2015 - Colonial Park United Methodist Church


2015 - Colonial Park United Methodist Church
Colonial Park United Methodist Church
Making disciples of Jesus Christ by seeking God’s will, sharing God’s love, and serving God and our neighbors
Volume 32
April 22, 2015
Number 16
The following is a blog post by Josh Daffern I came across, and it’s full of truth.
10 Things the Church Puts Ahead of Reaching People
You would think the Great Commission is clear enough: Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.
Unfortunately, too many churches put other things ahead of reaching people. Here are 10 of the biggest:
1. Location – Some people are tied to an address. Church is an address, a location. I’ve seen churches die because their people
moved away and they weren’t willing to reach the new folks in their neighborhood.
2. Buildings/Architecture – For some, the bricks and mortar are what make the church sacred, not the people. At my first
church when our youth group exploded in growth we had to move into the sanctuary because it was the only room big enough for
us. We had some ladies that were so concerned that every Thursday morning they would come into the sanctuary after our
Wednesday nights and look up and down the pews for nicks or scratches. They were more concerned with the architecture then
the people that architecture was designed to meet.
3. Tradition – You knew this one would get in here. Tradition has killed many a church. When churches pursue the past more
than they pursue people, that church will die. Many times preachers will preach on the last seven words of Jesus, the seven
phrases Jesus said while on the cross. I’ll never forget what a Bible college professor told me once. He said, “Do you know what
the last seven words of a church are? We’ve never done it that way before.”
4. Music Preferences – This one splits up more churches than perhaps anything else. We’re fine reaching the next generation
for Jesus, as long as they like our music our way. That’s putting music preferences above people. And I’m not saying the
contemporary music is the final answer. It’s not a particular style of music but the heart behind that’s willing to give up musical
preferences to reach the next generation for Jesus. I’ve said this before, but when I’m older and I’ve got great-grandkids running
around, I’m not sure what kind of church music they’ll like, but I guarantee you I probably won’t like it. The question is will I be
willing to put reaching others ahead of my musical preferences?
5. Programs – The early church reached their world for Christ and became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire without
Sunday School, without VBS, without youth groups or children’s choirs. Church programs are designed to reach people, but we
can never let them become more important than people.
6. Control - Some churches are stifled because there are a few families in control, and they simply don’t want to give up control.
They put control ahead of reaching people.
7. Social Status – The Bible says that in Christ there are no slaves or free or Greeks or Barbarians but we are all one in Christ.
However, too many churches aren’t willing to reach people outside of their racial, economic, or social status.
8. Cleanliness – Some churches aren’t willing to do the heavy lifting required, they’re not willing to roll up their sleeves and
embrace the messes of the world. If we’re not willing to get a little dirty, we’ll never reach the world.
9. Status Quo – Some churches simply don’t want to change. They’re good. The light bill is paid, the buildings are paid off,
there’s enough of a crowd to give the illusion that something is happening. Some churches aren’t willing to embrace the chan ge
necessary to reach people.
10. Religion – Put it all together, some churches put religion above people. They put their rituals, their observances, their
routines, their beliefs, their ministry structures ahead of people. They feel like they’re loving God, but they don’t realize that you
can’t truly love God if you don’t love people.
The Week Ahead . . .
Sunday, April 26
8:30 am Traditional Worship Service
8:30 am - 12:00 pm Nursery
9:30 am The Gathering Worship Service
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship Service
Kids’ Own Worship/202
12:00 pm Children’s Library Open
Children’s Council Meeting/GR
4:00 pm Colonial Park Rangers
Youth Group/FP
6:30 pm Pickleball/CLC
Monday, April 27
9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC
5:30 pm Yoga/CLC
Tuesday, April 28
6:00 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR
9:30 am UMW Craft Group/FH
1:00 pm Knitting & Crochet Group/GR
6:00 pm Zumba/CLC
Wednesday, April 29
9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC
10:00 am Prayer Group/GR
2:30 pm Youth Activities
5:30 pm Yoga/CLC
Wednesday Faire Dinner
6:00 pm Helping Hands Circle/105
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
Thursday, April 30
9:00 am—5:00 pm Life Line Screening/CLC
12:00 pm Toastmasters/CR
Friday, May 1
9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC
Saturday, May 2
8:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Study/FH
CR - Conference Room SC - Sanctuary
FP - Fire Place FH - Fellowship Hall
CLC - Christian Life Center (Gym)
GR - Garden Room CH - Chapel
J.O.Y. Senior Adult Schedule
All senior adults are invited to mark their calendars with
the following schedule of activities for this month. Plan to
attend and enjoy each event with your friends!
J.O.Y. Supper Club at Lunch: 11:00 am on Thursday, April 23
Our J.O.Y. Supper Club at Lunch will meet at 11:00 am on April 23. We are having
lunch at Mosa Asian Bistro, 850 South White Station Road. This is one of our
church community's most popular restaurants. (It is also very popular with those of
us who are on the staff of Colonial Park!) They have a broad menu with prices
ranging from $3.50 to $15. Please go by the sign up sheet at the church so we can
make our arrangements. Please be present at the restaurant at 11:00 am for a time
of great food and fellowship.
If you need transportation, please call Joe at 489-3899.
Family Promise Golf Tournament
Family Promise of Memphis is SO excited about this year’s annual golf tournament,
being hosted at Quail Ridge Golf Course on Monday, April 27, 2015 – 1 pm shotgun
start. They are offering a chance to win a new car and a chance to “Beat the
Pro,” and they would LOVE to see you there! You can register online by going
to: https://sites.google.com/site/fpmemphisgolf/. Come on out for a fun afternoon of
golf, food and prizes, as well as wonderful fellowship! Even if you don’t play golf, it
takes quite a few volunteers to host the event, and they can use your help. If you
need a registration flyer, or would like to volunteer, please contact Amy Barnes at
[email protected] or 452-6446. See you there!
Fall Soccer Is Coming Soon
The season will run from the middle of August through the end of October. This
program is for boys and girls ages 5 to 11. Each team will practice one day a week
and play an eight game schedule. The cost is $65 per player and the registration will
run from May 1 to June 30. All teams will play small sided soccer games from 5 v 5
to 9 v 9 depending on their ages to ensure more touches on the ball and increased
skill development. If you have any questions, you can call Brian Maness at 901-6835286 or email at [email protected].
Fused Glass Jewelry Class
On Thursday, May 21, we will be having two classes on Fused Glass Jewelry taught
by Brian Maness. The cost of each class is $30, and every student will be able to
make multiple pairs of earrings and pendants. The first one will be from 10:00 am to
12:00 pm and the second class will be from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Space is limited so
get registered today. You can register by calling the Church Office at 683-5286 or
emailing [email protected].
Vacation Bible School Is Coming!
9am-Noon on June 1-5
April 26
Hannah Clark & Ava Gayso
Rachel Woods
Surprising Adventures
Amazing Experiments
Incredible Music
Lip-Smacking Snacks
Glacier Games
New Friends
Extended 2’s 3’s & 4’s
Mandy Robertson & Christine Russell
Children’s Church
Eric Clark & Brad Walker
CP Ranger Dinner
Stacy Lowe
The Coolest Week of the Summer!
Adult Study Group: Rainy day Sunday, but 19 members still made it to Sunday School.
Our opening prayer was given by Pollye Norman, and our funny was told by Ann
Barnett. Bill Fuller played the piano again for our joyful noises. Betty Jordan was
our Sweet Lady, and she had several good cookies—yum! Jim Moss gave a great
lesson on John 17, and then gave our closing prayer. Please visit us any Sunday.
Covenant Class: Room 105 - We invite new worshipers and guests to our class. We
are an intergenerational fellowship of couples and singles from the mid-30’s on up,
and our classroom is located across from the choir room down from the nursery.
We study a variety of short-term lessons. We look forward to seeing you Sunday.
Fidelis: We thank you, Bill Detling, for the lesson today, titled, "Believe God's Love"
and the key verse being "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been
born from God. Whoever loves someone who is a parent loves the child born to
the parent." As our lesson says, "Love, sweet love" was a favorite song..."and just
too little of" a good message...However, we all are working on that...and that is the
great hope. 12 members present. Visitors are always welcome. TR
Friendship: We are studying the book 6 Things You Should Know About God by Tom
Berlin. If you are looking for a Sunday School class, you are invited to visit with us.
We meet in room 251 above the Fellowship Hall at 9:45.
Wesleyan Class: Sunday, April 26, Robert Scallions will be teaching. Title of the
lesson: Watch Out for Deceivers. Purpose: To understand that belief has consequences
for behavior. Hearing the word: 1 John 5:6-12, 18-20; 2 John. Key Verses: Watch
yourselves so that you don't lose what we've worked for but instead receive a full
reward. (2 John 8)
Junior High/Senior High Sunday School: Join us in Room 250 for lively Bible lessons and
discussions that will help jumpstart your week at 9:45 am each Sunday morning.
M u s ic No t e s
Hooray! Everyone pay attention! We will be forming a short-term "patriotic
singing group" in the upcoming weeks. The Music Ministry is planning a splendid
''Fourth of July" extravaganza (which, incidentally, will not be on the 4th) and we
need lots of folks from our congregation to come sing some patriotic songs with
us. All the songs will be familiar and there is no "audition" to be in the
group. We will rehearse during the month of June and will present our program
at the end of June. So, start giving it some thought and then decide to come
help us out. More details to follow.
Chancel Choir—rehearsal this Wednesday night - 6:30 to 7:30 pm. New people
are always welcome.
We're looking forward to Sunday, May 3, when we will celebrate Youth Sunday
in our church. Some of the youth will be singing in the 8:30 and 11:00 am
services and they will be joined by the Chancel Choir at the 11:00 o'clock hour.
Mini Strikers Soccer Program
This is our 4 year old soccer program. The program is a six week clinic where the
kids will learn the fundamentals of soccer and play small sided 3 v 3 games. Each
clinic will be held on Sunday afternoons. The cost of the program is $40, and
registration will run from May 1 to June 30. If you have any questions, please call
Brian Maness at 683-5286 or email at [email protected].
Mark your calendars for our spring plant sale to benefit
Children’s Ministry. This year’s sale will be held:
10:00 am—2:00 pm on May 9 and 8:00 am—12:00
pm on May 10 in the Grice Memorial Garden
Donations will be accepted all day on Friday, May 8, and
Saturday, May 9, before 10:00 am. This year’s sale will
be open to the community. Gardeners, please remember
us as your perennials begin to emerge!
Remembering Our Vows…
Will you support Colonial Park United
Methodist Church with your prayers,
your presence, your gifts, your service
and your witness?
Our Prayers:
*Kay’den Perry, 443
Methodist Germantown
*Lynn Harris, 302N
the family of Lucy Ray, who
passed away on April 21,
And to the family of Dot McManus, who
passed away on April 20, 2015.
Our Service:
Thank you to everyone who helped us
host Family Promise last week!
Our Presence: 4/19/15
Worship, 8:30 am: 44
The Gathering, 9:30 am: 81
Worship, 11:00 am: 126 Total: 251
Sunday School: 83 CP Rangers: 26
Our Offerings:
Sunday Offering 4/19/15
Weekly Requirement
$ 6,179.75
$ 690,846.00
$ 13,285.50
Gifts to the Church
In memory of
 Irene Paine, by Ben & Betty Hale.
 Shirley Parham, by The Doctors and
Staff of Memphis Family Vision, Ben &
Betty Hale, Bill & Betty Pearigen, DeDe
Scott and Stephanie McVay.
 Shirley Parham, by Lottie Hogue,
Gloria Hurdle, and the Fidelis Sunday
School Class to the Senior Adult Ministry.
 Ralph Woods, brother of Alton
Woods, by Roberta Landers.
CrossRoads UMW Is Hosting a
Fashion Show
The United Methodist Women of
CrossRoads UMC will be hosting their
annual Fashion Show and Luncheon on
Saturday, May 2, at 11:00 am. This event
will include a silent auction, which begins
at 10:30 am, door prizes, fashions by
Christopher & Banks, and their “Famous
Chicken Salad” lunch. The cost is $15 per
person, and you can reserve your tickets
by calling 737-3776.
with Heather
Tuesdays 6pm CPUMC GYM
Colonial Park United Methodist Church
5330 Park Avenue
Memphis, TN 38119-3605
Memphis, TN
Permit No. 671
Tel: (901) 683-5286
Fax: (901) 684-1391
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.colonialpark.org
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Church Staff
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Scott A. Alford
Directors of Senior Adults & Home Care Ministries
Rev. Dr. Joe & Mary Ann Piercey
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Charles Stewart
Director of Music
Bill Fuller
Susan Steppe
Director of Children’s Ministries
Debbie Trusty
Director of Mother’s Day Out
Elizabeth Levy
Director of Youth
Christie Entrekin
Director of Recreation
Brian Maness
Financial/Membership Staff
Charlotte Martin
Admin./Publications Staff
Erin Potter
Facility Maintenance
Erica Clark & Neil Vause
Church Security
Eric Clark
is a weekly newsletter of Colonial Park
United Methodist Church. Items for the
newsletter should be submitted by noon on
Monday to Erin Potter, Publications
Secretary. The newsletter is published biweekly, mailed third class on Wednesday,
and e-mailed weekly, except holidays.
Visitors are invited to the Sunday worship
services at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00 am, and to
Sunday School at 9:45 am.
Join us
Sunday mornings
9:30 am in the CLC
Neighborhood Center Food Drive
Featured Food for April:
Canned or Dry Milk Products
Sunday Morning Worship
April 26: Dr. Scott Alford
Liturgist: Mark Jackson
Sermon: Laying Down Our Lives
Scriptures: 1 John 3:16-24, John 10:11-18
Communion Offering:
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
Drop donations in the grocery basket in
the main hall.
Holy Community UMC
Smith Center
Breakfast Schedule:
May 17
Open Door
We’ve got Youth Sunday
coming up on May 3. Talk
to Christie to see how you
can get involved!
Children: $3.50
Menu for April 29:
Salad, Rolls, Ramen Noodle Casserole
with Sausage, Baked Sweet Potatoes,
Steamed Asparagus, and Brownies.
All reservations must be paid for by
noon on the Monday prior.
@ Colonial Park
Mondays &
Wednesdays at
5:30 pm in the CLC
Adults: $7.00
The Power of His Name
The next Men’s
Breakfast & Bible Study
will be on Saturday, May
2, at 8:30 am in the
Fellowship Hall.
@ Colonial Park UMC
GR—Garden Room
CR—Conference Room
CLC—Christian Life Center (Gym)
FH—Fellowship Hall
9:30 am MDO
Youth Sunday
See Sunday Schedule 9:30 am Fitness Our
5:30 pm Yoga
Wednesday Faire
Sunday Schedule
2:30 pm Youth Group/GR
8:30 & 11:00 am Traditional Worship Services
5:30 pm Dinner/FH
8:30 am - 12 pm Nursery
6:00 pm Helping Hands Circle/Craft Rm. 9:30 am The Gathering Worship Service/CLC
(4th Wednesday in 105)
9:45 am Sunday School Classes
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
11 am Kids’ Own Worship, 202
12 pm Children’s Library Open
4 pm Youth Group/FP
Making disciples of Jesus Christ by
6:30 pm Pickleball/CLC
seeking God’s will,
sharing God’s love and
serving God and our neighbors.
9:30 am MDO
9:30 am Fitness Our
8:30 am Men’s
Breakfast & Bible
6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR
9:30 am UMW Craft Group/FH
1 pm Knitting Group/GR
6 pm Zumba/CLC
9:30 am MDO
9:30 am Fitness Our
10 am Prayer Group/GR
5:30 pm Yoga/CLC
See Wednesday Faire
12 pm Toastmasters/
1:30 pm Pickleball/
9:30 am MDO
9:30 am Fitness Our
10 am—2 pm Spring
Plant Sale/Garden
6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR
1 pm Knitting Group/GR
6 pm Zumba/CLC
6 pm Doss/Shettles Grp.
9:30 am MDO
9:30 am Fitness Our
10 am Prayer Group/GR
5:30 pm Yoga/CLC
See Wednesday Faire
10 am—2:45 pm HMS
12 pm Toastmasters/
12 pm JOY Lunch/FH
1:30 pm Pickleball/
9:30 am MDO
9:30 am Fitness Our
6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR
10:00 am UMW Circle Mtgs.
1 pm Knitting Group/GR
6 pm Zumba/CLC
6:30 pm Men’s Dinner & Mtg./
9:30 am MDO
9:30 am Fitness Our
10 am Prayer Group/GR
5:30 pm Yoga/CLC
See Wednesday Faire
10 am JOY Outing
9:30 am MDO
10 am Glass Class/FH 9:30 am Fitness Our
12 pm Toastmasters/
1:30 pm Pickleball/
6 pm Glass Class/FH
6 am—12 pm UMM
Ribs Sale/FP
Day of Pentecost
Church Office Closed 6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR
See Sunday Schedule
for Memorial Day 9:30 am UMW Craft Group/FH
1 pm Knitting Group/GR
6 pm Zumba/CLC
No Afternoon Youth
9:30 am Fitness Our
10 am Prayer Group/GR
5:30 pm Yoga/CLC
6 pm Helping Hands/105
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
No Wednesday Faire
11 am JOY Supper Club 9:30 am Fitness Our
at Lunch
12 pm Toastmasters/
1:30 pm Pickleball/
11 am—12 pm HMS
Pick Up/FH
9:30 am MDO
Mother’s Day
See Sunday Schedule 9:30 am Fitness Our
5:30 pm Yoga
8 am—12 pm Spring
Plant Sale/Garden
No Afternoon Youth
Confirmation Sunday 9:30 am MDO
See Sunday Schedule 9:30 am Fitness Our
12 pm UMW Lunch/FH 5:30 pm Yoga
See Sunday Schedule
2 pm Safe Sanctuaries
& Crew Leader
3 pm Safe Sanctuaries
& Crew Leader
No Afternoon Activities