Here - Breakaway
Here - Breakaway
Special Needs Family Registration 2015 Child’s Information Child’s First Name Child’s Last Name Gender M F Date of Birth (must be 4 by 6/1/15) Parent/Guardian Name Home Phone Alternative Phone Child’s primary diagnosis and/or health concerns we should be aware of: My child attends: Granite Bay: My child is attending: Breakaway Classic: GB Blue Oaks: BOAK FOL Folsom: Mid-Town: MID Date________________ Extreme Games: GB BOAK Care Needs Vision: Typical Impaired Blind Hearing: Typical Impaired Deaf Hearing Aid Motor: Head control Rolls over Sits Crawls Walks Wheelchair Stroller Sentences Other (describe) Babbles Uses: Walker Crutches Braces Describe any special positioning or other needs your child may have: Can communicate with others using: Words Gestures Language spoken at home, if other than English? Can understand what others say: Recognizes voices of family members? All the time Yes Phrases Sign Language Most of the time No Some of the time Toileting Skills Toileting: Independent Potty trained, needs assistance Frequency Schedule: How does your child indicate a need to use the toilet? Any special toileting needs? Diapers: Cloth Disposable Currently being potty trained Behavior Check all that apply: Shy Outgoing Plays alone Plays in groups Adapts to new situations well Adapts to new situations with difficulty Responds to correction well Responds to correction with difficulty My child responds to separation from his/her parents by: My child is best comforted by: My child lets someone know what he/she wants or needs by: What type of play activities does your child enjoy and/or participate in? My child becomes upset when/or does not enjoy: How long can your child stay engaged listening? 0-5mins. Is sometimes destructive Sometimes threatens others Sometimes hits, bites or hurts self/others Sometimes attempts to run away Hyperactive and/or ADD/ADHD Music Storytelling 6-10min. 11-20mins. Signature Parent/Guardian Signature X Date If you have any questions, please email Marcy Spina at 916-791-1244 ext.8533 or email [email protected] PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM by one of the methods below: Fax to Bayside Church at 916-791-5052 Drop off at the Breakaway Registration Table during any weekend service. Drop off to Children’s Ministry Office at 8331 Sierra College Blvd, Ste. 216A, Roseville, CA Mail to Bayside Church at P.O. Box 2336, Granite Bay, CA 95746 Art Unable to sit