Registrar User Manual - Civil Registration System


Registrar User Manual - Civil Registration System
User Manual
(For Registrar)
Civil Registration System
Birth and Death
V.S. Division, West Block –I, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066
Registrar User Manual Version1.0
The Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India
Civil Registration System
Registrar User Manual Version 1.0
Table of Contents
Page No.
Registrar Login
Logging in
Master (Hospital)
2.2.1 Add Hospital
2.2.2 Edit Hospital
User Management
2.3.1 User Registration
2.3.2 Registered User
2.4.1 Add Birth Registration (Legal Information)
2.4.2 Add Birth Registration (Statistical Information)
2.4.3 Birth Confirm Page
2.4.4 NAC Issued
2.4.5 Search Birth Registration
2.4.6 Incomplete Registration Form
2.4.7 Received Applications
2.4.8 Rejected Application
2.5.1 Add Death Registration (Legal Information)
2.5.2 Add Death Registration (Statistical Information)
2.5.3 Death Confirm Page
2.5.4 NAC Issued
2.5.5 Search Death Registration
2.5.6 Incomplete Registration Form
2.5.7 Received Applications
2.5.8 Rejected Application
Still Birth
2.6.1 Add Still Birth Registration (Legal Information)
2.6.2 Add Still Birth Registration (Statistical Information)
2.6.3 Still Birth Confirm Page
2.6.4 Search Still Birth Registration
2.6.5 Incomplete Registration Form
Civil Registration System
Birth and Death Registration
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Civil Registration System (CRS) primarily, is a web based application as a common solution
for Birth, Death and Still Birth Registration and Certificate generation across the country.
System provides centralized data management of all recorded events for Birth and Death
and Still Birth registration. System also facilitates frequent reports for analysis and planning
based on data of birth, death and still birth registration. An offline version of the application
is also available for registration for those areas where internet facility is not available.
Offline version of application works on simple computer without internet facility and the
record of registration can be import subsequently from that computer to centralize online
application server for consolidation of database and all records will be available with online
application across the country.
System provides robust User management based on different user authorization to access
and generate data and reports. Different users are provided access to application at
different level of authorization and authentication.
System provides secured access to users having user ID and password. A user having basic
knowledge of computer and internet can work easily with application.
Functions of the application1. User Registration
2. Master Data Management
3. Birth Registration
4. Death Registration
5. Still Birth Registration
6. Not Availability Certificate (NAC) Issuance
7. Reports Generation
This manual is intended for use of the registration functionaries, namely, the Registrar and
Civil Registration System
Registrar User Manual Version 1.0
Registrar Login
2.1. Logging in
The Online CRS-BRD Application presently resides on NIC Server under the domain name The Application can be accessed from any net browser. However, it is
best viewed in Google-chrome web browser.
You can also can access online application of CRS by typing in the
address bar of the internet browser, and then select „Birth and Death Software‟ on the Home
Page. The following Login Page will appear:
Fig2.1.1: CRS Login page
To login as Registrar, perform the following steps:
Enter the valid user name and password.
Type the CAPTCHA exactly as given in the picture.
 Click the Login button given at the bottom. Home page will be displayed.
The active items displayed in the Menu Bar on Home Page for User „Registrar‟ are: Home,
Master, User Management, Birth, Death, Still Birth and Logout
(One inactive items, namely, „Reports‟ on the Menu bar are available to higher level
functionaries i.e. District Registrar, Chief Registrar and the Registrar General and have been
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discussed in another manual).
Also please note the three panels (i)
„Quick Launch‟ (extreme left) – To access quick functionality
„Registration Summary‟ (extreme right)- To view daily registered events
„News Management‟ (top middle) and – To view active news
'Dash Board' (middle) – To display events submitted by Hospitals
On the activity screen which are meant to carry out specific functions as indicated thereon.
The statistics revealed in the table under „Registration Summary‟ depicts the number of
births, deaths, still births and infant deaths registered in the Registration Area in reference
on the current date or some specified date selected for the purpose.
A snapshot of the Home page as displayed, is shown below:
Fig2.1.2: Registrar Homepage
Click the active menu links to view the sub-links and functionality they will allow to
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2.2. Master
Put the cursor on menu option “Master” for the sub link under it. Click on link Hospital to
access hospital master. Here user can perform following operations:
1. Add new Hospitals
2. Edit hospital's details
2.2.1. Add new Hospital
To add a new hospital in user master, click on the Hospital Master link. Following screen will
be displayed:
Fig2.2.1: Hospital Master List
To add a new hospital in hospital master, user has to click at link given down-left named as
+New at the page. Following screen will be displayed:
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Fig2.2.2: Add New Hospital
Enter hospital code just more one to previous added hospital code.
Enter Hospital name
Since hospital should lie in the jurisdiction area of registrar so state, district, subdistrict and registration unit names will be auto filled and non-editable.
Select Village/town name in which hospital exists
Enter E-mail ID of hospital
Enter mobile number of hospital
Select place type either govt. or private
Select the status out of two, active or inactive
Now click on button “Save & Add”
2.2.2. Edit Hospital
For editing details of any hospital, Please follow the steps
Click “edit” link given against the desired hospital from hospital master.
Hospital profile will be opened with previously filled information.
After updating desired information, please click on “save ”button to update information
One confirmation message will be displayed on the screen.
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2.3. User Management
Click the User Management link for the Sub links under it. Functions which can be performed
with this link are shown in the screen snapshot shown below:
1. Create, update and delete users.
2 . View the Registered user list.
2.3.1. User Registration
To create a new user (sub-registrar) under the user „Registrar‟, click on the User Registration
link. Following screen will be displayed:
Fig2.3.1: User Registration
Enter „User Name ‟in the respective text-box.
Enter the User „E-mail id ‟in the text-box provided, the email id should be unique
and in the proper email format.
Select Gender of the user.
Select role of user under creation from the drop-down box of the item „Role‟.
note that in present case there are only two roles available would be „sub-registrar‟ and
'data entry operator' as the application has built in user wise permissions in it.
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Since the sub-registrar/data entry operator will also belong to the same Registration unit,
further fields till Registration unit will not be available for selection.
Click on “Submit” button to save the user details.
Registered Users
To view the user created, click the Registered Users link under User Management Link.
Following screen will be displayed:
Fig2.3.2: Registered users
All the Users created by Registrar will be available here and Registrar can edit the user for
modifying his information like Name, Email id, Gender etc.
The User can also be deleted from the list.
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Keeping the mouse pointer over the Birth link will display the sub links which will allow
registering the birth event, View NAC issued list, Search for registered births, and complete
the incomplete registration form respectively.
2.4.1. Add Birth Registration (Legal information)
To register a birth, click the Add birth registration link under Birth link. Following screen will
be displayed. The first screen displayed will allow enter the Birth legal information and the
second screen linked to it the related statistical information provided to the Registrar in
Reporting Form-1 for registering the birth event.
Fig: 2.4.1 Birth menu
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Fig2.4.1.1: Add Birth Legal information
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System facilitates users to fill reporting form in their regional language of state to which
they belongs. There are 4 options of reporting languages in which birth reporting can be
English-Regional language
Regional language-English
Regional language-None
According to ease of reporting, user can fill reporting form any one combination out of
above four. In case of bilingual reporting, as soon as user types in primary language,
system auto translates in secondary language. If there is any discrepancy in auto translated
text, then it can be corrected by typing manually in that text-box.
Form No.: Enter the form number of the birth that is going to be registered (if any).
Reporting Date: Select the reporting date from calendar control provided.
Information of the child
Date of Birth: Select the date of birth from the calendar control. The application validates
the date of birth with the reporting date keyed in.
Three checks on Date of birth and Date of Reporting have been applied as under. If any of
the below conditions is true then the event is registered in the category „Delayed‟:
1. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth is more than 21 Days but within 30 Days.
2. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth is more than 30 Days but within 1 Year.
3. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth>1 Year.
In such a case the system will prompt that the event is a delayed event and will later, based
on the period of delay, ask for requisite documents in the statistical form.
The period of
delay and documents required are as under:
Period of Delay
Receipt No.
More than21 days but within
30 days
Receipt No.
Order No. of
Competent Authority
Date of Order
More than 30 days but
Within one year
Receipt No.
Magistrate Order
Date of Order
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The system will check for requisite documents and an alert will be displayed to the user.
If user clicks on “OK” then the software will allow user to proceed with the registration and
if the user presses “Cancel” then the system will start with the new registration.
Fig2.4.1.2: Delayed Registration
Sex: Select child‟s gender from the drop-down box.
First Name: Enter the child‟s first name if available.
Middle Name: Enter Middle name of the child.
Last Name: Enter last name of the child, if any.
Father’s information
First Name: Enter father‟s first name here.
Middle Name: Enter father‟s middle name here.
Last Name: Enter father‟s last name here.
UID: Enter father‟s UID, if available.
Mother’s information
First Name: Enter mother‟s first name here.
Middle Name: Enter mother‟s middle name here.
Last Name: Enter mother‟s last name here.
UID: Enter mother‟s UID, if available.
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Address of parents at the time of birth of child
System facilitates two options to fill address of parents at the time of birth of child Inside India or
 Outside India
By click on radio buttons given in address panel, any option can be selected. If user selects
outside India then system will displays a single text-box to fill complete address within it. In
case of inside India, an address panel will be displayed with following options to fillBldg. No & name: Enter name and number of building here.
House no.: Enter House no. here.
Street/Lane name: Enter Street/lane name here.
Locality/Post office: Enter locality/Post office here.
State: Select the state from the drop-down box here.
District: Select respective district for the state selected.
Sub-district: Select corresponding sub-district for the selected district.
Village/Town: Select the Village/Town for the selected sub-district.
Pin: Enter the pin for the address here.
Permanent address of parents:
System facilitates two options to fill permanent address  Inside India or
 Outside India
By click on radio buttons given in address panel, any option can be selected. If user selects
outside India then system will displays a single text-box to fill complete address within it. In
case of inside India, an address panel will be displayed with following options to fillBldg. No & name: Enter name and number of building here.
House no.: Enter House no. here.
Street/Lane name: Enter Street/lane name here.
Locality/Post office: Enter locality/Post office here.
State: Select the state from the drop-down box here.
District: Select respective district for the state selected.
Sub-district: Select corresponding sub-district for the selected district.
Village/Town: Select the Village/Town for the selected sub-district.
Pin: Enter the pin for the address here.
If permanent address is same as that of address of parents at the time of birth, then a
check-box is provided. This check-box will make both the addresses same.
Place of Birth
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System facilitates two options to fill of place of birth
Inside India or
Outside India
By click on radio buttons given in address panel, any option can be selected. If user selects
outside India then system will displays a single text-box to fill complete address within it. In
case of inside India, an address panel will be displayed with following options to fillHospital: If place of birth is selected as Hospital, then a block with the Name and Address
of hospital will be displayed. The Hospitals displayed in the list will be from the same
Registration unit to which the Registrar belongs.
Fig: Birth– Place of birth I
House or Others: If the place of birth is selected as House or Others, then the address block
will be displayed. And fill in the address block.
Fig:– Place of birth II
Informant’s information
Two check boxes have been given in this block to enable user to select if the Informant‟s
address is same as „Permanent addresses‟ or „Hospital addresses.
Name: Enter the name of the informant here. If the place of birth is Hospital then check
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the check box, “Informant‟s address same as Hospital address.” to automatically display
informant‟s name and address.
Address: Enter the Address of the informant here. If address same as Permanent address
then check the corresponding checkbox to automatically display informant‟s address in the
text box.
Pin: Enter Pin here.
Save: On clicking this button, the entered information will be saved and control will be
transferred to Birth statistical information.
Cancel: Clicking the Cancel button will take the user to the homepage.
Add Birth Registration (Statistical Information)
Once the Legal information is saved, the user will be redirected to next screen where in
statistical information will be filled in.
Following screen shot shows the Birth statistical screen:
Fig2.4.2.1: Birth Statistical information
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Town/Village of Residence of mother
State: Select the state from the drop-down box here.
District: Select respective district for the state selected.
Sub-district: Select corresponding sub-district for the selected district. If user does not
know sub-district name, then an option “All sub-district” can be selected and corresponding
list of villages will populate all villages of district.
Is it a Town/Village: Select the corresponding Town/Village for the selected.
Name of Village/Town: Select the Village/Town for the selected sub-sub district.
Town/ Village.
If residence of mother is same as that of address of parents at the time of birth of child,
then a check-box is provided. This check-box will make both the address are same.
Father and Mother’s information
Religion: Select the Religion from the drop-down box provided.
Father’s level of education: Select level of education from the drop-down provided.
Father’s occupation: Select the occupation of father from the drop-down box.
Mother’s level of education: Select level of education from the drop-down provided.
Mother’s occupation: Select the occupation of mother from the drop-down box.
Other information
Age of mother at the time of first marriage: Enter the age of mother in completed
Age of mother at the time of this birth: Enter the age of mother in years.
This field wills not accept the value if it is less than Age of mother at the time
Of first marriage.
Number of children born alive to the mother so far including this child: Enter the
number of children value here.
Type of attention at the delivery: Select the appropriate value from the drop-down box
Type of Delivery: Select the required value from the drop-down provided.
This field is inline with the place of birth in legal portion.
Birth weight: Enter the weight of the baby in the text-box provided.
Duration of pregnancy (in weeks): Enter the duration of pregnancy in the text-box
Upload Reporting form
Upload reporting form: Upload the scanned copy of the reporting form here.
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Remarks: Enter remarks in the text are a provided.
Save: After clicking the button, the entered information will be saved and control will be
transferred to Birth conformation page as shown below (Fig2.4.3.1).
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the homepage.
Birth Confirm Page
Fig2.4.3.1: Birth confirm page
Registration date: System facilitate to user to change the date of registration. Date of
registration can lie between dates of reporting to current date otherwise system will take
current date as default.
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Confirm: Click the Confirm button after verifying the information displayed as an
acknowledgment. This will make the registration permanent and Registration number will be
generated at this step.
Edit: User may click on Edit button if any information requires modification.
Fig2.4.3.2: Birth legal confirm (Acknowledgment)
After clicking Confirm button, the legal information acknowledgment is shown to the user.
User has following three options here.
Add Next Record: On clicking this button, user will be able to add a next registration.
Generate Certificate: On click of this button, a certificate will be displayed to the user.
Refer below snapshot (Fig2.4.3.3) of the certificate.
View birth registration list: To navigate to the Birth registration list page, this button
will be clicked. Newly added registration will be available on the list page.
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Fig Birth certificate
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The certificate can be downloaded or printed from this screen.
Print: Click the Print button for printing the birth certificate.
Cancel: Clicking the Cancel button will take the user to the home page.
2.4.4. NAC issued
The NAC Issued link is to view the list of Non availability certificates issued. NAC is issued on
request to an applicant against payment of prescribed fee, if search made in the database of
registered events for the desired event reveals that the same is not found to be registered.
The NAC so obtained will allow the applicant to get the event registered thereafter. Screen
below shows the NAC list as it appears and displayed:
Fig2.4.4.1:NAC issued list
View: On clicking View, the NAC Certificate displayed is as shown below:
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Fig2.4.4.2: Birth Non-Availability Certificate
Print: Click the Print button for printing the NAC certificate.
2.4.5. Search Birth Registration
Search Birth screen is to search if a given birth event is registered in the database of
registered births of the Application.
For the purpose, enter some or all of the desired
parameters listed on the Birth search screen. The Search result will display a list with
records matching the search criteria.
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Fig2.4.5.1: Birth search screen
Birth Year: Select birth year range.
Registration no.: Enter the Registration no.
Gender: Select gender from the drop-down box.
Date of Birth: Enter the date of Birth.
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Name of father: Enter the name of the father.
Name of mother: Enter the name of the mother.
Name of the child: Enter name of the child.
Search: On click of Search, there cord for the parameter provided will be displayed.
Reset: Reset click will clear the entered search criteria.
Registration no. link: If user clicks on the Registration no. Link in the search list, then a
screen with the details of registration will be displayed. Refer snapshot (Fig:
Fig: information
Certificate view: Click the View link for viewing the certificate. (Refer
Correction: On clicking the Correction link, the Birth registration page opens in Edit
mode. User can modify the values in Legal and statistical section. The correction limit is set
to 3 times only, once user crosses the limit, the correction button will be disabled.
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History: On click of View link in History column, the Original and the corrected records
are displayed. The records are displayed in the descending order as in the latest updated
record will be on the top.
Fig2.4.5.3: Birth history list
On clicking the View link in Corrections of History list page, the record details are shown.
The data which is changed first time is shown in Blue color and the data which is modified in
second correction is shown in Pink color.
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Fig: history details
How to generate Non-availability Certificate?
If user tries to search an event presumed to have been registered and it is not found in the
system, then a Non-Availability certificate has to be issued for such cases as shown below:
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Fig: Search
On clicking “Generate Certificate” button as displaying in Fig (, following screen
will be displayed which will generate the certificate.
Fig: Birth NAC
Save: After clicking the button, the entered information will be saved.
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the homepage.
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2.4.6. Incomplete Registration Form
The incomplete form will be saved in Incomplete Registration link as shown below:
Continue Registration: On clicking the Continue Registration link, the Birth
registration page opens in Edit mode. User can continue with in complete section. The
correction limit is set to 3 times only, once user crosses the limit, the correction button will
be disabled.
Delete: To delete the record
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2.4.7. Application Received
The birth events submitted by Hospitals and Data Entry Operators to Registrar for approval,
are listed under this link.
Here registrar can perform following two activities:
View Remark: Registrar can view remark against any birth event submitted by Hospitals
or Data Entry Operators by click on link “View” under column Remark. For any new
application, remark will display default text ”New Application”. If application is re-submitted
after some clarification asked by registrar then remarks will display the message written by
Hospitals or Data Entry Operators.
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Proceed: On clicking button ”Proceed” against any submitted birth event for registration,
system will redirect to the page as displaying below where registrar will be able to review
submitted event by applicants.
After Reviewing submitted event, as per own satisfaction through any communication or
verification, registrar may take any action among of three as listed below.
Approve: Being satisfied with information filled by applicant, registrar can approved
the application and system will redirect on confirmation page from where events registration
can be confirmed and registered in usual flow of birth registration. After registration that
event will display in usual “Search Birth Registered” linked list.
Seek Clarification: If registrar is partially satisfied and requires some clarification
from applicant then application can be send back to applicant for clarification with adding
some remark (optional).
(Note): After send back for clarification, the birth event will be listed in list with only
“View” option under column “Action”. As soon as applicant re-submits the event after
updating the information as required by registrar, again option “Proceed” will be available
to registrar against that application under column “Action”.
Reject Application: If registrar is completely unsatisfied with the information filled
by applicant then application can be rejected by click on button “Reject Application”. Now
that application will list in rejected application list.
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2.4.8. Rejected Applications
The applications of birth events submitted by Hospitals or Data Entry Operators, after
rejection by Registrar will listed here as shown below.
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2.5. Death Registration
Keeping the mouse pointer over Death link will display the sub links which will allow
registering death; View NAC issued list, Search for registered Deaths, Incomplete
Registration Form respectively.
Fig: 2.5.1 Death menu
2.5.1. Add Death Registration (Legal Information)
To register a death, click Add death registration link under Death. Following screen will be
displayed. This screen will display Death legal information and the screen linked to this will
display statistical portion of Death.
System facilitates users to fill reporting form in their regional language of state to which
they belongs. There are 4 options of reporting languages in which birth reporting can be
English-Regional language
Regional language-English
Regional language-None
According to ease of reporting, user can fill reporting form with any one combination out of
above four. In case of bilingual reporting, as soon as user types in primary language,
system auto translates in secondary language. If there is any discrepancy in auto translated
text, then it can be corrected by typing manually in that text-box.
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Fig2.5.1.1: Add Death Legal information
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Form No.: Enter the form number (if any)of the death event that is going to be
Reporting Date: Select the reporting date from calendar control provided.
Deceased Information
Date of Death: Select the date of death from the calendar control. The application
validates the date of death with the reporting date as keyed in.
There are three checks on Date of Death for checking the delayed registration. If any of the
below conditions is true then it is considered to be delayed.
1. Date of Reporting–Date of Death is more than21Daysbut within30Days.
2. Date of Reporting–Date of Death is morethan30Daysbutlessthan1 Year.
3. Date of Reporting–Date of Death> 1Year.
If the registration falls under any of these categories then the software would prompt for the
event being a delayed event and in the „statistical form ‟it will ask for the documents based
on the period of delay as follows:
Period of Delay
Receipt No.
Receipt No.
More than21 days but
within 30 days
Order No. of
Date of Order
Competent Authority
Receipt No.
Magistrate Order
More than30daysbut
Within one year
Date of Order
If user clicks on “OK” then the software will allow user to proceed with the
Registration and if the user presses “Cancel” then the system start with the
new registration. The alert snap hot is shown below.
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Fig2.5.1.2: Delayed Registration
Sex: Select child‟s gender from the drop-down box.
Age: Select the age of deceased from the drop-down box and enter the actual age in the
text-box provided. This value is validated against the selected parameter in the drop-down
First Name: Enter the child‟s first name if available.
Middle Name: Enter Middle name of the child.
Last Name: Enter last name of the child if any.
UID: Enter UID of the deceased, if available.
Father/Husband information
First Name: Enter father‟ s first name here.
Middle Name: Enter father‟s middle name here.
Last Name: Enter father‟s last name here.
UID: Enter UID of father/husband, if available.
Mother’s information
First Name: Enter mother‟s first name here.
Middle Name: Enter mother‟s middle name here.
Last Name: Enter mother‟s last name here.
UID: Enter UID of mother, if available.
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Address of deceased at the time of death
Bldg. No & name: Enter name and number of building here.
House no.: Enter House no here.
Street/Lane name: Enter Street/lane name here.
Locality/Post office: Enter locality/Post office here.
State: Select the state from the drop-down box here.
District: Select respective district for the state selected.
Sub-district: Select corresponding sub-district for the selected district.
Village/Town: Select the Village/Town for the selected sub-district.
Pin: Enter the pin for the address here.
Permanent address of deceased
Bldg. No& name: Enter name and number of building here.
House no.: Enter House no here.
Street/Lane name: Enter Street/lane name here.
Locality/Post office: Enter locality/Post office here.
State: Select the state from the drop-down box here.
District: Select respective district for the state selected.
Sub-district: Select corresponding sub-district for the selected district.
Village/Town: Select the Village/Town for the elected sub-district.
Pin: Enter the pin for the address here.
If permanent address is same as that of address of deceased at the time of death, then a
check-box is provided. This check-box will make both the addresses same.
Place of Death
Hospital: If place of death is selected as Hospital, then a block with the Name and
Address of hospital will be displayed. The Hospitals displayed in the list will be for the same
Registration unit to which the Registrar belongs.
Fig: –Place I
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House or Others: If the place of death is selected as House or Others, then the address
block will be displayed. And if the address is same as that of permanent address then tick
the check-box to fill in the address block.
Fig: Place II
Informant’s information
Name: Enter the name of the inform an there. If the place of birth is Hospital then check
the check box as, “Informant's address same as Hospital address.” Automatically display
informant‟s name and address.
Address: Enter the Address of the inform an there, if address same as Permanent address
then check the check box, automatically display informant‟s address in the text box.
Pin: Enter Pin here.
A check-box is given in the block which will enable user to select if the Informant‟s
information is same as that of Permanent address and Hospital address.
Save: After clicking the button, the entered information will be saved and control will be
transferred to Death statistical information.
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the home page.
2.5.2. Add Death Registration (Statistical Information)
Once the Legal information is saved, the user will be redirected to next screen where in
statistical information will be filled in.
Following screen shot shows the Death Registration – Statistical Information screen:
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Fig2.5.2.1: Death Statistical information
Town/Village of Residence of deceased
State: Select the state from the drop-down box here.
District: Select respective district for the state selected.
Sub-district: Select corresponding sub-district for the selected district.
Is it a Town/Village: select the corresponding Town/Village for the selected sub-district.
Name of Village/Town: Select the Village/Town for the selected Town/Village.
If residence of deceased is same as that of address of deceased, then a check-box is
provided. This check-box will make both the address are same.
Deceased information
Religion: Select the Religion from the drop-down box provided.
Occupation: Select the occupation of father from the drop-down box.
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Other informationType of medical attention received before death: Select the type of medical attention
received before death.
Was the cause of death medically certified: Select the cause of death medically
certified? If user selects “Yes” then the list of medically certified caused will be populated
with Auto-complete facility. And if user selects “No” then the list of defined causes will be
populated in a drop-down box.
Name of Decease or Actual Cause of Death: Select the Name of Decease Or
Actual Cause of Death from the drop down box.
In case this is a female death, did the death occurred while pregnant:
Select the option from the drop-down box here.
If used to habitually smoke?: Enter the appropriate value in the text-box provided
If used to habitually chew tobacco?: Enter the appropriate value in the text-box
If used to habitually chew areca nut?: Enter the appropriate value in the text-box
If used to habitually drink alcohol? Enter the appropriate value in the text-box
Upload Reporting form
Upload reporting form: Upload the scanned copy of their porting form here.
Remarks: Enter remarks, if any, in the text are a provided.
Save: After clicking the button, the entered information will be saved and control will be
transferred to Death information page as shown below.
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the homepage.
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2.5.3. Death Confirm Page
Fig2.5.3.1: Death confirm page
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Confirm: Click the Confirm button after verifying the information displayed as an
acknowledgment. This will make the registration permanent and Registration number will be
generated at this step.
Edit: User may click on Edit button if any information requires modification.
Fig2.5.3.2: Death legal confirm
After clicking Confirm button, the legal information acknowledgment is shown to the user.
User has following three options here.
Add Next Record: On clicking this button, user will be able to add a new record.
Generate Certificate: A click on this button, will display the registration certificate
corresponding to the event registered. Refer below snap shot (Fig2.5.2.4)of the certificate.
View death registration list: To navigate to the Death registration list page,
This button will be clicked. Newly added registration will be available on the list page.
Print: Click the Print button for printing the death certificate.
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the home page.
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Fig2.5.3.3: Death certificate
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NAC Issued
The link “NAC Issued” is used to view the list of Non-Availability Certificates issued. NAC is
issued on request to an applicant against payment of prescribed fee, if search made in the
database of registered events for the desired event reveals that the same is not found
registered. The NAC so obtained will allow the applicant to get the event registered
thereafter. Screen below shows the NAC list as it appears and displayed:
Fig2.5.4.1: NAC issued list
View: On click of View, the NAC Certificate will be displayed as shown in Below
Fig2.5.4.2: NAC Certificate
Print:Click the Print button for printing the death certificate.
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Search Death Registration
Search Death screen is to search the registered Deaths with the desired parameters. User
can enter any parameter which he/she are aware of.
Search result will display a list with records matching to the search criteria.
Fig2.5.5.1: Death search screen
Death Year: Select death year range.
Registration no.: Enter the Registration no.
Gender: Select gender from the drop-down box.
Date of Death: Enter the date of Death.
Name of father: Enter the name of the father.
Name of mother: Enter the name of the mother.
Name of the deceased: Enter name of the deceased.
Search: On click of Search, the record for the parameter provided will be displayed.
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Reset: Reset click will clear the entered search criteria.
Registration no. link: If user clicks on the Registration no. link in the search list, then a
screen with the details of registration will be displayed. Refer snap shot (Fig:
Fig: Death information
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Certificate view: Click the View link for viewing the certificate. (Refer
Correction: On clicking the Correction link, the Death registration page opens in Edit
mode. User can modify the values in Legal and statistical section. The correction limit is set
to3, once user crosses the limit, the correction button will be disabled.
History: On click of View link in History column, the Original and the
Order as in the latest updated record will be on the top.
Fig: history
On clicking the View link in Corrections of History list page, there cord details are shown.
The data which is changed first time is shown in Blue color and the data which is modified in
second correction is shown in Pink color.
Fig: Death history details
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How to generate Non-availability Certificate?
If user tries to search a registration and it is not found in the system, then a Non-Availability
certificate has to be issued for such cases as shown below:
Fig: search for NAC
On clicking “Generate Certificate” button, following screen will be displayed which will
generate the certificate.
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Fig: Death NAC
Save: After clicking the button, the entered information will be saved.
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the homepage.
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2.5.6.Incomplete Registration Form
The incomplete form will save in Incomplete Registration link as shown below:
Fig2.5.6.1Incomplete registration form
Continue Registration: On clicking the Continue Registration link, the Death
registration page opens in Edit mode. User can continue with incomplete section. The
correction limit is set to 3, once user crosses the limit, the correction button will be disabled.
Delete: To delete the record
2.5.7. Application Received
The death events submitted by Hospitals and Data Entry Operators to Registrar for
approval, are listed under this link. Here registrar can perform following two activities:
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View Remark: Registrar can view remark against any death event submitted by Hospitals
or Data Entry Operators by click on link view under column Remark. For any new
application, system will display default text ”New Application” as remark (Fig If
application is re-submitted after some clarification then remarks will display the message
written by Hospitals or Data Entry Operators.
Proceed: On clicking button ”Proceed” against any submitted death event for
registration, system will redirect to next page as displaying below where registrar will be
able to review the submitted event.
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After Reviewing submitted event, registrar may take any action among of three as listed
below as per own satisfaction through any communication or verification.
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Approve: Being satisfied with information filled by applicant, registrar can approved
the application and system will redirect on confirmation page from where event registration
can be confirmed in usual flow of death registration. See Fig After registration that
event will be displayed in usual “Search death Registered” linked list.
Seek Clarification: If registrar is partially satisfied and required some clarification
from applicant then application can be send back to applicant for clarification with adding
some remark (optional).
(Note): After send back for clarification, the birth event will be listed in list with only
“View” option under column “Action”. As soon as applicant re-submits the event after
updating the information as required by registrar, again option “Proceed” will be available
to registrar against that application under column “Action”.
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Reject Application: If registrar is completely unsatisfied with the information filled
by applicant then application can be rejected by click on button “Reject Application”. Now
that application will list in rejected application list.
2.5.8. Rejected Applications
The applications of birth events submitted by Hospitals or Data Entry Operators, after
rejection by Registrar will list here as shown below.
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2.6. Still Birth
Keeping the mouse pointer over Still Birth link, it will display the sub links which will allow
registering still birth, Search for registered Still births, incomplete registration form,
Application Received and Rejected Applications respectively.
Fig: 2.6.1 Still birth menu
2.6.1. Add still birth Registration (Legal information)
To register a Still Birth, click Add Still birth registration link under still birth. Following screen
will be displayed. This screen will display Still birth legal information and the screen linked to
this will display statistical portion of Still Birth.
Form No.: Enter the form number of the still birth that is going to be registered.
Reporting Date: Select the reporting date from calendar control provided.
General Information
Date of Birth: Select the date of birth from the calendar control. The application validates
the date of birth with reporting date as in, the date of birth should always be smaller than
that of reporting date.
If any of the below condition is true then it is considered as delayed:
1. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth is more than 21 Days but within 30Days.
2. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth is more than 30 Days but within 1Year.
3. Date of Reporting–Date of Birth>1Year.
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Fig2.6.1.1: Add Still birth Legal information
If the registration falls under any of these categories then in the statistical form it will ask
for the documents based on the period of delay as follows:
Period of Delay
Receipt No.
More than21 days but
within 30 days
Receipt No.
Order No. of
Date of Order
More than30daysbut
Receipt No.
Competent Authority
Magistrate Order
Date of Order
After 1year
If user clicks on “OK” then the software will allow user to proceed with the
Registration and if the user presses “Cancel” then the system start with the
new registration. The alert snap shot is shown below.
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Fig: Delayed Registration
Sex: Select child‟s gender from the drop-down box.
Father’s information
First Name: Enter father‟s first name here.
Middle Name: Enter father‟s middle name here.
Last Name: Enter father‟s last name here.
UID: Enter UID of father/husband, if available.
Mother’s information
First Name: Enter mother‟s first name here.
Middle Name: Enter mother‟s middle name here.
Last Name: Enter mother‟s last name here.
UID: Enter UID of mother, if available.
Place of Birth
Hospital: If place of birth is selected as Hospital, then a block with the Name and Address
of hospital will be displayed. The Hospitals displayed in the list will be from the same
Registration unit where Registrar belongs.
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Fig: Still birth–place of birth I
House or Others: If the place of death is selected as House or Others, then the address
block will be displayed. And if the address is same as that of permanent address then tick
the check-box to fill in the address block.
Fig: birth–place of birth II
Informant’s information
Name: Enter the name of the informant here. If the place of birth is Hospital then checks
the check box as, “Informant's address same as Hospital address.” Automatically display in
formant‟s name and address.
Address: Enter the Address of the informant here, if address same as Permanent address
then check the check box, automatically display informant‟s address in the text box.
Pin: Enter Pin here.
A check-box is given in the block which will enable user to select if the Informant‟s
information is same as that of Permanent address and Hospital address.
Save: After clicking the button, the entered information will be saved and control will be
transferred to Death statistical information.
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the home page.
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2.6.2. Add Still Birth Registration (Statistical Information)
Once the Legal information is saved, the user will be redirected to next screen where in
statistical information will be filled in.
Following screen shot shows the Still Birth statistical screen:
Fig2.6.2.1: Still Birth Statistical information
Town/Village of Residence of mother
State: Select the state from the drop-down box here.
District: Select respective district for the state selected.
Sub-district: Select corresponding sub-district for the selected district.
Is it a Town/Village: select the corresponding Town/Village for the selected sub-district.
Name of Village/Town: Select the Village/Town for the selected Town/Village.
Other information
Age of mother at the time of this birth: Select the occupation of father from the dropdown box.
Mother’s level of education: Select level of education from the drop-down provided.
Type of attention at delivery: Select the appropriate value from the Drop-down box
Duration o f p r e g n a n c y ( in w e e k s ): Enter the value for duration of pregnancy; the
value should not exceed 42 weeks.
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Cause of foetal death: Select the cause of foetal death.
Upload Reporting form
Upload reporting form: Upload the scanned copy of the reporting form here.
Save: After clicking the button, the entered information will be saved and control will be
transferred to still birth information page as shown below.
Cancel: Cancel button click will take the user to the homepage.
2.6.3. Still Birth Confirm Page
Fig2.6.3.1: Still Birth confirmation page
Confirm: Click the Confirm button after verifying the information displayed as
an acknowledgment. This will make the registration permanent and Registration number
will be generated at this step.
Edit: User may click on Edit button if any information requires modification.
After clicking Confirm button, the legal information acknowledgment is shown to the user.
User has following options here.
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Fig2.6.3.2: Still Birth legal info
Add Next Record: On clicking this button, user will be able to add a next registration.
View still birth registration list: To navigate to the Still Birth registration
List page, this button will be clicked. Newly added registration will be available on the list
Search Still Birth Registration
Search Still Birth screen is to search the registered births with the desired parameters. User
can enter any parameter which he/she are aware of.
Search result will display a list with records matching to the search criteria.
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Fig2.6.4.1: Birth search screen
Birth Year: Select birth year range.
Registration no.: Enter the Registration no.
Gender: Select gender from the drop-down box.
Date of Birth: Enter the date of Birth.
Name of father: Enter the name of the father.
Name of mother: Enter the name of the mother.
Search: On click of Search, the record for the parameter provided will be displayed.
Reset: Reset click will clear the entered search criteria.
Registration no. link: If user clicks on the Registration no. link in the search list, then a
screen with the details of registration will be displayed. Refer snapshot (Fig:
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Fig: Still Birth information
Correction: On clicking the Correction link, the Birth registration page opens in Edit
mode. User can modify the values in Legal and statistical section. The correction limit is set
to 3, once user crosses the limit, the correction button will be disabled.
History: On click of View link in History column, the Original and the
Corrected records are displayed. The records are displayed in the descending order as in the
latest updated record will be on the top.
Fig: Still Birth history list
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On clicking the View link in Corrections of History list page, the record details are shown.
The data which is changed first time is shown in Blue color and the data which is modified in
second correction is shown in Pink color.
Fig: still Birth history information
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Incomplete Registration Form
The incomplete form will save in Incomplete Registration link as shown below:
Fig2.6.5.1 Incomplete registration form
Continue Registration: On clicking the Continue Registration link, the Still Birth
registration page opens in Edit mode. User can continue with incomplete section. The
correction limit is set to 3, once user crosses the limit, the correction button will be disabled.
Delete: To delete the record.
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