ANTIRAGGING - The Academy of Nursing Sciences & Hospital
ANTIRAGGING - The Academy of Nursing Sciences & Hospital
THE ACADEMY OF NURSING SCIENCES AND HOSPITAL, GWALIOR (M.P) ANTIRAGGING INTRODUCTION THE ACADEMY OF NURSING SCIENCES & HOSPITAL is committed to maintain ragging free atmosphere within or outside of its campus. To achieve this, we have been following all the instructions issued by Indian nursing Council WHAT IS RAGGING? 'Ragging' means display of disorderly conduct, doing of any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raise apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational institution. RAGGING CONSTITUTES…. As per the AICTE Regulations, UGC Regulations dated and direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India “Ragging” constitutes one or more of any of the following acts with or without any intension by any student or group of students ; a) Teasing, abusing, threatening or playing practical jokes on or causing hurt to a student b) Asking a student to do any act or perform something which such student will not, in the ordinary course, willingly, do c) The human rights perspective of ragging involves the injury caused to the fundamental right to human dignity through humiliation heaped on junior students by seniors; often resulting in the extreme step of suicide by the victims d) Wrongful restraint e) Wrongful confinement f) Use of criminal force g) Assault as well as sexual offences or even unnatural offences h) Extortion i) Criminal trespass Ragging has several aspects which include psychological, social, political economic, cultural and academic dimensions. The political aspect of ragging is apparent from the fact that incidents of ragging are low in institutions which promote democratic participation of students in representation and provide an identity to students to participate in governance and decision making within the institute bodies PUNISHMENT FOR RAGGING Administrative action in the event of ragging: The institution shall punish a student found to be guilty of ragging after following procedure: a) Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision following the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad. b) Anti-Ragging Committee may, depending on the nature & gravity of guilt recommends one or more of following punishments namely:i) Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges ii) Withholding or withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits iii) Debarring from appearing in any test/examination iv) With holding results v) Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international event, vi) Suspension/expulsion from the hostel vii) Cancellation of admission viii) Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters ix) Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period. Prevention of Ragging/Anti-ragging measures The college has set up appropriate committees to actively monitor, promote and regulate healthy interaction between the fresher’s, junior and senior students and to prevent ragging. 1) Anti-Ragging Committee: The institution has nominated anti-ragging committee headed by the Principal. It consists of faculty members, representative of parents, and representative of students from freshers and seniors and non-teaching staff. It shall be the duty of antiragging committee to coordinate with various committees to prevent ragging in the institution. 2) 2) Anti-Ragging Squad: It is nominated by the Principal. The anti-ragging squad shall remain mobile, alert & active at all times to maintain vigilance & patrolling. It shall make surprise raids on hostels and other places vulnerable to incidents of ragging. It shall investigate incidents of ragging & report to anti-ragging committee. 3) Monitoring cell: The institution has monitoring cell on ragging to coordinate with activities of anti-ragging committee, Squads and Mentoring cell about conducting orientation programmes, counseling sessions, incidents of ragging & problems faced by officials. It shall be prime mover for initiating action to facilitate the implementation of antiragging measures at the level of institution. 4) Display: The names of anti-ragging committee members, anti-ragging squad members & hostel wardens are displayed in bold letters on first year BSc nursing, GNM, P.B.BSc, ANM and M.Sc nursing notice boards along with their contact numbers. 5) Affidavit from students and parents: The affidavit from each student and his/her parent is obtained and the copies are available in the office in UGC format. 6) Complaint Boxes: For newly admitted students and for students who want to be anonymous in their complaints, the complaint boxes installed in the college as well as in the hostel. National Anti ragging helpline 1800-1805522 (Toll free) Email: - [email protected] Institute helpline no. 0751-2437080/2455060 Email: - [email protected] ANTI-RAGGING COMMITTEE S.No. Name Mobile No. 1 Mrs. Uma Maheswari 9303809312 2 Mrs. Poonam Thakur Khan 7879799908 3 Mrs. Treeza Charming Rae 8435656356 4 Mr. Jay Kumar 9993288142 5 Mr. Bharat Kumar Patel 9200002020 ANTI-RAGGING SQUAD S.No. Name Mobile No. 1 Ms. Magamai Margrate 8962549342 2 Mr. Manoj Sharma 8878103588 3 Mr. Raj Amit 8109988470 4 Mr. Amjad Pathan 7879337237 5 Mr. Juber Ahmad 9713212954 Anti-Ragging cell (Members & Mob.No) S.No Name Mobile No. 1. Mrs. Uma Maheswari 9303809312 2. Mrs. Poonam Thakur Khan 7879799908 3. Mrs. Treeza Charming Rae 8435656356 4. Mr.Hemant Dubey 7828783891 5. Mr.Abhisek jain 8989020866 6. Mr.Bharat Kumar Patel 9200002020 7. Mr. Juber Ahmed 9713212954 8. Mr. Taufeeq Khan 9074011894 9. Ms. Ruby Punuswami 9643095368 10. Mr. Sandeep Kumar 9202282596 11. Ms. Vandana Kushwah 8982688621 12. Mr. Amjad Pathan 7879737237 13. Mr. Ajay Bakshi 8687718124 14. Ms. Abha D Lorenz 7500948902 15. Mr. Shailendra Singh 9755014701 16. Mr. Bahadur Singh 8808042247 17. Ms. Navita Kawadkar 8269007419 18. Mr. Raj Amit Singh 8109988470 19. Mr. younis Khan 8109642975 20. Mr.Imranuddin 9929845957 21. Ms. Laxmi Lakher 9300998993 22. Ms. Anjali Jhariya 9907482559 23. Ms. Jeet Qureshi 9074886370 24. Mr. Amit Meena 87194017905 25. Mr. Sanjiv Kumar 8432689806 ANTI-RAGGING MONITORING COMMITTEE MEMBERS WITH THEIR MOBILE NUMBERS S.No. 1 2 3 Name Mr. Amit Jain Mr. Abhinav Jain Mr. Farukh Khan Mobile No. 9826335500 9826454585 9754688398 WARDENS NAME WITH MOBILE NUMBER S.No. 1 2 3 Name Mrs. Sapna Rajpoot Mrs. Vineeta Mr. Raju Shrivastava Mobile No. 7803964797 9713641997 8819977379 NODAL OFFICER INCHARGE WITH MOBILE NUMBERS. Anti Ragging Nodal Officer Name Shelandra Singh Chauhan E-mail address [email protected] Mobile No. 9755014701 DISTRICT & LOCAL ADMINISTRATION S. No. Post Office No. Resident No. 1. Divisional Commissioner 2452800 2340100 2. Dy. Divisional Commissioner 2424125 2343601 3. IG Gwalior Division 2445201 2445301 4. Dist. Collector 2446200 2446300 5. ADM 2446400 2446401 6. Superintendent of Police 2445200 2445300