Our latest newsletter - the home page of Cores End URC


Our latest newsletter - the home page of Cores End URC
The magazine of Cores End United Reformed Church, Cores End,
Bourne End, Bucks, SL8 5HZ
June July 15
Our New Minister.
Terry Hinks
For your thoughts & prayers
“To know Jesus better and to make him better known”
At 10.30 am all ages meet to worship together in the church. After about 20
minutes the children leave for their own groups. The Lord’s Supper is part of
this service on the second Sunday in each month, except where noted in the
Thur 2
2.30 ~ 4 pm
3~ 4 pm
Rev. Terry Hinks.
The Manse , Princes Rd, Bourne End, SL8 5HZ
[email protected]
Mon 6
Tue 7
Wed 8
Secretary Helen Rathbone.
Thur 9
Sat 10
5, Telston Close, Bourne End, SL8 5TY
01628 532647
[email protected]
Treasurer David Bailey 01628 520848
30, Fennels Way, Flackwell Heath. HP10 9BY
[email protected]
Hall Lettings: Ann Pendergast & Muriel Wilson
01628 526865 & 01628 523622
Sun 12
Mon 13
Wed 15
Thur 16
Sat 18
Sun 19
Newsletter Editor: John Marsh
57 Stratford Drive, Wooburn Green , Bucks HP10 0QQ
01628 525307
[email protected]
Copy deadline.
The next Newsletter will cover the period ( 26 July to 27 Sept)
I need all materials for editing in by the (Sunday 12 July )
at the very latest.
The opinions of contributors are their own, are not authorised by the United Reformed Church locally or nationally and do not
necessarily reflect those of the Editor, Elders or the Minister, except where they are specifically stated to do so.
Wed 22
Thur 23
Sat 25
Sun 26
Wed 29
Thur 30
Rainbow Coffee Shop
Fellowship Group Meeting
Over 60 s Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Family Worship with Junior Church
Product Stall
( Rev Bill Hewiss )
7.30 pm
Elders Meeting
Link-up ~ outing
Rainbow Coffee Shop
2.30 ~ 4 pm
Fellowship Group Meeting
3~ 4 pm
Over 60 s Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Family Worship with Junior Church
& Holy Communion
( Rev. Terry Hinks )
7.30 pm
2.30 ~ 4 pm
3~ 4 pm
Items for Newsletter today , Please
Church Meeting
Rainbow Coffee Shop
Fellowship Group Meeting
Over 60 s Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Family Worship with Junior Church
( The Worship Group)
Rainbow Coffee Shop
2.30 ~ 4 pm
Fellowship Group Meeting
3~ 4 pm
Over 60 s Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Family Worship with Junior Church
(Rev. Terry Hinks )
Rainbow Coffee Shop
2.30 ~ 4 pm
Fellowship Group Meeting
3~ 4 pm
Over 60 s Table Tennis
Thur 11
7.30 pm
2.30 ~ 4 pm
3~ 4 pm
hank you for your welcome and your prayers over recent months.
Elizabeth and I hope it won’t be long before we are living in the
village and can truly become part of the community here. The induction
service on 25 April was a glorious occasion, bringing together such a variety of people in the Trinity Church, High Wycombe. Then worship here at
Cores End the next day, with lunch to follow, sealed the new beginning.
Among the songs sung at the induction was one by John Bell and Graham
Maule (from the Iona Community). It begins with the words,
Elders Meeting
Rainbow Coffee Shop
Fellowship Group Meeting
Over 60 s Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Family Worship with Junior Church (T)
( Rev. Erna Stevenson )
Link– Up ~ Memories ~ Letter Game
Rainbow Coffee Shop
2.30 ~ 4 pm
Fellowship Group Meeting
7.30 pm
Mission Meeting
3~ 4 pm
Over 60 s Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Family Worship with Junior Church
& Holy Communion Rev.( Terry Hinks)
Rainbow Coffee Shop
2.30 ~ 4 pm
Fellowship Group Meeting
3~ 4 pm
over 60s
Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Take this moment, sign and space,
take my friends around;
here among us make the place
where your love is found.
full pages
10.30 Family Worship with Junior Church
( Rev. Alan Kirkcaldy )
A. G. Meeting.
Thur 25
Link– Up ~ Cookham Bell Ringers
Rainbow Coffee Shop
2.30 ~ 4 pm
Fellowship Group Meeting
3~ 4 pm
Table Tennis
Prayer meeting at church
Family Worship with Junior Church (D Barkel)
(Rev. Terry Hinks )
april may 15 - Copy.pub
Each moment is precious and each day is a new gift. It is so easy to let
those moments slip by unnoticed and creation’s glories pass us by. It’s so
easy to take people for granted and to forget that God’s love is at work
among us. We need to take the moment and ‘seize the day’.
I look forward to getting to know you over the next months and
sharing together in what God is calling the church at Cores End to be and
to do. In this we will be working with the other churches of this area and
beyond, recognising our need of each other. Each one of us, young, old or
in between, has a part to play. The final verse of the song has these
Take my talents, take my skills,
take what’s yet to be.
Let my life be yours, and yet,
let it still be me.
God doesn’t call us to be someone different, but to be truly ourselves, fulfilling that purpose for which we have been made and saved. May God
bless us in this amazing journey of life and faith – a journey we make together. And as the church’s pulpit fall reminds us, Christ promises to be
with us on this journey, saying ‘I am with you always.’
Terry Hinks
More Rotas
Mary, who died on 27th April at the age of almost 90, was known to
many of us, although its been a long time since she was well
enough to attend a service .She had been on my elders list for some
years, so I got to know her well. She had been a very independent
lady ,living in the home she and George had built, with the large
garden where they grew fruit and vegetables and very much
involved with church life. She was brought to the church by her
parents who lived in Upper Hedsor Road and she used to entertain
me with stories of her childhood. Her Sunday School teacher was
Joyce Purssell ( another long gone local) and she use to drive Joyce
scatty and many times was chased round the churchyard. She was
also in trouble when caught out spending her collection money on
sweets , in the little shop over the bridge which I remember, and
reported to her parents. This was in the days when she could be
sent to walk down Hawks Hill alone to walk to church. IMAGINE
THAT TODAY. She was well cared for in Harrias House but missed
her independence. It was a happy release and at the end when I
visited her almost daily, it was a joy to see the peace a passage from
the Bible could bring I shall miss her.
Bethany Blankley : May 4, 2015 : "Love is coming after you! ...An
army comes, with no tanks or soldiers. But an army of martyrs
faithful unto death."
A Letter from the People of the Cross to ISIS The world is talking about you.
Your apocalyptic dreams and spectacular sins are now
awakening the Middle East.
In your holy war, come to holy ground.
Come, children of Abraham, come. The people of the
cross gather at your gates with a message:
Love is coming after you! Like a rush of wind grazing over the Pacific,
From hills of the Mount of Olives to the desert winds of Jordan, From
the cedars of Lebanon to the silk roads of the East, An army comes.
With no tanks or soldiers, But an army of martyrs faithful unto death,
Carrying a message of life. The People of the Cross Come to die at
your gates. If you won't hear our message with words, Then we will
show you with out lives Laid down.
Church Towels
May 31
Barbara Baigent
June 7
Betty Toovey
Daphne Stopforth
Freda Burwood
Jane Griffiths
July 5
May 29
Jan Condon & June Cronin
June 5
Frances Poulsen & Jean Ririe
Jean Ririe
Wendy Langford
Barbara Baigent
Betty Toovey
Church Cleaning
Rosemary Bailey & Helen Rathbone
Sylvia Marsh & Ann Day
Beryl & Geoff Britt
July 3 Ann Wilkinson & Marguerite Stalder
Marie Willingham & Jean Ririe
Jan Condon & June Cronin
Frances Poulsen & Jean Ririe
Rosemary Bailey & Helen Rathbone
After some discussion at Elders Meeting it has been decided to limit
the Notices given out before the Service to Emergencies only.
This leaves you the options of …
2. Put them in the Newsletter, but make sure to get them in on
time, thinking 2 months ahead.
3. Put them on the weekly service sheet. If you wish them to get
on the following Sunday you need to get a notice to Geoff Britt
by a Wednesday.
The bad things are just like the weeds that damage the corn. Remember, if
there are things you are not sure about, pray to the Heavenly Father about
them and He will help you."
The boys thought this sounded like good advice and the Carpenter had
already explained about praying to the Heavenly Father anytime,
anywhere. They sometimes wondered how a village Carpenter could
know so much and be so wise.
Benjamin and Asaph were beginning to feel hungry and decided it was
time to go. The Carpenter thanked then for their help and said they were
welcome to come and see him anytime, he would be back in the
workshop soon
After they had gone, the Carpenter sat on one of the stools, and said,
quietly, "It was good that the sower came by just then, thank you."
I thought it might be good for them to learn about good and bad thoughts."
"Keep them safe.''
"Of course."
This was Written by Paul Cronin in 2006 and originally published in “Acts
and Facts” the magazine of Alperton Baptist Church
May Day Party
Many thanks to all who helped make our second May Day Party another
great success. From around 10.30 on the first May bank holiday the
church car park and garden were transformed into a colourful and
welcoming area, with lots of fun activities for our party guests who arrived after 12 and throughout the afternoon. The sun shone on us all day,
and the background music added a real party atmosphere. The barbecue,
brilliantly manned by volunteers from The Community Church, who were
supporting us once again in this Mission event, was well-received and
voluntary donations raised £110 for the local One Can Foodbank. Our
guests included regular hall users, particularly young families associated
with the Montessori Nursery, and local residents and it was great to see
so many new faces enjoying themselves with us. The children enjoyed the
bouncy castle and circus skills workshop, story-reading, doughnut-eating,
beanbag-throwing, colouring competition and treasure hunts. So many
volunteers make the event possible - allowing us to reach out to our community and invite them to explore the church and what we're all about. A
big THANK YOU! Perhaps we'll do it all again next year Get involved in
planning future Mission events.
Next Mission meeting Wed 10th June at 7.30 in the church lounge.
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your donations for the Little Princess Trust.
The total amount raised came to £170.
We also sent two 9 inch plaits of Evie's hair which will be used to
help make a real hair wig.
The Little Princess Trust is a charity that makes wigs for children
who have lost their hair through cancer treatment.
Thank you so much for all your support.
Debbie and Evie Townsend
Carrier pidgeon’s tea break
Have a chat, or just listen, to God. Prayer is my tonic.It works wonders.
Just a reminder of all the Prayer help available at the Church. God
accepts all prayers and there are no set ways to suit everyone. Prayers
while hoovering, pegging out the washing or having a lazy bath. All
acceptable if that’s what suits you.
At Church we have…..
A Prayer Board in the car park lobby (Never noticed it ? its by the door
to the stairs and anyone can write a prayer and pin it on. They are
included in the Sunday Prayers of Intercession, we had one last week.)
The Prayer Book in the entrance foyer .This is to write names and
concerns to be included in the Sunday Prayers and the book is brought
forward during the service.
You should always get permission from the person you are mentioning
if you are unsure whether they would want others to know.
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The Prayer Circle. This is a telephone hotline, often used for
emergencies. Now we have a Minister, Terry should be advised first ,
then phone Sylvia Marsh and I phone round to get the lines of prayer
going. If you would like to join the circle give me a ring. This is a great
consolation when your concerns for a loved one are so great you can
barely pray yourself. You can feel God holding you up .
Saturday morning Prayers. A small group of us meet at 9.30am in the
entrance foyer and share prayers , mostly for our church family or
concerns. We also think of the coming week and our neighbourhood.
We try to finish at 10. am. All welcome.
The Fellowship Group which meets on Wednesdays 2.30pm to 4.oo pm
in Orchard House. We are led by David Reynolds .We study part of the
bible, at present looking at the book of Daniel. We have a discussion so
that we can learn more of what God is telling us for today, then a
cuppa. We finish with a time of prayer for concerns which we all bring.
Its open to all, none of us are experts and can all learn more by listening
to what other people see in a passage.
Prayer is the Life Blood of the church, which really brings results. (Not
always the ones we expect ) To God be the Glory.
That's right, Farmer Reuben wants to get the big field sown as soon as
possible." The Carpenter thought for a moment and said, "Do you think
Farmer Reuben could spare me a handful?"
"I'm sure he could," the sower replied; he put his hand into his bag, pulled
out a handful of seed and put it into the Carpenter's hand, who then put it
carefully into a pocket.
"Thank you very much," the Carpenter said. "It won't be wasted." They said
their goodbyes and the sower went back across the field throwing his seed
all round as he went.
The two boys watched for a while and Asaph said "Lots of them fall onto the
earth, but some seem to fall where there are rocks and stones."
"What happens to them?"
"As soon as the sower has gone past the birds come and eat them, so they
are wasted."
Not quite wasted," said the Carpenter. Then he took a few from his pocket
and spread them out on the palm of his hand. "These are very powerful," he
said. The boys looked at him in amazement. What on earth did he mean. The
seeds were so tiny, wouldn't really hurt if you threw then in someone's face.
The Carpenter stirred the seeds with his finger. "They have life in them, just
as you have; when the sower throws them onto good earth they will lie
there for while, then it will rain, the sun will warm them and they will start
to grow." The boys nodded their heads. They had seen plenty of fields of
corn. "When they are ripe they will have perhaps a hundred grains on each
stalk for turning into flour for bread and other food. You've already seen
what happens to the seeds that fall on stony ground, the birds eat them up
quickly. Sometimes when there are weeds in the ground they grow faster
than the corn and choke it." The boys nodded but didn't understand what it
meant, so they all continued on to Jacob's house.
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When they got there they all un-strapped the shutters and laid them on
stools so that the Carpenter could fit-the hinges. When that was done, the
two boys held the shutters so that the Carpenter could fit them over the
Benjamin and Asaph were very quiet. The Carpenter knew that they were
trying to work out if there was anything behind what he had said to them
about the seed. He pulled some stools round so they could all sit down. He
put his hand into his pocket and took out all the seed and divided it into
two portions. "I want you to take some seed home and plant it in ground
near the house so you can look after it, put a few on the stones and see how
quickly the birds will eat it. When the corn begins to grow I want you to
pullout any weeds so that it can grow properly. You two are growing up just
like the corn will and I want you to learn and remember all the good things
you hear from your teacher. Other people may tell you things that aren't
good and you must ask our Heavenly Father to help you not to be taken in
by them, so that you can grow strong in your mind as well as your body. .
Sowing The Seed
Benjamin and Asaph turned the
corner into the street where the
Carpenter had his workshop. As they
looked towards the other end of the
village they could see that there was a
donkey tethered outside. They broke
into a run and arrived outside the
workshop just as the Carpenter came
out. "Hello Carpenter, what's going to
happen today then?" The Carpenter
looked at them and smiled, he liked
his two young visitors and they were
beginning to be quite helpful.
"Good morning, I'm glad you've arrived
early, some of the shutters you've been
helping me make for Jacob's new
house are ready to be fitted, so if you
like you can come along and give me a
hand." The two boys did like the idea,
they enjoyed being with the Carpenter, he treated them differently from other adults, and little by little they were
beginning to learn about life and the Heavenly
Father from this very wise
man. The went into the workshop and carried out a shutter each, which they
fixed to the straps on one side of the donkey, and the Carpenter came out with
the other two and fixed them on the other side of the donkey. When everything
was ready they set off in the direction of Jacob's house.
Benjamin and Asaph were very pleased to be out with the Carpenter who was
well liked and respected by the village. There was always something to be
made or repaired, so nearly everybody knew him and he always had time for
As they left the village behind them they saw a man walking towards them
across a field and as he came on Benjamin and Asaph could see that he kept
putting his hand into a bag hanging from his shoulder and swinging his arm in
a wide sweep and the boys could just make out tiny specks flying through the
air and falling to the ground.
"Good morning Carpenter," he called. "You off to Jacob's house today?"
"That's right," the Carpenter replied. "I've got some shutters, my two friends have
helped me to make them and now they are coming to help me fit them. Is it
time for sowing again?"
The hospital doctors, the good God and I
Were agreed that this wasn't my time for 'Goodbye!'
So we all set to work with the best of good wills,
I with my faith and the doctors with pills,
And that night in the dark as I muttered a prayer
I knew safe and sure that the good God was there.
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That night in the dark as I struggled for breath
The good God and I had a chat about death
And he said to me 'Son, for the sake of your wife
You'd better be thinking much more about life,
And how you will cope with what you must bear
For whatever your future trust me to be there.'
Let the doctors prescribe as they battle with ills;
I'll do my part as I swallow their pills;
I'll get up and dress and creep up and down stairs
And morning and evening I'll still say my prayers
Thankful each dawn as the daylight shines clear
That the hospital doctors and good God are here.
Taken from Millennium Musings.
Ken French
A big THANK YOU to all who cotributed to our church
Christian Aid collection for Nepal.
It raised ~ £305.52
Door Stewards
Rotas =
June July 15
Bible Reading
Prayers of Int
Church Flowers
Copy of full pages aug sept 10 pub.pub
May 31 Debbie Townsend & Stuart Wheeler
Freda Burwood
Ron Dean & Barbara Baigent
Geoff Britt
June Cronin
Ruth Thompson & Ann Wilkinson
Muriel Wilson & Ali Wheeler
Jane Griffiths & Betty Toovey
Barbara Lambert
Fathers Day
John &Vacant
Janet Adair
Marguerite Stalder & Jane Griffiths
Jan Condon & Ann Pendergast
Cynthia Houchin
David Bailey
Betty Toovey
1st Sunday
in Advent
John Marsh & Cynthia Houchin
Wendy Langford
Marguerite Stalder & Muriel Wilson
Helen Rathbone
Geoff Britt
June 7 Alaka Thomlinson & Ann pendergast
28 Deb Townsend & Daphne Stopforth
July 5 Stuart Wheeler & Ann Pendergast
Geoff & June Cronin
Ann & Ian Pendergast
Alaka Tomlinson & Muriel Wilson
Wendy Langford & Jenny Darby
Sylvia Marsh
Marguerite Stalder & Ali Wheeler
Ann Wilkinson & Barbara Baigent
Worship Group
David Reynolds
Daphne Stop & Jane Griffiths
Barbara Baigent & Ron Dean
Alaka Thomlinson
Thea Drye
Jane Griffiths & Betty Toovey
Ruth Thompson
Allan & Helen
Aug 2
full pages aug sept 12- - - - Copy.pub
Notice Board
Please note
Terry’s day off will be on Fridays!!