The Dragon Chronicle - Davidsen Middle School
The Dragon Chronicle - Davidsen Middle School
Davidsen Middle School The Dragon Chronicle 10501 Montague Street Tampa, FL 33626 (813) 558-5300- A Hillsborough County Public School May 18, 2015 INSIDE PTSA News Immunizations for Incoming 7th Graders Reading Lists for Incoming 6th Graders High School Reading List Media Center News SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MAY Awards Ceremonies Parents, Friday, May 29th is our annual Award Ceremonies. Invitations to those students receiving awards went out two weeks ago. The following is the ceremony start times. 6th Grade - 9:30 am 8th Grade - 11:00 am 7th Grade - 1:00 pm The ceremony is in the gymnasium. Thanks. 26th- Spanish Spelling Bee @ Roland Park 26th- Nature’s Classroom (6th Grade) 28th 27th- Gifted Transition in Media Center (6:00) 28th- Math League (Fairgrounds) 29th- End of Year Awards—Gym 6th Grade—9:30 8th Grade—11:00 7th Grade—1:00 8th Grade Dance (7-10pm) June 1st-4th Final Exams 5th- Last Day of School—Dismissal 1:45 Important Phone Numbers for Office Personnel 558-5300 Ext. 1 Attendance Line Ext. 2 Student Affairs Ext. 3 Guidance Office Ext. 4 Cafeteria Mgr. Ext. 5 Other Options 1. Fax # & Address 2. Monthly Events Principal Brent McBrien Principal’s Secretary 233 Cindy Haneline Assistant Principals Ann Wilson David Streeter AP/Attendance Secretary 248 Becky Reichel Bookkeeper 226 Margaret Johnston Guidance Counselors Sheri Murphy Jennifer Adams Guidance Secretary 235 Leida Daneman Data Processor 229 Shirley Howard Staff Nurse Davidsen Parents, As we come to a close soon on this 2014-2015 school year, we have so much to celebrate! Our school is once again an “A” rated school and a 5Star School. This comes from all the hard work by our students, teachers, staff and Administrators. Congratulations!! May is an exciting month for all our students. Our 8th graders will get ready to graduate from Middle School with a special dance themed “A Night Under the Stars”, will have a field trip to Islands of Adventure and will finish off the month with their final Award ceremony. Our 6th and 7th grade students will also have an opportunity for a field trip. Information will be sent home soon with the students. The week of May 4th is Teacher Appreciation Week. When you see a teacher at school, please stop and say Thank You for all their hard work! On April 23rd from 5-6:30PM, we will host an Open House for all incoming students and parents to visit our school. Pass the word to your neighbors and friends who are new to Davidsen to come check us out and see what we are all about. NJHS student representatives, teachers and Administrators will be on hand to answer questions. Immediately after the Open House (6:30-7pm) we will have our final General Membership meeting to elect our 2015-16 PTSA Board members. If you are interested in serving on our board please email [email protected]. Please join us in thanking our generous Business Partners! A special thank you to the World of WestChase, Orangetheory Fitness @ Westchase, The Kitchell Group Real Estate Professionals, Bivens Orthodontics, Real Athletic and Wellness (R.A.W.) health club, Dr. Goodnight, Grade Power Learning, Miche Fashion Purses, Our Community McDonalds, Westchase Pizza and Pasta Co., Chick-fil-A and Extreme Graphics for supporting our school! Please visit them in person or on our sponsorship page at for more information. Lastly, if you are looking to volunteer at our school, one hour a week to one hour a month, email [email protected] and you will be added to our distribution list. Every bit helps. Thank you for your involvement and your interest in our students! Together, we can make a difference! Leslie Blaze, President Davidsen Middle School PTSA County School Board Chair—Susan L. Valdes Vice Chair— Doretha W. Edgecomb Members—April Griffin, Sally A. Harris, Carol W. Kurdell, Melissa Snively, Cindy Stuart Vision Statement Davidsen students will be prepared to successfully meet both academic and societal challenges within a safe nurturing environment, supported by a professional staff, involved parents, and the community. Mission Statement Davidsen Middle School students, staff, parents, business partners and the community will foster programs that value the uniqueness of the individual, enhance self-esteem, and instill respect and responsibility. Our instruction will create a learning environment that will develop academic excellence, encourage life-long learning, and strive to maximize each person’s full potential. Incoming 6th Grade Reading List Page 1 Incoming 6th Grade Reading List Page 2 High School Reading List Page 1 High School Reading List Page 2 Media Center News There have been so many exciting things happening in our library this spring. Our Maker Space is in full swing. With a $250 grant we made some wonderful technology (STEM) additions to the space. Students now have the ability to come in and tinker with “LittleBits and a Makey-Makey Kit.” These kits give students a hands-on opportunity to learn about technology, circuits, and programming. I would also like to thank Mr. Stevens for donating a K’Nex Roller Coaster kit to our Maker Space. Several students come in each day at lunch to build the coaster, and they can’t wait to use the finished product. This semester we have had several activities going on in the Media Center. We had a very successful book fair raising $1000 in Scholastic Dollars for new books and supplies. Thank you to all of the volunteers that came out to help. In addition, we had several winners of our many Media Center contests. Laisha Fuster won the Women’s History Month Virtual Library Scavenger Hunt. Angela Hernandez won the “How Many Fish are in the Jar” estimation contest. Nardiz Fuentes and Maggie Montiegal both won the weekly Ruzzle Puzzle contests. And Ms. Graves’ 5th period and Ms. Wiesenberg’s 1st & 4th periods won the 6th grade Reading contests. The month of April is School Library Month and National Poetry Month, so of course we will be celebrating with more contests. Students can participate in the “My Selfie Poem Poster Contest” for a chance to win a prize. To enter, students take an “appropriate” selfie. Write an original poem about the selfie and create an attractive poster with the photo and poem attached. The best entries will be displayed in the Media Center and students will judge the contest using a rubric. The winner will be announced May 1st. Ruzzle Puzzle contests continue and are updated each week. Poetry themed Virtual Library Scavenger Hunt. Students can pick up an entry form in the Media Center. Each completed entry receives a lollipop and one winner will be drawn from all completed entries for an additional prize. The final due date for all library books is May 15 th. Please make sure you are turning your books in on time, and if you lost a book please see me in the Media Center to pay your fine. Online HOST Registration Before enrolling your child view an Online Talking Tutorial (Approximately 4 minutes) explaining how to enroll a Hillsborough County Public School student in the HOST Program. Where can I find the Online HOST Registration and Online Tutorial? What information will I need to register a child in the HOST Program? School Name 7 digit student I.D. number “Lunch Number” (Please contact your child's school for the 7 digit number if you do not know it.) Student’s Date of Birth Student’s current grade level Enrollment Term (2014-2015) What is my next step once I completed the HOST Online Registration? Print the completed registration packet and return to the HOST Program at the school your child will be attending for the 2014-2015 school year. All information will be reviewed and approved by HOST staff. Where can I access the HOST Online Registration? Any computer that has Internet Access. Example: Public library, a friend or relative’s home. How and where do I pay the registration fee? Please make all checks or money-orders payable to “ School Name” HOST Program. All checks or money-orders are accepted at your child’s school by the HOST Instructor. Cash is NOT ACCEPTED. Please refer to the HOST website or contact your child’s HOST program for payment information. If you have any questions please contact the HOST Programs at 813-744-8941 ext. 3 MATRICULA DEL PROGRAMA HOST Antes de comenzar el proceso de matricula favor de ver vía Internet el “ONLINE TALKING TUTORIAL.” Dura aproximadamente 4 minutos y le explicara el proceso de matricula “ online” para el programa de HOST en el condado de Hillsborough. Puede conseguir la forma de matrícula en Información que necesita para matricula: Nombre de la escuela que asistirá su hijo(a) El número de almuerzo “lunch number”, (7 dígitos) Fecha de nacimiento Grado en que estará su hijo(a) en año escolar 2014-2015 Año de matricula (2014-2015) ¿Que hago después de completar la matricula? Luego de completar la matricula favor de imprimir y entregar una copia al programa de Host de su escuela. La información será revisada y aprobada por el personal de HOST. ¿Donde puedo conseguir acceso a la matricula? Puede conseguir acceso a la registración en cualquier Ejemplo: Biblioteca publica, casa de amigo o pariente computadora que tiene “Internet.” ¿Como y donde pago la registración? Favor de hacer cheques o giros “money orders” a nombre del programa de HOST de su escuela. Entregue todos los cheques o giros al “HOST Instructor.” NO SE ACEPTA dinero en efectivo “cash”. Toda información de cómo pagar la consigue en la página de Red del programa de HOST Si tiene alguna pregunta puede llamar al programa de HOST al 813-744-8941 ext.3. ELECTRONIC DEVICES/PERSONAL PROPERTY Personal electronic devices, (i.e., beepers, CD players, radios, electronic games or any unnecessary devices) deemed potentially disruptive shall not be allowed at school. Students bringing any electronic devices for a class project must make arrangements with the teacher or assistant principal for safekeeping. Cell phones shall not be visible, activated or USED during school hours. This includes having such devices in any silent, vibrate, or visual-only mode. It is defined as any electronic device that reproduces, transmits, or records voice, pictures, text or other media. The school shall not accept responsibility for personal electronic devices or personal property of any kind, including money. Failure to comply with these procedures will result in confiscation of electronic devices or personal property and students may be subject to disciplinary action. GRADING SCALE 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 60 – 69 D 0 – 59 F STUDENT PLANNERS ALL Davidsen Middle School students will be REQUIRED to have our school’s Planner with them each day. These planners are extremely valuable in assisting students with the organizational skills that are necessary in middle school AND they provide a method for communication between school and home. It would be a great idea to plan now to check your student’s planner each day for academic deadlines, upcoming tests, etc. and any notes written by teachers. The planner is also filled with many positive concepts. Please take time to review your child’s planner with him or her. The planners will be sold for $5.00 each. From Student Nutrition Services Elementary Lunches—$2.25 Secondary Lunches—$2.75 Take advantage of the prepayment envelope available from your SNS manager or find a prepayment coupon on our web site at – go to Student Nutrition Services. Good News!! – The School Board has approved a proposal that offers a FREE BREAKFAST TO ALL STUDENTS IN EVERY SCHOOL. Recognizing that students who eat a school breakfast demonstrate a longer attention span, complain less of physical symptoms, and show fewer behavior problems, Student Nutrition Services is committed to offering a free breakfast to all students. This is a great benefit for students and parents! Applying for Free Lunch is Easy – by mid-July, all households will receive a free and reduced application by mail for the 2014-2015 school year. Complete the application for all children in the household and return the postage paid envelope. Prior to submitting, make sure the application is complete with student names and ID numbers and the signature and social security number of the parent/guardian. Approvals are faster if the information is complete! If you send in an application via US mail, you do NOT submit another application given to the student as school. If you have questions, please call 813-840-7066. Parents can call a toll free number -1-866-544-5575 to receive their child’s eligibility status. An application must be submitted PRIOR to finding out eligibility status. Students will be permitted ONE (1) emergency lunch charge until the balance is paid off. Your child will NOT be permitted to charge a lunch if there is a balance of an emergency lunch charge. We strongly encourage all emergency meal charges be paid off immediately. Emergency Meal Charges need to be paid – charges for meals are allowable, but parents need to remember to pay all emergency meal charges by the end of the school year. If you have any questions, the SNS manager, Mr. Rafael Leon can be contacted at: [email protected]. Davidsen General Information ATTENDANCE Students being in attendance at school every day is a MUST for student success. There are many lessons, activities and assignments that cannot be “made up”, thus causing students to miss out on pertinent instruction. Research indicates that students with five (5) or more absences in a 9-week period are not as successful in school. Some ways you can help us with attendance: 1. Stress the importance of attending school with your children. 2. Call the school when it is necessary for your children) to be absent due to illness. 3. Keep your phone numbers (work/home) updated with the school. 4. Stress the importance of proper rest (i.e. having a set bed time). 5. Schedule doctor and dental appointments on non-school days or after school hours whenever possible. 6. To report your child’s absence call the school phone number at 558-5300 and press “1”. PLEASE avoid making vacation plans during the school year. • Student hours 9:00 A.M. – 4:15 P.M. • Early Release hours 9:00 A.M. – 3:15 P.M. • When visiting the school, please park in the north parking lot (second lot on Montague). There are many spaces provided for visitors. The north parking lot is also the area used for student drop off in the morning and student pick up in the afternoon. The south parking lot is reserved for our teachers only (first lot on Montague). The south parking lot is also where our bus ramp is located so in the mornings and afternoons that parking lot is also filled with our many buses. There is absolutely no student drop-off or pickup at the bus ramp/south parking lot/1st lot on Montague between 8:30-9:15 and 3:30-4:15. • Please enter through the door on the south side of the main office building and proceed to the guidance office area if you are registering, withdrawing, late, being dismissed early or picking up someone from the clinic. • Please do not drop off or pick up students on Montague Street. This is a BIG safety issue. Please use the north parking lot for drop offs and pick ups. DO NOT park on grass areas on Montague Street or Kingsbridge. • Mr. McBrien’s office is located in the front main office and the student affairs office, where both Assistant Principals are located, can be accessed by entering through the south side door. CLOSED CAMPUS – Since safety is a priority at Davidsen Middle School, we have a CLOSED CAMPUS. This means that students are to report to school before the 9:00 A.M. bell and are to remain on campus until the final bell of the day at 4:15 PM. Students are NOT permitted to leave school grounds without formal parent/ guardian sign-out in the Guidance Office. SIGN-IN/OUT Students may not leave the school grounds during the school day. The parent/guardian picking up/dropping off the student can go to the guidance office. This person picking up the student must be on the emergency card and must present a photo ID before the student will be released. The last twenty minutes of the school day, parents may not sign children out. Students will not be called out of class until the parent is present in the office. Students arriving to school late must report to the guidance office before going to class. This tardy is unexcused unless the parent comes in to the guidance office and signs or there is a signed note excusing the tardy. MEDICATION Medicine, which must be taken during school hours, must be left in the clinic in its original container along with written orders from the doctor and a signed parental consent. All medicine, whether prescription or nonprescription, must be turned in to the clinic, be labeled, and have the student’s name on it. A separate supply of medication must be kept at school. Medication will not be transported between home and school on a daily or weekly basis. Students may come to the office to take their medicine at the prescribed time. SCHOOL-WIDE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM In the interest of keeping parents and students informed, the faculty and staff of Davidsen Middle School have developed a School-wide Student Management Program. We believe that setting uniform expectations of behavior for all students in all parts of the school will eliminate any questions about students are to behave. School-wide rules apply to all bus riders. School-Wide Rules 1. GOOD BEHAVIOR GETS EVERYTHING! Students who follow school rules and conduct themselves in the appropriate manner outlined in our plan will be rewarded in many ways. 2. KEEP HANDS, FEET, AND OBJECTS TO YOURSELF 3. COMMUNICATE APPROPRIATELY WITH ADULTS AND PEERS The following are unacceptable behaviors: Using profanity/obscenity (verbally and non-verbally) Engaging in abuse, harassment or bullying Cheating Running/horseplay 4. RESPECT PERSONAL PROPERTY Gum is forbidden ANYWHERE on school grounds Destroying, defacing or misuse of the school or other property is unacceptable. Stealing or touching others’ belongings. Be Prompt and Prepared to Learn Students must be at their assigned student station at the beginning of class with proper materials. 5. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL RULES Students should arrive on campus no earlier than 8:30 A.M. Upon arrival, student must report to the cafeteria if they wish to eat breakfast. Students must then report to the Gym after eating breakfast. Students who do not eat breakfast are to report to the Gym. After school, students not involved in the After School Program must vacate the building and grounds as quickly as possible. Students involved in the After School Program will report directly to room 205. 6. CAFETERIA AND LUNCH LINES It is expected that students will maintain a safe, orderly and pleasant cafeteria. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of the cafeteria. Students may bring their lunch. The following rules apply: Students MUST WALK to lunch. Cutting in line is forbidden. Clean up after yourself. No students are permitted in the hallway during lunch without a pass. 7. ASSEMBLIES Students should walk in an orderly fashion to the gym/multipurpose room directed by their teacher, taking the seats assigned to them. Each student must give courteous attention to the entire program. The conduct of every student should be a credit to himself/herself and our school. Inappropriate behavior will result in automatic loss of assembly privileges and disciplinary action will follow. 8. SCHOOL BUS CONDUCT Stand off roadway while awaiting bus. Remain in your seat at all times while the bus is moving. Keep arms and head inside window. Walk 10 feet in front of the bus. Wait for driver’s signal before crossing road. DAVIDSEN MIDDLE SCHOOL DRESS CODE / UNIFORM POLICY All students are expected to participate in Davidsen’s Mandatory Uniform Policy. Students will wear uniforms Monday through Friday. On Fridays, students may wear spirit shirts, Grade Level Shirts, etc. that have the Davidsen name on it. Students earning Principal’s Honor Roll receive a PHD shirt each of first three quarters and may wear the shirt ANY day of the week. Davidsen’s uniform will consist of any combination of the clothing items listed below: Uniform Clothing Shirts: Navy Blue, Sky Blue, Black or Grey collared polo shirts with school logo—purchased at school—$15. The various school T-shirts with the Davidsen logos are to be worn on FRIDAYS ONLY. Pants: Solid navy or khaki long slacks, shorts, skirts (khaki preferred). Jeans or Jeans shorts—blue or black. Also… -NO holes are to be in jeans, pants, etc. -Skirts, shorts, and skorts may be worn (must be blue, black or khaki and finger-tip in length) -The length of pants must not be excessive (i.e. should not touch the ground) -Frayed or torn pants, jeans, shorts, etc. are NOT acceptable -NO PE/mesh type shorts or sweatpants are allowed outside of PE class -No distracting or unnatural hair (ex. red spray painted mow hawk) -Undergarments should not be visible at the waist—that includes boxers, undershirts, etc. -No more than ONE shirt shall be worn under the uniform shirt at any time Hillsborough County Dress Code Policy The dress and grooming of pupils shall be that which contributes to the health and safety of the individual and which in non-disruptive of the educational activities and processes of a school. Legal Reference: FS 230.23 (6)(c). Shoes shall be worn. Skate tennis shoes and bedroom slippers are unacceptable. Clothing that exposes the entire shoulder, tube tops, spaghetti straps, or similar type of clothing may not be worn. Underwear shall not be visible. Clothing shall not expose the mid-chest area. Clothing not properly fastened or with tears that are indecent shall not be worn. Clothing traditionally designed as undergarments or sleepwear shall not be worn as outer garments. All pants and shorts shall be secured at the waist. Boys’ shirts shall have sleeves. Dress Code Policy continued on the next page Dress Code Policy continued Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Head coverings shall not be worn in the building unless required for religious observance or health related reasons. Mini skirts, mini dresses, and short shorts shall not be permitted. Hemlines shall be no shorter than fingertip length. Garments and/or jewelry which display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, gang, weapons, or alcoholrelated wording or graphics, or which provoke or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in the school, shall not be worn. Wallet chains shall not be worn. CONSEQUENCES FOR DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS 1st time— Letter to parent/change clothes 2nd time— Referral to Guidance 3rd time— ISS 1 day 4th time— ISS 2 days 5th time— Parent and Student Conference with Principal 6th time+— OSS 1 day Note: Dress code violators will be identified first thing in the morning before or during homeroom and must correct the violation immediately. Students refusing to change into garments provided by the school will receive further disciplinary action as determined by the principal. Each semester is a “clean slate”. Transportation Information The Transportation Department wishes to notify all parents by which you can access bus run information for your child before school starts. To view bus routes, go to, click on Families at the top, go to the District Information section, click on Transportation, click on Resources, click on Bus Route Availability, scroll down to 2014-2015 Bus Routes. Find Davidsen and click Go. You will see the list of bus stop locations and times . If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 558-5300 where we will be happy to answer any questions you have. Please remember, if you have an ESE child receiving specialized bus services, your bus driver will be contacting you in August with specific bus stop locations, times, and bus numbers. Please remember to have your students at the bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Students are assigned to one bus based on their address. STUDENTS MAY ONLY RIDE THE BUS THEY HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO BY TRANSPORTATION!
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