Announcements 4/26/2015 - Episcopal Church of the Ascension
Announcements 4/26/2015 - Episcopal Church of the Ascension
Announcements for 26 April 2015 The Church of the Ascension is a Eucharistically-centered Christian community committed to sharing the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, fellowship, outreach, and personal example. Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! Good Morning! Welcome to Ascension. If you are visiting or looking for a parish, we hope you will decide on Ascension. If you haven’t shared your contact info yet, please email Nellwyn Beamon, the church secretary, at [email protected]. We welcome as our supply priest the Rev. Bob Gilman. Bob served at the Church of the Advent in Ocean View before he retired. He and his wife the Rev. Connie Gilman moved back into the area (and bought Charles & Chris Porters’ house in Portsmouth). He is delighted to be with us today. We also welcome George Corbett as our oboist this morning. He plays oboe and the English horn in the Virginia Symphony and is no stranger to Ascension. Welcome! Name Tags: With the arrival of the new Rector next week, it will be important to wear your name tags until she and her husband learn who we are (it also helps newcomers—and some folks who just don’t remember names). If you are in need of a name tag, please let Nellwyn in the office know. Adult Forums: Sam Webster, the Chancellor of the Diocese, will talk about upcoming agenda items for General Convention in July. Join us in the lounge at 9:30. And speaking of Adult Forum: did you know that you can go to the church calendar on the website and click on “Christian Ed” and it will tell you what is planned for that day? UNITED THANK OFFERING SUNDAY, May 17th, 2015 Our annual UTO Ingathering will be at both services on May 17th. There will be envelopes available both May 10th and 17th. UTO is a longstanding tradition in the Episcopal Church. Placing “thankful coins” in the Blue Box is a tradition rich in spirituality and love. It began as a part of missionary efforts of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Board of Mission in 1889. At the 1889 Triennial Meeting, the offering was $2,188.64 and in the 1990’s between $2.5 – 3 million each year. Every coin from every Blue Box and Blue Envelope is given away in grants. Each member or your family can become a part of UTO by taking a few moments each day for prayer and thankfulness. Keep the Blue Box where everyone can see it as a reminder each day for thankful giving and prayer. Marilyn Meek, UTO Chair Ascension Book Club members are reading The Other Wes Moore, One Name, Two Fates by Wes Moore. The author tells the story of his own life and his personal struggles of growing up. At the same time he researches and documents the life story of another man named Wes Moore - born months and blocks apart. One is serving a life sentence for murder and the other is a business leader. This is a short book – less than 200 pages – and a compelling story. Please join us for our discussion on Monday, May 10th at 6:30 pm at the home of Don and Sally Miller. For more information, contact Ann McMellin or any book club member. Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV): This ministry takes the church to those who are not able to be with us on Sunday mornings. Ideally, the LEV takes the consecrated elements from the Sunday Eucharist and is sent out by the church at the end of the service to take them to those who have requested communion. Sometimes there are others who go along from the church community. The communion kit is returned at the LEV’s convenience. Several teams of LEV’s would rotate each month. This is a very meaningful opportunity to help keep our sick and homebound connected to their parish family. If you would be interested in exploring this ministry, please let the office know. It is a flexible time commitment but so worthwhile. (Safe Church training is mandatory before receiving the license from the Diocese.) From Marilyn Meek: We would like to encourage anyone who would like to take on this important ministry of being a Chalicer or layreader to contact me or the office. We offer training and want to expand our lists and perhaps we can gain new members including some of our younger parishioners. Annual Audit: It is that time again for the annual audit of the church's finances. We would like to do it on Saturday, 9 May at 0900. If we get about 12 people, it will take about 2 hours to do the data review. This manner of doing the audit saves the church about $9000 in CPA expenses. Thank you for assisting in this required event. If you would be available to assist on May 9, please let me know. Chuck Beers Invest in Ascension’s Mission Team: You can invest in our mission trip team and become a Sponsor. The cost to sponsor a missioner is $75. Sponsors will be assigned to individual missioners who will keep their sponsors apprised of their mission trip experience via letters. Sponsors will also be invited to attend our “Dessert Night Thank You” to see photos of the trip and hear the mission trip team talk about their experiences. Please write “mission trip sponsor” in the memo line of your check. You can drop the check in the collection plate or send it to the church office. Please contact Courtney Wheeler or Lynn Farlin if you have any questions. Mission Trip Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser: Because we did not have the pancake supper on Mardi Gras, the youth will be fixing breakfast for the Annual Meeting on May 17. Join us at 9:00 am and enjoy pancakes, sausage, baked apples and gluten free pancakes before the meeting begins. Mixed Bags Fundraiser: The mission trip team is selling Mixed Bags for our upcoming summer trip. Please visit our sample display in the hallway by the Christian Ed wing and make your order before May 1. See Lynn Farlin with questions. This year there are more choices: bags or kitchen and home items. We appreciate your support. Flamingo Flocking: Our Mission Trip Team is helping flocks of pink plastic flamingos migrate to the yards of Ascensionites! If you would like to arrange for a flock to roost in a friend’s yard: 1. Fill out one of the flocking forms located on the bulletin board (by Cox Memorial Garden), 2. Attach a check for the size flock you want (write “flamingos” in the memo line), 3. Place the completed form and check in the mission trip mail box. The mission trip team will do the rest! The flock will roost for two days in the designated yard with a sign to let folks know that the flock is helping fund our mission trip, then we will pick them up and migrate them to another yard. The cost for flocking is: $15 for a Small Flock (10 Flamingos), $30 for a Large Flock (20 Flamingos), and for those of you who want ensure that your yard remains flock free you can buy Flock Insurance for $35. If you have any questions contact Lynn Farlin. If you have Lego’s you’d like to donate to the Christian Education department, please let Lynn Farlin know. There will be a big project during the summer. From the Day School part 1: We ask you to SAVE THE DATE for our coming Auction & Casino Night on Saturday, June 13! This inaugural event will be a wonderful opportunity for our community, including grandparents, extended family, and friends to gather together for games, a silent auction, food and beverages, all to support this great effort. Please mark your calendars and invite your families and friends! This event takes a lot of effort and we are in dire need of volunteers from both School and Church members to make this a successful event. If you are interested, please contact Mark Hattler at 351-0566, [email protected]. It is an exciting time to be a part of Ascension. Our outdoor facilities are set to be unmatched locally and construction will begin this coming week. Thank you for your commitment to our Church and School and we look forward to working with you in the near future. Free Music Lessons—Sam Dorsey continues to provide free guitar lessons each Sunday after church for 30 minutes. Joint Book Study: Friends - please consider participating in the joint book study with Talbot Park Baptist. A small, but dedicated, group gathers each week to discuss a chapter of a selected book and we always have lively discussion. Our new book is Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy Jill Levine. We meet Tuesday mornings at 11:00 at Talbot Park Baptist Church. Cost of the book on Amazon is approximately $19 and is also available electronically. Please let Lynn Farlin know if you plan to attend. EYC is still collecting items for the Norfolk Animal Care Center. We have a bin in the Narthex to collect all the goodies you bring in for our furry friend’s care and feeding. Many thanks for helping us with this project. VBS: If you would like to register a child to participate (age 4 – rising 5th graders) or volunteer to help with the program please visit the registration link: Women’s Bible Study meets Thursdays from 12-1 in the conference room. We are studying Uppity Women of the Bible. Bring your lunch along and join in on this interesting series. The Breakfast Club: A group of college aged students meets twice a month at 9:30 in the small conference room (across from Lynn’s office) to discuss issues of faith. If you are a young adult feel free to join us. Call Lynn Farlin at 423-6715 or email [email protected] to get the dates. Wiggly ones is held on the first and third Sunday of each month. During the hymn before the Gospel, children ages 4 - 7 will meet Lynn in the Narthex for age-appropriate activities. They will return to their families for communion at the passing of the peace. Prayer & Healing Sundays are the first and third Sundays of the month. Help Wanted! Please check the bulletin board in the hallway between the bathrooms. It has a new “Help Wanted” section. Help Wanted! The Canterbury Center at ODU has openings on its Board of Directors. The full description of the offering is posted on the Bulletin Board. Help Wanted! Photographer: Looking for one or more people who would be interested in photographing the altar flowers on Sundays. In the past, a beautiful photo was sent to the family who donated the flowers. It was a lovely way to say thank you but also was a nice memento from Ascension. No fancy camera is necessary. Even your cell phone can take effective photos. Bob Postle is available to help interested folks maximize their photography skills for this venture. We can rotate responsibility to several members of a team. If interested, please contact Nancy Gibbons or Sarah Munford. Help Wanted! Food Pantry--If you are interested in being a part of this ongoing service mission, please contact Margaret Daly, Nancy Long, or the office 423-6715. Greeters, Baggers, Paperwork - 9:30 - 11:00 - Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday - Training Provided Shoppers - Qualifications - lift moderately heavy boxes, own a truck, SUV or station wagon to transport food. If you aren't able to do the heavy work, but own a vehicle as mentioned above, we can use you too! Gardeners - Assist planting and maintaining our vegetable garden. Prayers and announcements in the bulletin: For folks not directly connected to the church, we will add names per your request and keep them in the bulletin for three weeks. We will try to do the same thing for announcements. “Like” Ascension’s Facebook page: The Episcopal Church of the Ascension If you have previously “Liked” the Ascension page, you now have to go back to it, click on the “liked” button drop-down menu on the right and tell it you want to receive notifications. It no longer goes into your news feed but will let you know if we have posted something on the page. For the most up-to-date calendar go to our website, click on the event for more information or go here. ********************************************************** AROUND THE DIOCESE & ELSEWHERE The ECW DIOCESE of SOUTHERN VIRGINIA Spring Annual Meeting will be held May 16, 2015 Meeting Place: Glebe Episcopal Church, 4400 Nansemond Parkway, Suffolk VA 23435 (757-538-8842) Meeting Schedule: Check In/Coffee – 9:00 a.m. Lunch – 12 noon Meeting Call to Order – 9:30 a.m. Meeting resumes – 1 p.m. Holy Eucharist – 11:30 a.m. Depart – 2 p.m. To register for the meeting, contact Louise Boss, 757-678-5331 or [email protected], by May 9. Registration cost is $12 each. Lunch will be pulled pork, cole slaw, baked beans and dessert. Please advise Louise Boss of any dietary restrictions. Money will be collected the morning of the meeting during check in. Registration deadline is May 9, 2015. Please Note the earlier starting time. We have much business to discuss. Church of the Ascension Cub Scout Pack 28: New Member Night is this Tuesday, April 28 at 6:30 PM in Rose Hall. All rising 1st grade to 5th grade boys interested in Scouting, and their parents, are invited. Interfaith prayer vigil for freedom to marry nationwide: All are invited by New Life MCC at 1126 Norview Avenue to attend an interfaith service on April 27 at 7:00 pm in advance of the Supreme Court’s deliberations about marriage equality. For news from the Diocese, sign up on the diocesan website: Go to the top right corner and add your email address. You will receive a weekly digest and the latest Diocesan Connection. The Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) is looking for members! The Presiding Bishop is a life member. The UBE develops and distributes resources for advocacy, social justice, youth, and young adult ministries. If you are interested in joining, please see the flyer on the Vestry bulletin board. First Presbyterian Church in Norfolk invites us to a free prayer workshop called “Ignite 3” on May 1 & 2. A meal is included for a small fee and you must RSVP about that. Brochures are on the Vestry bulletin board. ********************************************************** Please pray for those who are ill or in distress: Roy Burton, Chris Conrad, Linda Fannon, Jimmy Fields, Mary, Michael, and Richard Fitzpatrick, James Hogge, Marissa Holzer, Judy Hunt, Betty Lou Johnston, Barbara Jones, RoseMarie Karkheck, Marion Keeter, Chris Kennedy, Bryan Knight, Anne Lewis, Madeline Lewis, Mary, Keenan Massey, Don Miller, Father Ron Spangenberg, Bob Stevens, Keisha Whitfield and those affected at the D’Art Center including parishioners Pamela Winslow, Bob Postle, Julie Beasley, and Katherine Lawrence. Please pray for those celebrating their birthdays: Nelson Tate, Tim Westfall, Scottie Russell, Samantha Dorman, Peggy Risser, Doug Barnhart, Ben Dorman, Betty Hermann, Nancy Gibbons, Stephen Kinnear, Pam Todesco, Susan Motley, Taylor Hermann, and William Hermann. Please pray for those celebrating their anniversaries: Mark & Courtney Wheeler, Mike & Cindy Jones Please pray for our deployed military: Christie O’Connell, and Aletha Grugan SERVING TODAY 8:00 Acolytes Chalicers & Intercessors Layreaders Head Usher 11:00 Acolytes Chalicers & Intercessors Layreaders Head Usher Altar Guild Pastoral Care Flower Guild Trent & Lynn Farlin Ann McMellin, Pam Knight Ann McMellin, Martha Cain Fred Poorman Phoebe Montagna, Christopher Killmon, Kelson Russell, Victoria and Elizabeth Jones, Erika Brandenburg Peggy Hackett, Katherine Lawrence Jim O’Brien, Richard Drumwright Chuck Beers Margaret Daly, Beth Steinbruck-Phillips Anita Mitchell Pearl Windle, Nancy Gibbons
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