March 22nd, 2015


March 22nd, 2015
Parish Office: 1769 Frenchvale Road, Frenchvale, NS B2A 4E2
Phone: 794-2741 Fax: 794-2049
Parish Priest: Rev. Paul Abbass
Rev. Antolin Asor, O.S.A.
(902) 322-6716
Deacon Wally Ivany
(902) 295-3175
New Website:
E-Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
March 22, 2015
Saturdays − St. Andrews, Boisdale − 4:00 p.m.
Saturdays − St. Mary's, Frenchvale − 5:30 p.m.
Sundays – St. Michael’s, Baddeck – 9:00 a.m.
Sundays – St. Barra, Christmas Island – 11:00 a.m.
Sundays – Holy Trinity, Waycobah – 9:30 a.m.
Sundays – Queen of the World, Wagmatcook – 11 a.m.
The Family of Mary Elizabeth Gillis, Glace Bay, sister to Dan (Isabelle) MacLennan from St.
Barra Parish. May she rest in peace. Amen.
MASS OF CHRISM will take place on Monday, March 30, at St. Ninian's Cathedral,
Antigonish, at 4 p.m. Each parish/church is asked to send two representatives to accept the
Sacred Chrism and Holy Oils.
FIRST COMMUNION FOR ST. MICHAEL'S: Please contact Michele Matheson, 902295-1444 if you have a child eligible to receive the Sacrament of First Communion. Classes
will be starting soon.
CONFIRMATION CLASSES will be held at St. Columba Parish Centre, Iona, every
Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. led by Fr. Antolin. Confirmation dates: April 14 - St.
Mary's, Frenchvale - 7 p.m. April 20 - St. Barra (includes St. Columba and St. Andrew's) - 7
p.m. April 21 - Holy Trinity, Waycobah - Morning (time to be finalized). April 21 - Mary
Queen of the World, Wagmatcook - Afternoon (time to be finalized).
MASS FOR SHUT-INS: 11:30 a.m. on ATV.
LENTEN MISSION: Fr. Gary George is coming back for a Lenten Mission at Holy Family
Parish, Sydney Mines, on March 23 to March 27. He is Lebanese descent, born in South
Africa and joined the Redemptorist Congregation in South Africa. Twelve years ago he
accepted a position to work with the Maronite Dioceses in America. He is currently the
National Youth and Vocations Director. He recently had the privilege of preaching the Saint
Anne de Beaupre Novena in Canada and did an Advent Mission at Holy Family Parish in
Sydney Mines. Every evening will bring a different experience so please mark this week in
your calendars as a Lenten gift to Jesus. In return, it will be a gift for you and your family
from Jesus and the parish community. "Please keep me in prayer as I prepare for this Mission
and I look forward to being with you soon. May our mother Mary and Saint Joseph protect
you." Fr. Gary George.
WAY OF THE CROSS: In support of Development and Peace, St. Theresa's CWL will host
a special Solidarity Way of the Cross on Friday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to
attend this special service. A good will offering of non-perishable food items that can be
brought and placed in the baskets provided for St. Theresa's food bank. Note: Stations of the
Cross at noon Mass for March 27 will be cancelled.
EASTER FLOWERS: Anyone wishing to donate for Easter flowers may do so by putting
your donation in an envelope marked "Easter Flowers" and dropping it in the collection.
Please put your name and envelope number on it.
''THE PROPHET'', Our Good Friday Pageant will take place at St. Joseph Church, Little
Bras d'Or on Good Friday (April 3) at 8 p.m. A great deal of time and effort has been invested
by many of our parishioners in order to present his depiction of the life of Jesus from his birth
to his resurrection. It includes narration, appropriate music and realistic depictions of the life
of Jesus, Prophet and Savior. Everyone is invited. Musicians include Fred Lavery, Jen
Shepherd, Steven Muise, Richard Burke, Aaron Lewis and more. Come early for a good seat.
To help defray expenses, a free will offering is accepted.
ST. ANDREW'S: The final Mass at St. Andrew's prior to the temporary closure will take
place on Saturday, March 28, at 4 p.m. To our neighbours from our sister parishes who joined
us and participated with us for the past three months, we'd like to show our appreciation by
inviting everyone for tea and biscuits after the Mass on March 28. Thank you for your support
and hope to see you there.
THANK YOU: Thanks to the Community for making our Country Breakfast an
overwhelming success. A special thanks to Charlie MacKinnon and his kitchen helpers for all
their hard work. Our final tally will be $1609. Watch for our next event in May. FACE
(Frenchvale and Area Community Endeavours) Group.
FIDDLER'S CONCERT: The Fiddler's Concert scheduled for the Boisdale Fire Hall last
Sunday has been postponed until a later date.
WELLNESS/FOOTCARE CLINIC: Wednesday, March 25, at the Christmas Island Fire
Hall. For more information or appointment, phone Pauline, 902-725-2698, or Sharon, 902725-2177. Sponsored by CCBCV, Wellness Committee.
IRISH PUB AND DANCE NIGHT: Come and have a good time at our Irish Pub and Dance
Night, Saturday, March 28, at Christmas Island Fire Hall, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by The
Newfie Trio!!! $10 admission. 19 years and over. ID's on request.
THURSDAY EVENING YOGA CLASSES have resumed for the winter session at the
Boisdale Fire Hall on Thursdays at 7 p.m. Please bring a mat and blanket and wear
comfortable clothing. Admission is $5. If you have any questions, contact Anita MacKinnon
at 902-871-2074.
MONDAY NIGHT COMMUNITY HOCKEY: On Monday nights between 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.,
there will be hockey at the Eskasoni rink for anyone ages twelve and older. You must wear
full equipment to take part. Both males and females are welcome. This is sponsored by the
Victoria County Community Health Board and Northside the Lakes Community Health Board.
If you have any questions contact Kevin MacKenzie at 902-622-2667.
CARD GAMES: Tuesdays – Senior’s Club, Frenchvale – 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays – Boisdale
Fire Hall – 8 p.m.
MINISTRIES - ST. ANDREW'S - March 28 - 4 p.m. - Readers - Janet Cameron, Joe
MacDonald. Passion - Blaine MacKinnon, Pauline Campbell. Eucharistic Minister - Gerard
MacNeil. Altar Server - Vince Jankowski. Hospitality - Kenny Boyd, Pius Campbell.
MINISTRIES - ST. MICHAELS - March 29 - 9 a.m. Readers - Bernice Grant, David
Fraser. Eucharistic Minister - Bernice Grant. Church cleaning for the week of March 22 - Pat
MINISTRIES - ST. BARRA - March 29 - 11 a.m. - Readers - Jimmy Redden, Neil MacNeil.
Passion - Shelley Redden, Elizabeth MacNeil. Eucharistic Ministers - Anne MacKenzie (The
Bread), Angela MacDougall (The Cup), Florence MacNeil (The Cup). Altar Servers - Hugh
MacKinnon, Trevor MacNeil, Steve Horyl. Hospitality - Anna Burke, Buddy MacNeil.
Housekeeping - Flora MacNeil, Nan MacKinnon.
(Mar. 15)
Building Fund
St. Andrew's
$ 200.00
St. Mary's
$ 375.00
DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE: Today is Solidarity Sunday! Please support the Share
Lent collection for Development and Peace. Your donation will be used to promote Social
Justice in the Global South and be shared with our partners to improve their lives. Thank you
for your generosity in helping meet the needs of the world.