June 7, 2015 9:15 â 10:15 10:30 â 11:45
June 7, 2015 9:15 â 10:15 10:30 â 11:45
Praises & Prayer Requests If you have a request, please contact the office personally or write out your request on a prayer card and place in the offering plate. GIVE PRAISE FOR: † The great time of fellowship after the service last Sunday! IN YOUR PRAYERS, REMEMBER † The group from Virginia, who visited us last sunday. Pray for their travel and ministry in Bullhead, SD † Please pray for all the delegates traveling to the NAB Triennial Conference in Sacramento, California. Pray for unity in the restructuring decisions that need to made at this triennial. NORTHERN PLAINS REGION CHURCH OF THE WEEK: July 1-5, 2015 Sacramento Convention Center Sacramento, California Missions Julie Stone, NAB Missionary, Cameroon. Pastoral Care Ministry Please contact the church office to have a pastor come and pray with you on an upcoming medical procedure or for a visit of encouragement. Serving at Bismarck Baptist June Head Usher: Jerry Auch Library Worker: Leona Neumiller Today – June 28, Schedule: Greeters: Terry & Elaine Pfaff Information Center: Ron & Ileen Seiler Nursery Sunday School: Kathie Anderson & Pam Kiemele Nursery Worship Service: Kaylee Benz & Youth ;Helper: Elizabeth S Kid’s Church: Sieara; Helper: Mikayla F Stewardship June 21, 2015 General Funds Giving Weekly Ministry Needs Worship Service Attendance YTD General Funds Given YTD Ministry Needs 6,137 8,832 178 212,404 224,570 Next Week –July 5, Schedule Greeters: Bill & Myra Ehrmann Information Center: Leona Neumiller & Luella M Lang Nursery Sunday School: Lisa Koch & Tanya Mueller Nursery Worship Service: Sherri Field & Beth Lang Helper: Olivia K Kid’s Church: Sieara; Helper: Isaiah K Bismarck Baptist Ministry Team Bryan Hochhalter Allen Finger Kerry Bender Nathan Seibel Kaylee Benz Sieara Rivinius Sowmya Karumanchi Stacy Bender Rod & Linda Semmen Phone/Fax Email Webpage Address Lead Pastor Associate Pastor of Care Teaching Pastor Worship Director Director of Youth Ministry Director of Children Ministry Ministry Assistant Financial Assistant Custodians 701-223-4445/ 701-223-1553 [email protected] www.bismarckbaptistchurch.com 2211 LaForest Ave., Bismarck ND 58501 Welcome! We are happy that you are worshiping with us today. We encourage you to worship freely sitting or standing during the musical worship time. Song sheets are available from the ushers for those who have trouble viewing the screen. If you are new to our fellowship, we invite you to fill out one of the guest cards located in the pew in front of you and place in the offering plate. June 28, 2015 9:15 – 10:15AM – SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 10:30 – 11:45AM WORSHIP Summer is a time to get out doors. Enjoy creation. Do some fishing. So in honor of summer, we begin a summer series titled, “Fish Tales.” This summer series will enfold three smaller series; the first of these mini-series, “Shore Lunch: Eating Fish with Jesus,” will be this Sunday and next Sunday. The following four weeks, we will explore together one of the biggest fish stories in the Bible – the story of Jonah. Our final mini-series that will wrap up our summer series, “Fish Tales,” will explore our call and the importance of fishing year round. So grab a pole – or a net – and get ready to be part of “Fish Tales.” For your convenience, nursery care is provided for children under the age of three and Kid’s Church is available for all children age 3 to kindergarten after being dismissed during the worship service. Sunday School Opportunities th Children 3 yrs of age through 6 Grade, The Depot Jr. & Sr. High: Youth Room Women Growing in Faith: “If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat” in Room 17 Seekers: “Agents of Apocalypse” in the Java Room Foundations w/ Kerry Bender: “This Changes Everything!” in the Fellowship Hall. Sermon Notes THIS WEEK AT BBC… Tuesday, June 30 9:30am Staff Meeting – Pray with us! 1:30pm Women’s Bible Study Wednesday, July 1 9:30am Mid-Week Bible Study Lesson 4 7:00pm Youth Group Thursday, July 2 1-3:00pm CWC Meeting Saturday, July 4 Sign your kids up for Everest VBS! July 19th-23rd 6:00-8:15pm July 19th kick-off BBQ @5:30pm Pick up a registration form on your way out! Or sign up online @ www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/bismarckbaptistkids Free VBS CD (one per family) to those who get th registered by July 5 Thank you to all who attended the Father’s Day Family Event. We pray that it was a blessing to you and your family and that a good time was had by all. Thank you to the Deacons who cooked and for your mad BBQ skills, Ivan Sayler from Racer Performance for his time and for bringing his race cars and doing a presentation on safety equipment, the many behind-the-scenes people Sunday, who June donated the R/C cars and also money towardsschool this event as well as the 9:15am Sunday Mother/Daughter 10:30am Worship Tea earlier this spring, also local businesses that gave us some great deals on things needed for the event, and a special thank you to my wonderful committee for the many meetings and hours away from your family and the many hours in the hot sun setting up the event and all that you did to make this event possible. I could not have done it without you. YOU ROCK!!! Anna Humphrey Chairwoman of Koinonia Ministry Vacation Bible School Volunteers We’ve been praying for you and the impact your service will have in the lives of our children. Please mark your calendars for “1” of the following three VBS Volunteer Preparation events. Thursday, July 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, July 17 from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 18 from 9 a.m. to noon We’ll be reviewing procedures and material as well as preparing our “Everest” environment. Contact Sieara ([email protected] or 3207544) to reserve your time or for more information. Annual Steer Barbecue Date: Saturday, July 18, 2015 Place: First Evangelical Free Church 205 43rd Ave, Bismarck, ND Time: 5:00pm Everyone Welcome! Reservations for the meal are necessary!! Come, Join us for prayer! Sunday Mornings @ 10:15-10:30am in the prayer room The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results. James 5:16 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________