a
‘Welcome’ card, which you will find at the back of church. We will be in touch to welcome you and let you know about events that
might interest you. You can also pick up our ‘Welcome Pack’ from the information point or visit for
a full picture of what we do or contact the church office if you have a specific query.
Verse for the Year: ‘Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Colossians 3:17
Sunday 10th May
10.00am – Holy Communion – Lectionary: John 15: 9-17
12.30pm - Baptisms
6.30pm – Evening Worship – Lectionary: John 6: 29.40
Archdeacon’s Visitation at The Beacon Church – Pheasey : Monday 11th May.
Pentrenant Meeting – Monday 11th May 7.30pm in church centre – meeting room above office.
Wednesday Worship –13th May at 10.30am in church.
Alpha – Wednesday 13th May – 7.30pm in church centre. please see Rob Cook for further information.
Sunday 17th May
10.00am – Morning Worship – Lectionary: John 15: 18-25
6.30pm – Holy Communion – Lectionary: Matt 28: 16 - end
Official Opening of Church Centre: The Bishop of Lichfield will conduct the opening ceremony and dedication on Sunday 7 th June
at 3pm followed by refreshments. The evening service will also take place in the centre, starting at 5pm.
Diary Note : Wednesday 17th June – Evening with Adrian Plass tickets £12 (£10 concessions – students/OAP’s) available on line,
from the office or speak to Rob Cook after a Sunday service.
The Goodness of God Celebration – Saturday 4th September at Bethel Convention Centre in West Bromwich. An invitation from
Bishop Jonathan to a day of learning, fun and thanksgiving to the Lord for His goodness and His abundant love. If you would like to
attend this event, please put your details on the form at the back of church. The parish has been allocated a guaranteed number
of places, so please complete your details before 1 st May to help with sorting the allocation. Thank you.
Giving Envelopes – Envelopes for 2015 are available at the back of church, if you make your regular giving this way please
collect your new envelopes.
Aldridge Youth Fellowship - could you join our leaders' team? Did you know APC has a vibrant youth fellowship with around 120
teenagers attending every Friday evening? And then a Sunday evening group where 20-25 teenagers meet to explore faith in a
deeper way? They are such fun to be with! We're looking for new leaders to join the existing team of 7 in this really rewarding
ministry. You don't need to be young to join our team but you do need quite a lot of energy! Take a look at the role description on
the notice board near the sound desk and speak to one of us if you'd like to explore whether God is calling you to join us.
Contact: Andy & Kate Watson 01922 447771 or Rob Cook 07739 878303
Notice Sheet Our notice sheet is available by email. Please email the church office if you would like to be on the distribution list.
A limited number of copies are available for those who do not have email access or who would prefer to collect a copy in church.
Our notices are also on our website and copies of the monthly notice sheet, with full details of our
services, regular activities and contact information, are also available at the Information Point in church.
Global and Local Outreach (GLO) Mission Focus for May is the work of the Hothouse
Please pray for the following:Give thanks for the volunteers who support the work of the Hothouse week by week, helping to lead sessions for children
alongside the staff members, Gary Daniel and Rachel Ruane. Please pray for more people to join this exciting and developing
Give thanks for the work done by Debbie Flenley as Community Support Worker and for the growth of the discipleship groups for
ladies. Debbie has now moved to a similar post in Streetly so please pray for Joan Gorman and other volunteers who will now
support work with the adults who come to the Hothouse with their families.
Give thanks for a growth in discipleship – discipleship that goes deeper. Please pray for the Trustees.
Prayer Diary 2015
Monday: This morning the parish wide staff team meet together, pray that God will bless their time that they may be encouraged
to work out what God is saying about their individual gifts and ministries and that there will also be unity across the parish as we
seek to build God’s kingdom. Tonight all the warden’s attend the Archdeacon’s visitation to recognise their role for the coming
year. Pray that God would give them wisdom and vision.
Tuesday: This week is the first week of “Pray for Schools” fortnight. Think of a school that you have links with either through work,
or family and ask God to bless it and to strengthen those who work within it as they teach and influence the lives of our future
generation. Many children and young people will be doing exams this week, (Year 6 SATS) and in the coming months, (GCSE’s,
A/AS levels, school and university exams) pray that God will enable them to work to the best of their ability without becoming
Wednesday: Alpha takes place tonight, ask God to really speak into the lives of those who are there and that they will feel free to
ask the questions on their hearts and find God to be the answer to their needs. Also Cooper and Jordan governors meet tonight in
our Church Centre; pray for wisdom as they make decisions about the school and for strengthening of the links between the
church and the school.
Thursday: Pray for people in our church family who are carers for relatives or who have concerns about the health of family
members. Ask God to give them patience, love and cheerfulness and the ability to make the right choices when necessary. Thank
God for those who work in Caring Professions. This week is Deaf Awareness week, if you know someone who is deaf pray for them
that God would bless them and give them the help needed to manage their disability.
Friday: Pray for John Gilbert who is in Southern Sudan this week, travelling back on Sunday. Pray that God will enable him to
complete the work he has prepared to do this visit. Pray for his safety in travel during his return trip. Bring one of our missionary
links that you have a special interest in to the Lord for his guidance, protection and encouragement.
Saturday: Several families in our church are awaiting the arrival of or just had a baby. Pray for safe, happy, healthy deliveries and
for joy, energy and peace as families adjust to new circumstances. Thank God for all the youngsters in our church who can be
shown and taught about the love of God; and for the work amongst our senior citizens through Oasis, nursing home services and
visiting folk who are housebound that they too would feel the goodness of God and come to love Him.
Sunday: Today we have the opportunity to share lunch together in Sunday Munch, such a lovely time of fellowship. Pray that God
would use this time for the mutual encouragement and building up of one another. Be part of it if you can. Pray for the Holy
Spirit’s anointing on all who take part in our services today, for his glory and the building of his kingdom.
Also, through the week please pray for those who are unwell, including Joan Arrowsmith, Rob Cook (who starts treatment this
week), Clare Eveleigh, Elaine Fry, Lou Humphries, Tina Jones, Cliff Lavender, Eliott Cook, Bob Richardson, Jill Sprason, Brian
Trimmer, Brian Poller, Claire Daniel, & James Wolffsohn. Pray too for those who have been bereaved recently, we especially
remember the family and friends of Michael Barrett, a long standing member of St Thomas’. Also the family of Malcolm Hunt
especially Linda, Dave and Dena and the family of Irene Giles, whose funeral will be next Wednesday 13 th May.