Global Mobility Risk Management Strategy and Duty of Care


Global Mobility Risk Management Strategy and Duty of Care
Global Mobility Risk Management Strategy and Duty
of Care Framework
The client
With interests in high risk and developing countries this large producer and exporter of coal, headquartered in
Sydney, approached DBS to assist them establish a robust global mobility risk and duty of care framework. The
key driver of the project being to ensure both the assignee and the organisation was at all times fully prepared for
each assignment and well equipped to respond swiftly and responsibly to any challenges, threats or security risks
that may exist during the life of an assignment.
The brief
To educate and build internal staff awareness of all core global mobility elements, their relevance to a particular
assignment and how to proactively and efficiently navigate through the potential risk areas of the relocation
To introduce structured and pragmatic processes essential to sustain a fully integrated model for managing a
global mobile workforce. It was imperative that the solution embrace all duty of care responsibilities, heighten
cultural awareness, be aligned to relevant internal policies, standards, protocols and operating procedures whilst
drawing particular attention to the organisation’s Code of Conduct policy for Bribery Fraud and Corruption and the
need to remain compliant in all new locations.
DBS International’s solution
To design the strategic framework, DBS addressed 6 key areas:
Policy alignment
Clarity of roles and responsibilities, internal and external
Process re-engineering
Vendor process integration
Tracking & reporting requirements
Training and development initiatives.
A review was undertaken to identify the primary host country risks and these were ranked accordingly,
commensurate to the level of potential risk. Simultaneously, an analysis of the client’s current global mobility
practices was undertaken to determine current state readiness and areas of change necessary in order to
achieve the desired future state objectives. This analysis targeted step by step activities which needed to be
taken to achieve a fully integrated and compliant operating model.
Developed a comprehensive and fully integrated global mobility framework and risk management strategy
including processes and procedures that effectively communicated both employee and company alerts to
potential risks and how to respond when they arise.
Re-engineered process maps documenting actions and responsibilities for each stakeholder group to
achieve workflow efficiencies and better manage risk and compliance obligations.
Creation of supporting host country specific policies and procedures (eg. Travel Security Policy) to
facilitate the effective cascading of group-wide strategy and principles into customised and relevant on
the ground practices.
Devised a concept model for an online self- learning solution to assist the client raise internal awareness
surrounding code of conduct obligations and the potential areas of concern or risk in the new location.