Wednesday`s Word - Chestnut Grove Baptist Church


Wednesday`s Word - Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
Wednesday’s Word
A weekly publication of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
A community of faith, formation & fruitfulness
July 1, 2015
July 4th Community Celebration
You are invited to come and help Chestnut Grove invest in the Earlysville Community
Celebration, Saturday July 4. Parade begins at 1 pm.
We will bless our friends and neighbors with ice cold bottled water, delicious ice cream, smiles
and parade waves served Jesus style…free gifts to those along the route to the Union Church.
To help decorate and ride on the church float, join us at the Hopkinson’s home, 784 Earlysville Forest Drive,
at 11:45am. We invite you and all children to wear red, white, and blue. Please let the church office know if you can
provide a wagon and cooler for use during the parade. [email protected] or 978-3819.
Summer Sabbatical:
From Reflection to Resolution
As we move into the month of July we shift our sabbatical focus from reflection towards
relaxation. We will be relaxing with neighbors and friends through gatherings we are
calling “Community Connections.” Our first gathering was this past Sunday and it was
a huge success and people from Chestnut Grove and the community enjoyed time
together at the Bryant’s home. For a list of future Community Connections check out
the details below. We encourage you to attend the one that is closest to your neighborhood or one being hosted by a member of your Sunday school class. Check with the
host to find out what you can bring. We also encourage you to invite your friends and
neighbors in an effort to introduce them to other people from the community and to love them as Jesus would love
them. For more information about these Community Gatherings contact Robbie Yeamen at 757-814-9600 or
[email protected].
Host locations:
Jack & Dianna Raymond—Earlysville Forest 2-5pm, July 11
Frank & Melissa Ballif—Chestnut Ridge, July 25
Bill & Lori Hopkinson—Earlysville Forest 4-8pm, July 11
Jeff & Deb Robbins—Advance Mills, July 25
Herb & Leslie White—Earlysville Heights, Aug 1
Continued on page 2
Borrowed a Cooler?
Chestnut Grove treasures our team of volunteers.
This week’s (Sunday, July 5) children’s workers are:
8:30 Gwen Porcaro, Debbie Williams, Sarah Morris
9:50 Jennifer Gillispie, Peggy Wharam, Amy
11:00 Annie Hilten, Sarah Ford, Kim Briehl, Abby
Haden, Jean Roberts, Lindsay Chan
Thank you for loving and sharing God’s love with
our children.
This Sunday’s Text:
Luke 7:40-49 & Matthew 18:21-35
If you have borrowed a cooler, tables,
chairs or other items from Chestnut
Grove please remember to return
them. You may contact the office at
[email protected] or
978-3819 to make return arrangements. Thanks!
CGBC Space
We celebrate the increased use of
CG facilities. In order that we may
be courteous of each others’ needs
for meeting space, etc., please
reserve all space usages with church office at 978-3819
or [email protected]
An Unlocked Door, A Light Left On?
It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a congregation to maintain a church building. Before you leave
please turn off the lights and If you exit a door, please
insure that it locks behind you. Thank you.
What does the Scripture say to you?
Prayer List
Our church is dedicated in prayer for each person on our prayer list. Please contact Lorraine Williams at
973-5194 if you wish a card to be sent. Please update the church office on the individuals you have
placed on our prayer list so that our records are current.
Please call or email prayer requests and updates to the church office
434-978-3819 [email protected]
The Family of Sally Breeden
(Lorraine Williams) 6-3-15
Tim Clemmer (Nickie Huff) 6-10-15
Chris Daniels (Jeff & Deb Robbins) 7-5-15
Sierra Detamore 6-3-15
Zoe Edwards (Barbara Edwards) 6-3-15
C.T. Huff 6-3-15
Mary Huff 6-10-15
Warren Long (Mary Cail) 7-1-15
Mary McComsey (Mimi Tornrose) 6-17-15
Paisley Grace Mullinex 6-24-15
Garland Oliver 6-17-15
Mike Rexroad 6-24-17
Scott Walck (Mimi Tornrose) 6-17-15
*Food Collection Item for July: Mixed Fruit
Continued on page 3
Worship Gatherings—Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School—All ages 9:50 am
Music Weekly Rehearsals
5:30pm Alpha Praise Team rehearsal on stage
6:30pm Omega Praise Team on stage
4:30pm Ukuleaders rehearsal in room 103
6:30pm Adult Choir in Sanctuary
4:30pm Beginner’s Ukulele group in room 103
For the latest on rehearsal schedules see the music calendar on our
July 1
July 2
July 3
noon Mid Week Prayer
July 5
July 6
6:30pm GA
Office Closed
6:30pm Youth
10am Laurels
July 12
July 13
6:30pm Youth
10am Laurels
July 7
10am Church at
July 14
10am Church at
July 8
July 4
1pm Earlysville Parade
July 9
July 10
noon Mid Week Prayer
July 15
July 11
2-4pm &
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 23
July 24
July 25
noon Mid Week Prayer
4pm Bible Study
The Parables
Youth Summer Outing
July 19
July 20
6:30pm GA
10am Laurels
July 21
10am Church at
July 26
July 27
July 28
6:30pm Youth
10am Laurels
July 22
noon Mid Week Prayer
6:30pm Youth
Gathering Pool
10am Church at
4pm Bible Study
The Parables
July 29
noon Mid Week Prayer
July 30
July 31
Aug 1