EVEREST VBS Volunteer Form - Bonhomme Presbyterian Church
EVEREST VBS Volunteer Form - Bonhomme Presbyterian Church
EVEREST VBS Volunteer Form Bonhomme Church Vacation Bible School July 13–17, 2015 9:00 am – Noon Volunteers arrive by 8:30 a.m. for morning devotions and stay until children are picked up VOLUNTEER INFORMATION: YES, we need you—parents, grandparents, middle-school and high school age students, and anyone with a heart for children! Come help us shape a generation for Jesus. All volunteers must attend mandatory training on Sunday, July 12 from noon-3 pm (lunch provided). Volunteer Name: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUTH VOLUNTEERS: Birthdate: ___________________________________ Age: _________ Grade/Fall2015: ____________ BEFORE VBS: □ Pick–up decorations from Trinity Presbyterian Church (1110 S. Glenwood Lane 63122)—Thursday, July 2 at 12:30 p.m. (Pick-up trucks, trailers, and vans needed) DURING VBS: Note: 6th and 7th grade students will be placed with preschoolers. Preschool Elementary □ Preschool Crew Leader (5-day commitment preferred) Bible Expeditions Imagination Station/Crafts Helper Glacier Games Helper KidVid Cinema Special Friend Crew Shepherd (Crew Support) Help Where Needed Bring–a–Friend Day (Thursday only) □ Photographer I can help with childcare (for children of parent volunteers) I am available: Every Day Elementary I'm only available on Certain Days: MON TUE WED THU FRI VOLUNTEERS WILL NEED TO PURCHASE A T-SHIRT FOR $8.00 EACH (circle one) Adult Size: S M L XL XXL Please mail or bring your form with payment to: Bonhomme Church, 14820 Conway Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017 CHILDCARE FOR PARENT VOLUNTEERS: We provide childcare at no charge for children who are too young (younger than 4 years by 7/13/15) to participate in VBS. You may order a T-shirt for your little one for $5.00 each if you choose. (T-shirt size: XS=2/4 S=6/8) ________________________________________ __________________________ _________ ________________________________________ __________________________ _________ ________________________________________ __________________________ _________ Child’s Name Child’s Name Child’s Name For office use: Check # __________ / Cash Birthday Birthday Birthday T-Shirts $ __________ T-shirt size T-shirt size T-shirt size T-Shirts Received