Notice Sheet - Dereham Baptist Church
Notice Sheet - Dereham Baptist Church
Lost Property There is quite a lot of lost items in the box by the door through to the disabled & ladies toilet. Please check to see if anything belongs to you. Students. Please pray for our students at University, the second term in any year can be very tough and they need our prayers. Thank you. Meal on Saturday 14th March 10.30am-3pm “Seeing through new eyes”, an opportunity to come along to take a fresh look at crafting, have a foot spa and make new friends. The speaker is Angela Almond. Lunch and all materials will be provided. Pray about bringing along a friend from outside the church. Church Flowers There is now a new rota for any one who would like to place flowers in the church , please just add your name to any chosen date. If you have any questions or need any help then please contact me on 01362 869099 . The flower rota can be found on the wall by the kitchen entrance . Thank you , Pat Williams BMS ask us to pray for Albania Following years of political polarisation that slowed reforms, Albania has at last joined its Balkan peers on the road to European Union membership. Candidate status was finally granted last June, although it will be years before full membership can be achieved. Much ground will need to be covered first, particularly in the fight against crime and corruption, in what remains one of Europe’s poorest countries. For Connect Groups Spend some time in prayer asking God to take control of your time together and that he opens your eyes so you can see things from a spiritual point of view. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Paul & Ruth—There is a newsletter available by the back door, or ask Barbara in the office for a copy. EBA ask us to pray for Carleton Rode We praise the Lord for the recent significant growth in both the official membership of the church and in the number of people attending services. This has led us to carry out a 'gifting survey' at this time, to try and ensure that each person can fulfil the role for which God has equipped them within church life. Please pray that this process will prove to be helpful and beneficial in the work of God's Kingdom, so that our worship and witness will be more effective. Other prayer requests:1) Please pray for the salvation of the many who come regularly to the Coffee Shop and monthly community meal. 2) Please pray for our pastor Mark Taylor, who continues to face ongoing health issues, and his family. 3) Please pray about the difficult and costly decisions which will have to be made at some stage concerning our church building. 5. How aware are we of the spiritual world as depicted in Ephesian 6:12 Which are the areas that Satan has tried to influence in our society? According to 2Corithians 10:4. How can Satan’s attacks be destroyed? How important is for us as we are engaged in spiritual battle to listen to V.17 and V.23 of Luke chapter 11? What is Jesus saying in 11:28 as he wraps up the text? Have Fun! Please Note information for the weekly notice sheet needs to be given to the Church Office by Thursday. email: [email protected] . Church Contacts Church Annexe, Norwich Street, Dereham, NR19 1BX Phone:01362 695221 Open 10-12 Mon—Fri email: [email protected] Ministers: Rev: Chris Densham email:[email protected] Rev. Jorge Damasceno email:[email protected] Counselling Service: Phone 01362 851101 Pastoral Contacts: Richard & Frances Cracknell 696214 Or Barbara Yaxley—Church Office 695221 or 695847 Youth Work Contact: Andrew Frere-Smith—690941 email: [email protected] Week commencing 8th February 2015 Sunday 8th February Welcome to our church .We trust you enjoy being with us today and hope you will be able to join us again in worship. Please join us for refreshments after the service. Early Service 9am Morning Worship 10.30am Rev. Jorge Damasceno Luke 11 v.14-54 Little Fishes are at Toftwood Village Hall, Chris is with them today. Each week we have “Connect Groups” meeting in various homes in the area. These informal small groups aim at connecting with God, one another and the local community. If you would like further details, or be part of a new one, please contact the Church Office or speak to one of the Ministers or Elders. Sunday 15th February Morning Worship Rev. Roy Searle 10.30am Reminder to parents: Please remember to collect your children promptly from Kidz Church and that after the Sunday Service it is your responsibility to ensure their safety. Our driveway on a Sunday morning is getting very full. If you are able to park elsewhere in the town it would leave space for those who find difficulty in walking. Would members of the fellowship please remember that the church is hired out to various groups when we are not using it ourselves, so it’s not always convenient for you to park in the drive or to use the toilets. Crèche available upstairs There is a box available for your gifts towards the Lord’s work in the entrance hall. There are people available to pray or talk to after the service. U3A Table Tennis Little Fishes at Toftwood 10-12am 9-11am Tuesday 10th February Work Club Prayer House 9am-11.30am 12-3pm 9.15-11am 9-11am 5.30-7.30pm 7.30pm Thursday 12th February New Directions The Hub for Young People Music Group 12-3pm 4-6pm 7.30pm 10am -1pm 7.30 –9pm 6pm Saturday 14th February Portuguese Speaking Service. Valentine’s Meal at East Tuddenham be with the Lord on Monday. Eveline and the rest of the family really appreciate everyone's support, prayers and love. A thanksgiving service for Donald's life is being held at DBC on Monday February 16th, 4pm, which will follow a family burial. Please wear bright clothes and we would love everyone to stay for tea afterwards. Family flowers only and donations if desired for the Bible Society at the thanksgiving service or c/o RJ Bartram & Son, 17 Theatre Street, Dereham, NR19 2EW. Baptism We are planning a baptismal service on Palm Friday 13th February Coffee Shop Y Friday York House Annual Church Meeting on March 17th when we have the opportunity to elect Elders or Deacons. If you believe there is someone who should stand for either of these roles Anne Hayden has the Nomination Forms. These need to be returned by Sunday March 1st Homecall Donald Clarke has found peace and went to Wednesday 11th February Tots & Tinies Little Fishes at Toftwood E.S.O.L. Youth Connect Group Prayer Day Tuesday February 17th with meetings at church at 10.30am & 7.30pm Monday 9th February 6pm. 7.30pm Sunday March 29th . If you are interested in being baptised please speak to Chris or Jorges. Valentine’s Meal LAST CHANCE to get your tickets from Green Pastures or Barbara in the church Office for the Valentines Meal, Saturday 14th February 2015. Busy Fingers – Craft Club for adults (formerly known as The Crafter’s Club) on the second Monday of the month – 7.30-9.30pm - £1 subs Feb. 9th - Crocheting Spend some time with other crafters whilst working on your own project or try the advertised craft. Please bring, if you have any, crocheting hooks or spare wool. If you haven't, we have some extras plus a 'brooch' pin will be supplied. A relaxed evening of sharing crafts (and cake)! See you soon! Panto with a difference! Performed by young people from North Breckland Youth For Christ at Trinity Methodist Church on Thursday 19th February at 3pm & 7.30pm . Tickets only £3 each or £2 for under 18’s. See their website or speak to Gabi to find out more. Prayer Chains have been updated this week . Those new to the church may not be aware we operate a Church Prayer and Information chain. The email one is an easy and accurate way to get information to lots of people quickly. The phone chain is used just for simple prayer requests. If you want to be added to the email chain please let her have your name and email address. You can email [email protected] Opportunities to serve the Lord! Chairs The chairs need to be stacked to the sides of the room after the Sunday service. Help would be greatly appreciated. ALSO Richard Norman would really appreciate some help with putting the chairs out on Saturday mornings, please ring him if you can help. Tel. 695263 Opportunity to invest in God's Kingdom "Val Dodsworth, who has experience in running a Christian home, and Roger Wells, who with Val has long experience in prison ministry, are linking with the Christian organisation Hope into Action to purchase a house for the use of homeless and ex-offenders in Dereham. They have formed a team of eight men and women from across the Dereham churches who will provide ongoing pastoral and practical support, and hopefully also opportunity for their employment. Christian investors are now sought to provide capital sums to help finance the purchase (with a return of 2% plus capital growth). For more details ask.Roger Wells for the document "Invitation to invest in God's Kingdom..........."