Study conditions - Internationale Sommerakademie Wismar


Study conditions - Internationale Sommerakademie Wismar
Internationale Sommerakademie Wismar
für Architektur, Design und Kunst
Study conditions
30 participants per year
The International Summer Academy Wismar for Architecture, Design and Art is open for
students and young professionals. Moreover, sixth former/ highschool students and trainees
are invited.
On booking, the participant have to be of full legal age. That means for Germany not less than
18 years. The following documents should be sent along with the application form by e-mail
attachments, post or as fax.
Please sent three work samples (Maximum size for posting: DinA 4 or in digital form) with
your application and a curriculum vitae. No originals, please! We cannot be held liable for
documents sent and could not sent you the documents back. The deadline for application is
the 15th of May each year.
If you need a invitation for your visa, please sent us a copy of your passport. We need the
number of the passport, your adress, your birthday and your birthplace. We will inform you
some days after when we receive your application and send you a arrival notice. The definite
confirmation of participation we sent at the latest end of May.
Hochschule Wismar,
Universiy of Applied Sciences:
Technology, Business and Design
International Summer Academy Wismar
Mr. .Paul Evermann
Philipp-Müller-Straße 14
23966 Wismar
[email protected]
0049 3841 753 7134
0049 3841 753 7196
Course fees
Young Professional
349 Euro
449 Euro
Fee for one Main Course for Architecture, Design or Art for three weeks plus Basic Courses
from Monday to Friday, for one participaint, non-recurring fee.
Reducted Students, sixth former/ highschool students and trainees need an additional
document (like a copy of the study ID) to get the reducted fee.
Duration It is not possible to attend a course for one week only. One person could only take
part for the hole time of the International Summer Academy Wismar.
Material costs Each class has an minimal extra fixed budget for material costs. The lecturer
manage it in confer with the organisation. Any costs incurred over and above this must be met
by the participants themselves.
Cost of sales Accomodation, excursion (The charge for the excursion depends on the number
of participants. Travel costs and charge for the entrance card in the exhibition divided by
participants), Culinary-Art of Dining (circa 5 Euro per evening an person), Water Sports (~30 Euro),
Rent a Bike (25 Euro plus 5 Euro per collateral for the bike loc k). hat is all option .
Internationale Sommerakademie Wismar
für Architektur, Design und Kunst
01.07., deadline receipt of payment
The tuition fee must be entered in the International Summer Academy Wismar account by
1 July for each year. Do not forget, the bank transfer need some more time from foreign
countries. It would be helpful, if you sent us after the bank transfer a copy of your remittance
slip per email.
Bank details
Internationale Sommerakademie Wismar
bank account: Deutsche Bundesbank Filiale Rostock
sort code: 130 000 00
account no.: 140 015 18
subject: Sommerakademie Wismar, Your Name, 7167120189937
For international transfers
IBAN: DE26 1300 0000 0014 0015 18
Please, do not forget to write all 3 things (1. Sommerakademie Wismar, 2. your name, for
example "Mrs. Maria Milano" 3. the number 7167120022355) really in the subject matter. So
we will have it a little bit more easier and could find easier your fee. Thank you!
With the filed application form and the definite confirmation the participation is obligatory. The
application obligates to pay.
The fees cover the costs of participation in the main course and the basic courses including the
fixed buget for the material and the use of the rooms, studios and home furnishings to the
opening times of the Summer Academy.
Certificat | ECTS
5 ECTS-points
With successful participation over the whole course period the participants receive a
certificate and 5 ECTS-points. This is the equivalent of 4 hours compulsory choice in our
Master's programm.
In the case of "force majeure", illness or a death in the family, accepts the cancellation of the
participation and the partial refund of 30%.
An immediate cancellation with proof of the cause is absolutely necessary, otherwise can not
take a pro rata refund of the registration fee and the hole tution fee will be charged.
If "force majeure", illness or a death in the family is not the case, can be neither a
cancellation of participation still a pro rated refund of the tution fee. Other reasons, such as
program changes or dissatisfaction, do not entitle the cancellation and refund of the
registration fee.
The International Summer Academy Wismar is not liable for accidents, theft or damages of
any other kind for the whole duration of the courses, support programs and excursions.
Please note that in your planning. The participant have to take care of his own health
insurance and insurance for a stay abroad.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to
seeing you in Wismar!
Mr . Paul Evermann Dipl. Des.
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 0049 (0)3841 753 71989
Fax: 0049 (0)3841 753 7134
Wismar, 22th of January 2015