The British Society of Aesthetics President: RICHARD WOLLHEIM Vice President: CHRISTOPHER NORRIS Hon. Secretary: RICHARD WOODFIELD Hon. Treasurer: BEN BASING The Society is established to promote study, research and discussion of the fine arts and related types of experience from a philosophical, psychological, sociological, scientific, historical, critical and educational standpoint. Membership is open to private persons and includes subscription to The British Journal of Aesthetics. Members also receive the Society's periodical Newsletter and invitations to meetings and conferences of the Society. For rates of subscription to the Society see the Application Form herewith. It should be sent with remittance to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr Ben Basing, IT Kestrel Close, London NW9 5DJ. For information to contributors, please see inside back cover. The British Journal of Aesthetics is published Quarterly by Oxford University Press. Subscription is $105 per year. Second Class paid at Newark, New Jersey. ISSN 0007-0904. POSTMASTER: send address corrections to The British Journal of Aesthetics c/o Virgin Mailing and Distribution, Cargo Atlantic, 10 Camptown Road, Irvington NJ 071111105, USA. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers, or a licence permitting restricted copying issued in the UK by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WiP 9HE, or in the USA by the Copyright Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, Mass 01970. © Oxford University Press 1994 THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS VOLUME 34 NO. 3 JULY 1994 CONTENTS Scheming Schemata MALCOLM BULL 2O7 JUSTINE NOEL 218 DENIS DUTTON 226 ARNOLD BERLEANT 242 ROBERT STECKER 255 BELA SZABADOS 266 ADIL MUSTAFA AHMAD 278 Space, Time and the Sublime in Hume's Treatise Kant and the Conditions of Artistic Beauty Beyond Disinterestedness Historical Functionahsm or the Four Factor Theory Reading Rousseau through the Eyes of Embarrassment The Erotic and the Pornographic in Arab Culture The Aesthetics of Chess and the Chess Problem c. P. RAVILIOUS 285 Book Reviews 291 Books Received 311 Journals Received 313 BOOK REVIEWS The Aesthetics of Environment: Arnold Berleant GORDON J. GILES The Rationality of Feeling: Understanding the Arts in Education: David Best HUGH A Companion to Aesthetics: Edited by David Cooper Profundity: A Universal Value: Jean Gabbert Harrell The Philosophy of the Visual Arts: Edited by Philip Alperson BREDIN 291 292 DIAN£ COLLINSON 294 ANTONY LAVERS 295 SCOTT KOTERBAY 296 Hanging the Head: Portraiture and Social Formation in Eighteenth-Century England: Marda Pointon DAVID MANNINGS 298 Themes in American Painting: A Reference Work to Common Styles and Genres: Robert Henkes CLIFF GETTY MCMAHON 299 Minimal Art: The Critical Perspective: Frances Colpitt s. Color Harmonies: Augusto Garau B. KENNEDY PHILIP MEESON 300 302 Gadamer and Hermeneutics: Edited by Hugh J. Silverman MARK GULLICK Cinders: Jacques Derrida MARK GULLICK 302 304 Rules and Conventions: Literature, Philosophy, Social Theory: Edited by Mette Hjort The Subject of Modernity: Anthony J. Cascardi M. A. R. HABIB 305 MARK GULLICK 306 DAVID BALL 308 Reconfigurations: Critical Theory and General Economy: Arkady Plotnitsky Language, Music, and Mind: Diana Raffman GEOFFREY WADE 309 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS MALCOLM BULL is Research Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford. JUSTINE NOEL has recently completed a Ph.D. degree on Hume's philosophy of art at Queen's University at Kingston, Canada. Currently she is a researcher at McGill University, Montreal. DENIS DUTTON, Senior Lecturer in the Philosophy of Art at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, has recently been researching New Guinean aesthetics. He edits the journal Philosophy and Literature. ARNOLD BERLEANT is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus, Greenvale, New York, USA and Secretary-General of the International Association for Aesthetics. His most recent books are Art and Engagement (Temple UP, 1991) and The Aesthetics of Environment (Temple, 1992). ROBERT STECKER is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA. BEIA SZABADOS is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Regina, Canada. He is the author of In Light of Chaos (1990), a co-editor of On the Track of Reason (1992) and has published essays on self-deception, emotions and aspects of the philosophy of Wittgenstein. ADn. MUSTAFA AHMAD is former Head of the Department of Architecture, University of Khartoum, Sudan. He has published widely in the fields of building science and human settlements. c. P. RAVILIOUS is a Sub-Librarian at the University of Sussex.
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