Nova Scotia Provincial Council Catholic Women`s League of


Nova Scotia Provincial Council Catholic Women`s League of
Nova Scotia Provincial Council
Catholic Women’s League of Canada
President’s Annual Report – 2014
It is indeed a privilege and honor to provide you with an overview of the activities as your
Provincial President and to welcome you to the 67th Nova Scotia Provincial Convention of the
Catholic Women’s League of Canada. The many undertakings of our League members
throughout Nova Scotia are testimony to your dedication to faith, family and community. Your
accomplishments are featured throughout this annual report booklet and are reflective of a
membership whose mission is to serve God and all His people.
Our councils have embraced our new theme for 2014 to 2016, ‘One Heart, One Voice, One
Mission’, with passion and promise. The PowerPoint presentation provided by National was
used in the fall for development opportunities to promote the new theme and build enthusiasm.
Throughout 2014, League members continued to serve under the League’s previous theme,
“We Have Seen the Lord”.
Over 50 members attended the National Convention in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in August.
A Resolution submitted by Nova Scotia was approved - Resolution 2014.01: Restoration of
Health Care Funding for Refugee Claimants.
On September 5 and 6, 2014, Provincial and Diocesan counterparts met at the Bethany Retreat
Centre to set a vision document for Nova Scotia. Funding to offset transportation and meeting
rooms was provided through the National Leadership Development Fund. Both Diocesan and
Provincial Council Officers worked extremely hard to share common concerns and issues. A
session on Friday evening delved into our personality types and our giftedness. Our Standing
Committee Chairpersons continue to work through the suggested action plans of our Vision
Document. One action item from our workshop was the need to revamp our annual reports. A
Focus Group was created to work in this area and the process of gathering input is underway.
We plan to have a template for each Standing Committee developed for the fall of 2015. We
will continue to let the Vision Document guide us over the next year, the final year of its
Our website is now the catalyst of many newsworthy items. We will continue to use this
technology in offering our members an easy, user-friendly, accessible site as a resource tool.
However, we remain sensitive to the needs of those members or councils who are unable to
access the Internet.
In September, representatives from the Nova Scotia Provincial Council met with the Honorable
Leo Glavine, Minister of Health and Wellness for Nova Scotia. Our discussions with the Health
Minister and several of his senior staff focussed on a number of health related issues, including
two resolutions: Drug Recycling and Nursing Home Placement by Crisis Priority, to name a few.
We also discussed resolutions approved at our National Convention in August related to ecigarettes and flavored tobacco products. Since the Provincial Government’s announcement on
new legislation regarding flavored tobacco products and e-cigarettes, members have been
responsive by providing input to ban or regulate these emerging tobacco technologies. We are
extremely concerned that these products may be used with other additives as well. Additionally,
Minister Glavine suggested that we monitor the Provincial government’s response to mental
health and long-term care. Members have done so through letter writing and input through a
public on-line feature on the Provincial Government’s website. At the time of writing, the Nova
Scotia Provincial Government has endorsed the concept of nursing home placement by need
and banned the use of flavoured cigarettes. Additionally, we took the opportunity to share our
concerns with regards to mental health in our Province. Minister Glavine referenced the
Province’s Mental Health Strategy, entitled, ‘Together We Can’ and the five key areas of priority.
Please continue to monitor this initiative within your councils. Many families are affected by
mental health and addictions.
Planning is also underway in our Province to host the 2016 National Convention in Halifax.
Under the capable leadership of Danielle McNeil Hessian, Honorary Life Member and the Host
Planning Committee, we anticipate another successful event. The various Committees have
been established and we are eager to welcome members from across Canada. More details
will emerge throughout the year as plans are finalized.
The Antigonish Diocesan Fall Conference was held in Sydney and hosted by St. Marguerite
Bourgeoys Council. This council is newly formed which resulted in the amalgamation of several
parishes in the area. I was unable to attend the Halifax-Yarmouth September gathering due to
family illness. Both gatherings were opportunities for members to be involved and engaged.
St. John the Baptist Council in New Glasgow hosted a ‘Retreat Day’ in Monastery, Nova Scotia
in September. This retreat is an annual event where faith is shared in a peaceful setting.
In our attempts to rationalize a partnership with St. F.X. University, in support of our Aboriginal
sisters through the Women’s Aboriginal Project, a meeting was held in November with Phil
Davison of the St. F.X. Extension Department and members of your Provincial Committee for
Women Against Poverty. Over $8,000.00 has been raised to support a project(s) to assist our
Aboriginal sisters in their mission to provide leadership within their own communities through
economic development. At the time of writing this report, a meeting has been set for May 26,
2015, to finalize a memorandum of understanding. We had hoped to complete this project,
however St. F.X. had no graduates during 2013-2014 and have offered a revamped project for
our consideration. Mr. Davison suggests that it takes time to build relationships with our
aboriginal communities. A further update will be provided at our Provincial Convention.
A meeting was held in October of 2014, to begin planning for the 67th Nova Scotia Provincial
Convention, with members of St. Joseph’s Council in Kentville. We will help St. Joseph’s
celebrate 90 years of service to the League in conjunction with our Provincial Convention in
June of 2015.
It was evident in the fall of 2014, that the Dying with Dignity campaign was beginning to gain
momentum in their attempts to support physician-assisted suicide across Canada. Amid this
campaign, members harbored deep concerns through letter writing, provided prayerful support
and became educated on this issue. Several of our Provincial Executive members attended a
session on ‘Euthanasia’ in the Halifax-Yarmouth Diocese, which was facilitated by Sister Nuala
Kenny. Additionally, a number of councils prayed simultaneously while court proceedings were
taking place. This served as a true example of dedication to protect and uphold the sacredness
of all life. A National poll conducted in December of 2013, indicates that almost three-quarters
of Canadian favour legalizing physician-assisted suicide. Our radar should be focussed on what
the Federal Government’s approach will be as law is enacted. We cannot be complacent but
need to push for a greater emphasis on accessible Palliative Care for all Canadians and to
educate… Archbishop Richard Smith encourages us to work with Members of Parliament who
will be crafting a new law, so that legislation will severely limit the harm done by the Supreme
Court decision. Doctors should be able to speak and act decisively to ensure that their right of
freedom of conscience and their responsibility to be agents of healing will be protected. Keep
watch…just as Peter did in the gospel story – but foremost, educate yourself. The Catholic
Organization for Life and Family has many great resources for you to share with your Councils.
At Christmas, our Provincial Spiritual Advisor Father Larry Pitcher took administrative leave.
We were pleased to welcome Father Jim Richards who was appointed to serve as our Nova
Scotia Provincial Advisor.
I was honored to attend National executive meetings as your representative. It is a time to build
friendships, discuss and better understand the structure of the League from a National
perspective, but also a time for spiritual growth. As your representative at the National table, I
was able, through your Diocesan Presidents and Provincial Executive members, to bring your
matters or concerns to the forefront. It is an impressive and involved process to be among
women who share similar concerns, and who bring their collective wisdom to the table in a spirit
of goodwill and cooperation.
Congratulations to councils who celebrated anniversaries from June to December of 2014:
Immaculate Conception, Heatherton; St. John’s, Springhill, and St. Mary of the Angels,
As the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth is met with an embrace of love and friendship, so too
are the encounters of our League members in service to all God’s people. The capable and
sound leadership of our members is evident in your annual reports. I have read the reports
contained within this annual report booklet with great joy, enthusiasm and pride. Our parishes
are much richer for the members of the Catholic Women’s League and the service you give as
visible missionaries and witnesses to the love of Christ. As members, we need to encourage
more leadership opportunities through attendance at workshops, conventions and seminars, to
name a few.
I express heartfelt appreciation for your prayerful support and am equally grateful for sharing
your stories of faith, triumph and assistance within your parish structures.
May you continue to do God’s work with courage and love as we celebrate faith in our life’s
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bona