Mar. 24 - 2015 - Buckingham Elementary
Mar. 24 - 2015 - Buckingham Elementary
BUCKINGHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PAC MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 24 2015 1. WELCOME AND REGRETS: June Goudron, Linda Santoro, Kellee Mulhern, Carol Saito, Arias Octavio, Julie Grauer, Daniella Sin, Melinda Vargas, Kurt Gurney and Gurinder Aujla REGRETS: Lia Dicicco, SheilaTofini, Mae Quan 2. BURNABY PARKS AND REC- KELLY EBBERS – did not come 3. CALL FOR ANY ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA- N/A 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA- Kellee and Linda 5. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY MINUTES- Linda and Gurinder 6. TRESASURE’S REPORT- hotdog days will go into June so we should be able to make what we projected in budget, although we lost a few weeks due to the strike. We still have $200 to spend on rainy day games. Will probably ask Shona to get new ones and replenish the supply that we have. Need movie licence invoice as well as the receipt for the Subway bought for students. 7. PRINCIPALS REPORT – KURT – Recent Events: 1. Speed Control (Feb. 13th) a. Entertaining and fun performance on the history of Rock n’ Roll b. Spoke with all classes about what makes Buckingham great, then made up a song with leadership students that they taught to whole school i. Professionally made CD will arrive some time in April 2. Assistant Superintendent (Heather Hart)visit on Feb. 18th a. Reviewed SEL and Writing goals and is extremely impressed with the work of staff and students, as well as the amazing parent support we receive 3. International Potluck & Kid’s Craft Fair (Feb. 19th) a. Big thanks to PAC for organizing and running this event. Was EXTREMELY well-attended and enjoyed by everyone. Special thanks to Kellee and Sheila! 4. Kin’s market and Cobbs Bakery nutrition workshops (Feb. 23rd) a. Workshop held in our library for classes on healthy choices and sampling 5. Math League Contest (Feb. 24th) a. An international test to provide enrichment for our students in grade 6 & 7 (along with a select group of grade 5 students) 6. Grade 6/7 Whistler trip (Feb. 25th & Mar. 4th) a. This was cancelled due to snow conditions. Another event will be planned in the near future to make up for this loss. 7. Healthy Heart Week (Feb. 23 – 27) – big thanks to Ms. Klassen and Ms. Cramb for organizing a. Daily draws recognizing those that are caring, helpful, inclusive, kind, etc… b. Relaxation times c. PA announcements and stories about health d. Pink Shirt Day with COL and skit on handling anxiety and being kind to others e. Jump Rope 4 Heart Day on Friday 8. Basketball Tournaments we lots of fun a. Boys – Rec Playday was Feb. 24th; Competitive Playday was Mar. 3rd b. Girls – Rec Playday was Feb. 26th; Competitive Playday was Mar. 5th 9. School-Wide Write (Mar. 2nd – 4th) a. November results are compared to see growth and areas needing improvement – assessment day is Thursday, Mar. 26th 10. Primary Days of Music (Mar. 3rd) a. As always, our Buckingham students were spectacular…led by our amazing Ms. Dumont 11. Chess Club concluded – big thanks to Ms. Canderle for running this for the last few months during Thursday lunch hours. 12. Eric Walters (Mar. 24th) a. Author presentation to all students on the writing process Upcoming Events: 1. Jesse Miller – Digital Citizenship (Mar. 25) a. Presenting to intermediates on internet safety b. He’s looking into holding a parent evening at Burnaby Central in the near future…I’ll keep parents posted 2. Track & Field for intermediates a. This is starting this week for all grade 4 – 7 students 3. Odyssey of the Mind tournament (Mar. 28th) a. Good luck to the 2 Buckingham teams competing this weekend in Langley…GO BEARS! And special thanks to Tammie, Mae, and June for all your coaching and support 4. Burnaby Art Gallery (Mar. 30th) a. Div. 2, 3, & 4 will be visiting the Burnaby Art Gallery 5. Book Fair (Mar. 31st – April 2nd) a. Big thanks to Kellee and Ashifa for organizing this event. I’m sure it will be a lot of fun for all. 6. Burnaby Central Leadership students working with Primary classes (April 2nd) a. High School students will be working with Primary classes on Easter themed crafts and games 7. Report Cards handed out (April 9th) 8. Dollars with Sense presentation (April 10th) a. Div. 1 & 2 workshop on finances and the fact that money does not grow on trees 9. Pen Pals visiting (Mar. 13) a. Div. 6’s Pen Pals from 12th Avenue School will be visiting and finally meeting face-to-face. Updates: 1. Technology upgrade a. Moving towards enriching our laptop carts and putting in the infrastructure to support a part-time lab in our library 2. FSA results a. These will be given to all grade 4 & 7 families at the end of this week or beginning of next. 8. OLD BUSINESS a. Odyssey update – there are 2 groups in Odyssey this year. There are 7 grade 3/ 4 students and 7 grade 5/6 students. The first round is this week in Langley and then they will get feedback. Next round will be in April. b. Neighbourhood Dinner update- went very well. There were 100 people! Craft fair was great, kids loved selling and buying the items. Will do again next February. c. Family Fun Night – in April there will be a notice sent to get candy and candy jars. Cake walk notices will be going out soon as well. Sara is going to send out fliers around neighbourhood. There will also be a notice going out to find volunteers to distribute some fliers around the neighbourhood as well as a notice for new toys for a new game. There are a few alumni students coming back this year to help out with the event. d. Grade 7 leaving dinner – Sheila and Lia met with Kurt to discuss the options for grade 7 leaving dinner event. They proposed a beach theme with a possibility of a photo booth, beach type games and an awards presentation. They left the meeting with an understanding that everyone was working toward and compromise for the evening and the event that would be agreeable to the teachers, parents, students and Kurt. The day before Spring Break, Kurt were siding towards the idea of no dinner event at the school and instead would prefer a dinner at a restaurant for the students held the day they are away for their activity, the same as 2014 during the strike. Parents could meet their children and sit with the other parents and have dinner. There are a few parents that are quite disappointed with this decision, and that the students will not have their final grade 7 leaving dinner/awards evening at the school that has been a huge part of their lives for so many years. Kurt has not finalized anything but is just weighing options. Kurt said last year was wonderful, the way the students were interacting was great. On the other hand, some parents believe that elementary school is the last time parents can decide for the students, what they want. They believe that having this ceremony is important to have at the school, where they have been going for so many years. Kurt also points out that it might be easier for teachers go to a restaurant (If they bring their families) but not as easy if the event is held at the school. No final decision is made yet. 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Book fair – Kellee- Need grade 6/7 students to help out. She will talk to Nicole and figure it out with her. There will be Parent Sign up sheets posted for half hour slots to help students on cash. b. Alternative for grade 6/7 ski trip- still has not be decided. Gymnastics is getting finalized soon. Getting a good rate for in-line skating for Kindergarten and Grade 1 students. Gymnastics starting next week for Kindergarten and Grade 1’s. They will be going to Club Aviva for 2 sessions. Appreciation lunch is set for MAY 15TH 2015. c. APRIL 24TH will be the schoolwide lice check. 10. ADJOURNMENT : 7:54PM